I'm so sorry it took so long!

My deepest thanks to Rachel Tooley and bellared245, who helped me with this babe!

Step Sixteen

Kagome would never understand wizard's fascination with quick methods of travel. Floo Network, Apparition, and Portkeys were so uncomfortable. All the stretching, not to say the ash in your mouth and other orifices. She enjoyed driving, feel the wind blowing the hair while focusing on nothing but the road. She checked Amy one last time before the light was green again. Her almost daughter was distracted with her toys. She could swear one of them was on the floor a seconds before she saw it in Amy's hand again. She promised herself to pay more attention. Accidental magic can be dangerous.

"We have the whole day to ourselves, what do you want to do, Ami-chan?" the baby babbled in response, two big front teeth stamping the happy face. Amy relished when people talked to her. The flare turned green again, Kagome focused back on the road. "No, Tee-Tee is with Aunt Andromeda today. What's the other option? Not the Burrow, Auntie Molly is preparing Fred and George's birthday tomorrow. Fred? I'm getting jealous, you like him more than you like me. Are you going to steal my boyfriend, you little witch? I'm watching you. Do you think Uncle Fred will have lunch with us? He's working, you know? Well, if he doesn't, we can always have ice cream somewhere. Isn't it surprising that we never went to his shop before?" Amy squeaked. Kagome checked on her through the rearview mirror. She wondered for a moment if Amy really understood what she said but dismissed the thought quickly.

Fred double checked his wardrobe, looking for his favorite robes. They weren't in the laundry, or on his bed, and definitely not in the wardrobe. In fact, only a handful set of mismatched clothes were there. Without time to spare thinking about it, he went for his second source of clothing: George's room.

He walked the short distance between their rooms and opened the door without ceremony. The room was filled with Angelina's touch: a poster of the Quidditch team she had signed with, pictures of the happy couple, Fred even spotted underwear and some of the Wonderwitch products in the nightstand. Quickly grabbing what he wanted, he left.

Downstairs, he greeted Verity and Emmett, the new employee. Business was finally back on track after the war. With April's Fools Day so close, children and not so young people filled the corridors of Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes looking for the perfect prank. Angelina was in front of the counter talking to some kids, probably her fans if the quills and parchments were any clues. He didn't remember when she arrived. Fred wasn't home the night before, or any other night in that week. It was the explanation for the lack of clean, and dirty, clothes in his room, but he only realized that with some help from Angelina.

"I have to come to the shop to finally talk to you." Emmett made his wage worth and stole the kids' attention with explosive and colorful products. "I thought you moved and forgot to inform George."

"Where would I have moved to? Certainly not back to the Burrow.."

"Really? When was the last time you had dinner here? Or woke up in your own bed? I've been here every night for the past week and this is the first time I see you. The cat ate your tongue? Fine, let's get this straight. We, George and I, are thinking about moving together, but for now, it would be a waste to buy or rent another place. The flat is perfect for two but too crowded for three. Why don't you go live with Kagome? I have yet to meet her but she didn't seem to mind having you every day."

"Am I being kicked out from my own house? What will come next, force me into marriage? Give me a break, Captain, I don't want to rush things."

"Rush? RUSH? Sweet Merlin. Just think about it, okay? I have never seen you this happy, don't waste your time. And don't make me waste mine." What Angelina didn't know was that Fred thought about it more than he should. It was a silent agreement between them. He would show up there, have dinner, talk and just fall asleep. The recent development was sharing a bed without clothes on. Deep down he feared to change that untold agreement would change their relationship.

The thing about silent agreements is that they usually work as long as they are kept that way: silent. People tend to follow it unconsciously but walk on eggshells when it becomes formal.

His thoughts were interrupted by crashing sounds and screams coming from outside. The customers crowded around the windows, small kids on the tips of their toes trying to have a better look. George called him and they used the backdoor to find out what was happening.

