AN: Well ladies and gents – this is it. We want to take a moment to give you are continued love and thanks for all the support during this dark and twisted tale. We are looking forward to your end thoughts and reactions. We ask that you remember that reviews are our reward for all our hard work. They are also HUGE motivators…feed our muse! Please! You will be rewarded with faster writing (hopefully)!

Right now, we are tentatively planning on posting the first chapter of Master Mine: A Lesson in Love next Saturday…we are struggling to switch gears, though, and may need a little longer. Please be patient!

All our undying love and thanks, Lissa & Snow

BETA love – RaynePheonix2 & sab81790

"Mm," Hermione sighed deeply as the long, warm fingers of her husband tightened on inside of her thighs. She spread her legs wider, allowing Lucius to delve his tongue a little deeper into her pussy. "Fuck, Lucius," she moaned, reaching to tangle her hands in his hair.

Lucius grinned into his wife's glistening folds before sucking her inner lips into his mouth, tonguing them and making her twitch against his face as he slowly made his way to her clit. When he flicked his tongue across the bundle of nerves, she bucked into him and his fingers flexed against her thighs in order to pin her to the bed. He chuckled against her and blew hot air across the sensitive nub before latching on and drawing it into his mouth completely to suck her into insanity.

"Nnnnn uhnnn!" Hermione fell into the abyss of her orgasm mere moments later, her body bowing as her head thrashed from side to side as she voiced her pleasure. Her nails scraped against Lucius head almost painfully, causing him to growl and nip her gently before he moved his mouth in a hot, wet line up her body. He only detoured to suck the pink tips of her breasts into his mouth briefly, first one, then the other, before claiming her mouth in an intense kiss that curled her toes.

Hermione wrapped her arms around Lucius and pulled him down, so their chests were flush together while simultaneously locking him to her with her legs. She tilted her pelvis and he entered her easily with no external guidance. After all, it was a dance they had all but perfected over the last eighteen-plus years.

"Fuck, princess," he hissed against her lips before trailing tender nips along her jaw and burying his face into her neck.

She hummed her agreement before gasping, "You feel so good, Lucius…!" She trailed off on gasp and rolled her hips to meet his steady thrusts. "Oh, gods!" Her second orgasm was building quickly. He knew just how to angle himself to hit that sweet spot over and over. Hermione clawed at his back as she bowed into him and found his muscles tight with effort and his skin slick with sweat.

Lucius burrowed his arms under his wife's back and grasped her shoulders. Without warning, he jerked her up with him as he rose to his knees. They barely missed a beat with the movement, and Hermione wrapped her arms around his shoulders for leverage as he upped his pace, pistoning up into her with fervor.

"Come with me," he demanded of her and Hermione chuckled lightly before gasping and adjusting her legs to help with the movement. She was very close.

"Al – most!" she panted before finding his lips with hers for another hot snog.

Lucius knew he had her when she let out a whiney mewl against his lips before ripping her mouth away. "Yes, yes, Lucius. Now!" She cried out his name twice more as her pussy contracted around him.

Lucius had been gritting his teeth against his own orgasm and the moment her inner muscles started contracting around his length, he let go with a growl of satisfied completion and pounded through their orgasms. Her mouth found his again, and he slid his hands up from her shoulders into the hair at the base of her head, holding her in place while they kissed until their hearts calmed a few minutes later.

He felt her kiss change, going from heated and hard to a loving slow before she smiled against his lips. "Happy Christmas," she told him before pressing a couple more, light kisses to the corner of his mouth, which was also stretching into a smile.

"Happy Christmas, wife," he answered her.

"A lovely way to start the day!" she teased, pulling back.

He chuckled low as their stares met in the dim, very early morning light. Even through the darkness, he could see her beautiful eyes glimmer with happiness.

"The children will be awake soon," he told her. He knew his own eyes must glow with their sated joy as well. Whenever she looked at him that way, it was hard not to respond. She had given him more happiness in their twenty years together then he had ever known during the first forty of his life.

