Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply.

Author's Note: I want to start again with an apology. Hope you guys will enjoy this chapter! The next chapters are going to be a blast so please look forward to them! Again guys I'm really really sorry and thank you for the continued support!


"She's really your daughter, Aniki. You're both stupid…and stubborn." He laughed to himself.

"Then, I'll just have to finish what I've started right?" His picked up his red book. "This is the end."

Kurapika and Mikuru weren't that far from Kuroro. Both of them heard what he said.

"What do you mean 'finish what you've started'?" Mikuru asked in low voice.

"I told you that Aniki left me a single wish to fulfill."

"May I ask what that is?"

"You'll know what it is as soon as it's done."

Kuroro didn't wait for another word from Mikuru and deliberately attacked her and Kurapika with his Indoor Fish. The pair dodged his attacks and countered with their own. Mikuru created a series of nen spheres from her staff and sent them flying towards Kuroro. Kurapika supported the attack by controlling his chains to attack Kuroro from his blind spot to corner him.

Kuroro called for his golem statue to protect him from both attacks. Kurapika and Mikuru didn't stop their attacks. Mikuru continued to bombard Kuroro with her nen energy spheres with Kurapika controlling his chains to limit Kuroro's movement.

"The golem is in the way." Kurapika noted.

Mikuru nodded. "It's tough. My energy spheres cannot pass through it."

After the smokes created by Mikuru's continuous attacks faded, the two saw Kuroro standing solemnly with his golem statue.

"I'm amazed with how you control your nen." They heard him said. "I have to say my brother would have been so proud." Then, they saw Kuroro turned a page from his book. "But like I said, this is where it ends." The next thing the pair noticed was a huge cloud hovering the entire place. It wasn't an ordinary cloud. It was dark and huge amount of nen was flowing through it.

"Stay close with me."

"Eh?" Mikuru replied with surprise. Not because of Kurapika's words but the thing he did when he said those words. Kurapika got hold of her hands using his chain-free hand and held onto them tightly. He young lass couldn't help but blushed.

Come on, Mikuru! This isn't the time to get so flushed! Mikuru scolded herself. She took a deep breath and returned the gesture. "Don't worry. I'll keep myself alive. I won't die because we still have something to talk about, right?"

Kurapika nodded.

Kuroro, on the other hand, was busy summoning a page from his book. It was a special page in his Bandit's Secrets. The one he rarely used unless necessary. "This would be the last. After this, it'll be over. Right, Aniki?"

He slowly raised his hand. It was like a signal. Because as soon as he raised his hand, a series of snakes emerged from the clouds. The snakes possessed glaring red eyes and sharp fangs. Out of their mouths came out strong lightning bolts.

"I've never seen anything like this before." Mikuru said. "This could be dangerous."



"Can you make those nen spheres smaller?"

Mikuru nodded. "Of course. That would be easy."

"Here's the plan then."

-Going to Gon and Killua's side- (We have to visit the other teams too, you know. :D)

"Iku ze!"

Machi was still in the middle of focusing her nen when she noticed Gon and Killua charging towards them.

"Continue whatever the hell you're doing!" Nobunaga stood in between. "I'll hold them!"

Machi just nodded and proceeded to focusing her nen.

Nobunaga increased the amount of nen in his katana and let the remaining of his nen to cover his body. "Give me your best shot, brats!"

Gon and Killua continued to moved towards Nobunaga. Nobunaga made a slashing move with his katana and aimed towards Gon and Killua. He moved as fast as sound and cut the two teens with his katana. However.


Nobunaga just felt something silky draped over his arms. Two pairs of cut jackets fell onto his arms. A smoke was seen emerging from the pocket of both jackets.

"Arrgh!" Before Nobunaga could react, his eyes were blinded with a strong tear-gas that exploded near him. Getting over his panic and shocked, he increased his En to compensate for his blinded eyes. It took him another second to realize that he wasn't the two boys' target.


"Too late now, idiot!" Nobunaga heard one of the boys, Killua shouted.

Machi, on the other hand, wasn't that stupid to realize the two boys' plans. She moved as fast as she could so as to finish the nen purging she's been doing. She stretched her free hand and created a series of strings to slow down Gon and Killua's movements. However, the boys' next move wasn't exactly the one she expected.

With Nobunaga blinded behind them, Gon started focusing a huge amount of Ko in his fingers instead on his fist.

