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Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, Naruto, Merlin, and One Piece. Hello! Welcome to my profile! :D Here is a brief description about me: I'm the best procrastinator in the entire world,... nuff said. My view in regards to PETTY AUTHORS: I also DO NOT tolerate, nor even like, Petty Authors who couldn't handle Criticism. They're like the biggest ;.;.;.;.;.; in this community. I admit that I myself don't write the perfect story with the perfect plot, but hey, like so many open-minded authors out there, I can take the criticism. Because that's your readers view. And I respect those readers who let it all out, who tells me the good stuff as well as the bad stuff. It's a pity that some authors are so narrow-minded that they just want to always see Good Reviews. It's funny that they always say the same line over and over again. #1 'Don't like, Don't read' or #2 'Why did you read it then?' Well, if I handed out a negative review, that means I'm still interested with the story. I wouldn't review at all if I found the story utterly dull. And, really, the second statement ('Why did you read it then?') is downright dumb. How on earth will the readers know that they like or don't like the story if they did not read it in the first place. Think, Petty Author #2. Fanfiction is a learning ground for amateur writers. If you really can't handle the criticism... ( ͠o ͟ʖ ͡o) My view in regards to BASHING: It seems that we have different perspectives of Bashing, so here is my definition of the word 'Bashing': Bashing, for me anyways and as I have just said before, is an unjust or just childish way of stereotype characters being portayed as overly bad (e.i.: 'screeching banshee') or overly good (e.i.: 'Perfect Personalities' or the 'Good Guy in the fic is ALWAYS right, he WILL NEVER do anything wrong' kind of Personalities)... So you see, my definition of Bashing has a 'Bad Guy' and a 'Good Guy' kind of personality (I hate the 'Good Guy' personality more for obvious reasons),.. I guess we conflicted 'coz we have different perspectives of Bashing, since your idea of Bashing is MY idea of a 'Criticized Personality', now that's what I love, here is my definition of 'Criticized Personality': Let me tell you first that I REALLY love these kinds of well written, and not too OOC, Criticized Personality, hm,.. a perfect example of a Criticized Personality is Canon Danzo or even the other other Canon 'Bad Guys', Kishimoto(or something,.. I forgot his name T_T) didn't Bash his major characters in the Naruto series, he 'criticized' them, he gave them a 'reason' or a 'history' that eventually led the 'Bad Guys' into having that kind of personality,.. if you want an example of Criticized Personality here in fanfiction then I suggest you read Bound by Blood, Divided by Powerby EvanSol0919 (I don't know if you read Bleach fics or even like the Byakuya/Hisana pairing but I really love the character 'Miyahara' here, she's my example of a 'Criticized Personality') as you see, this is way different than the slapstick cardboard personalities that others write... Anyway, that's my perspective of a 'Bashed' Character and a 'Criticized' Character,.. if we still have a conflict in perspectives about Bashing, then Ok, I will accept that, after all this only MY OPINION of Bashing, thanks for reading through my rant again... :) P.S.: My perspective of Bashing ONLY applies to serious fics, I'm Ok to Bashing if it's applied to Humor-centered fics,.. but not Drama/Humor, Adventure/Humor, or anything like that,.. Humor-centered fics only. :) FANFICTION WORKS COMPLETED STORIES Naruto First Kiss: a Naru/Hina fic (bleurgh), I wrote it as a dare to myself, even though I don't like that pairing at all. That's why I was quite surprised that it was well received by fellow fanfictioners, you can try it out if you want. ON HOLD STORIES Harry Potter/Naruto crossover Redemption: a Harry-centric fic, it's about Harry being transported in the Naruto universe. I'm quite embarrased to say that this fic was very well-received even though my writing style was pretty crappy (I wrote this fic back in high school). When I re-read the fic, I couldn't help but cringe at the crappy writing and crappy plot. That's why I decided to re-write it all over again. I don't know why people kept on adding this fic in their favorites and story alerts even though my last update was 5 years ago (how did you guys even found this fic? LOL!). Nevertheless, thank you for that, I'll try my best to revamp this story. ONGOING STORIES Merlin With All My Heart: an Arthur/Gwen fic, it's about Gwen being given a second chance in order to change the course of their destiny. I got to say that out of all the - very few - fics that I've written, this fic has got to be my favorite one. Even though it's slightly well-received (it's not as popular as Redemption, but it's ok, more on the average side.), I really enjoy writing this fic. I hope it will get more readers as the story goes along, coz reviews really re-fuel my passion in writing this fic. FUTURE STORIES Twilight Naruto IMPORTANT NOTE: My updates will be sporadic at best. I am very busy with my life right now and, truthfully, I need to set my priorities straight. I will still update every now and then once I find the time to take a break or something. However, please expect long intervals between updates, thank you. However, I'm on a Hiatus until May. I'm very busy right now. |
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