Author's notes:

Standard disclaimer, it all belongs to JKR.

Harry Potter; the Unexpected Summer

Chapter XIV

Figured it Out, Did You?

The following morning, Hermione was startled awake by someone pounding on the door. "Wha?" she gasped bolting up in the bed.

"Ugh," Ginny grumbled.

"Ten minutes, Gin," Harry called.

"Go away, Harry," she shouted back.

"You love me and you know it."

"I'm going to break your nose."

"Are you up or not?"

"What do you think?"

Harry laughed. "Nine minutes, Gin," he called. The sound of the stairs creaking signified him descending to the kitchen.

Ginny slowly sat up, seeming to sleep while sitting for a second. "I really, really, really hate him." She sighed and scooted off the bed. "How is it possible to be cheerful this early?" she grumbled.

Hermione sat up and hung her feet off the bed. "What time is it?"

"Ten to bloody 5:00." Ginny muttered. She yanked a shirt over her head and pulled on a pair of shorts.

Hermione opened her trunk and pulled out similar clothes to Ginny's. "How many days a week do you do this?"

"Every bloody one. Except Sunday. Sunday we get to sleep till 7:00. Yippi," Ginny said sarcastically. She shoved her feet into her trainers. "Ready?"

"You train every day?" Hermione asked.

"I've had four days off since I started." Ginny opened the door and headed for the stairs.

Hermione hurried to follow. "How long have you been doing it?" She asked as they hit the family room and turned for the kitchen.

"To long. Would you mind shutting up? I might kill you if you keep asking me questions and I'd really regret that when I actually woke up." Hermione stopped short in the doorway.

"Ignore her, Mione," Harry said. She's a bloody troll till she's been up at least two hours.

"Shut up and hold me," Ginny ordered, sitting on his lap and snuggling in.

"She's also a bit schizophrenic." Harry pointed at the counter. "You'll wanna drink one of those. One's chocolate, the other is strawberry. I didn't know which you'd prefer so I mixed up both."

Hermione crossed to the counter and eyed the two offerings. "What is it?"

"Calories," Harry answered. "You're gonna need em."

Ginny snorted. "Till they come back up."

"What?" Hermione asked.

"I repeat, ignore her," Harry said. Bill stepped into the kitchen followed by Fleur. Ginny groaned.

"Morning," Bill said.

"Sir," Harry answered. "Ms. Delacour." He tipped his head so she could kiss his cheek.

"Morning, Harry," she answered happily.

"Urgh, must you always be in such a good mood?"

Fleur ignored Ginny. "You are joining us Hermione?" she asked.


"Fool," Ginny said.

"Quit whenever you like, Ginevra," Fleur said. "I would not complain about less whining."

"Whining's my revenge on you and Bill for making me get up so bloody early."

"Hermione, drink," Bill ordered. "Let's go."

Harry stood, pulling Ginny with him as Bill and Fleur exited the kitchen. He waited for Hermione to settle on one of the two glasses and down it. "Pretty good, hun? I prefer the chocolate though."

"I'll try it tomorrow," Hermione said.

"If you're still alive," Ginny said.

"Let's go, Potter," Bill shouted.

"Just do the best you can, Hermione," Harry said. "It took Ginny a week to make it through a whole morning with us. She didn't make it past an hour the first day."


"Let's go," Harry said. He set off at a jog out of the kitchen. Ginny followed, keeping up easily. Hermione was struggling within a hundred yards.

Bill glanced back. "Let's go, Granger." Hermione picked her pace up for a few yards but was stumbling again within another ten steps."

"She 'as not been training for zee last four montzs," Fleur said under her breath.

Bill glanced back again. "This isn't about her, Fleur."

Fleur switched to French. "We have already talked about this, William."

"Drop back with her. The other two can't afford to wait for her to catch up."

"Agreed," Fleur said. She fell off the pace Bill was setting, waiting for Hermione to reach her. "You can do zis, Hermione," she said.

Hermione struggled to keep up with her as Harry, Ginny and Bill disappeared out in front of them. "They're so fast," she gasped.