Two Aurors restrained a vicious looking stranger. The British Wizarding community wasn't big and Fred and George had a great number of business connections. That meant if they didn't recognize someone, they certainly weren't from there. Water barrels and trash bins were blown, leaving a trail of rubbish along the alley. A familiar mass of black hair was hunching on the ground holding a bundle with a third Auror guarding the area while a fourth one was close to her. There was a gash on the side or her purple sweater. Even from distance, he could see the leaking blood forming a puddle.

"Stay back, Mr. Weasley," said the Auror, who he recognized as Mr. Taisho, when Fred and George tried to get to Kagome.

"What happened here? I want to talk to Kagome!"

"All we know that man hexed and stabbed Kagome-chan. Was she alone, I'm sure she could have easily dealt with him but she focused on shielding Amy and got hurt. He will be taken for interrogation but our priority is making sure the bleeding stops-"

"What are you waiting to take her to St Mungo's'?!"

Angelina, who came looking for George, held back Fred. Her remarkable strength for years of Quidditch paid off. "Don't be rude, Fred! They are trying to help."

"Thank you, young lady. You can try your luck, Mr. Weasley. Kagome-chan isn't letting anyone get close enough. Her instincts are still high on protective mode. Just be careful and try not to scare her."

Fred knew what he meant, having heard from Bill and Kagome herself about the few situations where she lost control over her powers. The Miko Ki isn't supposed to hurt, much less humans. However, the same knowledge needed to heal can he easily used to kill. "She won't hurt me," he said.

In hurried steps, he approached Kagome and knelt in front of her. She had a firm but gentle hold of Amy, identifiable only by the curly red hair popping from the crook of Kagome's arm. Her powers so wild she was almost glowing. He felt refreshed, light, relaxed. Fred fought the urge to sit down by her side and dive into her warmth. He put his hand over her much smaller visible one and caressed her knuckles.

Kagome felt fingertips touching her skin. Her mind was foggy, as if she was waking up from a deep slumber. The pierced flash on her side stung, bringing her back to the real world. The weight in her arms assured her precious cargo was still there, intact.

The stalker, as she told Touga later that day, started following her in the Leaky Cauldron. With Amy, she couldn't approach, hide or outrun him. She tried to get to Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes, Fred would sure take care of Amy for a few moments. Her only goal was to protect her baby and she reinforced her barrier around her. When the hex came, she couldn't repeal fast enough. Then she felt a foreign energy wrapping around her and she entered in a trance. Her mind was a blank canvas and she mentally curled in the void until an aura she knew too well approached her.

Kagome entwined her fingers around the one caressing her before slowly opening her eyes. Her blue gems met his worry filled brown ones. "If you keep looking at me like this my boyfriend will get jealous."

"Too bad for him I already stole his girl. How are you feeling, love?"

"As if some creep stabbed me. Can you help me up? My legs are on vacations."

"I'll carry you, my flat is just across the street." He didn't have her a chance to reply, already with a hand on her back and the other under her knees. He got up and adjusted her weight. "Are you comfortable?"

"Your robes will be ruined. Blood stains are hard to remove."

"Don't worry, these are George's."

Barely half an hour later, Kagome was back home, a parade of redheads with her. Molly arrived soon with Bill and Fleur. It took some convincing to let Molly apparate with Amy while Fred carried her.

For some reason, no healing charm worked. The makeshift bandages hadn't held the bleeding for long. The stretching of apparition only made things worse and soon there was blood dripping all around the house. Kagome flatly refused to taken to St Mungos', claiming she had everything she needed at home.

As the group soon discovered, Kagome had an inventory that would put Snape to shame. Behind a door hidden in the closet was a room with several colored cabinets. Hanging on the walls were roots, buds, flowers, dry leaves. On the tables, several basins over lighters, some empty, some filled. Fleur saw through a glass several vials with a red liquid. Forcing her eyes to read the label, she saw her husband's name and different dates in all of them.

"She asked for samples," he said when she questioned him. "I don't know why she wanted it and I never bothered to ask."

Bill didn't need to be ordered. He moved around the place with expertise. Red for first aid kit, green for ointments, navy blue for anesthetics, light blue for the sewing kit. He learned a long time ago the muggle way to treat deep cuts, having witnessed the girl stitching herself together using a mirror to guide her hands. He never wanted to do that again but was glad for knowing how to.

