This is the start of a long story, 150,000+ words, that is complete and will not be changed/revised/edited to suit anyone else's preferences. It is fan fiction and therefore AU from the get go. If I wrote cannon I'd be writing the books. Not going to happen. Get used to it. As has been said by other authors if you don't like it go read something else.
As I am Male and NOT the original author, who as anyone should know is the wonderful JKR who lets us play with her world. I don't own a darn thing here. I'm betting if you search through all the other stories on this and other sites you could find where I've 'stolen' every idea here so if you think I've used something from one of your own stories here, consider it flattery. The vast majority of this was written over 4+ years ago as my better half was dealing with chemo I spent the time in between assisting the nurses as best I could writing so the wife would not feel like I was hovering even though I was. You can guess the rest. Barbara this is for you!
Chapter 1
Harry Potter was shocked when a tropical bird flew into his room with a scroll attached to its leg shortly after his arrival at # 4 Privet Drive after finishing his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He'd had his blood used to resurrect the self styled Dark Lord Voldemort, witnessing the death of his fellow competitor in the Triwizard tournament in the process. Now it was time to start his summer of servitude with his mother's sister, her large husband and their even larger son Dudley. The Dursleys were the exact opposite of Harry. Where Harry was magical and friendly the Dursleys were extremely anti-magic and friendly was a never a word used to describe them out of their hearing. Taking the scroll from the bird's leg Harry unrolled it to read a letter from his godfather.
Dumbles wanted me to spend the rest of my life cooped up in my old family home in London so I could "Keep an eye on you," Well either he's getting forgetful in his old age or he's gone wack. I left that building and all that it represents when I was 16 and I've never looked back.
I've found a place to live that's more my style and I would like you to join me for the summer. I here by give you my marauders word of honor to have you back on the platform for your fifth year on the first of September if that is your wish. To join me simply grab what you can't live without.
You should probably send your owl to live with that young lady who rode the Hippogriff with us last year, you know the one you keep talking about and let her know you are safe if for no other reason than an owl would be out of place here. Then tap your wand against this letter. You already know the words to activate it. Once you're here we'll send word to whoever else you want to let them know you're safe.
Harry took all of 25 microseconds to make his decision the rest of his time prior to leaving was spent busting open the door on his old room otherwise known as the cupboard under the stairs, to retrieve his school trunk from where his uncle had secured it prior to taking his wife and son out for dinner leaving Harry alone in the house. He told Hedwig, his owl, familiar, and best companion, to fly to Hermione and spend the summer carrying mail for her but not to him unless she deemed it absolutely necessary. A few hoots, finger nips, and owl head butts later Hedwig left carrying a short note Harry had written to Hermione, leaving Harry standing in his room alone with one hand wrapped around his trunk's handle and holding the letter from his godfather. Harry took his wand in his other hand and tapped the letter saying, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good," Without a sound other than air rushing into the suddenly void space he was gone.
Harry was spinning as he traveled through the ether for so long he was wondering if he would ever stop. This seemed to take far longer than the Portkey trip he'd taken to see the Quidditch world cup with the Weasley's last summer. Finally the spinning stopped and the Portkey deposited him and his trunk in the living room of what appeared to be a small cabin.
"Harry! You made it quicker than I thought you would," Sirius Black said moving from a chair to Harry's side and picking him up easily.
"I didn't want to wait too long. My aunt and uncle were out and I had to break the lock on my old… the storeroom he'd locked my trunk in," Harry said stumbling over where his trunk had been.
"You could have just brought your wand, I'll get you anything else you need."
"I've got some essay's to write before school," Harry said hoping his godfather would understand.
"All right then," Sirius said grabbing Harry's trunk and lugging it through the living room to a bedroom off the right side setting Harry's trunk down. "This is your room, mine's off the other side of the living room. That way we have a little privacy should we have visitors," Sirius explained then watched as Harry thought his way through that statement finally blushing when he figured out what Sirius meant.
"I ah… don't think I've got much of a need for…"
"You may not today but you'll be fifteen soon and things change."
