Dealings Between Packs
Dawn quickly crept upon the group, and yet the miko was aware and already had her kits dressed and presentable as the sun was slowly rising. She went around the camp to rouse her companions from their slumber and made sure they were awake enough to behave as they had agreed to. The only one who was awake without her needing to wake them was Hiei.
They all went about making a brisk meal and ate in comfortable, lazy, silence. After their meal was cleaned up Kagome arranged how they should sit while speaking with the demon lord. She knew her seating would be seen as a little confusing to those of this time, but with how things were run in her group they would quickly see the ranks.
To her right and three feet behind sat her intended, Hiei. To her left and only a foot behind sat her kits. Four feet sitting to her right sat Yusuke and Kuwabara. To the left, same distance sat Arashi and Kurama. It showed that they were indeed part of her pack, but showed their relations. To the right side of her sat her intended and her companions that were respected warriors. To her left was family, more fiercely protected, but served as a warning as well. The warning was to not harm or let harm come to them, or she would rightfully be able to claim their head as payment.
They all sat in a formal stance, a seiza, only Yusuke seemed to have trouble with it, but he tried as he agreed. All of them wore a passive expression, one of calm and understanding. They knew the talk ahead of them was important and required to continue their task.
They didn't have to wait long. As soon as the sun rose a little higher, casting more definable shadows from the trees did Sesshomaru appear in their line of sight. To his left and a foot behind was Rin, with her head held high. Further back and about a foot further left was Jaken holding Ah-Un's reins. Their pace was steady and sure.
When they were in Kagome's sight she allowed a small peaceful smile to grace her lips. The girl by Sesshomaru's side broke out into a grin as soon as she saw the miko. Jaken was seen muttering under his breath as usual when it came to Kagome.
When there was a meter of distance between the miko and the demon lord, the miko nodded her head in deference. Sesshomaru nodded his head in turn, his face a mask void of emotion.
"Lord Sesshomaru, thank you for having this audience with me. Won't you please sit? We have much to discuss", came an even musical voice from the young celestial.
Sesshomaru gracefully sank into his own seiza followed by Rin and Jaken. Ah-Un looked at the others before settling down. Rin's face was curious as she looked at Kagome's entourage, only recognizing 3 of them.
"Where is my half-brother?"
The question came out with a tone of curiosity that belied his blank face.
"I don't know. He is most likely with Kikyo." She replied.
"The dead one?"
"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru."
"Has he made your misfit group disband? I have not caught wind of the houshi or tajiya's scent."
"No. Inuyasha left for my incarnate and killed them."
"The fool. Why are you still here and why do you continue your quest for the shards?"
This time he sounded disinterested. However Kagome was able to see the intensity in his golden eyes.
"I have a duty to the jewel."
"Why do you journey into my lands?"
"In search for jewel shards. Your lands are one of the few places I have yet to search."
Sesshomaru was quiet for some time thinking about what she said. He thought about all the implications, propositions, and consequences. Throughout whole while he stared into Kagome's face, learning her scent and those who traveled with her. He examined each one thought his eyes never left hers.
"Your pack adheres to your laws and commands?", he asked in his baritone voice.
"Hai. They are strong, good to their word, and do what is asked of them."
"Rin has spoken of your daughter. She is of your blood, yet you remain pure. Who is her sire?"
Shen blushed deeply at being brought up in this important conversation between alphas. Her ears folded close against her head. Her actions showed that she was shamed to not have been born like most beings were. She shuffled uncomfortably.
"She has no sire. I bore her alone. She was born from my inner power."
"She is full blooded youkai." He stated; it wasn't a question.
"Hai." She responded.
"Your halfbreed, his elements are forbidden to coincide, or so they claim. Relations between the two are forbidden and all offspring are killed. He survived or was an exception?"
A few eyes shifted over to Hiei. Sesshomaru's however stayed true fixated on the one he was speaking with. Kagome's eyes slid over to her intended allowing him to speak for himself.
"I survived." Was all that passed through his lips.
Sesshomaru allowed himself a small smile, showing some of his teeth.
"Your intended was born strong." He praised.
Kagome smiled softly and nodded.
"As is demon law, you are aware your pack is a sub division of my clan due to interactions and becoming pack with my half-brother?"
"Yes, I am aware. I am alpha of this pack, but my pack will defer to you should I fail my duties as an alpha."
The humans in her group were surprised of this hearing it for the first time. The demons were aware of it and knew it was a possibility of happening when they were assigned the mission. Alas they wouldn't have been able to refuse even if they wanted to. The only kickback was being part of Sesshomaru's clan left them with higher ranks in demon society than they already had on their own strength. Even in their time the demon lord was incredibly strong and well respected. He was once king of Makai, but stepped down claiming that it was his own business, but would return at a later time.