To say Fred was comfortable at seeing his older brother touching his girlfriend in such an intimate way was a lie. She had her shirt lifted to bunch beneath her breasts, giving him easy access to the bruise. Under his and Fleur's heavy stares, Bill cleaned the cut. And infection had already started to spread and Kagome guided him to prepare a concoction. Sweat rolled down her neck and back, a clear indication of the pain she refused to demonstrate.

"Like old times," said Bill as he stitched the wound.

"And you still have the hand light as a feather, I can barely feel the piercing."

"I learned from the best. Now shut up."

"Git," she murmured. Bill looked up and she feigned innocence.


"Very mature," she pouted. "Hey, you don't try to use Silencio. I was assaulted, it gives me a free pass to bitch."

They bickered for the rest of the process. It was clear to everyone it was only to lighten the mood. It's been awhile since any of them saw the old, carefree, Bill. Even Fleur, still not used to see her husband interacting with female friends, had to muffle a laugh after a share of pleasantries about old scars.

Before going to bed later that day, Fred found Kagome looking at her image through a full body mirror. Molly took Amy to the Burrow, alleging Kagome couldn't lift weights without the risk of opening the stitches. Bill, Fleur, and Angelina left with her to help with the preparations for the upcoming party and George had to go back to business. He felt Kagome uneasy all along the day, often looking away whenever she thought the others weren't paying attention.

She unrolled the bandages from her upper body. Where only hours ago was pouring blood now had a purple hematoma and a clean healing gash. One would never say it happened that same day. With the pad of her fingers, she pressed gently the bruised area and hissed. Her face turned into a worried scowl.

"It's gone, they took it. The jewel shards, all of them! They were here, the same place where the Shikon no Tama originally laid. That's why I never went to St Mungus', they would detect and probably remove it."

"And when you did plan to tell me? After someone stabbed you to death to get it? Well, I think it's time now."

"I felt it when we got back. It was safer here than in some porch."

"Why didn't you put in a vault? Don't you trust the goblins?"

"There are dragons there. The power of the shards could lure them and cause a mayhem. Also, teenagers managed to break in, your friends, you must remember."

"You have a point." He turned her and wrapped her little frame in his arms. She leaned in, inhaling his male scent. "Don't worry, we will figure it out." She nodded against his chest.

"It's a shame I didn't get to your shop. It looked really fun from outside."

"If you want a private tour, there's still time."

"Woah! You guys are geniuses! Do you have any idea how difficult it is to create charms?" They ate at the Leaky Cauldron and now Fred was giving her the promised tour through the store.

"George and I basically spent our fifth year creating these, then sixth and seventh testing and getting to know our customers."

"Billy told me how mad your mother was when you got only three OWLs. I guess those were well-deserved grades." She walked through the stands of products, reading packages and picking random items that called her attention. "You have a great place here. I wish I could have come sooner, Amy will love it."

In the three months (if you discount the time in Sengoku Jidai) since Fred and Kagome started dating, and particularly in the last fortnight, he spent every single night with her. He discovered many things about his girlfriend that he didn't realize in their friendship.

One of them is that she didn't have many friends. He knew she talked to Bill and eventually Fleur on a daily basis due to their work at Gringotts; Inuyasha would often send her owls or drop by suddenly for a few hours, then disappear for months. Another thing was that she had a second job at home, in which she spends a lot of her free time brewing potions. She had a list of clients, one of them his own brother Charlie, who greatly valued her products.

The consequence of the combination of these two factors was that Kagome rarely went out if not for business. She would attend the family dinners his mother liked to promote, often took Amy to the park, but for her own entertainment, it was rare. And Fred knew it was also partially his fault for not taking her on dates more often. It was just too comfortable to spend a night cuddling at home.

Fred saw Kagome looking through the window to the darkened street. The Ministry did a formidable job in covering any signs that there was a disturbance earlier that day. She was touching the place where she was stabbed.

"A penny for your thoughts."

