
I wanted to add a note to this fic before we get into it.

The only reason I'm actually posting it is that I need a place to put it so that I don't continue messing with it on google docs when I reread it. This fic was purely for therapy reasons to process some trauma, so there is a trigger warning for rape/sexual assault specifically in the third and fourth chapters.

So take it easy on me, please. I could edit this and make it all worthy of being posted, but I'm not going to. It serves me no purpose to edit it and it's okay enough as is.

I'm going to post all of the chapters immediately. I am aware of the abrupt ending to the fic. There is a chance that Adelaide and her friends and family will be involved in some future projects like multiverse fics, or I might be interested in continuing her story later on in little bits and pieces like one shots.

For now, what you get today is what you get. I hope you enjoy it if you decide to read it.