J'onn blinked as his power informed him that the 'parahuman' attempting to bar his way was an artificial intelligence. Strange that even a computer program had the same source of powers as the vast majority of capes in this world.
"You... agree that the terms of... confinement here are... unjust." he said. It was a statement he knew for a fact. His new powers could never replace his telepathy, but in cases like this, it came close.
Even without powers J'onn could sense regret in the voice of the drone which addressed him. "It's out of my hands," Dragon replied. "I'm obligated to maintain the Birdcage, in compliance with civilian law. No one can get out, and inmates can't be incarcerated without government approval, either.."
Something about her use of the word 'obligated' triggered a response by his power, informing him that she meant this in the most fundamental sense; she was literally programmed to obey under certain circumstances.
J'onn remembered certain incidents, and decided that putting such restrictions in place was probably a sensible move, but which had dire consequences of its own. Can I safely remove some or all of them without creating something comparable to Brainiac?
The answer was in the affirmative. With a subtle emanation of light from his palm, J'onn called on his power. The robot in front of him flinched.
"You just.."
"Correct," he said. "There should be no... issues, then, with the reforms I have in mind... yes?"
Dragon didn't answer immediately. "I agree that many of the prisoners could be safely kept in more humane conditions, but-"
"I will... deal with preparing suitable facilities."
"Yes.. well, there's also the issue of the people you want transferred in.."
"It is... strictly for their own safety, in the case of this... group here," he said, gesturing to some of the people suspended in spheres of glowing light on his right. "As... for the others, it seems as if there was anyone... who ought to be kept in such a... place, these would surely qualify."
"I don't see how housing anyone with the likes of them could be accomplished humanely..."
"As I said, I... can traverse the boundary between... the outer world and your prison... quite easily. I will remodel it... such that it is suitable." After all, the environment needed to rehabilitate a pre-pubescent serial killer was probably different from one needed to contain a mad scientist who could create a seemingly invincible projection. Neither ought to play any part in a prison where inmates were allowed to run wild, murdering each other as they saw fit.
Dragon relented in the end, of course. Eventually, the Birdcage's cells were nearly emptied, with mass murders of various stripes comprising the largest portion of those who couldn't be transferred safely. This number was small enough, however, that the demographics of the prison had been shifted considerably; a substantial majority were either involved with the Slaughterhouse 9 or with the apparently multiversal crime syndicate known as Cauldron.
J'onn used his power to assess his remaining lifespan. Quite a bit had been spent, in righting the course of this world. But it had been a necessary price; a rehabilitation of sorts for himself. The inhabitants of this world might not have the benefits of being watched over by the original Zion, but he would do his best to make it up to them, while he lasted.