"Do you know something that pisses me off? They didn't notice a change on me. Or it was so slight they didn't think about commenting. Do I look the same since I was fifteen?"

"You were a pretty hot fifteen, then. No wonder Bill had all hots for you. Everyone knew that, the way he talked. Mom was waiting for when he would formally introduce you as his girlfriend."

"Girlfriend? As if. We would have never worked as a couple."

"Not a couple… Something else, maybe?"

Kagome crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyes met Fred's, daring him. "What do you really want to know? Whenever we talk about Bill you start to dance with your words. You are better than that, Fred. If you want to know if I slept with him you will have to ask. "

Did he really want to know? The question crossed his mind several times. To be honest with himself, he knew the answer. The real question was if it really mattered. What difference would it make if she confirmed what he already knew? His own insecurity made him jealous of his second favorite brother, the same brother who supported him into pursuing the relationship from the very beginning. Would he feel the same if it was George? Probably not, so why was he fussing so much about Bill?

His answer didn't come in words.

He grabbed the back of her neck and engulfed her in a hungry kiss which she immediately responded. His hands slid down to the back of her thighs and easily placed her on the nearest counter, the crashing sounds ignored. In seconds her sweater was gone. His own jacket and shirt followed right after. She moaned when he nibbled the sensitive skin of her neck. Her head tilted to the side, giving him easy access. Fred trailed wet kisses along her skin, not leaving an inch untouched by his lips.

Fred lowered the straps of Kagome's clothing and bra, exposing her lovely mounds for him to worship. And worship them he did. His tongue teased a nipple while a hand paid attention to its twin. She squirmed under his touch, her nails digging into his scalp to keep him where she wanted. He was thankful she liked to wear loose dresses as it made easier for him to remove the bothersome piece of clothing.

Kagome gasped when a finger found her clit, her already ragged breaths now came in pants. He pressed the hardened nub, enjoying her soft mewing. He soaked a finger with her own juices before penetrating. He already knew her weak spots and rendered her in a moaning mess in a matter of minutes.

"Fr-Fred, please…"

"Please what, love? If you want something you have to ask for it."

"You bast-" A loud moan interrupted her sentence.

Fred smirked as Kagome seemed to have lost her ability to speak. He could feel her inner walls tightening when he inserted a second finger.

"I have enough love for both of us." He smirked when she groaned. "Why so fed up, love?"

"I know you want it too, Freddie." She pulled the hand from her core and lifted the soaked fingers to her mouth, licking and sucking each without breaking eye contact. His pants became uncomfortable tight. "Take me. I'm all yours."

All his. Only his. Those words triggered a whirlwind of emotions inside him. Possessiveness. Happiness. Completion. Love. He remembered the night he almost died and coincidentally she entered his life. He didn't remember her face back then but he would never forget the feeling, that peaceful energy that guided him back to life when he was ready to move on. It was the same energy he felt. However, instead of filled with sympathy it was filled with joy.

He lifted her from the countertop as they finally joined. He didn't remember her removing his clothes, there was a possibility he unconsciously vanished them in his need of skin contact. With each thrust, she cried his name and dug her blunt nails into his back. She clung to him as if her life depended on it.

She was close. He knew he wouldn't last much longer either. With the little freedom to maneuver he had, Fred changed the angle and thrusted a few more times until Kagome screamed his name and came undone in his arms. The contractions drove Fred to his own completion.

They stood there, clutched to each other. Fred worried his legs would fail had he tried to move a muscle. He finally lowered her back to the countertop after several minutes and fell to his knees, between her legs, his head finding its way to rest on her stomach. Grabbing the forgotten wand that laid close to his feet, he summoned the discarded clothes and apparated them home.

A fuming George came a few minutes later to fix the mess.

The colorful tent covered part of the Burrow's yard. Under it, tables and chairs lined around a feet tall twin shape-shifting cakes. Molly celebrated each of her children birthdays in the past eleven months, grateful all of them still lived. Former schoolmates and Order members were invited. Even the not so pleasant Aunt Muriel was welcomed in the celebration. Formalities forgotten, everyone focused on having a good time.