"Et was not always so. As long as you do not give up on yourself, none of us will give up on you. It will be 'ard and William will be 'ard on you. But you will show 'im 'ow strong you are." Hermione was too focused on trying to breathe to say anything. "You are wrong, Hermione," Fleur said. "Et es not your body zat will quit. Et es your mind. You zink et es your body you are training but zee trutz es et es you mind you must train. Zee body will do whatever zee mind tells et to."

"I," Hermione gasped, "think… puking… might be… the body's way… of telling… the… mind… it was pushed… to hard."

"The body will adjust if zee mind keeps pushing et. If you wisz to do zis training witz Harry and Ginevra you must teazz your mind to pursue et wit zee same effort you pursue your studies." Fleur led her into the clearing where Harry and Ginny were already finishing their fifth rat of the morning. "You may rest for one minute," she said.

"Stay on your feet!" Bill barked when Hermione collapsed.

"Come on, Hermione," Harry said hauling her back up. "Stand up straight. Put your hands behind your head like this." He demonstrated. "You need to get air in."

"K," she gasped.

"Line up," Bill said. "You two, Granger."

"Non," Fleur said. She stepped to the line with Harry and the others. "Watzz so you will be ready for zee next one."

"You're doing great, Hermione," Harry encouraged her.

"GO!" Bill shouted. He, Harry, Fleur and Ginny bolted away while Hermione swayed unsteadily at the start line. A little over a minute later, Bill then Harry then Ginny and Fleur in a dead heat raced across the finish line.

"Let's go," Bill said, not allowing them any rest at all between sets. "Right now. You too, Granger. You've been standing around long enough."

"I'll pay you to kill him," Ginny offered.

"GO!" Bill barked. Hermione bolted forward, but almost before she could even take a step it seemed the others were already skidding to a stop at the first stake in the ground and racing back to the start. By the time she finished, they had already rested for 30 seconds and were lining up again.

"Rest," Fleur said. "You will do the next one."

"Stay on your feet," Bill growled. "Go." And so it went for the next ten minutes; Harry and Fleur offering encouragement for each rat she managed to finish, Bill barking and growling at her, and Ginny encouraging her to kill any one of the other three. "Keep up," Bill snapped at her as she crossed the line. He set off at a jog again and she and Fleur fell quickly behind as the others raced away. By the time she and Fleur reached the drinking well, Harry, Ginny and Bill had already drank their fill.

"Drink," Harry said. He tipped the bucket up for her letting the water splash messily over her face, drenching her in the process.

"You didn't do that for me," Ginny grumbled.

"How often do you crank water for me?" Harry retorted.

"Touchy," Ginny said. Harry tossed the bucket into the well and cranked it back up again.

"Thank you, Harry," Fleur said when he offered it to her.

"You're welcome. More?" he asked Hermione.

She nodded weakly. "Please." Harry cranked the bucket up again and held it so she could drink. Ms. Delacour?" he asked when it was empty.


"Harry," Ginny said as she watched him crank the bucket up for the eleventh time that morning, "You're emotional range is moving into that of a gentleman."

Harry grinned. "You're up early today, Gin." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"'eaven 'elp me," Fleur sighed. "I do not know whicz es worse; 'er complaining or zeire foreplay."

"I think I'm gonna be sick," Hermione said and promptly turned and emptied her stomach. Harry dutifully raised another bucket so when she stopped heaving she'd have water to clean her mouth and drink again.

"Thanks," Hermione said weakly. She took a second to clear her head. "We're done now, right?"

"Granger," Bill growled, "That was just the warm up." He set off at a jog again with a sharply spoken, "Keep up."

Harry screwed his face up painfully. "Sorry, Mione. You're doing great though." He set off and quickly caught up to Bill.

"I told you, you should have just killed him," Ginny said and took off after them.

"Come," Fleur said. She set off at a much slower pace. She turned back when Hermione didn't immediately follow. "Quit now and et will only be 'arder to push past zis point tomorrow." She jogged in place waiting for Hermione to decide. "Decide," Fleur demanded. "If you are done I must catzz zem."

