Author's notes:
Standard disclaimer. It all belongs to JKR. Thank you for letting us play with your toys.
I will continue to use the occasional song lyric in the story and will give credit at the time when needed.
This is the sixth book in my Slytherin Harry series and covers Harry's fifth year at Hogwarts.
Book 1: Harry Potter and the Muggle's Daughter
Book 2: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Book 3: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Book 4: Harry Potter and the Blood Traitor's Daughter
Book 5: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Book 6: Harry Potter; Flesh, Blood and Bone
If you haven't read books 1-5 you won't know what's going on. But the bonus is you've got five completed books before you even get to this one!
Fair warning, it may take a while to become evident, but this story is quite dark and earns its Mature rating.
Harry Potter; Flesh, Blood and Bone
Chapter XIII
Flesh, Blood and Bone
"Other than the fact he shouldn't be alive there's nothing," Bill said. Once again the order had gathered to try and deal with the possibility Harry might be a Horcrux. Bill had spent the last number of weeks viewing and reviewing the memories of both Harry's, and any witnesses' to, his near death experiences for any indication Dumbledore's belief might be true and he'd come up empty. Andi also had found nothing in her most recent practice sessions to indicate something was hiding from both her and Harry within his mind. Though she admitted to possibly having been over cautious in her efforts for fear of alerting the Horcrux if it were true.
"There has to be a way of confirming it," Sirius said angrily.
"Not one I can think of that doesn't alert the Horcrux if we try it," Bill countered.
Lily pressed her lips together tightly while wracking her mind for an answer. Something had been tugging at her but she just couldn't put her finger on it.
"Does it matter?" Anders asked.
"Of course it matters," Sirius snapped angrily.
Anders held up his hand. "I know it matters, Sirius. What I mean is, if we can find a way of destroying the sliver of soul within a Horcrux without destroying the object, we could simply precede to use the method on Harry. If he is a Horcrux, it will be destroyed. If he isn't, then nothing happens. Either way we've the answer we need."
"A point that might matter if we had a way of destroying a Horcrux without destroying the object," Bill said. "Which we don't."
"Healer Leotie," Lily blurted.
"And here we go again," Sirius muttered as everyone focused on her. "What brilliance have you come up with now?"
"She's an aura reader," Lily said. "I'm certain of it. She could tell us if Harry's carrying that bastard's soul around without alerting it we were on to it."
"Bloody hell," Bill said. "She probably already knows. That's why she was so shook on seeing him."
Sirius stood so quickly he knocked his chair over. "I'll go tell them to fire up the jet."
"I'm coming with," Lily said. She gave Bill a quick kiss before hurrying after Sirius.
"And that would be me as well," Remus said. The three of them were nearly out the door when Lily called, "You as well, Rowena."
"Yes, Ma'am," she said and hurried to follow after the others.
The four of them were gone so quickly they left a bit of an awkward silence in their wake. "I guess that about wraps things up for tonight," Amelia eventually said. "Unless anyone has anything else to report?"
"Other than Draco's mother has retained a new solicitor," Anders said, "no."
"Who?" Amelia asked.
"Orfin Thewule."
Amelia nodded. "It won't matter. Not if we have enough backers on forcing him to take veritaserum. And with a conviction for the use of an Unforgivable on another human being we'll have no trouble with that."
"The concern is just in trying to wring information out of him, correct?" Bill asked. "The fact he cast the Cruciatus on Tonks is enough he's in Azkaban for life, right?" He knew the law as well as any of them but, as it was Ginny that Draco had targeted, his concern was understandable
"He'll be convicted," Amelia assured.
"Good," Bill said.
Amelia started to speak again when a silver streak flashed into the room and came to a stop in front of her. It formed into the shape of a lion and spoke with Rufus Scrimgeour's voice. "There's been an attack."
"Damnit," she swore, already striding out the door.
Yenene Leotie looked unerringly back at Lily with her milky white eyes. "All of you but Lady Potter will leave," she said softly.
Both Sirius and Remus tensed while Rowena shifted uneasily. They had never given the woman Lily's true name. "Easy," Lily said, holding up a hand.
"Lils," Sirius warned.
"It's no secret I'm alive," Lily said.
"It is secret that we're here though," Remus said.
"A secret I am far more vested in keeping from Lady Potter's enemies than any of you might be," Healer Leotie said with a hint of anger.
"Outside," Lily said, "all of you." Remus and Sirius continued to look mutinous but quickly moved to comply when Rowena stood and left. "And no Eaves Dropping Charms," Lily added as they went out the door. Neither man replied, though Sirius closed the door with a bit more force than was strictly necessary. Lily smiled tightly at the other woman. "They're a bit protective," she said.
"Because they have failed in the past," Healer Leotie answered.
"We've all failed in the past," Lily answered. She waited a beat. "You may wish to ward the room."
"You do not trust them to obey?"
Lily shrugged. "As you said, they've failed in the past."
The healer tipped her head, considering. "I believe they will obey in this instance."
"Your decision," Lily agreed. She waited under the woman's gaze. "What do you see?"
"Scars," the woman answered. "Bonds of love severed in the most brutal of betrayals."
"I imagine that would be my sister," Lily answered, a tear sliding down her cheek.
"How so?"
"When the world thought I was dead Harry was sent to live her… They tortured him."
"Attempted to kill him, yes?"
"You can see that in me?"
"In him." Yenene answered. Lily bowed her head painfully. "If it helps, your son is mostly healed from his ordeal
Lily looked up sharply. "Mostly?"
"Will you ever fully heal from your sister's betrayal?"
Lily turned away again. "No," she whispered.
"Why have you come here, Lily Potter?"
Lily took a breath, forcing the daemon that was her sister from her mind and focused on the other woman. "I recently learned something and I hoped you might be able to confirm it for me. But first I need to ask if you know what a Horcrux is?"
The woman shook her head. "I cannot say that I do."
Lily sighed. "Quick and dirty, it's a means to immortality. By the act of murder, one splits their soul in two. One piece of the soul stays in the body. The second piece is entrapped in an object of the murderer's choice. As long as the object, the Horcrux, remains intact the primary fragment cannot pass beyond the veil between the living and the dead. The body can be killed, expelling the soul, but it remains in the realm of the living in the form of a wraith. Under the proper circumstances the wraith can regain a body, thus returning fully to the realm of the living."
"And this is how your Lord Voldemort is returned from the dead?"
"Yes," Lily answered.
"And it has what to do with me and my gift?"
