Reviews for Lost Sons
Vahn chapter 24 . 5/17
Im sad that this story is abandon. I really enjoy the unique dyanmic and how earth humans look down on the empire as if they were beneath them. Yet the empire hold all the cards. I often wonder because of titus declaration did the System Alliance start to a actively surpress religions on earth? It seems to be hinted that it was the case.

Some of repercussion i was hoping to see is how ofher chrisfian and islamic religon those that still practice woulx view the holy empire. Unless they are really all secular in this timeline. I also would love to see a population size comparison but other than that it is aln amazinf thought provking story. It really deserve more reviews, much more. None of the characters you write is cardboard cutouts but feels like living breathing people .

I even am eager to see how tali journey finishes and her conclusion.

Sorry this work is abandon but it had me engrossed crom chapter one. Truly a unique story.
KyliaQuilor chapter 24 . 12/16/2019
I look forward to more
interested party chapter 24 . 9/17/2019
Hey man, I see this hasnt been updated in years. I wanted to drop by and encourage you to keep going. This story is amazing and refreshingly different. It's a bit selfish of me to ask you to keep going but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, eh?
Anyway, I hope youre doing ok. I hope you finish this. Take care.
Kylia Quilor chapter 1 . 2/21/2018
Here's what I don't get: Neither Human Nation - yet - has a seat on the Citadel Council. So there's no notion of 'outvoting' anyway?
Yesman chapter 24 . 8/19/2017
On a positive note the concept is very unique. The effort of the team is shown in the detail of the story. (Not a lot about the background though). Hell is it ok if I use this faction for a fic?
The divergence from canon was nice but not much there is a few fics which are highly divergent from canon.

A few suggestions:
The lost and the damned:(SE name) the lost are the decendants of humans in Jerusalem who did not/could not escape Batarian captivity and have degenerated into essentially literal toys for the high ranking Hegemony and Terminus lords, population sustained by illegal salarian cloning and forced breeding initiatives. SA and SE kill them on sight as a euthanasia policy, they cannot be saved. (It is extremely impossible for every single captured human to have overpowered their captors and capture the entire pirate fleet before crashing every single ship into a salarian colony, Hella impossible, my suggestion is that while 30,000 escaped capture to fight wars then build the SE, 10-20 000 captured from the surrounding area around Jerusalem such as nearby villages and army camps did not escape and became mindless slaves in the Hegemony and Terminus. The damned are essentially SE humans who left the SE in any form and cast down their belief in Abraham ( from looking at the codex and threads, thereally are many migrants from SE to other areas who kept their faith.) and joined the underworld in the Terminus systems.

Names taken from the Imperium of Man's designation for cultists, civilians and guardsmen who turned to chaos.

Depictions of the regular Batarian Hegemony citizens, not the Terminus slaver gangers who captured them in the first place (from the codex it is said that the Terminus criminals are actually deserters of the Hegemony who are allowed to sell slaves to the high caste rulers and are sometimes supported by Hegemony infantry for more difficult raids. As seen in the ME3 the regular Batarian Hegemony Citizen is not some brutish thug but regular people trying to get by and are not so different from a turian or human etc. From looking at the discussion thread on space battles, the team depicted the stereotype of "not all batarians are slavers but all slavers are batarians" which is racist even against a fictional species. (There's plenty of Turian, asari, salarian and human slavers in canon, even selling their own kind for profit). The batarian crusade should have faced difficulty for the empire as they would eventually stop fighting crime gangs and pirates and started to face down the regular Hegemony military which I remind you has much at least 2000 years of experience raiding and fighting the early citadel community.

Hegemony-Empire comparison
I'm suprised no one has actually made a comparison in the caste system as an insult.

A corruption
When coming to power or having an advantage, we humans are known to abuse the hell out of it. Using the administration as an excuse to say there is no corrupt noble is one of the reasons I compared the SE to the current ultramarines (or the new primaris ones). My suggestion here is that while there are nobles who do their duties well, there are also nobles who are abuse and treat their subjects like slaves and threaten them with death in "accidents" should they contact the Administration(I keep saying inquisition) while having connections or bribes to keep the administration away. (This was actually a sore point of mine in this fic, in the games every race had both perfect and imperfect individuals, please show this in the SE as well)
Yesman chapter 24 . 8/19/2017
A complaint I have is that their is literally no problems in the empire, they make no mistakes and no imperfections almost to Mary suetopia/ post-Ward Ultramarine levels in both military and social/civil areas(e.g lack of upper class twits/ cliche aristocracy nobles due to the administration covering everything or the lack of military defeats especially against the batarians). Saying that all every species-state in the series has problems yet not adding obstacles faced by the imperial does not magically mean you have added them to the story. (Saying that the Knights of Terra were defeated by Turians essentially says they able to be defeated only by Turians, the imperial military doctrine also kinda seems like a knock off of the Hierarchy doctrine.)