"That they will, love," she responded. "And the Potters, Weasleys, Lupins, and Snapes will all be here by lunchtime. I suppose we'd best get on the move."

Lucius watched in complete admiration as his curvy little witch slid from the bed. Her wild curls were in utter disarray and tangled deliciously from sleep and their morning romp. She paused at the door to the bathroom and turned her face over one shoulder. She smirked when she caught him watching her, his head cocked in deep appreciation of her full arse. "Aren't you going to join me?" she murmured before purposely biting her lower lip and fluttering her lashes at him.

Sixty-three-years-old was young for a wizard, and Lucius was decidedly the prime of his life. He felt his cock twitch with interest and growled low in his throat as he leapt from the bed to chase his now giggling wife into the shower.

Twenty-year-old Scorpius Malfoy reached groggily for the tempus alarm he had set on his wand the night before. With a swish, the green numbers 4:45 am glowed bright until a flick made them disappear away.

He'd had a very difficult night the night before. The man he called Uncle Severus had truly put him through a ringer of questions, even if his Auntie Ginny had pleasantly chastised the man and done her best to keep Scorpius feeling comfortable.

Asking for his witch's hand in marriage had basically been a proverbial nightmare, but when one's hopeful future father-in-law was Severus Tobias Snape, spy and hero of Wizarding War Two and Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry…well…he hadn't expected anything less.

He had one conversation left to have. Tiredly, he rolled over and forced himself into a sitting position on the side of the bed. Shower first, he yawned.

Twenty minutes later, Tinny was placing a small tea service on his end table in front of the fire and Scorpius murmured his thanks to the ancient little elf.

"Yous most welcomes, my lovely laddy," she murmured, smiling her elvish smile widely before popping out of existence.

Scorpius sat down heavily on his favored davenport before dropping a dollop of honey in his steaming cup and raising the Earl Grey to his lips. He took a deep sip and let out a hum of contentment as the flavor of bergamot and black tea rolled over his taste buds.

"That's one thing I still miss to this day," came a very familiar voice. Scorpius smirked and looked up at the portrait above his hearth.

"What's that?" he asked the portrait of his young father.

Draco Malfoy's portrait let out a low sigh before answering. "Tea, Scor. Tea. What did you think I meant?" His voice dripped with innuendo and Scorpius snorted.

"I was kidding, dad." The current Malfoy heir's head rose, and sterling silver eyes met painted grey. "Happy Christmas, by the way."

"Happy Christmas, son," Draco answered with a sad smile. "Tinny told me you wanted to talk."

"I do."

"Is this about the Snape girl?"

His dad's intuition didn't surprise Scorpius. He talked to Draco's portrait almost as much as he talked to Lucius. "It is."

"Did you get the rings from your mother?" Draco's grin spread wide and white teeth flashed on the portrait as Scorpius nodded. "Good…did you ask Severus?"

"Oh yes," Scorpius answered quickly and then chuckled when his dad guffawed.

As they continued their conversation, Draco watched his son with warm eyes. His portrait had taken almost a year to awaken, but he had watched over the boy carefully since he had opened his eyes to find his six-month-old son in his father's loving arms.

The years had been good to Lucius Malfoy, and Draco's portrait couldn't help but be grateful for the woman who had made it so. Lucius could have lived a long, lonely life if it weren't for Hermione Granger.

Hermione Granger – the mother of his son.

The girl who had never once even considered to reveal to their child the conditions of his conception. The witch who had only ever talked about the good Draco had done. The woman who had nurtured and loved a child – his child – their child – that had been born from terrible circumstances with all the poise and grace of a true Malfoy wife. Yes, Hermione had raised a true and splendid Malfoy Heir.

And Draco Malfoy would love her until he knew no more for all she had given him in his death.

Draco's portrait cautiously made its way into the lovely landscape that Hermione kept in her dressing room. He rarely used this frame, preferring to give the newest Lady Malfoy her privacy in such an intimate area of the house, but he wanted to speak with her discretely this morning.