Harry just nodded noticing how much his godfather had changed. He was no longer the thin gaunt looking individual that Hermione had helped him free from the tower at Hogwarts a year ago. "You're looking good," Harry said.
"I decided shortly after you rescued me that I was no good to you in the shape I was so I've been working out a little. Mostly just swimming and such while eating right," Sirius replied pleased that Harry had noticed the change. "We are a few hours behind England here so you might want to try and stay up as late as you can. It should only take you a few days to adjust. Now is there anyone else we need to notify that you're safe?"
"No I sent a short note to Hermione asking her to take care of Hedwig until I get back and mentioned I was traveling but safe," Harry said practically bouncing in place at the thought of spending an entire summer with his godfather.
'Hermione huh, brains and beauty. I wonder how he feels about her. Not tonight but over the next few days I'll sound him out and find out.' Sirius thought then he heard Harry's stomach rumble loudly. "Hungry?" Sirius asked.
"Not really,"
"When was the last time you ate?"
Harry stammered for an instant until he looked at his godfather's hard eyes seeing there was not chance of not answering he said, "I have a few snacks on the train from Hogwarts."
"What about at the Dursleys?"
"They went out for dinner."
"Leaving you home alone without bothering to feed you," Sirius countered then noting Harry hung his head at his words Sirius headed for the kitchen thinking, 'I should have done them in when I was in England. First fix Harry up then when he's in school I'm visiting them, then dumbles and I will have a few words and they won't be Happy Christmas.'
Harry followed his godfather into the kitchen to see him fixing sandwiches muggle style. "No magic?" he joked.
"I try to use it as little a possible around here. I've got a ward up to let me know if someone is using magic nearby but if I'm doing magic at the same time the ward can't tell the difference. It won't alarm if the magic is being done inside the cabin by the way," Sirius explained.
"That makes sense," Harry said sitting down to eat.
The next morning he awoke quickly looking around until his brain kicked in and he remembered where he was. Getting up he made his way to the kitchen where he soon had breakfast for two ready. It wasn't long after he started to eat that his godfather drifted in saying, "Harry you are suppose to be on vacation."
"Hey cooking for just the two of us is a vacation," Harry countered a smile on his face that had Sirius thinking of several different ways to torture the Dursleys.
They ate in silence each lost in their own thoughts but as Harry started to wash dishes Sirius said, "There's not enough to bother with we will deal with them later go get dressed It's time you got some proper clothes."
Harry smiled and ducked into his room to finish dressing for the day. When he emerged in an oversized t-shirt and dungarees Sirius hid his anger telling himself those would see a fire tonight. "We're going over to the other side of the island. It's more of a tourist area and the shops there should have everything you'll need for the summer, By the way on this Island I'm Paddy Evans. It would be best for you to have an alter-ego also" Sirius explained leading the way as they walked across the small island.
Harry thought as they continued walking the short distance across the island finally saying, "James, James Evans. That way it won't cause too many questions why I'm staying with you. Everyone will just assume we are related."
"Works for me James," Sirius said his mind focusing on the upcoming shopping.
Several hours later Harry was looking at his godfather his expression conveying 'no way am I wearing that'. "Harry we've all ready been over this several times down here you need to dress differently."
"But Sirius. I mean everyone will be able to see everything in those," Harry said glancing at two pair of small Speedo swim trunks his godfather was holding up.
"Harry trust me these are modest suits. You need to get out of the Victorian British mind set you are in."
Sirius won the battle as they both knew he would and over the next several weeks Harry finally agreed the Speedo's were quite comfortable and appropriate.
Back at their Cabin the next morning before breakfast Harry put on the green pair of Speedo's and wrapped a towel around him before following Sirius out the door and down onto the beach. Surprised when Sirius stopped and tossed his towel to the side then began to stretch. "Come on Harry you need this more than I do," Sirius called out encouragingly.
