Reviews for Broken Chains
abhinavvemuri123 chapter 23 . 7/11
Too much
Total Oneness Jacen Solo chapter 38 . 7/11
"Not even Sidious could have done something so awe-inspiring."

Oh yeah, like destroying entire planets and massive starfleets of hundreds of millions of warships with Force Storms isn't anything "AWE-INSPIRING!" or anything.

Sidious WAS a God, while that noseless clown is nowhere even REMOTELY close to the TRUE Dark Lord. Give me a fucking break.

Sidious: "You've barely even adopted the Dark. I was born in it, molded by it. The Dark is my will, just as my will is the Dark. I AM THE DARK!"
Steavatron chapter 4 . 7/3
God, the intensity is just off the charts. I am loving every minute of reading this story. I just can't get enough. I don't even like Star Wars, but goddamn.
sasukesdoom chapter 30 . 6/29
great story thanks for sharing!
Nyumun chapter 38 . 6/28
Me encanta!
kent-jensen chapter 38 . 6/18
Freddie Rindklip chapter 38 . 6/9
Thank you for writing.
JustADaoist chapter 23 . 6/6
I think that this is my favorite version of xeno lovegood ever written. He is hilarious
Stereborg chapter 23 . 5/31
Liquid Gold in Text Format. Truly amazing and so fucking good!
Wulfkin17 chapter 38 . 5/17
Binged this. Awesome!
zenbone7 chapter 4 . 4/26
It's not bad but its really clear that you have no understanding of the Sith.

Sith aren't "Evil" the just follow survival of the fittest as Gospel. You've made a strawman of a Sith and while I will read the story all the way through I hope anyone who reads the reviews atleast understands this.

The Sith don't just hurt people to hurt them, they assert power in all forms over others be it intelligence or power. They aren't constantly threatening to rape you or just constantly being a mustache twirling super Villain, they Simply believe conflict and fighting are the answer to everything. power belongs only to those with the strength, cunning, and ruthlessness to maintain it, Accordingly, the Sith reject altruism, self-abnegation and kindness, as they regard such attitudes as founded on delusions that fetter one's perceptions and power.
observentuser chapter 38 . 4/16
aries12345251 chapter 1 . 3/21
this is trash you can't decide whether to kill harry or not you just keep adding drama, first its a battle between Harry and what he became inthe veil then you kill him again and blah blah the force is in harry so he will live again but with no personality see its all just drama aside from that he make his no personality weak after you revive him
Crazy9087 chapter 19 . 3/20
Only saw this because I was curious but Yen is currency in Japan the Chinese use Yuan good story though. If Hermione's comment is true though that's about 9 cents
Hadrian Eveningshade chapter 38 . 3/13
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