Bone Resigns as Minister of Magic 10 May 1999
Marcus Bones has resigned as Minister for Magic after losing a vote of no confidence in the Wizengamot by 103 to 10 votes. The vote was called by Wizengamot Elder Elphias Doge following Tiberius Ogden's scathing report on the Magical Marriage and Procreation Act which was released last week. The report revealed that the MMPA, long seen as Bones' flagship policy, had been flouted by large sections of society as well as being seen as an overreaction by several academic bodies. Bones suffered a further blow when it was revealed his own daughter, Susan, was among those who defied the Act's contraception clause
Marcus Bones, who is the third Minister to leave the post in just over a year, spoke to Daily Prophet Special Correspondent Pansy Malfoy last night "I am proud to have served the wizards and witches of the United Kingdom and wish my successor well" before adding "You don't know if The Daily Prophet are hiring do you?"
Kingsley Shacklebolt Elected Minister of Magic 12 May 1999
Top Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt has been re-elected Minister of Magic by the Wizengamot after they kicked him out of the job last year. Shacklebolt, whose leadership of the Auror Office has led to the successful recapture of the last free Deatheaters, was seen as the natural choice by many Wizengamot members due to his widely respected economic policies and long term opposition to the controversial Magical Marriage and Procreation Act.
The new Minister has long argued that the act was draconian, unnecessary and unenforceable, an opinion verified by the now infamous Ogden Report, and many believe he will repeal it. Shacklebolt is also believed to increase investment in small businesses to help stimulate the economy as well as grant further rights to magical beings such as house elves and goblins.
Couples Queue for Divorce 25 May 1999
The Ministry of Magic is seeing long queues of couples waiting to divorce after Minister Shacklebolt repealed the Magical Marriage and Procreation Act this week reports Daily Prophet Special Correspondent Pansy Parkinson. A line of witches and wizards eager to throw off their spouses now reach the lifts and some have even brought provisions.
"My mum made me a packed lunch and she says she stop by later if I haven't been seen by teatime" remarked shop owner George Weasley, 21, "I just hope this line starts moving a bit more quickly or I'll have to pay even more to Romilda in the divorce."
Holyhead Harpies sign Mrs Harry Potter 1 August 1999
The Holyhead Harpies have signed Ginerva Potter, 17 as their new chaser. Ginerva 'Ginny' Potter, who is married to The Boy Who Lived, graduated from Hogwarts last month making her the Harpies' youngest signing in over 200 years.
Player turned Manager Gwenog Jones spotted Potter after visiting Hogwarts several times last year on scouting missions. "Ginny has an impressive mixture of raw talent and boundless dedication" Jones told Daily Prophet Sport "When I saw her perform a Porskoff Ploy at the Hogwarts Quidditch Final I knew I had to snatch her before the Tornadoes got their hands on her"
Ministry of Magic gives new rights to House Elves 16 April 2002
The Ministry of Magic has introduced what it has described as 'ground-breaking' new rights to house elves in its new House Elf Act. Our big eared help will now have the right to leave their families if they wish and the physical harming of house elves has now been made a criminal offence.
"This is a monumental moment for house elves up and down the country that have now been freed from a cruel and barbaric slavery" said Hermione Granger the Head of the Office for House Elf Relocation which has since been renamed House Elf Liaison Office. The Daily Prophet reached out to house elves for comment on the new law but found many reluctant to talk. "I is not talking about that nasty Ministry trying to take me away from my family" one Shropshire house-elf snapped "Now go away I is making casserole"
"Well at least it's there if they want it" shrugged Granger "And in the meantime think again about kicking your house-elf if they burn your dinner because you could end up in Azkaban"
Real Life Chamrosh discovered by British Magizoologists 3 September 2004
A group of real life Chamrosh has been discovered by British Magizoologists in the foothills of the Zagros Mountains, Iran. The shy creature, which is a cross between a dog and an eagle, was thought to be legendary until a family flock of seven was discovered by Luna Lovegood and fellow magizoologist Rolf Scamander, grandson of Professor Scamander.
"It's not hard to see why they were thought to be imaginary" said Miss Lovegood, 24, "They are incredibly shy. Rolf and I had to use disillusionment spells as well as silencing spells just to get near them"
Lovegood and boyfriend Scamander have observed that the Chamrosh eat a diet of small rodents and bowtruckles. Meanwhile the Iranian Ministry of Magic is said to be discussing the creation of a new reserve to protect this rare new species.
For photos of the newly discovered Chamrosh turn to page 16.