Kagome kept stealing glances in the direction of the old well, guilty over not being there in over a fortnight. Was it too selfish not want to risk your comfortable life? She had a niece/daughter, a job, a boyfriend, a few but valuable friends. It's not as if she didn't care about Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippou, she just didn't connect to them like before. And she knew very well she was reluctant on connecting to them again. How could she just go back and pretend she still was dying to be with her 'friends'? All she knew was she couldn't go back as if everything was the same as before.

She half wanted for Fred to stay behind, half was glad on his insistence to accompany her. Stubborn he may be, but smart and loyal as the lion of his Hogwarts house. They packed enough for a couple months, planning on leaving that same night after the party was over. A new broomstick was brought, faster and stable; protecting charms provided by Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes also stored. A camping tent, clothes, ingredients, cauldrons, and lighters. Nothing the fifteen-year-old Kagome would ever think about taking.

When Aunt Muriel came and demanded her right to pamper her great niece, Fred used the chance to drag his girlfriend to the dancefloor. The song changed to a slow dance. "Why the pout?"

She sighed and laid her head on his chest. Fred wasn't tall as Bill or Percy, but still towered her. "Just mentally checking if we have everything."

"I'll be there with you no matter what."

The dance continued with a few spins and twists until the music changed again. Having lost her family at a young age and having little to no friends while growing up, she wasn't used to this kind of gathering. The few times she went out as an adult was with Inuyasha, after Bill left Egypt. Even then, their busy and odd schedules kept them apart most of the time. This healthy and friendly environment was where she wanted Amy to grow up.

The remaining guests were having a catch-up chat when Kagome sneaked with Fred to say goodbye to Amy. She was sitting on the floor, surrounded by toys and a replica of herself that could only be Teddy developing his natural talent. He shifted back upon seeing the two adults.

Kagome dropped to her knees. "Amy-chan, auntie Kagome and uncle Fred are leaving now but we will be back soon. You won't even miss us." The baby was looking straight into the Miko's eyes. "Daisuki da yo."

Kagome leaned to place a kiss on the crown of Amy's head and noticed something shining in her hand.

"'Omee." She said, before raising the tiny hand and depositing the piece of glass on Kagome's hand. She squeaked and resumed her game with Teddy.

Fred rushed her to the back door. "We have time to figure it out later," he said before casting a Disillusionment Charm over both of them.

As expected, they were back on the same night they left, barely a few minutes later, according to the stopwatch Kagome hid in the well before jumping in.

It's been some time since they were there and Fred didn't trust the three D's to apparate back to the camp. With Kagome's directions, it took them less than an hour to find the group again. Unfortunately or not, Inuyasha was back. Kagome ghosted a kiss on the back of his neck, more to give herself confidence (patience) than anything, and they landed.

"You reek of alcohol," said Inuyasha as soon as they hit the ground.

"It would be surprising if I wasn't," Kagome said with a grin. "I managed to sneak some cake for us." She handed them the pastry. "The orange is pumpkin, I think? The shape was shifting so fast I caught what I could. The dark one is chocolate."

"Is that why you left so abruptly? To party with this wimp?"

Kagome struggled to control her temper and the alcohol wasn't helping. She didn't mind foul mouth, dealing with people from all over the world on a daily basis and most of them not very refined when it comes to words. Name calling, however, she loathed. Despised. Especially when directed to someone she cared. Inuyasha should have known that after the countless times she defended him when people called him mutt or half-breed.

Fred hid the smirk behind a bottle of butterbeer he summoned to impress Shippou. The fox kit still amazed for having another magic user with them.

"First, Fred has a name, use it. Second, I'm back, ain't I? I spent less than a night at home." Fred spilled his drink. "Be happy that I ain't gone for a month."

"You have to collect the shards! It's your fault the jewel is broken."

"I'm well aware of my duties, Inuyasha, there's no need to remind me every other day." Sobered enough, she stood. "I'm going to change, if you excuse me."

Fred watched the dialogue with minimal interest, pulling together the tent for he too was tired after a night of little sleep and a full day. Shippou gladly helped. When Kagome stormed off the camp, he silently sent his Patronus to look after her.