"Saisho ha Ku! Janken!...Chi!"

A sharp nen-blade appeared from Gon's fingers posed like scissors and deliberately cut through Machi's strings. At the same moment, Killua pulled out his yo-yos and caught all the ends of the strings cut by Gon and were directly attached to Machi.

"Shame isn't it. Game over for you." With his preserved nen, Killua let his electricity flow through the strings of his yo-yos going to Machi's string and eventually sending a series of electric shocks towards Machi. Since the attack was made while Machi was still connected to her strings, Killua was able to damage Machi's nen system weakening her completely.

"You-" Machi started coughing blood from the shock. "I won't…let…you get…a..way…ea..sily…" With the nen she focused on her other hand, she was about to counterattack. But Gon was faster.

"Who told you we're done?" Gon said and send a nen energy ball towards Machi. "Saisho ha Ku! Janken! Pa!"

Nobunaga couldn't see exactly what's happening with his eyes all teary. Nonetheless, he was able to sense the sudden disappearance of Machi's nen. "Oi! Machi! You okay there? Machi!"

"Don't worry. We didn't kill her. She's just unconscious." Killua answered instead. "I hit all the nerves in her entire body so she won't be waking up for a few days or so."

"Brats!" Nobunaga yelled angrily rubbing his eyes. When he eyes cleared a little, he repositioned himself again to attack. He released a really huge aura and a very scary one.

Gon and Killua swallowed. "One down."

"But there's still Nobunaga."

"We still have one last trick up our sleeve, Killua."

"That's true." Killua replied. "But with the remaining nen we have, it's going to be difficult you know."


"Ready Gon?"


"This is the last one so you better not mess up!"

"Here we go!"

Gon and Killua launched a direct attack towards Nobunaga. Nobunaga immediately dodged the attack and countered it with his own. The two boys started running around and throwing punches and kicks towards Nobunaga who in turn wasn't even having a hard time blocking the attack.

"Such petty attack won't work, brats."

The boys just nodded towards each other and didn't stop the petty attack they've been giving to Nobunaga. Nobunaga thought it's a little strange for them to be too stubborn. He increased his En and made sure he has a stable amount of nen for defense. He could be falling into one of their traps just how Machi was thrown into one.

He's falling into the bait. Killua thought. That kind of stable defense is not as strong as it looks. The longer you focus on thinking that we have something else to surprise you with, the more anxious you will get. That case, you'll be using a stable defense which actually depletes your nen slowly.

Gon tried his best not to smirk. Killua's great! His plan is already working. Nobunaga will never have a clue that we're actually depleting his supply of nen. I better not lose mine either. The last attack will be a big blast!

Nobunaga was still in the middle of his continuous attack-defense scheme against Gon and Killua. This is strange. Nobunaga thought. They're not attacking with full power but they don't seem to have any big attacks or traps. This is bad. I need to focus more and think of whatever they're thinking! Nobunaga thought in desperation.

"Gon!" Killua shouted. "Get ready!"


Nobunaga heard the cue and smirked. So that's it, huh? He immediately released the stable around his body that built up his defense and shifted most of his nen to his katana and prepared for the attack. "Come on, brats! I'll show how pain feels like!"

Killua poised to attack when suddenly. "Baka!" Killua just smirked evilly and withdrew from Nobunaga.


"Saisho ha Ku! Janken! Pa!"

From behind, Gon attacked Nobunaga. He managed to dodge the attack and immediately regained his balance to cut Gon with his blade. Gon immediately moved to the nearest boulders to him and crushed them towards the direction of Nobunaga and his incoming blade. The attempt to slow him worked a little but with Nobunaga's huge amount of nen, they were deflected as if they were just cotton balls flying.

"Prepare to die!"

What happened next was what Nobunaga did not anticipated. Killua threw himself between Gon and Nobunaga's blade with another tear gas bomb in his hand. Nobunaga knowing the thing Killua was holding immediately stepped back.

"You're not getting me that-!"

Killua and Gon just smirked. Nobunaga looked at back and saw a series of yoyo strings scattered all over the place where he stepped back.


Nobunaga tried to destroy the strings with his katana but Killua was faster. He immediately immobilized Nobunaga with his other yoyo. "Gon! Don't dare hold back now or I'll kill you!"

"Roger that!"

