Author has written 6 stories for Bourne series, Thor, and Harry Potter. I am a scribbler of stories, a long-buried habit which has resurrected itself with a vengeance. I am a scientist, professor, parent, spouse, and definitely a geek. I loathe Martha Stewart and housework, love my stories so much that the characters make me cry when I write particularly wrenching scenes, and am working on my own original pieces of fiction. I post fanfiction for the things that interest me and claim no ownership of the characters that inspire me, but I do so love taking them for a gallop through my own imagination. My stories, quite simply, sing to me. I love receiving feedback from readers, as it has been decades (quite literally) since I wrote to amuse myself and thus I crave feedback. I can't quite believe that so many of you believe what I write is good, honestly. Thank you for your reading and encouragement, and for your own prose if you are bold enough to post yourself. I want to say something to readers: it's lovely to follow stories. It's nice to favorite them. But neither of those things help a struggling author who isn't paid to do this to continue a story you like. Reviews are the coin of the realm, readers, and if you don't give them, you are disincentivizing your favorite authors to write for you. Write a review to help a struggling author. If you're going to criticize, soften the blow with something nice, hell, several nice somethings. It takes guts to put your writing out for public consumption. Every time you read a story and don't review it, you are perpetuating the problem of crappy work in fanfiction. If you want the good writers to stick around, you have to reward them. So for God's sake, REVIEW stories you like! |