"We recently came into information that suggests my son may have somehow become an inadvertent Horcrux and be carrying a piece of Tom Riddle's soul. I hoped you could confirm or dispel this theory for me." She stopped and waited while the other woman looked at her. "You saw something," Lily pressed her. "Something that shook you so deeply you gave yourself away."
"I did," Yenene agreed. She paused, closing her eyes as she recalled what she had seen in looking on Harry. "I've encountered only one true soul bond before Harry and Ginny."
"They are truly soul-mates then?" Lily whispered. The wonder of it nearly eclipsing her fears Harry was a Horcrux.
Yenene smiled. "They are. What's more, they've fully accepted it. The bond between them was growing before my very eyes. Of course there is bad in this in that neither will survive the loss of the other."
"You know this for a fact?" Lily asked.
"There is only one way one of them might live without the other; and likely it would only be Ginny that would."
"A child?" Lily asked.
"A pregnancy," Yenene corrected. "The bond is so tightly wound, with so many willing to raise the child, I doubt she would survive the delivery."
Lily let out a slow breath. "And did you see anything else?"
Yenene's smile faded. "Given what you have told me, I fear your fears are correct. There is a great evil attached to your son's soul." Lily slumped in her chair. "Though I believe it is being consumed as the growing bond between he and Ginny joins the bit of your soul in battling against it."
Lily sat up. "Sorry? Could you repeat that?"
Yenene opened her eyes and focused on her again. "For lack of a better term, your son is a Horcrux for you. As that piece of your soul is not the blackened husk of the other, I assume you did not commit a murder to create it, but you should not expect to survive your son's death."
Lily's mind raced with Yenene's words. "The Heart's Shield," she whispered. She'd thought it possible the caster of the spell might survive the Death Curse. Obviously she'd been proved correct. But she hadn't ever been able to answer why. Was it really that simple? Had she given up part of her soul in sacrificing her magic? Given what Yenene was saying it seemed so."
"The Heart's Shield?" Yenene asked.
Lily snapped out of her thoughts. "A spell," she said. "One of my creation I cast on Harry just before Voldemort attempted to kill us and I must ask you to never reveal that information."
"As you have not revealed my secret to anyone," Yenene accused.
Lily flinched but wouldn't let the woman cow her. "With respect, you gave yourself away."
"And you have passed that information into the hands of how many beyond the few who witnessed it?"
Lily held the other woman's eyes for a moment before standing. "I've taken enough of your time." She strode for the door, pausing before opening it. "You have been too kind and given far more to me and mine then I can ever repay. I can only beseech the goddess herself you are never cursed with the sight of any of us again." She opened the door and was gone before the healer could respond.
Shortly before 10pm last night aurors were called to the homes of Florean Fortescue, Dominque Malkin and Ferdinand Blott where, for the first time since the claimed rebirth of the Dark Lord by Minister of Magic Amelia Bones last spring, multiple private citizens were witness to scenes not seen since the Dark Lord was defeated by Harry Potter some fifteen years ago.
Death Eaters!
As many as three-dozen in total were observed from within the properties and nearby residences.
Of course everyone will recognize the names of three of Diagon Alley's most prominent proprietors.
Thankfully quick responses by an auror force on heightened alert averted any fatalities or possible abductions. In fact, only a few minor injuries to responding aurors were reported.
Minister Bones released a brief statement just before this issue went to press.
"We all know the Dark Lord's, or Tom Riddle as is his given name, stated goal is the supposed Pure-Blood agenda. Tom wishes to somehow purge our society of our half-blood and Muggle born brethren. Forgetting the utter fallacy of one's blood somehow making them superior, or the fact our society would simply cease to function with just less than three in four of every witch and wizard alive in the country today removed from it, the truth is, other than terrorizing the good people of our great nation, Tom Riddle has never needed a reason for his acts of barbarity. He is simply a coward hiding behind what is, admittedly, great power.
But I say this to you now, Tom Riddle. We are not afraid. Unlike before, we will not shrink in fear of you. Nor will we tremble when cowards in masks appear on our doorsteps. As Lily Potter did fifteen years ago, we will fight. As three brave families did last night, we will rise up. We will meet you with wands raised. And this time, with the great citizens of this nation behind the likes of Lady Potter, Florean Fortescue, Dominque Malkin, and Ferdinand Blott, there will be no return when you are struck down."
Minister Bones' words were echoed by fellow Diagon Alley proprietor Garrick Olivander of Olivander's Wands.
"I am greatly heartened by not only the words, but the leadership of Minister Bones in this time of crisis. We cannot, and I for one will not, allow fear to stop me fighting for what is right. I was proud to stand against these criminals last night but even more proud to see many of my fellow Diagon Alley compatriots join in and help prevent any real catastrophe from occurring before aurors were able to arrive and take control of the situation.
I offer our Minister great praise and my full support upon seeing the positive results of her efforts over the last number of months."
Lord Voldemort set the paper aside. The world, it seemed, was a far different place from when he'd left it. Or was it? Were the cowards he'd so easily made tremble in fear at the very thought of him really no longer afraid? He found the idea a bit difficult to conceive. Could a populace really so easily change?
More likely the people were just as much the cowards they'd always been, it was simply an inspiring leader giving them false hope that resulted in this renewed resistance. Cut off the head and they would once again be cowering in fear.
"It would seem," he spoke softly, "the people have forgotten whom it is that they are dealing with." The death eaters standing in a semicircle before him fidgeted slightly. They'd been soundly beaten the night before. With two individuals even being taken into custody. No doubt they were expecting retribution for their failures. There would be, of course. But shortly, when they felt safe in having escaped his wrath. Only then would their punishment fall. "What would you suggest we do about this, Narcissa?"
She stepped forward from where she'd been standing just behind his chair, careful to stay just a bit behind him. "Cut off the head, my Lord," she said.
Voldemort smiled grimly. "And whom is it that is the head?" She started to respond but he held his hand up, halting her. "Lord Nott?"
He took a step forward. "The Minister, My Lord."
Voldemort eyed him a moment before shifting to the others. "And would the rest of you agree with Lord Nott's assessment?" There was a general murmuring of ascent from the throng. Voldemort drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair. "And you, Narcissa? Do you agree with Lord Nott?"
"My Lord," she said, "I do not."
"Interesting," he said, amused at the rush of anger he felt coming from Nott and the others directed at Narcissa. "And whom would you say is the head?"
"Lady Potter, my Lord. She stands as false prophet it is possible to resist us… To resist you," she amended. "The Minister is respected, yes, but it is Lady Potter whom the people whisper of."