Nobunaga saw Gon's stance and immediately think of a way to get out of the strings. A direct hit from that isn't good. Even if I defend myself from that, I'll still get damage. He started to increase his nen for defense and put the rest to his katana as he continued to wiggle his way out of Killuas' yoyo.

He's good. Killua squirmed. I've been trying my best to hold him. Gon! You better hurry up! He mentally yelled at Gon.

Gon understood Killua's glares. It must be hard to hold him like. I better do it fast! Gon started piling up his nen and, "Saisho ha Ku! Janken! KU!"

At the same moment, Gon's fist hit Nobunaga square on the chest, Killua backed him up by sending the maximum voltage of electricity he could create towards Nobunaga.

Within a few seconds Nobunaga was down to the ground. "Y-y-you, br-brats…"

"He's really one hell of a monster." Killua said. "It seemed that we cannot knock him down. But with his state right now, I don't think he's still a threat."

Gon nodded in agreement. "Should we help Kurapika out there?"

"After we completely immobilized him. Even as I say, I hit his nerves as well as those of Machi's, there's still a possibility that they can regain their nen and fight again." Killua explained. "We better immobilized him and that girl to make sure they won't be a threat for a while.

Gon nodded. "Demo, I don't think I could help you anymore. Hehe." Gon landed flat to the floor and fell unconscious.

"Oi! Gon!" Killua yelled. Gon's out. Well I'm almost out of nen just as Gon is. I just have to make sure these two monsters won't hurt Oneechan or Kurapika.

-Back to Mikuru and Kurapika's fight-

Mikuru backed off a little and started to compress the nen spheres she has into smaller and more compact form. She looked up at Kurapika who standing in front of her with his chains floating about ready to attack. I have to admit. You're one of a kind, Kurapika-kun. To be able to create a perfect plan in the middle of all of this. Mikuru smiled to herself. She admitted that even herself wouldn't be able to think of a plan like the plan Kurapika formulated.

Focus the nen more. Make the nen spheres more compact to make it more powerful.

Mikuru continued to with the task Kurapika asked her to do. Kurapika, on the other hand, watched carefully as Kuroro prepared for his own attacks.

This isn't good. Whatever those snakes are, they are dangerous, other than the fact that they seem to emit a tremendous amount of nen through those lightning. If those snakes bit me or Mikuru, it will be the end. Kurapika thought as he was trying to think of a backup plan just in case the one he came up with failed.

As Mikuru and Kurapika started the preparation for their plan, Kuroro slowly put down his raised arm. "Attack the lad first. Keep the girl alive." Kuroro whispered to the snakes. The snakes seemed to understand him for they made a gesture that looked as if they nodded. Then in a louder voice. "Now."

Mikuru and Kurapika sensed the coming surge of attacks towards them and dodged. The snakes made continuous attempts to bit them or hit them with lightning. Mikuru found it hard to focus her nen and dodged the attacks at the same time. Kurapika tried his best to cover for Mikuru to give her more time to prepare. It was then Kurapika noticed something.

"Mikuru, stand back."


"Just do it!"

Mikuru nodded and moved backwards. When she stood in a good distance from Kurapika, it was then she noticed what Kurapika noticed earlier. "The snakes are only attacking Kurapika." Mikuru said in a low voice. "But why?" She turned to look at Kuroro who was solemnly watching them move. Mikuru closed her eyes thinking.

"Kurapika-kun!" Mikuru shouted towards Kurapika's location. "I'll start the plan now!"

Kurapika just nodded as he continued to dodge and counter attack against the snakes.

"Gomenasai, Ojisama. But I have to do this." Mikuru said quietly. With a wave of her staff, the small compact nen spheres she created made their way towards Kuroro. They were so small almost the size of a marble.

Kuroro noticed the attack and called for his golem statue. I'm really sorry Ojisama. Kurapika had just formulated a plan to destroy that statue. I wouldn't want to hurt you but it's a necessity that I do. Please forgive me. Mikuru sadly said to herself. With another wave, she controlled the small nen spheres to directly hit the joints of the golem. The nen spheres were so small that they managed to get into the joints of the golem.

"I'm really sorry." Mikuru sadly said in spite of the triumphant plan. With another wave of her staff, the nen spheres exploded simultaneously all over the body of the golem. "This is the last." Mikuru raised her staff, created a huge version of those nen spheres, and immediately released them towards the crumbling golem.

