Reviews for The Hellhound and the Nundu
Hollowg1rl chapter 1 . 7/23
I just get so giddy when I see a new creature fic from you darling! It makes these dark times that much brighter and helps take me away for however long it takes me to read your stories! Usually I say something long before now but I'm only recently able to actually read and when I read your works I like taking my time and really enjoying the ride! Thank you for everything you do for us all sweetie.
BellaAmorEterno chapter 1 . 7/23
I love this story!
misia88 chapter 1 . 7/22
Awesome story!
Jeraly chapter 1 . 7/22
I love these characters!
Gypsy London Rose chapter 1 . 7/21
Great story!
MayhemBunny chapter 1 . 7/19
I love this so much! Everything you put out is amazing and I appreciate your hard work so much. Thank you for writing such wonderful pieces.
ASD Slytherin chapter 1 . 7/18
Just wanted you to know that I love your fics. FLUFFY SPIDERS ARE THE BEST. And Dragon-Bats. And Niffler-Bats. And Nundus. And Kelpies. And the DoM. And whatever other super weird, super snuggly creatures. Yay centaurs. BUT NOT ACROMANTULAS. You got that right. Thank you.
I like elephants. Can you do a fic with cute/winged/fluffy/miniature elephants? Or just any elephants? Maybe elephant -bats? (?) Sorry. Elephants and octopi are my 'Subjects'. (Most ASD people have a fixation, or 'subject'. ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder.) I get it if you don't like the idea, but PLEASE DON'T give me angry, ableist messages about me, my ASD, how I am a horrible diseased person, saying that I am bad for having a brain that understands animals more than people. I don't get what makes me a bad person. So what if my Subject is elephants? Please don't screen-yell at me like the other person I asked for a fic. They seemed nice, but then they weren't. it really hurt my feelings. I don't show them, but I still have them! I know that you probably won't even read this review, but I like your fics. Animals.
By the way, if you ever get tired of reading your own fics, I think that you might like 'It Falls To The Young', by Viskii. Can be found on . It is rather long, but it's finished, has a happy ending, is easy to read, and has tons of plot twists! Including hilarious prank wars, (the great spaghetti sauce. Brilliant.), secrets aplenty, animagi everywhere, and an author with tons of humor. The pairing is a platonic marauders x severus. The canon Marauders are douchebags. But hey, if severus can be a phoenix, than the three idiots can be nice. A bit darker, but not too bad. You and Viskii would probably be best friends, based on your sense of humor. You have cute spiders at the end of a fic, (s)he has bizarre questions at the end of her chapters. (And funny dedications) I had to bite myself to stop myself from laughing. And I don't laugh. Ever. You two are my favorite authors, and I really think that you should
E-Mail each other. But then again. I may just be weird and want you two to co-author some fics. Maybe. Hint, hint.
Do you actually know what 'booterang' means, or did you make it up? I certainly don't. You know what? Who cares. Crumple-Horned-Snorkacks. Lovegood's First. (In case you can't tell, Luna is my favorite character. Closely followed by our favorite Potions Master. Least favorites: Dumbledore. Potters Jr. and Sr.. Umbrige. Voldemort. Black. {Sirius. I like Regulus.}. Lupin. Weasley. Granger. {Sorry. In canon she's a sort of a know it all. Professor Snape was right. There's more to learning than book recitation.} Basically everyone else. I have no idea why I like the books.)
Wishing you well,
ASD Slytherin
Suzi Q chapter 1 . 7/17
Outstanding story line already! I like the beast pairing combination for Hermione and Severus. I like Hermione being adopted by the Centaur herd to give her added protection from Albus D., the manipulating idiot.
Olivia-twiFan chapter 1 . 7/16
Another one!? Already! Soooo happy. Love your writing and your stories.
Cecily Mitchell chapter 1 . 7/16
This is wonderful. My thanks to you and your beta for the beautiful stories you grace us with ️
Jessicaanderic12 chapter 1 . 7/16
Will you continue the story?
mom2divas chapter 1 . 7/14
Fantastic, as always!
LdeWolfe chapter 1 . 7/14
Awww. So good to see you pop in my inbox ! Thanks for the always amazing story
twztdwildcat chapter 1 . 7/14
Ohhh that was good! Although your description of the stag stumbling like it’d already been in a fight makes me wonder if Severus just took down James. Lol oops?
erica chapter 1 . 7/14
Muito obrigado por escrever e compartilhar sua linda história!
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