Hermione took a deep breath and started jogging. "I'm going to die," she muttered.


Harry eyed Hermione across the table from him trying to decide. Last night, her first at The Burrow, unaware that Harry had taken to sitting next to Ginny, she had taken his seat. He wasn't upset or anything by it. She really had no way of knowing the changes that had occurred this summer from the previous times they had both been guests in the Weasley household. And the poor girl had been pretty much been dead to the world by the time he and Ginny had finished training and joined her at breakfast the following morning. She was far less an athlete than Ginny, didn't even have the little bit of conditioning that quidditch would have given her, and was also much more girl than the tomboy Ginny was. She probably wouldn't have noticed at all that Harry had sat between them if he hadn't poked, prodded and gently cajoled her through her meal. The three of them had eaten a picnic lunch in Ginny's secret spot earlier today so tonight when Hermione again took her accustomed place next to Ginny she still had no way of knowing she was in his spot. Besides that, with her and Ron fighting yet once again, she probably had no desire at all to sit next to his best mate. And that there was the current crux of the situation; that she was sitting next to Ginny was perfect. That she was fighting with Ron, well he didn't know how much further he wanted to push his idiot best mate. Fortunately or not, teenage impulse won out over mature discretion.

"Hermione," Harry said between bites of mashed potatoes.

She paused and focused on him. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to let you know that Ginny talked to me earlier this summer and I'd be honored to help you." Ginny choked on her milk and started coughing. Hermione's confusion was lost in turning to see that Ginny was ok. She continued to cough, holding her hand on her chest while she tried to recover.

"Are you all right?" Hermione asked.

Ginny nodded and managed a raspy, "Fine."

Bill jumped into the prank head on, "You can count on me too, Hermione."

Hermione glanced up with a confused frown. "Sorry?"

"Though I'm afraid Fleur put the kibosh on the old fashioned method so it'll have to be the cup." Ginny groaned and buried her face in her elbow.

"Oh dear," Molly sighed, shaking her head resignedly.

Hermione glanced between Bill and Harry. "The cup?" she asked.

Harry swallowed his mouthful. By this time the whole of the table had stopped eating and focused on their ongoing interaction. "Yeah, you know, the cup."

Hermione glanced around the table. Next to her, Ginny still had her head buried in her elbow on the table. Ron seemed as confused as she was. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley at least seemed like they might know what Harry and Bill were on about while Charlie and the twins had very calculating looks on their faces as they tried to catch up. Never one to have been accused of being slow, her guard went up. "No," she said cautiously, "I'm afraid I'm still not following you, Harry."

Harry frowned. "She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?" Hermione demanded glancing between Harry, Bill and now Ginny too.

Ginny moaned. "I'm going to kill you, Harry. I swear."

Harry shot Bill a look. "Erm," he said.

"We thought she had talked to you," Bill said.

"You're dead. Both of you," Ginny moaned without picking her head up.

"Talked to me about what!" Hermione blew up.

"That they'd help you and Ginny have children dear," Mrs. Weasley supplied.

"Ohhh," Ginny moaned pitifully. Hermione blinked. Charlie, Fred, George and Ron all stared at their mother with their mouths hanging open.

"What?" Mrs. Weasley demanded. "Your sister's gay. Hermione's her girlfriend. She asked Harry and Bill if they would be sperm donors when they were ready to have children."

Ginny bolted up. "MOTHER!" she cried shrilly.

"I just answered her question, dear. There's no reason to scream at me."

"No Reason," Ginny spluttered. "NO REASON."

"Really Ginevra," Mrs. Weasley snapped back. "I should think you'd be happy that Bill and Harry have agreed to help you. You've no call to yell at me."

Ginny fell silent, gaping at her mother in disbelief. In the silence that followed, Hermione very quietly said, "You told?"

Ginny shook herself and focused on Hermione. "What?" she squeaked.

"You told," she accused.

Ginny blinked. "Hermione it was—"

"I can't believe you told."


"My parents don't even know I'm gay and you went and told yours. And not only did you tell them, you've apparently gone and lined up sperm donors for us," she continued, her volume slowly increasing.

