DISCLAIMER: All copyrighted materials belong to their respected owners.

Following in the trend of many other authors, From a Dusty Attic is a series of could-have-been & just-might-be stories. Some will be epic in sheer length and might be moved to their own one-shot, others just short enough to be called a chapter. All are open for adoption on the condition of asking first and if some garnish enough popularity, I may flesh them out into longer stories or at least add an additional scene or two. In any case, the dust and cobwebs have been wiped away so without further ado, I hope that you all enjoy:

From a Dusty Attic

By Corvus no Genmu

"Rage of the Eidolon"

They had done what many would have called impossible. They tracked her down and fought her to the edge, and in that moment of weakness they captured her. One such as she should not be captured so easily or so brutally by those who are her enemy. They caught her and strung her up in their web of steel, and now they stood before her, looking up at her not in reverence but in contempt. For though she is mortal what lay within the heart of her soul is not, but by sharing her body, she too carries the burden of blame by those sinful eyes down below.

They are the Chaos to Her Order, the Destruction to Her Salvation.

They are to be Her Death.

Then again, what is Order without a little Destruction? What is Salvation without the maddened inspiration of Chaos?

For the Light of Peace, though weak from a fresh rebirth, has just enough of Her strength to call out into the slumbering ether three simple words.

I Am Thou.

From the edges of the encroaching darkness, She hears the answer in kind.

Thou Art I.

She feels both relief and trepidation. Hope and despair. For long has it been since They last walked this side of the World. Longer still has it been since last She saw Them and They Her. She prays that the People of the World forgive Her and Her Avatar for what has been done.

For The Eidolon have returned.

I Am The Strength of Steel. I Am The Eternal Vitality of Life.

The eyes open first. Deep and green as forest leaves, they tower as twin stars of shining emerald upon the mountainous face. An ivory mane crests the peak of the knobbed skull, which scrapes against the underbelly of the sky. The mouth comes next, teeth gnashing and grinding the stone and steel to silent the petulant roar of hunger of a cavernous stomach. A length of muddied tongue laps up the magma to quench a thirst of a thousand lifetimes.

From The Vigilant Mountains, I Have Arisen. From The Courage of Thy Heart, I Have Come.

A hand, big, good, and strong, comes crashing downwards and flatten the constructions of mortal men. The fingers, great, terrible, and clawed, are ignorant of the miniscule attempts to stop the immovable, to hinder the inevitable. The other arm wrenches itself free and together they heave the mountainous body upwards from its primordial bed to stand on stubby-toed feet.

I Am Titan. I Am EARTH.

The monolithic arms sail like lightning through the air but their crash is the sound of the groaning earth and the ground splits in massive, heaving cracks and plumes of molten light and acrid smoke. Gargantuan feet crush the hillsides and turn them to valleys as the mountain turns a slow circle. Nostrils flare and the great hairy head arises to face the molehills in the distance that stood as mountains to those of a far lesser size. Crackled lips curled back to a sneering scowl as the ground trembles to the rumbling thunder of his ire.

And All Shall Be Crushed Beneath My Tread.

The Avatar hung like a creature put on display, heavy platinum chains pulling her limbs tight and allowing no leeway —no chance— for freedom. The flesh of her arms burned like magma whilst her legs felt frigidly cold from numbness. The agony alone would have broken most men, driven them to the sweet oblivion of unconsciousness, but not her.

She would not give them the satisfaction.

"I told you Korra." The flesh of his face splits apart like old clay, a mask of porcelain white glistening beneath. Eyes colder than the far North meet hers, gleaming in malicious victory. "The world doesn't need you anymore."

I Am The Fury of Boiling Blood. I Am The Grinding Teeth of Incandescence.

The horns are the first to pierce the magma flow, blazing brighter than the Sun as the air burns across their curved length. A draconic head emerges with eyes of liquid gold, simmering in a crimson pool of waiting to be molded to their jeweled guise. The fanged maw opens wide in a roar that sends fire and ash upwards into the blackening sky as the ancient temple tumbles to the burning depths below. The mountain that housed it is dead, and the forests below die alongside it in an infernal red sea.

From the Fires of Damnation, I Have Arisen. From the Rage of Thy Heart, I Have Come.

A single leap of draconic legs sends the meteor crashing down amidst the ashes and crackling wood. Obsidian claws grasp at the heated earth as a serpentine tail lashes like lightning and breaks all in its path. The horned head arises once more and a forked tongue tastes the acrid air and fangs spread wide in a fiercely wicked grin. The horns upon the head and the spikes along the arms and back intensify their hellish glow.

I Am Ifrit. I am FIRE.

The roar that followed was that of a thousand suns dying as one and it was but a single star that alighted upon the earth and was extinguished as quickly as it had been born. The massive curvature of the crater glimmers with the sheen of heated glass while the air shimmers a mirage of red as the hellion creature leaps skyward once more, a trail of flames dancing in the wake of his passage.

And All Shall Be Reduced To ASHES!