The immense attack Mikuru initiated completed destroyed the huge golem until it crumbled to bits of rocks. Kuroro, on the other hand, seemed rather glad at the defeat of his golem. He was smiling solemnly in the middle of the crumbling statue. "You're good." He said monotonously. "Aniki would be really proud of you. Of course, I am too."

"Why are you saying this? I don't understand."

"Aniki had always wanted to have a child. When you were trapped in that tribe, Aniki had longed so much to carry you off together with Narumi-san to a place far from everything. Where he can be just a normal father and husband and not just a person living in Ryuusei."

Mikuru lowered her eyes. She remembered how gentle his father's words the first and last time she met him. She knew it was love and she knew that it was so warm just like her mother's.

Kuroro saw the look on Mikuru's face and continued talking. "Aniki loved to daydream. Sometimes, he would tell it to me and I would just laugh at how absurd those daydreams are." Kuroro let out a sarcastic laugh. "He wanted to be your nen master. He wanted you to become a first class hunter and not a criminal like Genei Ryodan. He had so much hopes for you." Then Kuroro's eyes darkened. "But that tribe took everything from him. His love, his dreams, his only daughter."

Mikuru felt anger as Kuroro breathed out those words. Then she noticed that Kuroro raised his hand. "What are you doing?"

"How many do I have to tell you? I'm fulfilling my brother's wish." With that said, he turned his summoned snakes and in a low voice he said, "Crush him."

With a swift movement, the snakes deliberately attacked Kurapika from all directions. Kurapika did his best to dodge and destroy all snakes. He immediately manipulated two of his chains to attack simultaneously. Mikuru tried to support him from where she stood but with Kurapika's speed and the speed of the attacking snakes, it was almost impossible to attack the snakes without getting Kurapika caught up in her bombardment attacks.

Mikuru tried to think of a way to help Kurapika and at that moment, she could only think of one solution to save him. "I'm really really sorry. Please forgive me, Ojisama." Mikuru built as much speed as she can and attack Kuroro head on.

"You're willing to sacrifice that much to save him." Kuroro whispered. "That's great. That way I wouldn't regret the results of this." He ended his statement with a dry chuckle and prepared himself for the incoming attack.

With a trained ability to create nen spheres in a good speed, she sent Kuroro a series of attack. Instead of dodging, Kuroro called for the other summoned snakes to protect him. Even though her nen spheres were blocked easily by Kuroro, Mikuru didn't cease the attack and continued firing the nen spheres towards him. I cannot possibly stop here. If I cannot defeat Ojisama here, Kurapika will be killed. Those were the words floating in Mikuru's mind as she stubbornly attack Kuroro.

Kurapika was aware of Mikuru's movements. This is bad. I have to get away from these snakes quick. Kurapika's now panicking. He's too worried with Mikuru attacking Kuroro deliberately all by herself plus the fact that he's now facing a series of snakes which emits lightning at every chance. Come on, Kurapika! Think! Kurapika was in the middle of his thinking when he didn't notice one of the snakes had caught his leg.


That voice! Mikuru stayed still as she turned her head towards the sound of Kurapika's voice. "Kurapika-kun!" She withdrew from attacking Kuroro and moved to where Kurapika was. What she saw made her panic and move even faster.


The next thing Kurapika saw was a deep crimson liquid hitting his face.

-Hatsumi's side (Again, we'll be visiting the other groups fighting. Eheh.)-

This is tough. Two Ryodan members. Good thing, the Shalnark guy couldn't use his ability on me or else I would be doomed. Hatsumi thought. Most of the marionettes were gone already so Hatsumi has to face the fact that she has to fight Shalnark and Shizuku at the same time. Shizuku didn't waste time and continued to attack Hatsumi. As she continued to dodge Shizuku's hit, Hatsumi let her hair do the attacking for her. Shalnark was as skilled as Shizuku as a fighter and even without his abilities, Hatsumi still find it hard to deal with the two.

"You're persistent you know." Shalnark said. "Most of your friends are gone and you're still fighting."

Hatsumi just smiled and replied. "It's my duty to protect my young mistress so even if I stand here all by myself, I'll continue fighting you."

"That's so nice of you." Shalnark smirked. "Dying to save that cute mistress."

"Oh why thank you." Hatsumi continued to smile.

That smile is starting to get in my nerves. Shalnark thought. "Well, if you insist on doing that. Might as well end this. Though, it's a pity to do this trick since I won't remember any of this after." Then to Shizuku. "Shizuku, back off! Finish those dolls back there. Leave this maid to me." With that, Shalnark stick an antenna on his left leg and hit the button, "Auto Mode".