Harry put his towel beside Sirius's and followed his godfather's directions as first they stretched for a good five minutes before running up and down the beach starting in the hard pack by the ocean and doing the final trip in the soft sand further up. When Sirius called a halt Harry bent over gulping for air. "You've got to get in better shape than that," Sirius said before beginning a regiment of his own devising, a combination of Tai chi and martial arts moves finishing it off with a run and dive in to the water followed by a mile swim up and down the shore.
"Bloody hell Sirius are you trying to kill me?" Harry wheezed as he emerged from the water.
Sirius looked over his godson saying, "No trying to get you in shape. Sitting on a broom flying around is not proper exercise for someone who expects to fight. Do you need to take a nap now, little boy?"
Harry looked up at his godfather determination in his eyes, "Bring it on old man. Anything you can do I can do better," Harry replied steel in his voice and eyes.
The next morning Harry slung the towel over his shoulder knowing it was going to be discarded in a matter of moments. By the end of his first week he was pushing his godfather to run faster and at the end of the second week he had mastered the tai chi and martial arts moves. It took until the fourth week before Harry was emerging from the water first. Their mornings spent exercising wasn't the only thing occurring during those weeks. The word spread quickly of a new teenage boy living on the island and before the first week was out most of the girls on the island had made it a point to walk by the Evans cabin during morning exercises. A number of them decided it was worthwhile to pay a visit later in the day with the intent of chatting up Harry. Sirius smile to himself when he noticed the attention Harry was attracting and with subtle comments and guiding discussions over meals and at night he soon noticed Harry coming out of his shell and becoming a confident teenager who knew the difference between boys and girls and was well mannered in his appreciation of females. The parents of the girls quickly noticed the change in their daughter's daily routines and shortly a number of them held their own talks with Sirius who assured them of his godson's proper up bringing. As the first month drew to a close Sirius took a close look at Harry and liked the changes he saw. Harry was now starting to become muscular and was actually experiencing a rather large growth spurt helped along by the potions Sirius was feeding him twice a day. By the end of this summer he would be close to his proper size. Still even with the attention of several young ladies every day Sirius could tell that Harry was still missing his friends from England. Determined to do something special for Harry's fifteenth birthday he listened carefully when his godson talked about his school friends. Then after Harry had gone to bed he thought of what could be done.
Hermione sat in her room thinking back to a conversation she'd had one night up in her dorm room. Contemplating both the actual conversation and the meanings behind it.
"Hermione, why do you think the majority of the pure blooded girls are here?" Lavender Brown had asked starting the conversation.
"To get an education?" Hermione replied in her it's obvious tone.
"Actually no. They could be taught all they need to know at home quicker and cheaper. Most are here to find a husband." Seeing Hermione's studded face she continued. "A few… Pansy's a good example are here to 'be with their betrothed,' well actually in her case she's here to keep her eye on Malfoy and prevent his eye from wandering too far. His father had a betrothal contract with someone who was being kept at home and out of sight but Lucius spotted Andromeda Black and convinced his father to break his initial contract instead setting up one with the Blacks, which was quite a step up for the Malfoy clan. When Andromeda bolted and married that muggle born the contract was quickly re-written for Narcissa Black who being younger didn't know Lucius that well and was amenable to marrying him. Parkinson is leery of the same thing occurring with Draco. That's why Draco is either with Pansy or Crab and Goyle. I'm sure one of those two boys is reporting back to Lord Parkinson on Draco's activities though I'm not sure if Draco is aware of it.
"So you are," Hermione asked trailing off.
"Actively husband hunting. That's why Par and I have such an extensive information network active in all the houses. We keep track of who is in a contract, who is having problems in class. The smarter the husband or actually those with more magical power the better breeding stock he will be. More that one family line out there is maternal and the husband will take the wife's name. The Lovegoods would be an example of that. We also keep track of each girls current interest. And we do our best to keep all the boys confused as to what's going on. Most of the pure blood and half blood girls know and most are actively involved."
"Any pairing I should have spotted?"
"Well let's see Draco and Pans are obvious, Nott is contracted to a girl who is being home schooled, Hanna Abbot has called dibs on our Neville that one is currently a bit obvious given how dense Neville is."