"Indeed," Voldemort agreed. He focused on the others, letting his eyes come to rest on each of the two-dozen or so assembled for just a moment. "It shall be considered a personal favor to the one who brings me Lady Potter." He paused a moment. "Alive is preferred, but dead will be forgiven." The assembled death eaters said nothing. "Leave us," Voldemort said. Bowing quickly the assembled mob left silently, leaving him alone with Narcissa. "Why were they not punished for their failure?" he asked.
"Because you wished them to believe they'd been forgiven, my Lord."
Voldemort didn't reply and Narcissa, capable student she was, remained silent. So very different from her sister, mistaking her seeming lack of motivation he'd underestimated before. A mistake he would not make again. "Do not fail me in this Narcissa," he said softly. "It will not be forgiven."
"Of course, my Lord."
Harry's hopes for a normal school year came to an end with Voldemort's first attack in early March. For the most part the students were insulated from the goings on of the wizarding world but as March rolled into April and then May, mornings became permeated with fear of what seemed near daily attacks. Led by Minister Bones the ministry, and the auror corps especially, were responding well, but the injuries, deaths and abductions were beginning to mount. Enough so that disturbingly hard lines were beginning to form in the student body. It didn't take a genius to see patterns in the attacks, and students' families who were attacked were uniting together against those who weren't.
"Are you insane or just stupid, Horton?" Harry demanded.
"They're pureblood!" William Horton snarled back. "They're all the same, want all of us dead."
Hermione stepped between the two boys, trying to calm the situation before Harry did something William wouldn't like very much at all. "Neville, Ginny and Luna's family fought for the Light before any of us were even born, and Daphne's family have been working to help defeat Riddle from before he was resurrected last spring. Not all pure-bloods are bigots, William. Just like not all half-blood and Muggle-born are for the Light."
"Name one," he demanded.
"Tom Marlovo Fucking Riddle, otherwise known as the Dark Fucktard, Lord Voldemort, you halfwit," Harry exploded.
Hermione rounded on him. "That is enough!" she snapped. "His family was attacked and his sister is in hospital. Yes, he is angry at the wrong people, but his anger is understandable and you are not helping things by calling him a halfwit." Harry started to respond but she whipped her wand out and pointed it at him. "Do. Not. Say. It."
Harry visibly composed himself before whirling around and stalking off with Ginny hurrying after him
"I'm truly sorry your sister is hurt," Neville said. "If your family has need of assistance, please, do not hesitate to let me know." He took Daphne's hand and the two hurried after Harry and Ginny.
Hermione turned back to William. "I understand you are angry, William, but you truly are attacking your greatest allies."
"So you say," he retorted.
"So I know," Hermione answered.
He glowered at her. "You're a fool if you think any of them have any concern for you at all," he said coldly before turning around and stalking away.
Hermione watched him go before turning to Luna. "What in the world is wrong with your house?" she asked.
"Quite a lot actually," Luna answered. She took Hermione's arm and the two set off after the others.
"I'm sorry," Harry said when Hermione and Luna caught up with them on the first balcony in the clock tower. "I'm just so fucking tired I can't take people being stupid."
"I thought you'd gone to the matron for more Dreamless Sleep," Luna said.
"Well I'd have to actually be having dreams for it to work, wouldn't it?" Harry snapped at her.
"Easy, Baby," Ginny said, placing a hand on his arm.
Harry visibly composed himself. "I'm sorry, Luna. I'm just so fucking exhausted." It was testament to how concerned the others were for him that Hermione didn't reprimand him for his language.
"Maybe we should take tomorrow morning off," Neville offered. "It's O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Level exams) in two days as it is.
"Yeah, whatever," Harry muttered.
"Harry," Ginny tried.
"I'm gonna go lie down," he cut her off and walked away without another word.
The others worriedly watched him go. "Aren't you going to go after him?" Hermione asked.
"I'm just giving him a head start."
Daphne kissed Neville's cheek. "I'll walk with you."
"It's fine," Ginny said. "You stay here."
"Harry's already alone, I'm not leaving you alone as well," Daphne countered.
Ginny sighed. "I knew our perfect year was too good to be true." She set off with the others following, breaking away from her and Daphne when the two turned for the dungeons and the Slytherin common room. Harry had gotten far enough ahead of them he was out of sight and they didn't catch up to him again till they entered the suite of rooms the three were sharing. Ginny slipped into her and Harry's room to find him face down on their bed already passed out. His legs were hanging off the bed and he hadn't even taken his boots off. Sighing, she crossed to him and went to work on the laces. She always liked that Harry wore boots instead of the loafers nearly every other boy in the school sported, but today she could have done without them. Truth be told, she was nearly as exhausted as Harry. After all, she might not be having nightmares, or whatever it was that was preventing him from sleeping, but she was up with him every night. Harry grunted as she picked his legs up and lifted them onto the bed.
"Thang's," he mumbled.
Ginny slipped onto the bed, sitting with her back against the headboard and gently combed her fingers through his hair. "Rest, Babe." Harry gripped her leg tightly; almost painfully so.
"I'm scared," he whispered.
"I'm here," Ginny answered. He gave her leg another squeeze before slowly relaxing. The next thing she knew Ginny was being torn from sleep by Harry screaming and jumping out of the bed.
Five days later Harry was dead on his feet, or rather, as he was currently sitting, on his bum. O.W.L.s were every bit as horrible as advertised. Even if you knew the material, were one of the top students in your year and fully expected to do well, you still had to take them. And Harry had done so on ever-decreasing amounts of sleep. What at first had been difficult had become nearly unbearable, as over the last month things had reached the point he felt he could barely close his eyes without starting awake feeling as if his heart had stopped. He didn't want to even think about how ugly he'd been to his friends and Ginny. Risking a glance at her his guilt only grew. He'd yelled at her again that morning and for the first time she'd snapped back. Amazing really, as she was hardly sleeping better than him. On the one hand he hoped she would. There was no reason for her to suffer like she was. On the other, he was terrified she'd carry through on her threat to sleep with Daphne tonight.
