Baby Steps - Step One

The war ended. With his friends' help, Harry Potter defeated the Dark Lord and his minions, bringing back peace, or whatever it may be called, to the wizarding world. It may sound selfish, but the hero was satisfied because no one from his favorite family in the world, the Weasleys, perished in the battles. Percy reconciled with his parents and siblings; Fred was hurt in an explosion. However, a witch neither could identify healed them before it was too late. More than anyone, Molly Weasley wanted to thank the woman, but she was nowhere after things calmed down. On the good side, she wasn't among the dead either.

A few days later, all Weasleys plus Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were gathering in the Burrow. The sunny spring day was perfect and Molly wanted all of her children together for the last time before they continue their lives away from their childhood home. After everything, all she wanted was to keep them under her wings to never let go. She prayed every day for the shadow of war to be gone forever.

Molly was arranging the seats around the table when she heard a car, which was very unusual since everyone she was expecting would be arriving either by floo network or apparating. She peeked from the window and saw a short dark haired woman standing in front of the gate.

Mrs. Weasley went to meet the stranger. The woman was wearing a leather waistcoat over a button up black shirt, dark jeans and black knee boots. She had carried a huge yellow backpack and a pale pink side bag. Something that looked like a sling was attached to her front. She exhaled uneasiness, shifting from one foot to another.

"Can I help you, dear?"

"Go-Good Morning, Ma'am." She answered in a very accented voice. "My name is Higurashi, Kagome Higurashi. Is Bi- William Weasley still living here?"

"I'm afraid not, Ms. Higurashi. He moved a few months ago."

"Oh…" Molly saw Kagome shifting the weight of the sling. Kagome pained expression worried the older woman. "Well… I…" Whatever she was going to say was interrupted by a loud cry. Kagome rocked the sling, "Easy, easy, Amy-chan."

The baby had fair skin and ginger hair. She was a few days old at most. Molly looked from the baby to Kagome and things started to click. No, it couldn't be. Bill wouldn't cheat on Fleur, right? But if this woman came looking for him…

"Bill is coming over today. Would you like to wait for him?"

"I don't want to intrude. I'll go back to the village and find a cab."

"No, no! It's too hot for a baby. Come, you can wait inside."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley. I really appreciate."

Molly helped Kagome to unload. The heaviness of the backpack surprised Molly, as Kagome's physical form didn't say to be able to carry that much weight. Molly saw Kagome eyeing her watch.

"Mrs. Weasley, do you mind if I feed her? I can use the bathroom. I know some people are sensible with breastfeeding."

"Not at all, dear. After seven children, I can't be bothered by it."

Kagome must have been really tired, thought Molly, for as soon Amy started sucking her nipple, the girl fell into a slumber. Molly observed the baby that looked so much like Ginny at the same age. Molly let the woman sleep, the baby was safe in the sling and probably would fall asleep when satisfied.

Not half an hour later, Molly heard someone apparating followed by a child's cry. Fred and George just arrived.

Fred heard the cry and turned to meet a woman rocking a baby. She was just the opposite of the type of girl he usually is attracted to. However, for some reason he was staring, mesmerized, until George nudged him.

"Who's this, mum?"

"I don't really know, George. She came looking for Bill and I couldn't just send her away with the baby."

"Let me introduce myself, then." Fred marched in her direction before Molly or George could stop him.