"What's that?" asked Shippou, looking at the silvery fox disappearing in the woods.

"It's a pure, protective magical concentration of happiness and hope, one of the most powerful defensive charms. Last time I used this charm, it was a hyena." Fred looked at the tent, pleased with himself. "It will look after Kagome. Only a precaution."

"You care a lot for Kagome, don't you?"

"What's not to care? Except maybe when she's stubborn."

"Kagome is different now. The others didn't realize it yet but she isn't the same Kagome from before." At Fred's questioning look, he added. "She's not arguing with Inuyasha just because he pissed her off, she's standing up for herself. Her scent is no longer stained with worry or self-doubt. She's happy, happy and pleased. And she smells like you, and you are drenched on her scent like my daddy and mommy used to be. You make Kagome happy and I like you for that."

"You are very perceptive for a kid."

"Thank you." Shippou puffed his chest. "Do you think I can do this Patron thing?"

Kagome quickly found the path to the stream near the camp, the silver fox a comforting companion. She changed from the purple robes to comfy pajamas and descended in the river bank wash her face from the makeup.

Talking with Inuyasha would require a lot of self-control. It would be detrimental to lose her cool on his presence as before. She didn't know why was she so defensive towards him but she had a feeling it had something to do with his conflicting youkai nature. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to talk to them so soon. The plan was to stay in Sengoku Jidai for two months and it was only the first day.

The Miko stood again and let the Patronus guide her back. She decided to talk to Fred about it later.

The invitation to sleep inside the tent was denied by Miroku and Sango. Inuyasha jumped in a branch and stayed there. Shippou was only one willing to try. If staying in the bathtub for almost an hour was any indication, he liked it very much.

Devouring the last remnants of cake, Shippou sat in the king-sized bed with Kagome and Fred. The latter had his head in Kagome's lap whilst she combed his hair with her fingers. They decided, since Shippou had been the most accepting member of the group towards Fred, to open up to him first.

"Shippou." The young fox looked up. "Someone told me you think I'm different. Well, it's true, and there's a reason for it."

"Is it because you got over Inuyasha and Fred is courting you? If Inuyasha didn't realize it yet it's because he's in denial. I like Inuyasha but he's always going after Kikyou and leaving us behind."

"You are partially correct. We've been dating for a few months but there's much more behind it."

The kitsune heard the tale, the existence of people called Inuyasha, Touga, Sango, and Miroku in the future not mentioned, as they weren't relevant to the events, or Amy, because luck was never on her side and she prefered not to even mention her niece there. He asked for more details every time it reached a turning point.

"What about your family? Or the other family? The other Kagome's family? This is too confusing."

"We don't know," said Fred and Kagome, simultaneously.

Shippou had an indecipherable look on his face. His mouth opened and closed a couple times before he let the words out. "But… But.. You are still Kagome, right?" he asked, tentatively.

Kagome nodded. "It will take time for me to grow used to Sengoku Jidai again but I'm still Kagome. A different version, maybe-"

"The better version," added Fred.

"A different version but still me. Can you accept this new Kagome?"

"If I can accept? Of course, I can! Naraku better not mess with you! I can't wait to see Inuyasha's face when you kick asses! And he worried about Kouga. Now neither stand a chance!"

"You are amazing, Shippou. Took it so well." she picked him up and wrapped him in a tight embrace. "Thank you."

With one more person to share the load of secrecy until the opportunity came to open up with the others, the next days were easier and passed in a blur. There was an eventual mindless youkai trying to get the shards, villagers needing help against a vicious spirit and an ominous cloud hovering over a castle with a promise of back luck to the Lord. Nothing out of usual.

Slowly, the bond between Kagome, Sango and Miroku was being reestablished. The Miko shared tiny bits of her new life and magical experiences in Egypt, using the old-fashioned lie that it happened to a friend of a friend. The memories brought back the nostalgia and she secretly wished to have Bill back as her partner. The curse-breaker felt the same but the opportunity to go back to the field hadn't come yet.