As if she sensed his eyes on her Ginny turned, giving him an unreadable expression. For a moment Harry felt like he might lose her right then and there. He certainly felt as if he deserved it. But then she gave him a tentative smile. The wash of relief through his body was nearly palpable and Harry could do nothing but thank the goddess and every other being that might exist in the universe for giving him such a forgiving girl. Feeling at least a bit better about things Harry winked back. Her smile grew. "Love you," he mouthed. She blushed. She actually blushed and turned away from him and Harry's stomach did a rather large summersault. When she looked back to him again her skin was still flushed but the look in her eye was rather challenging and something far different shifted inside him. Her brow quirked and Harry suddenly couldn't wait for the exam to be finished and for far different things to be occupying his mind; exhaustion had very little on being a randy teenage boy with a willing partner. The things that could be done that didn't involve intercourse seemed limited only by imagination and Ginny, he had found, had a very good imagination. The proctor shifted the parchment she was reading and Harry and Ginny quickly did their best to appear to be engrossed in the exam. Thankfully the woman never actually looked up and Harry let out a slow breath. A glance at Ginny and he could see the smile at the corner of her mouth. Sighing, he turned his eyes back to the exam in front of him. One hour to go.
Ginny was just finishing reviewing her answer to the last question when the silence of the exam room was shattered by a terrified, "NO!" followed by a loud crash. Ginny turned to see Harry in a tangle of limbs and tipped over chair on the floor.
"I say, what is the meaning of this?" the proctor demanded.
Ginny was out of her seat and moving to Harry even as he was scrambling to his feet. He looked frantically about the room as she moved to him. "Harry?" she said. His eyes locked on her and almost before she could blink he'd raised his arm and his wand was leveled on her. For one second Ginny actually feared he might curse her before his hand started shaking.
"I say, that is enough, Mr Potter," the proctor shouted. "There is an exam on yet!"
Harry's eyes remained locked on Ginny in horror. She took a step towards him and he backed hastily away, crashing into another desk he nearly tripped before catching himself. "Harry?" Ginny asked.
Harry grabbed his head in his hands. "No, don't talk, don't talk."
Ginny edged towards him. "Harry?"
"That is enough!" the proctor shouted again to no avail.
Ginny continued moving towards Harry and he backed away from her. "No, don't touch me."
"Harry," she tried again.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Harry roared. Ginny froze. Harry stared at her, his eyes flashing with terror. "What the hell is happening to me?" he whispered.
Luna edged towards him. "Harry?" His eyes snapped to her, freezing her in place.
"Get her out of here," he gasped.
"Harry," Ginny pleaded, taking a step towards him again.
"Get her out of here," Harry snarled, "before I hurt her." Luna just stared at him. "NOW!"
Luna grabbed Ginny's hand and pulled her towards the door. Ginny struggled against her but Luna managed to push her from the room. "Get back here!" the proctor screamed. "This exam is not over."
"Oh do stop," Daphne snapped disdainfully. Daphne ignored the woman gaping at her and moved towards Harry. "What's wrong?" she asked.
"I don't know," he croaked.
"Well," a voice said from across the room, drawing the wide eyes of everyone present. "I should think it's perfectly obvious," Lisa Turpin said.
"Oh is it?" Hermione said disdainfully.
"Of course, he's finally broken the love potion she's had him under." There was dead silence in the room for about ten seconds before chairs, desks and students still in those chairs slid across the floor, creating an open path between Harry and the Ravenclaw Prefect. Startled screams and shouts escaped from the displaced students but before Harry could move Hermione, Daphne and Neville had stepped in his path.
"Anyone with a brain knows that isn't true, Mate," Neville said firmly.
"Anyone with a brain knows it most certainly is," Lisa huffed.
"Ignore her, Harry," Hermione said. "Let's get you to the hospital wing."
Harry looked at her sharply. "I am not under a love potion," he bit out angrily.
"No, but something is obviously going on."
Harry glowered at her for a moment longer. "Fine," he snapped. Spinning on his heal he stalked to the door. Before he left though, he turned back. "That is my wife you're disparaging, Lisa," he said, his voice tightly controlled. "You want to be careful you don't push me to demand satisfaction of you." Lisa visibly paled. Harry turned and stalked out with Hermione and Neville following.
Daphne turned back into the room. Drawing her wand she focused intently on what she wanted, and said, "Accio." Six sheaves of parchment flew up from where they had fallen to the floor to float up in front of her. She plucked them from the air, taking care to make sure they were the six she'd intended before walking over to the proctor and setting them on the desk. "I'm truly sorry for the disturbance, Madam. I think you'll find each of us had already completed the exam and could not possibly have intended or even had time to do anything untoward." She smiled pleasantly. The woman said nothing. Daphne turned to go but stopped and turned back. "Oh, and please do note, I did summon the exams of six specific individuals with that charm without needing to verbally specify the names of those exam writers or that it was the exams themselves I was summoning. Again, I'm very sorry for the disturbance. I rather suspect the deputy Headmistress will bring you an explanation shortly… Good day to you."
"He's been obliviated," Bill said. It hadn't taken long to get Harry to the infirmary and gather the relevant parties; himself, Lily, Andi, Matron Pomfrey, and Rowena. The hardest part had been getting the rest of the youth brigade out while they examined him.
"You're certain it's not a love potion?" Lily asked.
Bill shook his head. "You know as well as I do, love potions don't work that way." He pointed to a rune floating in the air over Harry. "See, there's the Obliviation."
"Yes," Lily agreed, "but what is this?" She pointed to a different rune. "It's tied to it, see the binder."
"I'm not entirely certain. Though I know it's blood magic."
"This one, yes?" Lily asked pointing to a third rune.
"Yes," Bill said.
"And the colour," Rowena asked. That means it's potion based, correct?"
"Right," Bill agreed.
Lily handed Harry a phial. "What's this for?"
"Blood. If you were given a potion, I can reverse engineer it and figure out what they did to you."
"Right," Harry said. He drew his wand and used it to cut his finger. "How much?"
"Fill it." Lily handed him another phial. "This one as well."
"Vampire," Harry said. Though he dutifully filled both phials. Lily smiled tightly at him.
"There's another blood symbol here," Bill said. He prodded the rune with his wand. "Binder, binder," he muttered. He stopped suddenly. "This is dark magic."
"Well we knew it wasn't good," Harry said.
"Hush," Lily said. She moved beside Bill with Rowena hovering at her shoulder. "Show me." Bill pointed out the progression of runes.
"Forcibly taken?" Lily asked.
"Pretty certain," Bill said.
"From whom though?"
Bill frowned, absently tapping his wand against his leg as he thought. "I can't be certain yet, but if I had to guess, it's from Harry."
"Yep." Bill pointed his wand at the rune. "It's less than the first one, which I'm betting is from whomever did this to him."
"Making it weaker," Lily said.
"Son of a bitch," Bill exclaimed. "This is what the old bastard did to Snape so he couldn't implicate him. He's not supposed to break this; ever."
"Well duh," Harry said. "If someone obliviated me, of course they don't want me to break it."