"Yes I've noticed her hanging around a bit more." Hermione admitted.
"Ron Weasley is free but Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson have all but locked up Fred and George respectively as for the boys in our year Dean is regarded as a half blood with promise if his friendship with Seamus can be toned down. Seamus is considered an alcoholic with little use beyond breeding stock and arm candy if the girl can keep him sober enough to take out in public." Lavender said stopping and looking at Hermione.
"I notice you didn't mention Harry."
Lavender looked at her apprehensively before saying, "I put out the word that you are in the process of nurturing a relationship with him."
"Hermione relax and listen for a moment before you blow up."
"I do not blow up," Hermione huffed.
Lavender chose to let that comment pass continuing, "This is continuing the process of you protecting Harry. Face it if you are serious about Harry you need to be prepared to defend your claim on him. Yes you're young and can change your mind but you need to make a decision soon. At least one girl is planning to draw Harry's attention away from you and if you don't react she'll soon have others joining in. It is only the Tri-wizard Tournament that has given you a relatively free year. Most of the girls are adopting a wait and see attitude. Should Harry win this thing or even give a good showing he's going even more attractive as a husband for those looking for a powerful husband."
"I notice you always said husband, not lover or mate." Hermione said.
"Well in the level of our society Harry was born into love isn't necessarily a consideration. It's all about breeding or magical power." Lavender replied.
Hermione was brought out of her recollection by the feeling of her proxy ward being tripped. She grabbed her wand and looked out the window wondering who was visiting now only to see an owl flying in her direction. Opening her window she removed the attached note relieved of its burden the owl quickly departed.
Flipping open the small note Hermione quickly read it before heading down stairs for a discussion with her folks. Two hours later Hedwig was flying away with a note to meet the next day at Giraffe Stop in Kings Cross Rail Station. While not one of her parents favorite places to eat, it was handy to the wizarding world and they would be unremarkable there.
Remus Lupin approached the table on an errand for his school hood running mate. His approach was commented on by Hermione Granger a former student of his and a close friend of Harry Potter. "Professor Lupin won't you please join us. Is everything all right?" Hermione asked motioning to the open seat.
"Everything is fine," Remus replied
Turning to her parents Hermione said, "Mum, Dad I'd like you to me my former Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, Remus Lupin. Professor Lupin my parents, Alan and Jane Granger DDS,"
"Pleased to meet you both," Remus said as the Grangers responded with similar sentiments. "And it's just Remus Lupin. I doubt I'll ever be a professor again. Now I am here at the request of a friend of mine. He was wondering if the Grangers would be willing to take a week's vacation at his expense," Remus added.
Hermione's parents looked at each other before her mother Jane asked, "Is there a specific time frame this friend of yours had in mind?"
"Actually he would like it to include July 31st if at all possible."
Jane noticed her daughter perk up at the mention of the date. Obvious it had a special significance to her.
"Would we be traveling alone?" Hermione asked quickly.
Remus smiled at her aware she'd managed to figure things out. "Yes, it would be just your family. Others are shall we say too well connected," Remus replied.
"I don't believe we can reach a decision today Mr. Lupin. Would it be an imposition to ask you to let us have a day to think this offer over?" Mr. Granger asked.
"Not at all sir and please call me Remus. I would like to request that this be kept between the four of us however. There could be unpleasant complications should certain parties find out," Remus added looking at Hermione during the last sentence.
"I understand and will convey your concerns to my folks," Hermione said.
After a few more minutes of polite conversation Remus left hopeful things would work out.
Once he was gone and they were situated in the den Hermione's parents looked at her asking, "So what's going on?"
Hermione smiled saying, "July 31st is Harry's birthday. I think Remus intends for us to visit him where ever he may be."
"What was that bit about others being too well connected," Her father asked.
"If I read that correctly he was referring to the Weasleys. Both Mr. and Mrs. Weasley are friendly with Professor Dumbledore and Mr. Weasley works for the Ministry of Magic."
"And that is a problem because?"
"When Harry sent me his owl for the summer he mentioned his godfather."
