Disclaimer: Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh I own nothing Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhh

The skies of the elemental nations were as bright and beautiful as one may find, it was dotted with white clouds that spread onwards over the land sinning it in its web of perfection. It was amidst this picturesque view that one Keitaro Uzumaki was staring at. He had the largest grin one would have ever seen as he dusted off whatever microscopic speck that had taken residence on his white officer dress.

The Uzumaki had the brightest twinkle in his violet eyes with neatly combed striking red hair. Keitaro was literally bouncing with excitement. "Keitaro please stop looking yourself over its so weird" The male turned to give his sister an annoyed huff.

"Whatever Honoka but when I'm famous you'll be rendered speechless" His younger sister Honoka giggled to herself. She had blue cerulean eyes with the same bright crimson hair he did, two bangs framed her face with a third that went down her middle. She was wearing a form-fitting blue dress with orange accents on the side.

"Yes, Yes my older brother Keitaro the masterful captain of his ship" She gave him a knowing smile while striding past the space between them, "But you'll always be my family" She hugged his arm tightly, eyebrows creased together as her blue eyes began drenched in worry.

Keitaro rolled his eyes before sighing in exasperation, "I'll be fine Honoka, you don't need to worry!"

But that didn't seem to drop the matter for her as her grip tightened to near unbearable proportions, "I'm your sister, it's my job to worry, especially when you're all I have left" There was a brief well of tears that gathered at the peak of her eyes before she forced them back, "But I'm taking your time, the ceremony is about to begin" Keitaro nodded his head, happy to see her gone before walking off to the door, his sister not far behind him.

"Stay safe up there Keitaro" He watched his sister's pleading eyes and couldn't help the wide grin that spread across his face, "I should say the same to you, Jonin Honoka Uzumaki of the 51st Gun Brigade" The Uzumaki twinkle shined through her orbs now as she slapped his arm playfully.

"I'm just a reserve now and I like that position" Keitaro smiled, he never liked it when his sister was sad especially when it involved him. "May Kami watch over you and may the Fourth's luck be with you" Keitaro smiled when her sister mentioned that, kissing her forehead softly.

"I'm sure our Great Uzumaki is smiling down at me Honoka" They broke contact with one another as he slid into his Chakra Powered Automobile closing the door and priming the ignition. He was slightly satisfied when he heard the sound of the Chakra Engine turning on but just to make sure it was all ok he pumped some of his potent Uzumaki Chakra into the system.

"I'll be watching by the Television" His sister informed him and he gave her a quick nod in response before the door shut close and his vehicle sped out of the driveway and the Uzumaki compound within Konoha City.

As he drove he looked upwards to the great city that loomed over him. The great skyscrapers of modern architecture and the near invisible scars of the Fourth Shinobi World War that happened near a millenia ago. Keitaro grinned when he thought back to the stories his sister used to tell him.

Stories of the Great Naruto Uzumaki, Rokudaime of Konohagakure no Sato, son of The Yellow Flash of Konoha and The Red Death of Uzushiogakure no Sato, Member of the Nine Guardians of Shinobi No Chi and the Saviour of The World who went toe to toe with the infamous Madara Uchiha and Obito Uchiha with such unparalleled strength and conviction that won him the title of the Nidaime Rikudo Sennin.

Since so long ago the world of Shinobi No Chi has grown so much, expanding throughout their lands with explorations and science, they had met so many new people and civilizations and ushered in a centuries of prosperous advancements and wealth. Every inch of their world had been colonised and searched before the people of Shinobi No Chi began work to explore space.

"And they did" Keitaro thoughts mildly as he doubled check his Captains Uniform. As he said this he passed into view of a massive Sarutobi-Class starship that was currently docked in the Nidaime Harbour. The massive ship easily a solid five kilometers long, it was the pride of the Shinobi fleet as being the most dangerous ship to have ever been crafted using Infinite Chakra Submission Engines and the most state-of-the-art Ballistics and Seals systems ever crafted installed into the weapons systems.

This beauty of a ship as his, Keitaro thought as his car engines revved to his own feelings. There was a certain pride in his eyes as his gazed landed on the name of the ship. Written in big blocky white letters was the name 'Kurama' in remembrance to the Nine-Tailed Bijuu that had watched over Konoha City in its Golden age.

Eyes facing forward again the redhead smiled as he pulled to a stop next to the stage where currently all of the officers were currently seated. Pushing himself out he was less than disappointed to see Carlos Vernon, a local from the Lands of the West, standing next to a podium with his First Officers Uniform on. Next to him Yumi Yamanaka was doing the same only her uniform was an altered version for a female, a Navy Blue Patch was attached to her right arm signifying her rank as The Sector Commander of the Fighter Division.

Behind the two of them stood Rear Admiral Teuchi Senju, the old man having more Campaign Ribbons and Medals adorning his uniform than the number of wrinkles on his face. The Rear Admiral was wearing an all Grey Admirals Uniform with the insignia for The Grand 1st Royal Navy adorning his right side. Next to the Admiral was Akio Haruno, the former Captain in Charge of the Sarutobi-Class Starship. The female flashed Keitaro a disarming smile before returning her steady gaze to the crowd with Parade Precision.

When Keitaro took his position next to his First Officer Rear Admiral Teuchi took a step towards the podium. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Naval Fleet" Keitaro marveled slightly at the near emotionless tone the Rear Admiral was sporting as he delivered his speech to thousands of Naval Personnel that were to crew the Kurama, "We gather here today to announce the service of one of The Royal Navy's first ever Sarutobi Class Exploration and Defence Starship designated 'Kurama'. Take heart young Shinobi of the Elemental Nations, the Gunmen of the West, The Minds of the East and the Colonists of the South, you will all travel to system far distant from known Shinobi Controlled space but fear not, for you will face hardships and obstacles but in the words of one of our greatest heroes 'We Endure', do not falter, do not break heart for you shall be the carriers of our will and with this you shall be the ones to usher in a new Golden Age for our people" The Read Admiral took a step back before snapping a salute, a hand over his heart and eyes facing the sky, "For Our People" These words were echoed by everyone in the area as even Keitaro snapped a quick salute.

"Now onwards to your stations and prepare for liftoff and May The Fourth watch over you as he has always been" Keitaro Uzumaki smiled a foxy grin as he turned 180 degrees to look at the marvelous ship he was to command, nudging his First Officer the soon-to-be-Captain was less than surprise to see the same excitement in his eyes. Carlos took careful and practiced steps towards the open hangar bay doors alongside Keitaro and the Uzumaki smiled the biggest smile he had ever known.

"Man if only Honoka was here"

Authors Note: Now to All familiar and unfamiliar readers of my work it is mandatory for me to say "HELLO YOU BLOATS" but instead I will say this...Hi. Now this is a new story I concocted within the recesses of my mind. I don't know if this has been done before as I've only seen something like this in Misplaced by Deus Swiftblade

IMPORTANT: Now this may be a multi-crossover but I need people to give me suggestions as to which and how and yadda-yadda-yadda I also wouldn't mind to have a co-author or an editor to help out with this because I already have enough stories on my table. Anyways, I want people to review in this one SRSLY review and further more again when you post your suggestion for a crossover put down exactly what it is don't just give me hints thinking I'll know XD that happened. With that said Goodbye! Selamat Tinggal!