Bill shot him a look. "No, but they did this with dark magic; seriously dark magic. They used their blood in a greater quantity than your blood, which was forcibly taken from you. I know I don't have to tell you how significant it can be when blood is taken verses given. It means you've already been defeated if they can force it from you. Which means they've proven superiority. Putting it into a potion like this, I might not know exactly what it is, but it should be impossible for you to break it. Whatever they did to you, you're never supposed to find out."
"Then how is it I'm breaking it and what's it got to do with Ginny?"
"Other than the fact you're a magical anomaly, I haven't a clue how you're breaking it. As to my sister, the first answer, that she's involved, is obviously ridiculous. That leaves us with the supposition they've done something to you in regards to her as well."
"Could it be Kaa?" Rowena ventured.
The others turned to her. "Of course," Lily said. "He's highly resistant to any potion; even ones that are supposed to help him. This kind of dark magic potion…"
"It's like a poison, right," Harry asked.
Harry blew out a breath. "Well," he said after a few moments, "that's good then. It means whatever I was given will eventually be expelled and I'll remember what happened."
"Actually," Andi said, "seeing you're already breaking the block down, it's highly likely it is damaged and I can help you find it."
Harry stared back at her. "Well what are we waiting for then?"
A bit more than an hour later Ginny was huddled between Daphne and Luna with Neville and Hermione crowded in on either side of them on the couch in matron Pomfrey's office. Sirius paced the floor, giving edge to the seeming calm of David, Mali and Remus who sat silently with eyes locked on the door. All of them looked up when the door opened, admitting Bill and matron Pomfrey.
"He's been obliviated," Bill said without preamble. Andi followed him in. "Andi has helped him to break it. He's sleeping now. Lily's with him."
Silence held the room for a moment. "Do we know what was obliviated?" Mali asked.
"We do," Andi said softly. She moved across the room and held out her hand to Ginny. "Lily wants to tell you herself."
Ginny looked up at her. "I'm not going to like this, am I?"
Andi couldn't stop the tear that slid down her face. "No, Luv. You won't." Ginny let out a world-weary sigh and took Andi's hand, allowing the older woman to lead her from the room. "Just Ginny," Andi said when Daphne and the others moved to follow.
"I want to know—" the door closed on Hermione's protest and Ginny very quickly found herself standing outside the curtains shielding Harry from view.
Andi poked her head around. "Lily…? I have Ginny with me."
"Of course," Lily's voice answered.
Before Ginny could move Bill put a hand on her shoulder. He's sleeping now, but we still have some concerns how he may react on seeing you."
Ginny nodded. "Ok."
Bill let her go. "Go ahead."
Ginny took a steadying breath and stepped around the curtain. The two women stared at each other for a second before Lily opened her arms. Ginny quickly moved into her embrace. They held each other for a long few seconds before Ginny whispered. "He was raped, wasn't he? And whoever did it made him think it was me, didn't they?"
Lily rested her head on top of Ginny's. She should have known Ginny would guess. "Yes."
Ginny shuddered and she was certain her knees would have given out if not for Lily holding her up. The older woman pressed a kiss to her crown. Ginny clutched at her desperately. "It'll be ok, Love," she soothed. "It'll be ok."
"I swear, Mum, it wasn't me."
Lily crushed Ginny to her chest. "Oh, Love." She laughed through a sob. "Don't you think I know that?"
"I just want you to know," Ginny sniffed.
Lily pushed her back, holding her by the shoulders. "I know, Ginevra," she said with intensity. She gave Ginny a little shake. "I. Know." Ginny shuddered and Lily pulled her tight. "Shush," she soothed, stroking Ginny's hair. "Shush." They'd been there for near a minute when Harry suddenly sat up in the bed. Bill grabbed Ginny and pulled her behind him. Harry didn't move for a few moments but it seemed an entire ocean of emotion played across his face before he moaned, "No," lunged over the edge of the bed and expelled the contents of his stomach.
"Harry!" Lily and Ginny cried. They both rushed to him but Bill held Ginny back.
"Let me go!" she screamed.
"Firefly," he tried. "Ginny!" Ginny shifted her weight, stepped back and just that quick was out of his grasp and rushing to the side of the bed beside Lily. She froze next to the older woman, unsure if she should touch him or not. Harry continued to retch violently, great wracking heaves shuddering his body till he was literally just hanging over the edge of the bed with strings of drool dripping from his mouth.
"Easy, Baby," Lily soothed.
"No," Harry whimpered. "Please no, please, please no."
"Shush now," Lily said, gently trying to guide Harry fully back onto the bed.
"Make it go away," Harry gasped. He curled into a fetal position. "Make it go away. Lily grabbed a flannel from the table and swiped some of the mess from Harry's mouth away. "Make it go away," he continued to whimper, over and over.
"Shush now," Lily continued to try and sooth him.
Eventually she managed to get him to calm some and Ginny edged around her. At Lily's nod she tentatively reached to place her hand on his, stilling for just a moment before she did, praying, willing that whatever the strange bond that existed between them was would give him some small comfort. With Bill watching, ready to move at a moment's notice, Ginny ever so softly let her fingertips touch Harry's. For a second it seemed there was nothing and then it was like she was first waking again after the Chamber of Secrets as a tsunami of emotional pain flooded into her body. Gasping, she drew back like she'd set her hand on a hot stove. Harry froze, his whole body going ridged for a long moment before it released. His head turned and his eyes found hers and it was all Ginny could do not to cry out at the hurt crashing within their depths.
"I'm so sorry," Harry whispered before he closed his eyes and a single tear slid down his cheek.
It took Ginny a second to recover before she edged towards him again. "Harry?" she whispered. He didn't respond and she moved closer, reaching for his hand again, forcing herself not to back away as the pain of what he was going through slammed into her again. She twisted his hand around, pressing her palm to his and forcing his fingers to weave with hers. "It'll be ok," she said. "I still love you." His only response was to clutch her hand tightly, painfully so. Unnoticing of the sick she was stepping in, Ginny moved closer and reached to brush his fringe back. "Rest, Baby." Harry shook his head. "I swear, I'll be here when you wake up." Harry screwed his eyes tightly closed, as if her words imparted physical pain on him. "Rest, Love," she soothed. "Rest."
"I believe it time we did something about this," Luna said. She Daphne, Hermione and Neville were huddled together at the Hufflepuff table, grabbing a quick dinner before heading back to the hospital wing. None of them could scarcely believe the horror of what had happened to Harry and they were all on edge, one moment away from a breakdown and even closer to lashing out at something. Really, any target would do and Lisa Turpin was doing her level best to bring that wrath down on herself.