Ginny blinked owlishly at her. "You... I... We..."

"We agreed we'd tell them together," Hermione snapped.

Ginny stared at her. "I..." she managed.

"I WHAT!" Hermione roared.

"I'm sorry," Ginny squeaked meekly.

Hermione glowered at her before calmly setting her napkin on the table and standing. "Parlour, Ginevra, now."

Ginny glanced around the table. Harry smirked when her eyes settled on him. "How was I suppose to know you hadn't talked about it with her?"

She opened her mouth to retort but Hermione cut her off. "Now, Ginevra."

Ginny set her napkin on the table and stood. "Excuse me," she said and hurried from the kitchen. Hermione followed.

"Wait one second," Ron exploded.

Hermione turned on him. "What, Ronald?" she hissed venomously. He quailed. She glanced around the table; catching each of Fred, George and Charlie's eyes for just a second before settling on Ron again. "Who would have thought, the one of you with the stones to actually ask me out, it was the one without any who did," she said disdainfully before stalking after Ginny.

Harry and the rest, all but for him and Bill a bit confused, stared after them. Harry shook himself. "Anyone who says Hermione can't pull a prank hasn't a clue what a prank even is."

"Amen to that," Bill chuckled. He held his fist out to Harry. Harry bumped fists with him. "Nice set up by the way."

"Thanks, Sir."

"Wait a second," Ron said. "Are they dating or not?"

"Not," Harry, Bill and Fleur said together.

"But Hermione just said…"

"Ron," Harry said, "Hermione might be the smartest person on the planet. You know about what Ginny did to Bill and I. We we're trying to get back at her for that, embarrass her for using Hermione's name that way and somehow Hermione sussed out what Ginny had done and decided to get in on the act."

"Bloody brilliant," Bill said. "I almost feel sorry for Ginny right now."

"I don't," Harry said.

Bill tipped his head. "Yeah, I don't either."

Charlie chuckled and elbowed Fred. "You two are losing your touch."

"Oi now," George said.

"Them's fightin' words, them are," Fred said.

"Please," Bill said, "between Ginny and Potter earlier this summer, this tonight, the time Ginny turned your hair pink, the time she and Potter tricked the two of you two into eating those candies and chugging a diet coke, and mum getting in on the act for Ginny's original dating Hermione prank and this one tonight, nothing you two have pulled is even in the top five."

The twins glowered at them. "I'm afraid they've got you, boys," Arthur said.

The twins simultaneously stood. "Challenge accepted," they declared and sat down again.

"Oh bloody hell," Ron moaned.

"Ronald," Mrs Weasley reprimanded.

"Oh come on, Mum. It'll be me they target."

"Oh no," Fred said.

"You're safe," George said.

"If Ginny's the queen," Fred said.

"And Potter there is the king," George said.

"Then they have to be the targets," they said together.

Harry stared back at them. "Bugger."

"Harry," Mrs Weasley said.

"Sorry, Mrs Weasley."

Arthur wiped his mouth and set his napkin aside. "Amazing as always, Dear."

Mrs Weasley beamed at him. "Thank you."

"Wonderful/Delicious/Thanks, Mum," various members of the family chimed in while climbing to their feet and clearing their plates to the sink.

"Chess, Ron?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, sure," Ron agreed, hurrying after Harry into the parlour.


It was eight days after Hermione arrived that Mrs Weasley pulled seven envelopes from her apron, handing one to Ginny and two each to Ron, Hermione and Harry. "But I thought they weren't supposed to be posted for another two days yet," Hermione protested even while accepting hers.

"Yes, well, the Headmaster thought it might be wise for you lot to make your visit to Diagon Alley when it wouldn't be expected," Mrs Weasley answered. Though her chalky pallor was indication she wasn't completely comfortable with the plan.