The weaknesses and strengths of all races are on the codex or Mass Effect wiki, or simply the third game as it the reapers actually took advantage of every race's weakness in their harvest.(e.g Batarians were secretive, so reapers cut off communications and used their indoctrinated sleepers to isolate the already secretive Hegemony. The Reapers defeated the Alliance defences by targeting the carrier vessels instead of the fighter-bomber swarms they usually dispense and obliterate the underdefended colonies while also destroying communications, preventing the UNAS, EU and Chinese federation armies from co-ordinating. The Asari ground forces are essentially spec ops/guerillas but also glass cannons. They do not use heavy armor and support weapons. The asari fleet, while powerful, rely mostly on frigate and fighters for hit and run tactics. I can't remember what the reapers did there but I think they just flew in while enduring the hit and run attacks. The salarians prepare well before war and usually can see any war preparation from any future enemy and sabotage it before the war starts, they also have a cutting edge fleet. The reapers left them alone as they were considered a resource sinkhole.) The point in this filler paragraph is how would the Star Empire fight back against the reapers, and what weaknesses would the Reapers exploit in the SE?

Another observation I made here is that there is a lot of Alliance bashing in this story. I am aware that the team for this fic wants to show a different struggle than in canon but the story only seems to focus on the Alliance's problems and makes them seem as ignorant or arrogant arses and stagnating idiots who rely on relics like how HFY(Humanity Fuck Yeah if anyone did not know) ME fics show the council as. This supports the observation of this story as a SE stomp fic ( I don't like the term "*faction* wank") as it shows the SE as some perfect, slightly overpowered entity which slightly feels HFY. Although it would be a bit funny if this theme of the story was simply a mocking of HFY. (Although the fall of Therum and Eden Prime is understandable due to the Alliance's naval doctrine.).

A final complaint I have here is that the batarians are depicted as incompetent usual fools from HFY fics who only exist for heros to stomp over. Especially the batarian crusade where a new young military somehow defeats the fourth race on the citadel ( from looking at the codex, the Batarians joined the citadel community after the Volus but before the Turian Hierarchy). A ME fic to look at for a depicton of a competant Hegemony would be College Fool'so Renegade Reinterpretations.

I apologize if I happened to offend anyone or ended up raising a question which was answered in somewhere like spacebattles. Also am very sorry for this long ass review.
Penguinala chapter 1 . 8/19/2017
Interesting concept. Is it possible for me to borrow this concept in the future?
RheasHelm chapter 24 . 6/28/2017
Thanks for posting a new chapter. Well done.
Jenkins had a brush with death this time, but it's good to see that he's still around. Go Jenkins!
Even Javik showed up, sort of. I liked your idea of Shepard seeing his memories as ghosts, and reacting to them as if they happened now. It must be quite the sight for the rest of the team.
I don't quite get how Saren and Benezia came up with a plan from the conversation between Tali, Liara and Shepard, but I guess I'll find out later.
"the Empire isn't striking back", lol.
the black wolf in the mountain chapter 24 . 6/15/2017
Can you have Etel and Ashley in a romantic relationship?
CmdrKlassen chapter 7 . 6/2/2017
I'm really liking this au story, however I have one complaint. I'm quite familiar with the phonetic alphabet and I understand your reasons for changing the imperial one to more religious sounding words, but testament is too long to work. the phonetic alphabet was and is designed to be a quick way of transmitting letters via radio without the possibility of a mistake, three sylabels is too long and prone to sounding off.
Alkeni chapter 24 . 5/31/2017
So Happy to see this updated! I loved this chapter.
Hi chapter 24 . 5/29/2017
Im super excited to see this story again. This is hands down one of my favorites to read. Its not just a retread of the game and it tries to fill the gaps made in the original trilogy. Keep it up, you are doing great.
Jozern chapter 24 . 5/29/2017
Awesome. This was damn awesome. I can't wait for more.
OBSERVER01 chapter 24 . 5/28/2017
damn good.
Endrius chapter 24 . 5/28/2017
It's alive!
Firefly quotes, flamethrowers, Javik- great chapter from beginning to the end.
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