![]() Author has written 3 stories for Inuyasha, Harry Potter, and Yu Yu Hakusho. Artist/Pen Name: Angeltsuki She/Her // Pansexual // Libra // ISTP Artist // Writer // Beta Current Beta for: Jack Delgado (You should go check out The Souls Echo) However if you decided to hate, then all I have to say is: Haters gonna hate, sippin' on their haterade. Does it taste good? Because you don't have to like me to enjoy my work. You can also find my work on Ao3 and some on wattpad. Pairings/Ships I like: Kag/Sess Kag/Sess/Inu Tashio Kag/Hiei Kag/Kurama Kag/Hiei/Kurama Hermione/Severus Hermione/Harry Hermione/Cedric Hermione/Neville Hermione/Luna Hermione/Luna/Harry Harry/Hermione/ (other) These are ships I'll go out of my way to read. I do enjoy other ships, but these I like the most. The trio ships are very interesting. I don't know why, but FF has an issue with notifying when I've update, if I update more than once in a 24 hour period. I'm sorry if there is any confusion because of this. I am also working on Subtle Support. I did notice that FF changes some of the format of my chapters, and some words are removed entirely due to format. I am checking them as I go along, so please bear with the technical difficulties. I also keep having to go back and add some page breaks since they remove mine, again a formatting issue. I am writing new chapters, so bear with me. When I will post them though is a mystery to even myself, but they do exist. I'm only partially sorry that I'm keeping them from you. I've been trying to keep it so the minimum amount of words per chapter is at LEAST 1k. So I'll post them when I'm happy with them, I keep going back and finding spelling and grammar mistakes and just... bleh. I don't have a beta and it's annoying to find small mistakes that could have been avoided. I try to fix them when I can. Sometimes my keyboard sticks which doesn't help at ALL. I am currently editing both of my Inuyasha fics, and I've noticed how silly they must look right now half edited. One fandom at a time though (or things get weird mentally when it's not a crossover). I know it's been a while, but I haven't left my fics. Don't worry. I thank everyone who has stuck by me this long, and I'm grateful and thankful to all the reviews, alerts, and faves I still get. I really appreciate all the reviews guys, you have no idea how motivational they are to me. I am busy with life right now, and I work on them when I can next to art. I'm a college student right now and I'm have some health complications, so yeah, busy busy. School comes first, so writing is under that in my to do list... other than reading other fics. I read more than I write at the moment, mostly from my ipod/iphone (on the app Pocket Fiction, it's not as great as it used to be). IF you know about a phone app (Iphone) that allows me to download fanfics to read offline, from other sites, please note me and let me know! (Besides Wattpad, which isn't what I'm looking for.) I know it's been forever, but please continue to be patient with me. Thank you. |