At few things went through Harry's mind in a very short amount of time. The first was that in a way he'd been able to actually forget about Voldemort for a while. Which was very strange indeed as his entire summer had been nothing but one long training session designed to ensure he survived his next encounter with the bastard. But at the Burrow, and especially when in France, Voldemort and his minions were at arms length. He'd been living in a bubble of sort and as the end of summer approached and the return to school became more and more immanent, that bubble constricted. Venturing to Diagon Alley was a step into the real world. A step where, despite attempting to throw Voldemort off by visiting before letters were even sent, it would only take being seeing by the wrong person for an attack to occur. Of course this wasn't news to Harry. Nor was it sudden. He'd known it had to end, but just like all of us when faced with the end of something good, he just wasn't ready for the bubble to pop when it did.

The second thing was that for once he found his concerns about the target he painted on his friends' backs wasn't his biggest worry. His first instinct had been to suggest he not go; figuring if someone did spot them there was at least a better chance of avoiding an attack if he wasn't along. The instinct was quashed though with the fact Ginny herself now carried a target. A target that was really hardly any smaller than his own. She would not be safer with him not there. Far from it, she'd be far safer if he were. In fact, there was no way in hell he was letting her go without him and he rather quickly found himself debating the wisdom of reminding Mrs Weasley of Voldemort's specific interest in her daughter. Just as quickly, he quashed the idea. Ginny and her mum were far better than they'd been when he first arrived that summer, but he didn't want to instigate a fight between them by attempting to get Mrs Weasley to forbid Ginny going to Diagon Alley. No, it'd be far wiser to speak with Ginny privately regarding his concerns. It would prevent a fight between her and her mother and stop her being hacked off with him.

"Are you certain it's safe?" Hermione asked.

"Of course it's safe," Ron said. "I've been going all summer, haven't I?"

"Yes, well you're not Harry, are you?" Hermione said. "Sorry," she added with an apologetic look at Harry.

"It's fine," he answered.

"Gee thanks, Hermione," Ron retorted. "I forgot that. It's not like my spoon hasn't been sitting on mortal peril all summer too or anything."

"Enough, Ron," Ginny said. "Do you have to pick a fight with her over everything?"

"Thank you, Ginny," Hermione said.

Ginny focused on her. "To be fair, it was a bit tactless."

Hermione opened her mouth, paused, and turned to Ron. "I'm sorry, that came out wrong. I'm just as concerned about you going there and to be honest, really wish that you weren't."

Ron stared at her. "You do?"

Hermione blushed but rather bravely, Harry thought, threw it out there for Ron. "I'd much prefer you were staying here with us."

Ron frowned. "Why?"

"Because it's safe, and we're here, and you're my friend and I didn't come here just to spend time with Harry and Ginny," she answered. Harry rather thought if she hadn't thrown it out before that spelled it out in great flashing letters.

"Maybe you could leave off the last week, Ron," Mrs Weasley said in the silence that followed. "You have been working all summer and I know you all want to grow up so fast, but the fact is, once you start working, well you pretty much do it the rest of your life. Spend some time with your friends."

"I wouldn't object to having you around more, Mate," Harry said.

"I would," Ginny countered.

Harry shoved her. "Shut it you."

Ron glowered at her. Ginny smiled innocently back. "Just the reduced stench alone has been wonderful."

"I'll do it," Ron said. "If for no other reason than I haven't annoyed you nearly enough this summer."

"I'm annoyed looking at you," Ginny retorted.

"You know you're adopted right? It's just a spell mum cast that makes your hair red."

"And the freckles too I suppose?"

"Too right."

"Brilliant. Mum, will you cancel the charm please? I'd love to try actually tanning for once."

Mrs Weasley rolled her eyes. "Hush the both of you and open your letters. It's O.W.L.s for three of you after all."

"OH," Hermione gasped and tore her envelope open. "I completely forgot." She pulled the letter from it and quickly scanned it… YES." she exploded.

Harry grinned broadly. "Did well, did you?"

"Thirteen," she exclaimed. "Outstandings in all of them with special marks in Transfiguration, Charms and Defense." She beamed at Harry. "Thanks to you in Defense."

Harry stepped to her and wrapped her in a tight hug. "Congrats, Mione."

She hugged him back tightly before letting him go. "Well go on then. How'd you two do?"

Harry glanced at Ron. "Together?"