After a fortnight, it was Inuyasha's least favorite time of the month. Shippou was the one to suggest to wait until the night of New Moon. Now, they were back at Kaede's village, spending the remaining dark hours at the old priestess' hut.

"Inuyasha will still be grumpy, but it's easier to restrain him on his human night," he justified.

The half demon was hurt from a battle earlier that day that granted them a couple shards. The fact it was Fred's quick use of the Shield Charm followed by Stupefy, that saved him from further damage, didn't help his mood. Fred would forever thank Harry and Hermione for Dumbledore's Army.

In battles, Fred's main focus was to support Kagome. She insisted she was the healer of the group and wouldn't be in front line when the truth was that her arrows enhanced with holy energy, with the right support provided by the wizard, finished many opponents. Stunning charm followed by a sacred arrow was a deadly combination.

Kagome could heal Inuyasha in a matter of minutes, that kind of injury would require a simple increase in the muscle recovery rate in the affected area. With his natural accelerated healing, it would be even faster, but she was unsure of her powers around him. The uneasiness has lessened a great deal but not enough for her to try infusing ki directly into him. Her potions, however, worked greatly.

"Are you going home, Kagome-chan?" Asked Sango. "It's been three weeks. You usually don't stay this long."

Putting down the tea she was holding, Kagome gave a quick glance to Fred and Shippou, who gave her supporting glances.

"Guys, I need to tell you something." She straightened her back and held her head high. In full the business mood, she said, "You must have noticed changes on me in the last few weeks. Those are completely reasonable according to the events that preceded my return. I'm not Kagome Higurashi, fifteen years old middle school student anymore. I shall introduce myself again. I'm Kagome Higurashi, twenty-seven years old, trained priestess, working for the Gringotts as curse-breaker and translator." The others looked at her as if she has grown a second head. "I would like for you to listen to me before bringing your questions as it will be easier to keep the track of events."

Remembering exactly what she told Shippou, Kagome was straightforward and narrated the events as if briefing a to-do list. Details were given but without personal additions. Inuyasha was taken aback, Sango felt for her friend's losses. Miroku and Kaede had the final pieces for a puzzle. Miroku was the first to speak.

"Lady Kagome, thank you for trusting us again with the truth."

Sango clasped Kagome in a bear hug, knowing too well the feeling of being the last of your family. She too needed time to trust the shard hunt group before and was willing to win back her friend. After a few seconds of awkwardness, Kagome reciprocated the gesture, wetting the slayer's kimono with traitorous tears that dared to fall. No words were needed.

After Kaede had her chance to talk to the Miko and reiterate her support, the only who had yet to say something was Inuyasha, who had his arms crossed and sent daggers through his eyes. Everyone waited for him. The deafening silence inside the hut was palpable.

Inuyasha looked at the woman who claimed to be his friend. The scent she carried confirmed her tale. He couldn't find a trace of her mother's cinnamon perfume in her clean clothes, or the old pine and cotton aroma of her old grandfather. Not the usual young and carefree stench of sweat and sweets from her brother, who ran home from his football training just to say goodbye to his sister. It was all gone. In place, he could distinguish the reek of Fred Weasley all over the place, and the distinct trace of magic mixed with pure lavender and cherry blossoms. And her own alluring scent was the same but now tainted with a slight grief, spiced with maturity, and flavored with a passion unknown to him. She looked at him expectantly.

He saw the way she sat close to Fred, knee to knee, fingers meeting casually, as if it was only an accident the fact they were touching, seeking the reassurance he gladly provided. In his mind, he recalled the past weeks. Furtive glances, inner jokes, compliments, touches. His Kagome wasn't the innocent schoolgirl in love for the first time with a half-demon but a grown up woman that could have simply vanished and never went back to finish the shard hunt. There was a new light around her and he couldn't be more relieved. Except for one thing.

"You lost the shards again!"

Thank you all for your reviews! I know this update is REALLY late but your words keep me motivated!

I promise it won't take seven months again for an update!

Please, send me your thoughts, suggestions, critics, ideas!

Check for future updates on fb/PatrinePtn