He peeked around the edge of the frame just long enough to ascertain she was decently covered before presenting himself fully and immediately clearing his throat to garner her attention.

"Merlin!" she huffed. He watched in amusement as her hand came up to clutch at her chest. "Draco! You startled me," she scolded.

"My apologies," he said with what he hoped was a roguish grin and chuckle. "I just – I needed to see you; to talk to you."

Hermione's face instantly softened, and a sweet smile curled her lips as the excitement nearly radiated off Draco's portrait. She knew why he had come.

That night – almost eighteen years ago – where Lucius had finally taken her back in his arms and allowed their hearts to come together, was the night that Draco had woken. Or so they had thought. Later, he would clarify that it was the night he had decided to let them all know he had woken.

An exasperated, "Finally! I was trying to figure out a way back from the dead just so I could knock your stubborn heads together!" had absolutely torn their world asunder.

Immediately, there had been heavy emotion. Lucius had raced to pull Scorpius out of bed to finally meet his father; Hermione had stood there in tears – thanking Draco over and over again for his sacrifice so that she and Scorpius could live.

It had taken a little time and many long conversations, but Draco and Hermione began to find solace in their companionship. While in life she had not been privy to the real man behind the curse until it was much too late, in death she had been allowed to get to know who he had truly been. She had never been so grateful for magic. Even just getting to know the likeness and imprint that was Draco Malfoy was better than never being able to tell him how she had come to forgive (if not forget) him for the things that had been out of his control.

Through the years, Draco had become a confidant for her. He also doted on his son, and Hermione was grateful that Scorpius had a piece of his biological father to know and love.

"How are you taking the news?" she asked knowingly.

She felt her nose tingle with tears when his beautifully painted face crumpled a bit. His eyes took on a far-away look. "I wish I was there, Hermione. More than watching his first steps or having him call me dad for the first time – more than when I observed him getting his letter to Hogwarts – more than ever."

Hermione instantly crossed the small chamber and laid her hand over his painted form, trying to comfort with touch when there was no touch to be had. "You know how much we all wish that, as well," she murmured as she tried to keep her voice strong.

Draco's eyes closed and he raised his hand as if to reach and touch her face. "I do, I know Hermione. I am … so happy for Scorpius … that he has found a true love makes me so happy. And I'm so grateful for the man he's become. You and father have done a remarkable job, love."

"You were here and helped every step of the way, Draco," she whispered, her tone was still slightly strangled due to the tightness in her throat.

"Hermione, my love," Lucius called as he entered the dressing room while tying a cravat at his throat. He paused when he found his wife and his son's portrait conversing, but then smiled warmly and moved to join them. "Scorpius has told you the good news then?"

"He has, father," Draco answered with a warm smile. He turned his attention back to Hermione and gave a small nod. She brushed the painting lightly one more time with her fingertips before pulling away and taking Lucius' hand in her own. "Now we just need to pray the girl says yes!"

The three laughed together – all of them believing that she would.

"Mum!" Eleven-year-old Cressida Narcissa twittered excitedly as she ran into the Ladies Parlor, now known more appropriately as the Piano Parlor. A large Christmas tree was to the right of the fireplace, decorated with a myriad of handmade ornaments from the children over the years. The portraits were full of excited ancestors, all smiling as the baby of the Malfoy family – and the first girl to live past her first birthday in over ten generations – dashed to her mother, who was quietly playing hymns on the piano, for a quick Christmas kiss before moving to her father.

Lucius did not even try to uphold his normally aloof demeanor. His daughter, with her white-blonde curls and slightly protruding front teeth, was his heart and soul. The hug she bestowed on him turned into a full blown snuggle as he pulled the petite girl into his lap. Cressida tucked her head under Lucius' chin and the two held each other tight as Scorpius entered the room moments later.

"Morning, Mum," Scorpius murmured, bending to press a dignified kiss to his mother's head as she continued to play Silent Night. "Morning, Papa." The twenty-year old gave Lucius a smile which was returned from the man who had raised him as his own. "Morning dad, grandmother. Happy Christmas."