Ron nodded. "Right." Ass one they tore their envelopes open. With a bit more trepidation than Hermione they pulled their letters out and scanned them. "Well?" Ron asked.

"Nine," Harry said. "Three Acceptables, three Exceeds and three Outstandings, including Potions and special marks in Defense!"

"Whoa," Ron said.

"Nice job, Harry," Ginny said. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Thanks, Gin," Harry said.

She let him go and Hermione stepped in. "I'm so proud of you."

Harry laughed while returning her hug. "You should be proud of yourself, at least half of them I wouldn't have even passed without you."

"Of course you would have."

Harry let her go. "Well at the very least they wouldn't be nearly as good without your help."

"Well, with your new study habits, I'm expecting a lighter load this year."

Harry laughed. "I'll do my best."

"And I expect half of Hermione's credit for your marks next year," Ginny quipped.

"I'll give you all of it if I no longer have to proof his potions' essays," Hermione said. She focused on Ron. "Well?"

"Eight," he answered. "Five acceptables, an Exceeds and two Outstandings, including Potions, and special marks in Defense."

"Ron," Hermione exclaimed, "that's wonderful." She jumped forward and hugged him tightly. "Now you can keep on for being an auror. I'm so happy for you."

Ron blushed and awkwardly returned her hug. "Erm, thanks." Hermione blushed as she released him and it was about all Harry could do to not roll his eyes at the pair. Judging by the smirk on Ginny's face she was of much the same thought.

"Is it my turn now?" Ginny asked.

"Sure, go on," Harry said. Ginny tore her envelope open and tipped the contents out. A familiar badge dumped into her hand with her letter.

"Ha!" Ron crowed. "The twins are going to torture you forever."

"Ron," Hermione reprimanded, "being selected as prefect is an honor; not something to be ridiculed."

"As if," Ron retorted. "It's just a boatload of work for pretty much nothing."

Ginny had ignored both of them and the sudden grimace on her face had Harry asking, "What? Don't tell me there's another ball or something."

"What?" Ron and Hermione asked, distracted from their growing argument.

Ginny held her letter out. "Try balls," she said.

"WHAT!" Ron cried.

"Balls, as in Halloween, Yule and Valentines."

Ron grabbed the letter from her. "You're joking." But sure enough, as he scanned the usual list of books, supplies and preterm information there it was; three balls to be held 31st, October, 20th, December and 14th February. "Bloody hell," he moaned, "are they trying to kill us?" It was a testament to Hermione's dismay she didn't even reprimand him for his language.

"I guess Dumbledore is trying to keep spirits up or something," Harry said.

"More like putting dementors at the school again if you ask me," Ron muttered. "Who to ask, when to ask them, have you realized girls never travel alone? They're always in packs." He turned on Hermione. "How am I ever supposed to get you alone to ask you if you're never alone?"

Hermione frowned. Harry cocked his head and pursed his lips. "Well, I suppose that's one way," Ginny snickered.

Ron's eyes widened. "Erm, that's not, I mean."

"Ron?" Hermione stopped him.

Ron cringed. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to escort me to the ball?" she asked, her voice surprisingly level. Ron shifted, looking like he wanted to be anywhere but there his eyes darted around nervously.

"Ron," Ginny said, drawing his attention, "it doesn't get more obvious," she said seriously.

"It doesn't?" he croaked.

Ginny shook her head. "Nope."

"Oh." Ron rubbed the back of his neck.

"Ron?" Hermione asked. He turned to her again. "Do you?" Harry had to hand it to his friend. Hermione was well and truly displaying her inner Gryffindor.

"Erm, well, yeah." Harry was certain he saw a low glow build around his bushy haired friend. "But what…."

Hermione's blooming joy evaporated. Harry nearly punched his best mate but managed to refrain. For the moment. "But what, what?" he growled.

For a second Ron looked terrified, but then his inner Gryffindor asserted itself. "None of your damn business, Harry." He grabbed Hermione by the wrist and pulled her out of the kitchen. "Come with me." Startled, Hermione could do nothing but stumble after him. Harry was left with Ginny and Mrs Weasley to stare after them.

