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Joined 09-17-13, id: 5145919, Profile Updated: 04-12-20
Author has written 2 stories for Mass Effect.



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- Book Status
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- Book Blurbs
- Starquake Art
- Starquake Comic


Starquake Archive:
-- Fact Sheet/Timeline/Galaxy Map/Saboteur Sheet/Reaper Forces
-- Replace the * with .

DeviantART: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com
ArtStation: artstation*com/artist/yunikoyokai


01/04/2020: There is going to be a delay to the next chapter. Not only is my work going crazy because of the virus, I'm drawing up a well needed, but very late, infograph for Starquake. It'll be worth it, trust me. You'll thank me later.


Release Day(s): Random

Fact Sheet Updated: Attrition Chapter 1
Timeline Sheet Updated: Attrition Chapter 6
Saboteur Sheet Updated: Attrition Chapter 8
Galaxy Map Updated: Attrition Chapter 8
Reaper Forces Updated: Attrition Chapter 7

Additional Sheets:
- Constellation Fleet
- Citadel Map


As I am going to be putting the entire series within a single book, I thought it would be good to have the individual blurbs here so people can see what each book is about. It also means I can expand a little bit as well!

Book 1: Starquake:

Endellion Shaik - a young human - awakens upon a frozen planet, confused and bewildered. Rescue is close at hand but it only marks the beginnings of her problems. She now finds herself flung almost 200 years into the future with no answers as to why. But as her strange adventures continue, she is plagued by dreams and her own personal demons as she struggles to adjust. Her entire world has been flipped on its head, but just as she begins to settle down, she realises she is not what she believes herself to be.

Book 2: Homecoming;

With a crew now upon her shoulders and one problem leading to larger disaster, Endellion Shaik feel the pressures of being the new Captain of the Starquake. Fighting the monster within her, she flails blindly through the galaxy as she struggles to find some way of stopping the Reapers and their sleeper agents, the Saboteurs. Time is precious and she knows what few others do; the Saboteurs lie ready, biding their time. Their aim? Destruction of all advanced life in the galaxy.

Book 3: Revenant;

Endellion Shaik’s worst fears have come to pass. Commander John Shepard is back; alive, kicking and still as much as an ass as he was back in the day. On top of dealing with this phantom of her past, Dell also has to contend with a sharp surge in Saboteur activity across the galaxy. The workload is only mounting and the Council is demanding results. Dell is sorely running out of time until the Reapers arrive. But her activities are hardly going unnoticed. How long will it be before the Saboteurs begin counter strikes against Dell and her allies? How long before Dell must face her forgotten time, to face the ghost that continually hunts her?

Book 4: Renaissance;

Time can be kind, time can be a healer. For Endellion Shaik, it has finally turned against her. Despite her best efforts, none can fight the will of time. But not all are satisfied, determined to raise the Saboteur’s Bane once more. Armed with nothing more than his will, he presses on, his goal consuming his mind. The Reapers are closing in and with one already running rampant throughout the galaxy, time is of the essence. The Starquake soars with new vigour; they must succeed. The Saboteurs are still at work, destroying what little hope remains. Failure is not an option.

Book 5: Attrition;

It has begun. The Reapers have arrived. The civilians are waking to a new terror, the Council are watching with despair. Their attempts buffer the Reaper’s advantage have not been successful. Endellion Shaik traverses the galaxy, determined to minimise the Reaper’s devastation. Just under half of the Saboteurs remain and they must be weeded out now more than ever. But hope is not lost. Shepard has a plan, one to save the galaxy. All it requires is a crucial piece of ancient Prothean technology, powerful enough to wipe the Reapers from the galaxy. The issue? No one knows what the critical piece is, only its name: the Crucible.

Book 6: Inclusion;

Sometimes there is more to the story, more than we are able to see or comprehend. I am Endellion Shaik, the main voice of the Starquake series, but here, it is time to view another side to the coin. The tales you are familiar with but viewed from different eyes. Tales that are new or continue after I have long gone. Even tales that I was not able to voice myself. It is time to see exactly what goes through the minds of those around me while I am doing…whatever the hell I’m doing.