All four Malfoys in the parlor turned to see Narcissa and Draco crowded together into one portrait with large smiles on their painted faces. "Good morning, Scorpius," they answered together.

"Happy Christmas Hermione…Father," Draco continued.

The greetings were returned just as a large whoop came from the grand staircase just outside the double doors of the piano room. "Come on, Nicky!" Fifteen-year-old David Gene Malfoy's voice could be heard loud and clear as he yelled to his younger brother.

"I'm coming!" Nicholas Lucius Malfoy called in a sing-songy tone. "Hold your hippogriffs!" the thirteen-year old teased.

"But…presents, Nicky! You're too slow." Two sets of feet could be heard thundering down the stairs and Lucius snorted indelicately as Hermione turned from the piano to greet her teenaged boys.

"Here comes trouble!" Willow called from her portrait, her eyes shining with happiness.

"Double trouble!" Scorpius agreed as his brothers burst into the room, pausing in confused surprise when everyone was laughing as they entered.

"I don't want to go!" Severus growled, batting his wife's hands away from his hair with annoyance.

"Severus," Ginny admonished lovingly, knowing exactly why her husband of almost twenty-one years was so growly. "You have already made the girls very uncomfortable this morning with your surliness and Senna is now suspicious of what the day is going to hold. You're going to give away her surprise!"

"Serves her right, taking up with a bloody Malfoy!" Snape snapped, spinning away from his fussing wife to rummage in his dresser drawer for a leather tie.

"That's not true – you adore that boy!" Ginny sighed and pointed for her grumpy husband to take a seat. "You're being impossible!"

"You're going to regret saying that tonight, witch!" Severus muttered darkly as he took the aforementioned chair and handed Ginning the leather to tie his hair back with.

"Maybe that was the point, sir." Ginny winked at him in the mirror before gently using her fingers to tie back his long, black hair that was starting to be streaked with greys and silvers. He shivered as her fingertips lightly stroked the back of his neck and met her honey gaze with black eyes.

"I just…worry," he sighed, and his eyes dropped away from hers.

Ginny's heart clenched in her chest as she rounded in front of Severus and used her hands to tilt his chin up and catch his eyes again. "Darling, if you and I – and Hermione and Lucius for that matter – can make something of our lives and marriages, then Senna will have nothing to worry about in her own match." She brushed a thumb over his pale cheek, tracing the high cheek bone before letting it drop to his thin lips.

Severus wrapped a hand around her slender wrist and pulled her hand away, only to redirect it back to his lips so he could place a sweet kiss to the middle of her palm.

"I love you, Ginevra," he whispered before reaching up to wrap longer fingers around the back of her neck and pull her down into a heated kiss.

"I love you, too." She murmured into his shoulder a few minutes later as they hugged tightly. "Always."

"Love?" Harry Potter called. "We're ready to floo over – you coming soon?"

"I'm coming!" His wife's voice could be heard from above the stairs. "Go ahead and start sending the kids through! I just need to put my earrings in!"

"Oldest first!" Fourteen-year-old James Sirius pushed his way in front of his two younger siblings and grabbed a handful of floo powder from the kitchen mantel at Grimmauld Place. A Grimmauld place that was almost unrecognizable thanks to the boy's mother's impeccable taste.

"Lily-love, you next," Harry grinned at his eleven-year-old daughter.

"Yes!" Lily Luna giggled as she pushed around her thirteen-year-old brother Albus Severus. "I'm so excited to see Cressida!"

"You just saw her four days ago!" Albus rolled his eyes at his baby sister's antics.

"You be nice to your sister!" His mother admonished as she stepped down the stairs into the kitchen just as her youngest child and only daughter disappeared while shouting.

"Malfoy Manor!"

"Yes, mum!" Albus agreed quickly before sneaking a look at his dad. He rolled his eyes again at the look of complete adoration on his father's face as he looked at her before scooping a handful of floo powder and disappearing after the same shout.

"You are beautiful, Pans," Harry murmured and reached for his wife's hand. Pansy Potter nèe Parkinson took his hand in one of hers and reached out her free hand to smooth some unruly locks out of his face.