"That was nice of you, Ginny," Molly said.

"Sorry?" she asked.

"Trying to help your brother that way."

Ginny smiled. "Thanks, Mum."

"You're welcome. Harry, are you going to open your letter?"

Harry shrugged and tore the envelope open. Along with his letter a badge fell into his hand. "Quidditch captain," Ginny said. "Keep it warm for me, yeah?"

"Ginevra," Mrs Weasley gasped.

Harry rolled his eyes and muttered, "She catches one snitch."

"Hey, I'm undefeated. Can you say the same?"

Harry focused on Mrs Weasley. "Have you checked this girl's ego?" He jerked his thumb at Ginny. "I'm thinking I should take her out to the paddock and show her what a real Seeker can do."

"You're on, Potter," Ginny retorted. "Just as soon as we agree on brooms for the contest. Speaking of." She turned doe eyes on her mother. "It doesn't have to be new," she pleaded.

Mrs Weasley took a deep breath. "We'll see what we can find."

Ginny leapt forward and hugged her mother tightly. "Thanks, Mum."

Mrs Weasley closed her eyes and held her daughter close, burning her face in Ginny's hair. "I love you, Ginny."

Harry slipped out the back, feeling no small amount of happiness at the roll he had played in reconciling the two.


It was late afternoon two days after their letters had arrived that Ginny found Harry down at the pond in her little glade. "Hey," she said, coming to sit beside him. "How come you left without me?"

"Sorry," Harry answered, "needed to think." And he had been thinking. Some about Ron and Hermione who were now an official couple. He wasn't sure how he felt about it. On the one had it was good. On the other, he was more than a bit concerned what might happen if they broke up. Because even if they ended up married some day he was pretty sure there would be a breakup along the way and that wasn't going to be fun. No way, no how, no fun. But for as much thought as he'd put into those two, he'd put far more into the girl who had just joined him.

Far more.

"Oh," Ginny said, feeling a bit stung. She started to get up. "I'll leave you be then."

Harry's hand shot out and grabbed her arm. "Stay." She eyed him. "Really, stay."

Ginny settled back down. "All right then." They sat in silence for quite a long while before one of them spoke again. "Anything I can help with?"

Harry shrugged. "Maybe." The truth was he was pretty certain she could help him. She always helped. And that was, at once, both answer and problem.

Ginny waited. "Am I supposed to test your occlumency? Because I can if you like."

Harry chuckled humorlessly. "I think I've had enough training for the day."

"So what are you thinking about?"

"This summer… It's been good, believe it or not." And he meant it too. Though he did still occasionally feel guilty about that. It sometimes just didn't seem right that he could have a good summer, or a good anything really, so soon after that.

"You mean despite Sirius?"

Harry smiled sadly. "I'm pretty sure I would have wasted away to nothing if Bill hadn't come and got me."

Ginny reached over and took his hand. "I don't know what Dumbledore was thinking, leaving you there like that, but I'll be forever grateful Bill had the stones to do what he did."

"Me too," Harry said. He squeezed her hand.

"He's been more forthcoming since we got back?"

Harry shrugged. "It's only one meeting, but so far he's agreeing to my terms."

"And those are?"

"Mostly that you're my partner."

Ginny nodded slowly. "I wondered when I'd hear about that."

Harry turned to her. "You're sure about this, Gin?"

"Of course I'm sure. You didn't think I'd back out after everything we went through this summer, did you?"

Harry searched her face. "I wouldn't hold it against you."

Ginny held his gaze. "I would."

And there it was. The same ferociousness that had driven her all summer blazed in her chocolate brown eyes. He'd been debating with himself for days now on what to do. He didn't have a choice. She did. She was only there because he asked it of her. For a while he'd thought it was the life debt she supposedly owed him, but he didn't believe that now. She never spoke of it, never mentioned it. The only motivation she ever expressed was that he shouldn't have to do it alone. He didn't know why, but for some reason she had decided she would be the one to ensure he wasn't. It was her choice, and one thing Harry had found over the summer was he had a seeming inability to deny her that.