Hermione Jean Granger & Severus Tobias Snape
Invite You To Attend Their Marriage On
Saturday 12th June 2005
Marriage Service At 1pm, St Mark's Church, Wigan
Followed By Reception At Ye Old Mitre Public House
"Can I hold the baby next Aunty Ginny"
"You've already held him Lucy" Victoire said "It's my turn to hold baby James next isn't it Aunty Ginny?"
The little bundle started to cry in his cousin Molly's arms "Actually I think it might be my turn girls" Ginny said taking her son from her niece "It seems like somebody needs changing" she cooed "Where are the toilets Hermione?"
"Inside first on your left" Hermione said bouncing baby Rose on her lap in the warm pub garden
"Girls I think Teddy, Hugo and Alastor are getting restless" said Rose's mother nodding over to where the three boys were jostling over a last piece of wedding cake "Why don't you ask them to dance?"
"Yes Aunty Lavender" the three girls chirped and ran over to bully their friend, cousin and uncle into dancing with them.
Lavender and Hermione laughed. Little Rose gurgled on Hermione's lap.
"Uh oh, I know that sound" Lavender sang taking Rose "I think I better join Ginny in the toilets before she ruins your wedding dress"
Hermione sat back content watching little Lucy drag Alastor Weasley onto the dance floor "Stop calling me Uncle Alastor, Lucy, I'm younger than you" the small boy whined.
It had been a long road getting here she reflected. After they had divorced Hermione had moved back to the Burrow and she and Severus did not speak for several months. Whether out of inexperience on both of their parts in romantic endeavours or sheer awkwardness Hermione did not know. She wrote a couple of times to him but received short curt replies in response and eventually getting frustrated she accepted an out of the blue invitation to dinner from the newly divorced Kenneth Towler.
What had followed were several nice if slightly boring dates and a rather awkward kiss as he dropped her off at the Burrow. A kiss that was seen by Mrs Weasley as she fed baby Alastor and then related to Percy Weasley. Percy then proceeded to tell his newly reinstated girlfriend Penelope Clearwater, who immediately told Severus.
Severus stormed straight to the Burrow where after a long argument he eventually apologised for his stand offish behaviour and asked her to dinner as promised months ago. What followed was a steady courtship where Severus and Hermione slowly got to know each other again and fell very deeply in love.
At the Ministry of Magic Hermione was promoted to the House Elf office and as she became busier at work and spent more time with Severus, she spent less time at the Burrow. One day after realising she had not seen the Burrow for two straight weeks she consented to Severus' request and moved back to Spinners End.
There they lived happily for several years amongst their muggle neighbours whom Hermione eventually convinced Severus were worthy of socialising with. They dined with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy once a fortnight, hosted Luna and Rolf on their short return visits to Britain and Hermione was even able to drag Severus along to a Weasley Sunday lunch now and then. Hermione learned to tolerate Draco Malfoy who was humbled slightly after Pansy left him whilst Severus slowly accepted Harry as Lily's son although the pair spoke rarely when in each other's company.
Things changed when six months ago Lavender had given birth to Rose Weasley. Arthur and Molly Weasley by then had seven grandchildren as well as a five year old son of their own but it was little Rose who shook something deep in Hermione as she held her for the first time. She suddenly wondered what it would be like to have a child with Severus.
Hermione was quiet that night after she came home from St Mungos but when Severus enquired what was the matter she replied how she had felt when she held Rose "…she was so beautiful Severus. It made me think it might be nice to have a child someday."
Severus nodded "That would not seem to be a bad idea" he replied.
Hermione grinned "I think it might be time for you to propose again."
The sun was beginning to set and Neville and his date Hannah Abbott had begun to herd the Weasley grandchildren inside. Hermione felt a warm hand on her shoulder.
"There you are I thought you'd abandoned me" she said
"My apologies" Severus said sitting down beside her "I have spent the past forty minutes performing memory charms on Lisa and Rodney. They appear to have had a long talk with Arthur Weasley."
Hermione giggled.
Severus tucked a stray curl behind her ear "Are you happy?" he asked
"Yes very" Hermione said honestly
"Good" Severus smiled and he kissed her. "Would you care to dance?"
Hermione nodded and together they left garden and returned to their friends.
The End
So it's finally finished, I hoped you like the ending and the story as a whole, I tried to tie up all the loose ends whilst staying relatively close to cannon characters. Thank you all for your reviews, they really meant a lot and helped me write this story.
Please review and let me know what you think of the ending and the story as a whole.