"Thank you, Harry," she answered primly before allowing her face to melt into a goofy grin. Fifteen years with this man had made the tortures of her unrequited childhood love so worth it.

Hermione couldn't have been any happier as she watched her godchildren and nieces and nephews (even if they were only called thus in spirit) open gifts while adults drank and conversed and made merry after they finished their grand luncheon buffet.

She caught eyes with Ginny across the Parlor, grinning when the redhead rolled her eyes and looked at her husband pointedly. Hermione shifted her gaze to find Severus standing at the window, staring across the gardens to where the stable could just barely be made out in the distance. She knew how hard a time Severus was having at the thought of "giving away" his little girl.

Hermione turned her attention back to Ginny and shrugged as if to say "They grow up? What can we do?" Ginny nodded her agreement, but Hermione couldn't help but notice her friend's worry.

She leaned against Lucius where he was deep in discussion with Remus and Charlie, smiling when her husband wrapped an arm snugly about her waist. She let her mind wander as she took in sights that, once upon a time, she thought she'd never get to see as she had expected her life to be very, very short.

Granted, the picture didn't match what her adolescent mind had conjured all those years ago, but it was a wonderful and happy scene, nonetheless.

The gathering at Malfoy Manor was chaos, as it had been every year for the last twenty. In addition to the Snapes, Potters, and Hermione's mum and her husband of eighteen years, Healer Barnaby Jacobs; the Weasleys and Lupins attended every year, as well.

Hermione watched Bill and Fleur laughing with Fred and George and their wives. George and Angelina married in June of 2002 in a shotgun wedding ceremony (their first born, Frederick George, was born in December of that same year). Fred had married an American girl by the name of Lexie Poppinstock, who Hermione and Harry would have had their seventh year with if not for the war. Together, the three Weasley boys had seven children. Victoire, Dominique, and Louis belonged to Bill, Molly and Willa had been born to Fred, and – in addition to Freddy – George and Angelina had a daughter named Roxanne.

Weasleys Wizard Wheezes had grown exponentially, and with investment backing by Malfoy Enterprises and Poppinstock Magometers (Lexie's father's company), it had expanded to over twenty locations in the British Isles, Europe, and some of the larger cities on the East Coast of the United States.

Next, she focused on the two men her husband was conversing with, talking politics. For all their years of sneaking around and being worried that their relationship wouldn't be accepted, Remus Lupin and Charlie Weasley had announced their elopement about four years prior and were stunned when no one in the family had been all that surprised. In fact – shouts of "Finally!" had probably been heard in Paris with the timid Christmastime announcement. Teddy had laughed uproariously and gave his fathers a resounding round of I told you so's.

Hermione couldn't help the goofy smile as she thought about their history. Here they were – all thirty-four of them (along with a couple of overwhelmed significant others of the older children this year) with their mis-matched, hodge-podge histories and bloodlines – gathered at Malfoy Manor to celebrate Lucius' first Christmas as a truly free man.

She wondered how Scorpius was fairing with the youngest of the two Snape girls. He had taken her for a horseback ride (something both young adults adored) after stopping to say hello to Mony, whom Scorpius was very close with.

Scorpius had told her that he planned on asking Senna to marry him on the grounds under the willows by the lake. It was a beautiful setting for a proposal. The crystals in the trees glittered in the watery December sunlight and the ice had been cleared for skating later in the afternoon and was shiny and smooth.

Hermione hoped the girl said yes, though she couldn't see her refusing. Senna and Scorpius had been inseparable for years. They were incredibly close. In fact, Hermione felt that Senna and Scorpius could be her and Harry – if there had ever been a romantic inclination between the two of them.

Hermione knew that Severus was happy for his daughter, too – he adored Scorpius, and had always talked very highly of him. She had, in fact, overheard him telling Sorrel (Senna's older twin) that she would have to find a young man as good as Scorpius if she ever wanted his blessing in marriage.