"Frankly," Hermione said, "with what happened it's only going to gain traction." The others gave her a look. "I know what's true," she snapped angrily. "I was there too you know. But that does nothing to change what people saw and a love potion being broken is a rather good explanation."
Luna sagged. "True."
"So what can we do?"
"Wait," Daphne said.
The others focused on her. "You do understand none of us are exactly in a waiting mood," Neville said.
Daphne chose to ignore his remark. "Do you not think it strange how quickly Matthew moved on from Stephanie?" she asked instead. The others didn't answer. "They were inseparable; more so even than Harry and Ginny, together without break from the middle of second-year till just more than a month ago. And that says nothing about the time from the train first-year till they became official."
Hermione frowned. It was true; Matthew Donaldson and Stephanie Knowlton had been just as tight as she, Luna, Harry and Ginny from first-year on. It had been one of the most non event pairings in school history when word got out they'd finally kissed before the train home for the winter break second-year. And then, just a bit more than four weeks ago Matthew had broken up with her. He'd become official with Lisa not two days later. Stephanie had been beyond devastated. "Are you implying Lisa used a love potion on him?" she asked.
Daphne merely shrugged. "I rather think we'll find out soon enough."
She'd barely got the words out when Mathew suddenly jumped up from his seat beside Lisa. "You absolute whore!" he shouted, bringing instant silence to the whole of the Great Hall.
Lisa stared up at him. "W–what?"
"Tell them!" he roared, looming over her.
"L–love," she stammered, reaching for his hand.
He jerked away from her. "Don't you ever touch me again."
"What is the meaning of this?" Professor McGonagall asked quietly from behind the two. It really was astonishing how quickly she could move when the situation warranted.
Matthew spun around, finding both professor McGonagall and professor Flitwick behind him. "I trust you have good reason for your behavior, Mr Donaldson," professor Flitwick said in his squeaky voice.
In the drama that was unfolding no one, not even her three friends, noticed Daphne rising to her feet. "Oh, he has reason," her voice carried across the hall.
All eyes cut to her. "Miss Greengrass?" professor McGonagall asked.
"Matthew just broke free from a love potion," Daphne said.
Lisa jumped to her feet. "How dare you!" she shrieked. "Professor, I will not stand for these accusations against my character." The two professors looked between Daphne, Matthew and Lisa.
"You level serious accusations, Miss Greengrass," professor McGonagall said.
"I never accused Lisa of giving him a love potion, Professor," Daphne said. "I merely stated he had just broken free from one. Daphne produced a small phial of clear liquid from her pocket and held it up. "Though I did take this from Lisa's bag just before sitting down and replaced it with a different phial." Daphne paused. Lisa had gone decidedly pale. Paler even than when Harry had threatened her the previous day. "The new phial has my initials engraved on the bottom side of the stopper and was filled with the antidote to Saraphina's Seduction," Daphne continued. "Myself, I'd be very curious to see if that phial were empty or not." She shrugged. "But that's just me."
Matthew spun and grabbed Lisa's bag. "Get your hands off that!" Lisa shrieked. She lunged for it but Matthew was a big boy; nearly as big as Neville and just as solid and he easily fended her off. He dumped the bag on the table, spilling the contents haphazardly about. Of course, just as Daphne said, the phial was there. And, it was empty. Professor McGonagall snapped it up. She quickly pulled the stopper and turned it over. She stilled for a second before the full effect of her imperious glare landed on Lisa.
"Professor Flitwick," Professor McGonagall cut the girl off. "Escort Miss Turpin to the Headmaster's office."
"Of course," he said. He grabbed the girl's arm and led her from the hall.
Professor McGonagall swept the hall, her eyes settling on the one other student besides Matthew and Daphne who was standing. "Miss Knowlton, might I impose upon you to escort Mr Donaldson to the infirmary?" The pretty brunette didn't move.
"Please, Stephanie," Matthew asked softly. The two stared at each other from across the length of the aisle, and then she was racing into his arms. Matthew caught her, lifting her clear off her feet. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he said over and over, his hand holding the back of her head.
Professor McGonagall turned from them to focus on Daphne. "Miss Greengrass, if you would come with me."
"Of course, Professor," Daphne agreed. She kissed Neville's cheek and quickly followed professor McGonagall out the doors.
Neville, Hermione and Luna all slowly turned and looked at each other. "If I were to snog, Daphne senseless," Luna said, "you would both understand, yes?
As one, Hermione and Neville said a rather awed, "Completely."
Luna nodded. "I shall do my utmost to exercise some control."
When Harry woke, it was quickly. Though he remained on his side, unmoving, but for his eyes slowly blinking. It was morning, he was fairly certain. Though the world seemed strangely colourless; grey even. His body was weary yet too, far more weary than he could ever remember being. And given some of what he'd been through, that said an awful lot. He hadn't even tried to move but was pretty certain it would take an effort of will to even lift an arm that he didn't have in him. His mind played back over the events of the last… days, hours, weeks? It didn't matter. However long it had been hadn't erased what he'd learned. He closed his eyes and fell back to sleep.
The next time he woke, it was the same; quickly, silently. It was dark again now. How long had he been asleep; a full day, two, a week? His body might have felt a bit less worn. Maybe. As he had zero desire to move, he couldn't really be sure. Instead he just stared ahead with unseeing eyes, completely missing his mum, asleep in the chair across from him till dawn began to spread its weak light through the window. His eyes widened slightly before shifting.
Luna, Daphne and Hermione were arrayed in chairs next to her. A glance towards the head of his bed revealed Hermione's parents, Andi and Tonks. Looking to the foot of the bed he found Bill and Sirius, awake, heads together, near silently murmuring to each other. He looked away quickly, not wanting them to notice him awake yet and found he'd missed Remus standing near Hermione watching him. The two locked eyes but Remus didn't say a word. After a moment he gave an almost imperceptible nod of his head. Harry's eyes shifted, searching. He prayed she was asleep yet; that he'd get one last chance to see her before she learned the horrible truth, before his pain became hers. It was then he felt something solid at his back. A soft tickle coursed the back of his neck. He moved ever so slightly and realized his arm was trapped; as it always was by hers, wrapped around his middle and her hand grasped around his wrist. Harry frowned, how hadn't he noticed her touching him? Had what had happened destroyed whatever the strange bond that existed between them was? For the first time since waking the dead feeling within his body shifted. Anger, swift and sudden, like a dessert flash flood after a rare rain filled him faster than he could have dared believe. He'd always had a temper, he knew that, but this was something else entirely. This was rage. This was fury and wrath, hateful vengeance washing the lethargy from his body in an instant.