"The escaped killer who really wasn't a killer?" her mother asked trying to remember all she knew about the magical world.
"That's the one. He is a close friend of Remus's and from what Ron's hinted in his letters I understand Dumbledore is furious that Sirius took off earlier this year. Then Harry disappeared presumably to go to his godfather. Well the Headmaster isn't too happy with either of them."
"Ah so this will be a clandestine trip," Mr. Granger said.
"Very probably," Hermione said.
Jane looked at her husband then at her daughter saying, "Hermione let your father and I discuss this. We'll let you know tomorrow what we've decided and then you can send an owl to Mr. Lupin."
"Mum it's Harry," Hermione pleaded quietly looking her mother in the eye her own eyes starting to glisten.
"I understand. Let's drop this for now and decide what we are doing for the rest of the afternoon now that we are in London," Jane said .
Hermione nodded taking the opportunity to buss the table
"What was that about?" Alan Granger asked his wife.
"That was your daughter telling her mother things you don't want to know," Jane stated.
Later that evening as they got ready for bed Alan said, "We can't go Jane, there is just too much going on at the practice."
Jane looked at Alan. He was a good man and a better father than she'd hoped he'd become when she married him still it was obvious he didn't understand his daughter. Perhaps it was due to her only being around for a few months during the summer these last four years but Jane could see how much this 'vacation' meant in her daughter's eyes and she couldn't deny her daughter this request. "Alan would it be possible for one of us to accompany Hermione while the other took care of the practice?" she asked quietly.
He hadn't been married to his wife for this long without being able to realize the look he was getting. He put off answering by pretending to think his way through their schedule while actually trying to come up with a counter argument. Finally he gave up. "Yes it might be possible," He allowed.
"You or me?"
"You, you're her mother I suspect that dad would only mess this up totally," Alan said in defeat.
"You never know old dad might surprise himself," Jane said giving her husband a hug.
"So should we go tell Hermione?"
"No let her think this took a lot longer to decide. That might help us later on," Jane advised.
Then following morning Hermione came down stairs looking at her mother searching for a hint of the decision. Jane thought about playing the cards a little closer to the vest but seeing how nervous Hermione was she decided to be open with her daughter. "It will be just you and I going on vacation this year. Your father feels someone should be working at the practice as we do have patients booked for that time frame," Jane said watching her daughter break into a big smile when she realized she would be visiting Harry on his birthday.
Several days later after notifying Remus Hermione and her mother made their way to Heathrow where Remus met them passing them two tickets and a note. "Why so cloak and dagger?" Mrs. Granger asked.
"It is critical that you are not followed. Your destination would reveal too much to the wrong people," Remus replied keeping an eye on them until their plane left insuring his friends' privacy.
Once they were in the air Jane turned to her daughter asking, "Just how much importance should I give to your desire to spend Harry's birthday with him?"
"Not much Harry is just a friend," Hermione said avoiding her mother's gaze.
"A friend that is a boy."
"He's just a friend who happens to be a boy."
"I will believe that when you look me straight in the eye and tell me that even in the hidden corner of your heart you do not wish that Harry was the reverse of what you just said a boyfriend," Jane said locking her eyes on Hermione only to see her quickly look out the window. "I thought so. So how do you plan to move yourself from friend who is a girl to girlfriend."
"I don't have a plan," Hermione mumbled.
"It's a long flight we'll figure something out," Jane said winking at her daughter causing the girl to break out in giggles. A little surprised at getting such a girlish reaction from her normally studious daughter. 'Just the thought of Harry as a boyfriend has my daughter giggling?' Jane thought watching her daughter compose herself. While wondering just what she could do to break the body conscious mindset her daughter had picked up in the wizarding world. Before going off to Hogwarts Hermione had quickly shed her tops on their visits to the French Rivera and had no qualms about who saw her topless. She was aware puberty would bring some issues but even during her first summer home Hermione's reactions to being seen even by her mother were excessive Jane decided this visit was her opportunity to bring her daughter back to the world she'd been born into.