Sorrel had laughed, teasing her father about how he disliked all her boyfriends and she was destined to be a spinster, which had caused Severus to chuckle as well.

She was startled out of her thoughts when Lucius' warm lips pressed to her forehead. "Mm," she hummed, leaning into him.

"The teens are anxious to get down to the lake," he told her quietly, his gaze slicing across the room to take in Severus' tight stance at the window. "He's still in a dead panic, isn't he?" Lucius nodded at their friend.

"I believe so," Hermione gave him a half smirk. "Be sympathetic, Lucius. How are you going to feel when Cressida's love comes to ask you for her hand in marriage?"

A shadow of horror clouded Lucius' expression and Hermione had to bite back a laugh. Lucius' relationship with their daughter reminded her very much of her own with her father when she was young.

Just then, two young adults came crashing into the room. Hermione's heart leapt when she took in identical, ecstatic grins and flushed-with-cold-and-happiness cheeks.

"She said 'yes'!" Scorpius crowed as he pulled Senna in behind him. The lovely Senna Snape laughed delightedly as the tugging of her arm turned into him grasping her waist and spinning her in a circle before dipping her deeply for a kiss.

The entire group of holiday makers paused for only a split second before everyone knew exactly what had happened and the room turned deafening in a cacophony of shrieks of delights and calls of congratulations.

As thrilled as Hermione was for her oldest son, her concern for Severus was deep. She turned her attention to the man only to see him watching Senna's face carefully. He only had eyes for his daughter in this moment, even as Ginny entwined her fingers with her husband's. He must have seen what he had hoped to see, because for the first time all day his entire body relaxed, and a small smile tilted the corners of his lips up. Lucius wrapped his arms around Hermione from behind and whispered his happiness in her ear as her own smile split her face.

Hermione felt a pull and her vision moved to Draco's portrait. He was watching her, and when their eyes met, he looked from her to their son and back again. The smile on his face was evidence enough of his sheer joy. She felt a tug of loss for a moment. If only he were alive to truly share in this joyous occasion as they had discussed this morning.

Thinking back on what they had all endured those many years ago was mindboggling. The losses were huge and painful but, ultimately, she could regret nothing that lead her to where she was in this moment. Her life had turned out so much better than she could have possibly imagined – truly a world fit for life and love.

~*Finite Incantatum*~

AN: SURPRISE! A little fun ditty for you all! Lots of love!

9 March 2019:
Wrap up Cast Meeting on WNF – Script Handout for MM2

Lissa was brimming with excitement as she addressed the cast who were leisurely socializing amongst themselves. The story outline for Master Mine: A Lesson in Love had been handed to the applicable players.

"Okay everyone. Listen! A World Not Fit to Live In is officially completed! Thanks to you all for your hard work!" she announced drawing the attention of the room. There was a brief round of applause and hoots while people grinned and congratulated each other. Just as the din died down, the click-clack of heels could be heard coming quickly down the hall.

"I'm here, I'm here!" the familiar voice in an oh-so-very different tone pleaded. "Sorry, sorry for being late!" He glanced about the room as though searching for someone and, upon finding him, strode purposefully in his typical dramatic flair and added in exasperation, "It took her forever to get my latte macchiato double shot espresso with an extra splash of vanilla right." He looked at Snow and Lissa, certain they understood exactly how stressful it had been. "You would think the little witch had never heard of such a thing," he added with a shrug. The nose-less and hairless Tom Riddle – with his skinny jeans and vintage Spice Girls t-shirt – collapsed exhaustedly into the empty chair next to Snape. Snape's slight rolling of his eyes and not so subtle movement away from the late arrival said it all.

"Hi, Sev," Tom purred as he sipped his cup and glanced up at the onyx-haired man with obvious affection.

"Hello, Tom," Severus responded resignedly.

"You look really handsome today. Is that a new black cloak? I think I count more buttons."

Lucius' hand shot up to conceal his chuckle. It was a poorly kept secret that Riddle had the major hots for Severus Snape.