Ginny was sitting up a half second before he was. "Harry?" she gasped. Their movement brought everyone awake in moments; rising from their chairs, some moving towards them, others hesitating and unsure. A stand of phials began to rattle its way across the bedside table; followed by the windows shuddering in their panes. The candles in the sconces along the walls flared to brilliant white balls the size of quaffles and splashed down buckets of wax in seconds to harden again on the cold flagstones.
Ginny grabbed his face, holding him tightly. Her hands were like ice to his molten fury. "Easy," she soothed. Eyes locked, jaw clenched, breath coming harshly through his nose. Calming, subsiding, peace pouring into him. "Easy," she said again. Harry gave a jerky nod. "That's it, eyes on me."
"You," Harry croaked.
"Me," she said.
"Still feel you."
Ginny nodded. "Yes."
"Not broken?"
"Not broken," she answered. Harry stared at her for another moment before he sagged bonelessly into her lap. Ginny curled over him protectively. "Never broken," she whispered in his ear. "Never leave you. Never give up."
"Kill them," Harry said.
Ginny stilled, and then agreed. "Yes." Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, clutching at her. Again Harry wasn't certain how long they sat there, but the sun was fully up when she asked if he might be ready to sit up now.
"Harry shook his head."
"Please, Baby," Ginny asked softly. "You don't have to talk."
"I tried, Ginny," he croaked. "I swear I tried. B-but they'd put magic inhibitors on me. And then they gave me this potion and I couldn't even move." Harry stopped and Ginny said nothing, somehow knowing she needed to let him get this out and that whatever pain she was in right now Harry's was far, far worse. "I didn't want to," he whispered. I knew it w–wasn't – wasn't…"
Ginny put her hand over his mouth, stopping him. "She was polyjuiced as me, wasn't she?" Harry gave a sort of choked gurgle and his head jerked up and down. Ginny tried turning his face to hers. "Harry, look at me." He shook his head. "I need you to look at me right now, Harry."
"I can't." She tried turning his head but he refused to move. "Please, Ginny," he gasped.
Ginny let him go and Harry thought she'd maybe turned away, or he'd broken her will, or he didn't know what exactly but then she spoke.
"I wouldn't care if you were raped," she said, causing him to flinch, "by a thousand different men. I wouldn't care if someone took you and forced you to be a prostitute. None of that would have been you. And I wouldn't care if we hadn't met till we were fifty, you had been happily married for thirty years and were widowed with a half dozen children. I still want you, Ginevra Molly Weasley. I. Still. Want. You." While she was speaking Harry couldn't stop himself from rolling in her lap so he could see her. She palmed his cheek as she looked down on him. "That's what you said to me, Harry," she said with soft intensity. Why on earth would you think I'd be any different?"
"I…" Harry started and faltered.
"I should have done more?" Ginny asked. "Fought harder, been able to stop it? Do you think those things of me?"
Harry shook his head. "No."
Ginny looked into his eyes, holding them for a long time before speaking. "I still want you, Harry James Potter… I. Still. Want. You."
Harry swallowed painfully, before whispering, "I don't know how to believe that."
"You will, Harry." Ever so gently rubbing her thumb just at the corner of his mouth. "I swear." Harry shuddered once and curled into her, his face buried in her stomach. Ginny laid down over him, protectively sheltering him in her arms as silent tears slid down both their faces.
Lily reached out and gently set her hand on Ginny's, drawing her eyes. The two just watched each other, with Lily not needing to say a word for Ginny to understand. "I love you, Mum," Ginny mouthed.
"Love you," Lily mouthed back.
Bill sat down on the edge of the bed and leaned over to kiss Ginny's crown. "You've always been the best of us," he whispered.
A few hours later Harry was asleep under the watchful eyes of, among others, Luna, Daphne Hermione and Neville, and Lily had sent Ginny to shower. It'd been three days and if Ginny hadn't been numb to anything but Harry she'd have agreed she was more than a bit ripe. She'd mechanically undressed and stepped under the spray and was in the process of squeezing shampoo from the bottle when it had clattered to the floor and she'd collapsed to her knees. They were so alike, suffered so many crimes but there was one they hadn't shared and what Tom had done to her when his crimes turned to a sexual nature, hate was far to simple for what she felt for the bastard. She had thought it impossible to hold more hatred, more rage towards one person only to find she had been wrong; so very wrong. When it happened to someone else, someone you loved more than yourself, it was worse, so very much worse. Ginny sobbed, slobber and snot sliding down her face to be washed away by the pounding water of the shower. She was so spent, so gone, she wasn't even aware when someone came in and coaxed her to her feet. She blindly responded to soft commands to turn so her hair could be washed and then rinsed and she was out of the water and her hair was wrapped in a towel and piled on her head. Another was used to dry her skin before a warm bathrobe was wrapped around her body. Her feet shuffled, they must have, as she was guided to a chair and the towel was removed from her hair. A brush was produced and long, gentle strokes worked out the tangles till her hair was merely damp instead of wet. The brush was placed on the counter and she was pulled to her feet again and then she was sitting in the lap of her caregiver, gentle arms wrapped around her and her head was pulled to their shoulder.
Eventually Ginny came back to herself. "He was scared to come back," she whispered. Her caregiver said nothing, just gently continued to stroke their fingers through her hair. "He said so, when we went to Cedric's grave," Ginny went on. She shuddered and gasped, "He came back for me. So I could be captain."
Her caregiver shifted, and gentle hands reached for her face. Green eyes met brown. "You know this is not your fault," Lily said. "You know it better than any of us."