Her eyes strain to the left, away from that ever taunting smile forever frozen upon that horrific mask, and watches in mute horror as a head twists and turns upon the neck it rest upon. The skin darkens and bones break and shift to form the face of a man whose very soul she had destroyed with her own bare hands. A man whom she had called uncle and had loved as family once upon a time… The same man who would later betray her and the entirety of the world to become what he was never meant to be.

"The time of the Avatar is over Korra." He sneered in delight of her agonizing heart. "Give up."

I Am The Howling Emptiness. I Am The Piercing Wind.

The clouds are thick here and roll as waves upon an eternity of blue bleeding into a bruising twilight. There is no visitor to the sky here, no creature of wing or wind that would dare to intrude upon the one whose passing made the gales, whose breath breathed forth the storms, and whose heart knew no such thing as virtue or vice. The rolling tides of gray and white are pierced by a golden horn, a sharpened tower of heavenly light made corporeal to deliver salvation and damnation alike.

From The Boundless Sky, I Have Arisen. From The Love of Thy Heart, I Have Come.

The great head rises from the clouds with the massive mouth opened wide in a wordless song that only the great whales trapped in the clutches of the sea could comprehend. The body lifts up in a slow twirl through the cloudbank and comes crashing down amidst a storm of gale winds and ferocious bolts of lightning. Sightless eyes turn to the ground and the massive bulk dives down from the underbelly of the sky.

I Am Bismarck. I Am AIR.

From so high above, the passing of the colossus could almost be unnoticed but so low to the ground below? The winds that howl and scream to the beauty of a song as old as Time Immemorial, and let loose their agitation upon the earth below with all madness of berserkers. Rocks are uplifted and sent crashing down, whole groves of trees are ripped free from their roots, and the thunder breaks the mortal shells like precious porcelain with every tremendous beat of a ginormous tail.

And All Shall Bow To My Ferocious Gale.

She looks away and immediately wishes she hadn't. For the woman's head also twists and turns but it's her hair that changes her from within. Turning her from a creature of flesh and blood to one of darkness and chaos made manifest. A spirit the likes of which she hoped to never see or hear again floated freely before her, his every move, his every word, nothing but cold, merciless, cruelty as he drank in her despair and tasted her fear.

"You're too weak to resist and I'm stronger than ever. There's no use fighting. Let go."

I Am The Embittered Cold. I Am The Giver And Taker Of Life.

The ocean is still as stone, quiet as a cloudless morning sky, but is no less dangerous than any other slumbering beast waiting to be awoken into a primordial fury. For any sailor worth their salt would not speak kindly of an open sea so peaceful as this, where not a speck of water moved and where no wind dared to breath even a gentle sigh. Not even the denizens of the oceans' deep dare to swim here, where the waters are all but freezing to the touch and yet burn like a frothing pot of boiling oil.

From The Murky Depths, I Have Arisen. From The Fear Of Thy Heart, I Have Come.

The crown emerges from the waters first, smooth spikes of hoarfrost and the tundra before the figure emerges fully in a sudden blast of steam and snow. For a moment, there is nothing but a vague shadow of mist and rain before the form solidifies into a distinctly human shape. A thin waist and generously curved in just the right places, it would almost be called human if it weren't made up of water in its various states of being but for the eyes. A pair of eyes that is no less alive than any belonging to the already awakened and searching brothers.

I Am Shiva. I Am WATER.

A finely manicured hand reaches up and finely clawed fingers tap lightly upon pouted lips as eyes of deepest azure gaze out across the ocean waters. A slight gesture, dismissive if not discourteous, and the waters recede and swell in a single massive tide, carrying the human shape high into the air. The inhumanly bright eyes narrow as they bear witness to the roaming mountain, the racing inferno, and the steady approach of a massive storm. Not to be outpaced, a snap of delicate fingers and the wave crashes forth and falls as spears of ice flows like winding rivers through the air.

And I Shall Embrace the World Anew.

The voice of the Chaotic Dark is swiftly joined by the others that had stood against her, those that had towered over her truth upon pillars of their ideals. The desire to heed their words, to fall into the healing light of the spirit within her very soul, was growing harder to ignore. But then, there was another voice speaking amongst the chaotic cacophony. Who was it? She didn't know and with how deeply it rumbled, she almost couldn't comprehend the words.

Hold Tight.

Her eyes rolled in her skull as her mouth opened wide in a piercing scream. Agony coursed in burning silver through her veins and the crackling voice rose with her yell, matching her pain with its furious demand.

Don't Give In.

Her eyes flickered between mortal blue and unearthly white. Her voice intertwined with that of another as she fought against the healing Light within her Soul. To let the Light shine meant a guaranteed death not for her but for the World as a whole, of this she was certain though she knew not how she knew. Another spoke, softer than the second but just as booming as the first with its monotonous response.

We Hear You, Be Strong.

The earth trembled and the air grew heavier with a sudden influx of burning heat from below and freezing cold from above. The mark upon the wall, ageless and buried under decades of fresh coatings of paint intermixed with blood, given and taken, pulsed once with a faint myriad of light.

We Are Coming For You, Little Sister.