Snow and Lissa would never get used to the fact that Tom Riddle, the performer, was actually quite different than his fiction persona. He was very skinny, very effeminate and very gay. In actuality, the authors were tremendously fond of him.

"If we can stay on topic, we can get through the afternoon much faster," Lissa suggested.

"Yes, I'm sure some of you have thoughts about WNF now that the ending has been revealed." Snow added. "And, I know you have questions about Book two of Master Mine.

Draco shifted in his seat, a satisfied grin on his face as the beautiful blonde's, Lizzie and Lexie, flanked either side of him like groupies. "I just want to thank the writers for giving me the dramatic ending I deserved in the story."

"Yes, yes," squealed an enthusiastic Lizzie from his left. "The way you played your death was masterful. There wasn't a dry-eyed reader out there."

Draco straightened his shoulders in obvious pleasure at the praise. "Well, the part truly called to me, you know. Such a tormented soul. A great man was struck by a brutal curse making him a monster when he was really a victim and a hero. A noble self-sacrificing death was fitting for the actual hero of the story."

"Well, your stock certainly went back up, that's for sure," Hermione interjected with a roll of her eyes from her seat next to Rose.

"Yes, all those reviewers who were screaming for your death through most of the story are regretting it now," added Lexie as she gazed at Draco with star struck adoration.

Draco sighed. "Yes, that was unpleasant. But once SnowBabe and LissaLove explained the trajectory of my character... well, who am I to intervene with the greatness that is their muse." He winked at the authors.

Snow and Lissa looked at each other agreeing through silent conversation that they had created a monster of an entirely different kind.

Snow glanced from Lucius to Hermione. "So, how do you two feel about the ending? Were you happy with your character's development as the story progressed?"

A brief flash of petulance crossed Lucius' face. "Well... I didn't particularly like spending most of the battle scene stunned unconscious. I mean... I feel I came across rather weak."

Draco scuffed, "Yes, but you got the girl."

Severus bristled, "He always gets the girl."

Tom's sad eyes looked up at Snape and then at Lucius. "Well, he does have fabulous hair. I mean you can't deny it." He looked back at Snape. "But you exude power and masculinity, Sev. I think you've been shaking the wrong tree if you know what I mean."

Severus paid no mind to his admirer's words as he was too busy admiring the two newest, arrivals.

"Sorry, we got stuck in traffic," Raynephoenix2 explained as she walked in the door accompanied by a new face…and another redhead.

Lissa didn't miss the admiring stare and had to contain her jealousy as Rayne introduced Sab81790 to the cast. "Everyone, this is our new BETA. She and I are both going to act as BETA's going forward."

Severus stood and stalked over to the beautiful redheads. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he crooned as he held his hand out to Sab while his eyes glanced up and down appreciatively.

"Wait! I know you! You were one of the women who snuck into the Manor to kill me that night!" Draco exclaimed.

"Oh…well," Sab stammered, a significant blush creeping over her skin, "we, that is, I... never really intended to... ya know... actually kill..."

"Oh love, don't fret the small stuff. I dream of killing him all the time," Hermione chimed in.

"Is that an American southern accent I detect, Sab?" Severus asked with darkening eyes as he eased in closer.

Snow knew she needed to run interference before either Tom or Lissa clobbered the poor girl to her death in a jealous fit of rage.

"Please, everyone. Can we just get through this meeting? Rayne and Sab, you want to come sit with Lissa and I? Severus – take your seat."

Lissa pointedly ignored Severus. "Hermione? Anything to add?"

"No, not really. I'm a little disappointed not to get a break between WNF and MM. I mean, the constant sex in WNF was tiring enough, but it's just going to be that much more so in MM."

Snow and Lissa both looked at Hermione like she was an enigma.

Hermione slouched back in her chair. "I mean, I'm going to have to start casting anti-inflammatory charms on my nether regions before long."

Severus and Lucius grinned conspiratorially at each other.

Sab leaned over to Rayne and whispered, "Did she really just complain about having regular sex with Lucius, Draco, and Severus?"