Ginny stared at her, wondering how this woman even existed. Not once, never, in all the time she had known Lily had she ever offered Ginny anything but kindness and unconditional love. She'd never spoken a harsh word, never even given her a disapproving look. Not when she'd been a raging tempest intent on making Harry hate her and not now when it was so clearly evident what had happened was her fault. Oh, they'd all professed their desire to return to the school but left the final decision in Harry's hands. And Harry had wanted to return too, but he'd been hesitant, less certain than the rest of them. And how couldn't he have been after what had happened? But he'd bowed to group-think, Ginny was certain of it. She was certain without them… without her, he'd have decided differently. Her expected captaincy of the Slytherin quidditch team had been the tipping point. As he'd always done, from the day they'd met when he'd followed her to Slytherin house, he'd chosen her, her dreams, her life, her presence, and yet once again he'd been made to pay for it. "But…"
Lily put her finger over Ginny's lips. "No." She wiped away a tear as it slid down Ginny's cheek. "No," she said softly. Ginny just stared back at her. "You are the most wondrous daughter I could have ever dreamed to call mine, and every day I am grateful that Harry chose Slytherin, that he chose you. The things that have happened from the decisions any of you, any of us have made, they may have been different, or better, or even worse had we chosen differently. But those bad things, things like this, there is no guilt in the decisions that placed us in their path. That only lies with the people who choose to bring harm to others. And that's life, Ginny. We make decisions and choices and is it my fault or yours that we're here today? I've had four years of lessons in the decision to send Harry to this school. We weren't going to send any of you back here, not if Dumbledore was still here. But then he wasn't and we thought it was safe and here we are again and it wasn't. So is it you or me who bears the fault for what happened to Harry? Or is it the two women who did that to him who bear the fault?"
And Lily knew it all and never once had she blamed Ginny for any of it. Ginny swallowed tightly. "I love you, Mum."
Lily pulled her tight and kissed her crown. "I love you too, Daughter. I love you too."
A short while later Lily had returned Ginny to Harry and the two were asleep under the watchful eyes of their four closest friends. She and those children's parents and guardians were behind a Privacy Charm a curtain over. "I want them out of this school," Lily said.
The others exchanged quick glances. "Agreed," Augusta Longbottom said.
"Yes," Adrianna Greengrass said.
"I'm just glad I don't have to beat you over the head to get you to agree," Mali said.
Lily gave her a tight smile before turning to Luna's father. "Xeno?"
"What?" he asked.
"Removing them from the school, are you in agreement?"
"Oh," he said waving her off, "yes, of course. Luna's place is with her friends; wherever that might be, I'm certain of it."
"It's settled then," Adrianna said. She stood. "Anders and I will help Daphne with packing hers, Ginevra's and Harry's things."
"Good," Lily said. She turned to Hermione's parents. "Bill will go with you to help with Hermione's things and Remus can go with Xeno to gather Luna's."
The pen fell from Rowena Stone's hand, rolled across the desk and clattered to the floor. "Flesh, blood and bone," she whispered in horror. And then she was running, leaving her work area in the bowels of the castle behind, up the stairs and through the corridors of the school to professor McGonagall's office. She threw the door open and raced for the fireplace. Grabbing a handful of floo powder she tossed it in the fire. "The Briar Patch," she called and disappeared in rush of green flames. She stumbled out of the hearth in Lily's parlor a moment later. Nearly knocking Bill down in the process.
"Rowena?" Lily asked, surprised at her entrance. Bill had just been preparing to bring her to the school.
"I know why they did it," Rowena gasped.
Narcissa Malfoy brought the squalling infant to Lord Voldemort. Taking the child he held it aloft by one leg "Flesh, blood and bone of the servant, willingly given, thy master be reborn," he spoke softly. His free hand flashed and the infant's arm fell into the cauldron where the Dark Lord stood. The infant howled louder, a cry of pain, fear and terror. The Dark Lord cared not, merely continuing with the ritual. "Flesh, blood and bone of mine enemy, forcibly taken, your enemy to be reborn." He stabbed the infant in the heart, instantly silencing it's cries before dropping it in the violently bubbling cauldron. He then turned the knife on himself and plunged it into his heart. The dark lord dropped immediately, sinking beneath the surface. The already furiously bubbling contents of the cauldron frothed higher and higher, overflowing the top to splash down, hissing in the raging flames beneath, sending up a great cloud of horrid smelling steam that quickly hid the cauldron from view. On and on it went till, suddenly, it stopped. A chill wind blew, dissipating the steam, but could do nothing to remove the smell of brimstone heavy and foul on the air. The cauldron fell apart, two great halves crashing down in the oppressive silence, leaving a figure curled upon itself behind. Slowly the figure unfurled to its full height. It's skin was smooth and parchment thin, its face deformed; with only slits where its nose should have been, leaving him to look quite snakelike. His eyes opened, revealing hideous orbs that glowed red like molten lava. The Dark Lord's head turned one way and then the other before raising a hand in front of his face. Slowly he squeezed it into a tight fist. A grim smile creased its lips. "You have done well, Narcissa," the Dark Lord hissed.
Narcissa moved forward. "I am pleased to serve, my Lord," she said. She kept her head bowed and offered a folded robe to him. He turned his back on her and she moved to drape it over his shoulders.
Lazily he held an arm out to his side. "My wand?"
She produced it and set it into his palm. Long, almost delicate looking fingers grasped it. His gaze shifted to the altar and the body of the girl, her womb cut open, still tied to it. "The family?"
"Dead, my Lord."
"The mother too?"
"I have no access to Azkaban, my Lord."
"It is a loose end, Narcissa."
"One that might yet be made to serve you, my Lord."
Voldemort eyed her a moment. Unlike the other weaklings who served him she held his gaze; inviting the examination. "Proceed then," he said.
"As you wish, my Lord."
Voldemort spared a glance at the body of Lamia Umbridge before a negligent flick of his wand set it alight in a blazing pier. "Come, Narcissa. It is time the world remembered just who Lord Voldemort is."
Author's notes:
Well there it is, the end of year five.
For those upset with me for what I've done to Harry I can only say you were warned the story would earn its mature rating. I do not write stories that are completely feel good. Despite failing quite often I try to write the bad with the good because a story where the good guys always save the day and always arrive in the nick of time and the bad guys never experience a triumph is boring. Honestly, I intended things to be much harder and darker than what I've actually written and found that I have shied away from that goal more than I'd have liked. A goal to work on I suppose. Even if some of you might not like me for it.
In fact, because I like tormenting you all, the child Voldemort sacrifices in this story is not the child you all saw Nimue/Kai bargaining a quick death for. Chew on that for a while… Yes, I'm evil. My wife tells me that quite often.
As always, thank you to those individuals who left their comments and concerns in a review. I appreciate and greatly look forward to hearing what people think.
And last, what I'm certain you're all really interested in. I'm steadily, if slowly, making progress on year six. It's not finished yet, but I'm going to do something I've never done before. I'm going to continue my biweekly posting on this series and pray I manage to finish the next book before I catch up on the posting of it. I'm sure even if I do manage that, there will be a delay between books 7 and 8 but we'll deal with that bridge when we get to it. Fingers crossed and we'll see you all in two weeks.
Honestly, at the moment, I think the hardest part is coming up with a title for an unfinished book. How the hell are you supposed to do that?
Sorcerer's Muse