Below is some art I have posted on my DeviantART. Some images do have mature filters on, as such, you may be unable to view them if you aren't a member. Sorry but it's better to be safe than sorry.


Book 1: Starquake:

Book 2: Homecoming:

Book 3: Revenant:

Book 4: Renaissance:

Book 5: Attrition:

Book 6: Inclusion:

Starquake Art:

Endellion Shaik: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Endellion-Shaik-699386474
Gideon and Kala: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Gideon-and-Kala-699712787
Valérien Autillin: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Valerien-Autillin-700530103
Mat'al Delern: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Mat-al-Delern-701230535
Jorgal Raisha: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Jorgal-Raisha-701995511
Indira Thermi'a: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Indira-Thermi-a-702496615
Shayan'Ernal vas Moreh: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Shayan-Ernal-vas-Moreh-704950593
Julian: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Julian-Bust-707373585

(m) Mature Filter is on
~Characters in Turian Portrait 1: Val, Iona, Marruns, Lanster, Saere


I'm (very slowly) working on a comic for Starquake. Between writing, uni, work and everything else, I only have the first 13 pages done. I'm hoping to speed this up a little in the future, but we'll see. For now, you can enjoy the start of the first chapter. All links connect to my DeviantArt account.

Starquake Comic:

Book 1:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2: yunikoyokai.deviantart*com/art/Starquake-Book-1-Ch-2-Cover-730156639

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

When Aboard the Normandy by Songbird's Spirit reviews
A series of mostly unconnected drabbles consisting of all the Normandy Crew members. Read through their antics and feel free to suggest anything you'd wish to see. Let's all take a peek at what exactly happens when one comes aboard the Normandy...either one of them...
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Humor/Family - Chapters: 92 - Words: 27,086 - Reviews: 208 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 66 - Updated: 3/25/2017 - Published: 1/21/2014
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Mass Effect - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 19 - Words: 164,453 - Reviews: 321 - Favs: 274 - Follows: 277 - Updated: 1/5/2017 - Published: 9/24/2010 - J. Garson, Garrus V.
Going In For Guns: A Memoir of the Reaper Wars by ValentineDiverseOptics reviews
It was such a simple plan for a universe displaced geek. Join the Marines, learn to fly, and stay the hell away from canon. But simple doesn't mean easy. I had no idea what I was in for. The memoir of Major Christopher Z. Valentine, veteran of the Reaper Wars. Some days you walk around a corner, and end up in a fight. They're usually not this big, though. SI
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 12 - Words: 76,466 - Reviews: 68 - Favs: 170 - Follows: 215 - Updated: 8/29/2015 - Published: 8/10/2012 - Shepard, OC, Kaidan A., Lieutenant Durand
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Starquake Saga reviews
Endellion Shaik is struggling to answer why she is nearly 200 years in the future. In her search, she finds only promises of destruction and continuing a cycle. Determined not to fall under the same snare, she must save the galaxy from the Reapers and their sleeper agents. 6 Book saga. Book 5 ongoing. Individual blurbs on profile. Slight AU at start, extensive AU later.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 149 - Words: 759,800 - Reviews: 185 - Favs: 243 - Follows: 257 - Updated: 4/29 - Published: 9/17/2013 - Shepard, OC
Starquake: Inclusion
Part of Starquake Saga: Sometimes there is more to the story, more than we are able to see or comprehend. I am Endellion Shaik, the main voice of the Starquake Saga, but here, it is time to view another side to the coin. New tales not yet seen, old ones from fresh eyes, continuation after I have moved on. It is time to see what goes through the minds of those around me.
Mass Effect - Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Adventure - Chapters: 4 - Words: 11,952 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 11/13/2015 - Published: 9/4/2015 - Shepard, OC