"I know," he answered.

"Then you know me fairly well," she said.

Harry's eyes changed, darkening. "Thank you," he said solemnly. "For this summer. I know Bill and Fleur were set it up and they were there every step of the way. But don't think I didn't notice no one else was. Don't think I didn't notice Ron couldn't be bothered to get up, or that Hermione is lucky if she puts even half what you do since she's been here. I don't blame her, not really. Fighting and exercise and all that stuff aren't her thing. Honestly, it's almost a waste having her spend time on it. She'll be far more effective fighting Voldemort with some ancient tome in her hand than she ever would with her wand… well maybe her hands, as long as her stamina lasts her wand is pretty mean. But she tends to freeze and get tied up in proper technique and enunciation when she just needs to blast them and have done with it." He paused for a moment. "Ron though, that hurts. He didn't even make the effort. It's like he thinks Voldemort takes summers off or something, I don't know. Anyway, the point is I noticed you were the only one. So thank you, Ginevra Molly Weasley. Thanks for being there and for showing me even with two really good friends there was something missing." Ginny smiled tremulously. "Don't thank me back," he cut over her. "Just… thanks, Gin."

"I'll be there, Harry. I swear."

"Yeah," he said heavily, "I know." Harry squeezed her hand and went back to staring out over the water. The sounds of the birds, bees and the water gurgling down the falls settled pleasantly, lulling them into a peaceful calm and Harry knew he just couldn't allow this to end. Of course it was going to end no matter what he did, but there were some things about going back to school he'd never considered before and he wasn't happy about them. He wasn't happy at all. Some of them he was stuck with, but there was at least one he could do something about and he'd be damned if he didn't. "Gin?" he eventually asked.


"I was wondering if you'd want to go to the balls with me?"

Ginny hesitated slightly before answering. "I guess that depends."

Harry turned to look at her. "Friends or something more?"


"I thought you weren't interested in any of the boys at Hogwarts."

"I'm not," she said softly, her eyes never leaving his.

Harry really didn't know where this particular bout of courage was coming form. But he knew what he wanted and was pretty certain he'd learned to read between her lines. He'd only ever shared a kiss with one girl before, and saying it had not been particularly successful was being kind to the event. But somehow he knew what to do now. Or at least he hoped he did when his hand rose and reached for her. Cupping the back of her neck he gently, but firmly pulled her to him. Her eyes stayed challengingly on his till just before their lips met and they drifted closed.


Searing, burning, consuming, blissful heat surged through his body, and the caged beast that had been impatiently crashing about in his chest since first realizing if he didn't take her to the balls, someone else likely would and that he liked that idea about as much as gouging his eyes out with a spoon, roared its approval in such a way that Harry knew it would never again be silent were he to try denying his feelings for her. Ginny didn't resist him, and she stayed with his kiss, letting out a soft sigh when he eventually pulled back.

When their eyes met, he asked, "And what about a man?" he asked.

"Figured it out, did you?" she challenged, her eyes sparkling.

Harry smirked. "Pretty sure." He leaned in, pushing her all the way to her back as his lips descended on hers again. Ginny's arms wound up around his neck while her hands tangled in his hair. Very quickly Harry learned there was far more to kissing than he ever imagined. Even more quickly his imagination came alive with ways of kissing Ginny that would take life times to explore.

Author's notes:

Well, hopefully that is a satisfactory close to this summer romance. Perhaps some day I'll come back to this and take it through to the end, but right now I can honestly tell you all I haven't got a single further word of the story written and don't know when I might. For now, it will just have to stand alone.

I'm sure many of you are all waiting for my Slytherin Harry to resume. Unfortunately, It's not ready yet either. I'm making progress, but there is a ways yet to go. Honestly, it could be as short as a month and it could be much longer, I just don't know. I only know I won't begin posting till I've completed the book. Again, I'm sorry, I'm doing the best I can.

Last, as always, thank you so much to those of you who were kind enough to review. I always appreciate hearing from readers; even if sometimes I may not like what they have to say.

Till next time,

Sorcerer's Muse