"The half-breed chose to be disloyal and turn on his own pack. It is my responsibility to atone for his actions for further defiling our clan name and reputation. What is it that I can do to help atone for his foolish mistakes?"
"I request that my pack and I be allowed access to your lands to search for the jewel shards."
"It is done."
"Thank you, Lord Sesshomaru. May I make one more request?"
"For a price, miko."
"Hai. Your ward Rin, she is tutored and educated. Would it be too much to ask that you also have Shen and Shippo tutored as well? They are kits and in need of education."
"Knowledge is a powerful weapon, miko. This is a heavy request."
"I am aware, My Lord."
Sesshomaru's eyes then looked at the kits who sat close to Kagome than the rest of her pack. They behaved as they should with no outburst of any kind. They were respectful and indeed capable of learning. They also seemed happy and to care greatly for their mother figure. He had seen Rin slowly becoming sad and wistful when she witnessed other children and their families. At first it had not bothered her due to constant traveling. However after staying home at the fortress for a few months she was constantly exposed to it. He was able to pay for tutors so she would learn most things. However some things money could not buy…
"In exchange you will mother Rin and take her in as though she were one of your own."
Everyone but Kagome reacted. More than a few of their eyes bulged with shock. A few took in a sharp breath at the implications of this. Jaken was the most shocked and let out a loud squawk. Kagome however just smiled.
"I would be most honored." Her voice was flooded with motherly emotion.
"In any event Rin shall still live and travel with me."
"Whatever you decide is best for her, Lord Sesshomaru."
Sesshomaru nodded, pleased with her response.
"While you are here your pack will not cause unseemly ruckus, will they?" he inquired.
"I can assure you they will be on their best behavior and we will do our best not to destroy things that lie within your land."
"Make sure of it, miko."
With that he rose to stand on his feet, the movement was practiced and flowed like water. The rest of his little group followed and came to their feet. Kagome then also pulled herself up and out of the seiza position; the rest of her group followed her example.
"Come. We go to the fortress where we may discuss more on this matter and the implications of you being Rin's mother."
Kagome nodded and grabbed her backpack and other supplies. They were quickly ready to depart having made up the camp before Sesshomaru arrived.
Jaken squawked indignantly. "Milord! Are you sure this is a wise decision?"
Sesshomaru twirled landing a solid kick in Jaken's face, sending him flying into the nearest tree.
"My lord… I'm sorry… I forgot my place" he breathed out recovering from his punishment.
"Master Jaken, it wasn't very smart to question our Lord and his choices." Rin said as she squatted looking at the green imp.
"Silence you, Brat!"
That earned him two rocks landing squarely in the middle of his forehead. This confused Jaken for normally his lord only threw one rock at a time.
"Oh… my Lord…" he said dizzily.
"Hn." Was his reply to the imp. "Miko, your word is good." He said to his ward's new mother. She had thrown the first rock, which crashed a second before his rock did in his retainers head. Kagome just nodded her thanks for the compliment even though it wasn't needed.
Her kits were ready by her sides while her pack was ready standing slightly behind her, her intended the furthest back.
Hiei was aware of the slight claim the demon lord made on his intended. It was normal to have a second mate to strengthen packs, which is how Kagome operated he was aware. It was new to him, and he didn't like to share, but it was the way of his kind, so it only disgruntled him. Still he accepted it in stride, further proving his worthiness to be the celestial miko's mate.
As for this fortress of his, it was rumored to have stayed the same throughout the years to present day. The only ones allowed to enter for the past 200 years though were family, pack, and employees. The rare occasion where someone would be summoned, which seemed to happen annually. It peaked his interest and was glad for this turn of events.
"It shall take a day's walk to reach the fortress." He stated before he started walking leading them in the direction of his fortress.
The rest of them followed, including Jaken who had to run to catch up with his lord. Their day was uneventful; although Yusuke could be heard grumbling under his breath about their lengthy walks. They stopped 5 times so the children would be able to relax, each time Yusuke was extremely grateful for the kids.
Around dusk the fortress came into sight and half of Kagome's pack breathed just a little easier. Happy sighs were heard and relief flooded into many eyes after such a long walk. Sesshomaru slowed down for no one and took great strides, never lessening his pace. A few times the kids were placed on Ah-Un's back while the adults continued to walk. Yet it was worth it as they saved time and were able to sleep in beds tonight.
Two of the guards at the entrance opened the great doors upon their arrival, Sesshomaru still leading the way. When he was 20 steps past the gate he turned around and faced them.
"Welcome to the Taisho Fortress."
End Chapter
AN: Thank you SO much for staying with me for this long! So many years, I am so thankful for all of you. I love your reviews as they are the things that make me write my chapters. My latest ones have made my heart happy enough that I was able to write this for you. There will obviously be more to come.
So review, the more I get, the quicker you will get updates and chapters.