Rayne responded below her breath, "She has no idea how lucky she is. She's kind of a whiner."

"Anything else on WNF?" Lissa asked as she met the eyes of the various players about the room.

Etan smiled appreciatively. "Yes, I just want to say it I appreciate the writers finding parts for the OC's. I know I speak for Rose, Britt and Jonathan as well."

"Yes, but once again, I was written into the story as a harlot and someone to be loathed." Britt complained.

"Well, if the shoe fits," Severus muttered loud enough for everyone to hear.

Britt shot Snape a look of sheer loathing causing him to grin in return. Neither Lissa or Snow understood why there was so much animosity between those two.

"Well, I guess we can move onto Master Mine Book Two then," Snow suggested.

"So, here's the thing. We feel like Master Mine would get a lot more reads if we could figure out ways to plug it in the public eye," Lissa chimed.

Snow nodded. "Yes, while we are writing, we need you peeps to work on some advertising to promote the story. Think about what you like about the books, what makes it special. We need some punch lines to really draw the eye as potential readers scan down the que of stories on the various websites."

"Ok…so WHY do readers enjoy this story?" Lissa asked.

The cast exchanged lost looks amongst themselves.

"Nothing? No ideas?" she continued.

"Well, it's sexy," Clarise said shyly.

The rest of the cast looked at her, as though in thought.

"It speaks to some who might be in Hermione's character's shoes. Unfulfilled sex life? Going nowhere relationships? I mean, how many women out there live this life daily?" added Britt.

There were some nods from the females.

"Well, the witches are hot, and the story is full of sex. Lots of blow jobs, which I happen to appreciate. I think male readers like that," Draco said.

Snow nodded as thoughtfully, "Hmm, I don't imagine that many of our readers are male, but you might be right, Draco."

Lucius sighed heavily, clearly bored and answered condescendingly to all in the room. "It's simple. The men in the story are sexy, Dominant beasts and the readers simply can't get enough of us." He threw a smirk towards Severus who merely stared back with a deadpan expression.

Lucius continued as he assessed his fresh manicure, "You simply need some testimonials from a few readers."



"For a book?"


Lissa shook her head, not understanding. "Just what exactly are these testimonials claiming? That the story was a good read? Captivating? I mean – the reviews are pretty good, we could display some of them, I guess?"

Lucius looked at her like she was an idiot. "Hmph, well not if you want anyone to actually read it." He thought for a moment. "No, you need something more eye grabbing than normal reviews and comments. Something that will make potential readers realize their lives could actually change for the better just from reading." Suddenly his eyes lit up. "How about, … 'My orgasms used to be mildly enjoyable… and then I read Master Mine. Now I'm like a freight train without brakes. My boyfriend is so happy! He doesn't even mind wearing the long, platinum-blonde wig!" Lucius could barely contain his smirk.

"You've got to be joking," scowled Severus. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair as he considered the statement. "Perhaps your idea has merit…" he agreed begrudgingly after a moment of silence. "Although, clearly, a black wig would be more fitting."

There was peppered laughing throughout the room while Snow buried her face in her hands in exasperation and Rayne and Sab whispered while tittering.

"Forget it," Lissa waved it off as people continued to laugh and talk off topic. "Snow and I will just keep advertising on Facebook and Tumblr. Please keep sharing with your friends. You people are hopeless when it comes to this stuff."

"Hey –" Draco started, but then broke into laughter again. Snow rolled her eyes when she noticed that even Hermione's hand was clasped over her mouth as she leaned into Rose who was snorting indelicately.

"Everyone better show up on time tomorrow for rehearsal," Snow called over the din as she started packing her bag.

Lissa pulled her phone out of her bra to check her messages. "Ten a.m. – be there or be fired."

"Wait! Wait, wait, wait. Lissa," Lucius voice took on a serious and seductive timbre. "Is that where you've been keeping your phone so we can't find it?" He raised his eyebrows and shot a suggestive look at Snape. "Do you actually think that's a deterrent?"

The laughter only grew worse as Lissa's cheeks blazed hot pink.