Hatsumi noticed the sudden change in the nen aura covering Shalnark's body. Auto Mode? I've heard this once from Maria-neesama. I already expected something like this but this is my first actually seeing it. I must admit, the aura's overwhelming. Her thoughts were cut abruptly as Shalnark started attacking her. He's too fast! Hatsumi tried to familiarize herself with guy's attacks. He must have some habit I could make use of. Thinking and attacking at the same time isn't really my thing, ne Sanae?

-Sanae's side-

This is annoying! Sanae said to herself as she dodged as series of bullets heading her way. These guys are a handful! They didn't even give me time to regenerate my nen! Argh! I can't think of any good ideas now! I really hate thinking and attacking at the same time! Argh! This must be what Hatsumi is thinking right now. Good thing I have a good supply of nen or else, I've been tortured to pieces by now!

"This is quite fun, don't you think Feitan?"

The blue-haired Ryodan shrugged with irritation, "What's so fun about fighting together like this? Moreover against a single maid!" Feitan was nearing his annoyance limit.

"You have no choice but to agree with this setup Feitan." Franklin told him. "Your Rising Sun didn't do any damage to her."

Feitan shrugged again but didn't retort back. That was the first time someone shielded my Rising Sun and emerged with no injuries or burnt marks. Feitan thought in annoyance. Rising Sun was one of my trump cards in battle. It has never been defeated before. Feitan thought as he remembered how easily the orange-haired maid closeted herself in her own fingernails making an almost exactly the same armor, Pain Packer, he has.

"Those nails are annoying." Feitan heard Phinks said. "Feitan's fire doesn't work. Franklin's bullets don't work."

"Your punches don't work either." Feitan added.

"Don't remind me." Phinks said. "Randomly attacking her is useless. Got any ideas? I hate thinking."

"Don't ask me. I don't like thinking either. Franklin?"

Franklin didn't say a word. He has an idea in my mind but it's a double-edge sword. It could defeat the opponent but there's a big possibility that they got killed too.

"Hey, Franklin!"

Franklin raised his head just in time to dodge Sanae's attack. "That was close."

"Don't just stand there lost, Franklin!" Phinks shouted again.

Franklin ignored Phinks' lecture and said, "I have an idea."


"It might kill us though."

"Like hell I care about that. We'll be killed if we don't make a move, idiot!"

"Right. Follow me." Franklin started running away from Sanae.

They're planning something. Sanae thought as she followed the trio. What is in that area again? Dead end…money vault…corridor…scarl… Sanae stopped. This is bad! They're heading towards the vaults of the Scarlet Eyes!

-Maria and Senritsu's side-

Senritsu didn't make a single sound as she hide behind Maria's nen-created walls. With her flute in hand, she silently waited for Maria's signal.

"Yookoso." Senritsu heard Maria greeted. At the same time, she heard two sets of footsteps entered their location.

"Who are you?" A deep voice sounded. It was a voice she heard from long ago. The small man who has the ability to copy objects.

"Maria el Millere to imasu." Senritsu heard her reply.

"You are the puppeteer." It was other guy.

"I am."

"These things are troublesome but you wouldn't stop them so it's even more bothersome to talk to you against it."

"Indeed that's true."

"That would be it then."

In a matter of seconds, Bonorenolf started his Prelude and conjured a warrior gear. Senritsu couldn't see exactly what was happening but she could hear a low music resounding from one of Maria's opponents. She could feel Maria countering his attack with his marionettes. Just a little bit longer. Senritsu thought. A little bit longer.

Maria focused carefully on attacking Bonorenolf making sure he and the other guy, Koltopi wouldn't noticed the presence the Senritsu. This is difficult but if this goes well, that would be two people down.

Bonorenolf continued his Prelude and tried to get past away from the interfering marionettes. His target was the manipulator. Koltopi assist him from the side to give Bonorenolf a clear shot. One Jupiter and this would be over. Koltopi thought. Bonorenolf, on the other hand, was feeling uneasy. It feels like something is amiss. Nonetheless, he continued to pursue his target making sure not to let his guard down just in case the maid was plotting something.

Maria was having a hard time keeping them in one area. She knew that the enemies were on their guard and it wouldn't be easy to see an opening. I have no choice. Maria thought. With that, she let one of her strings to slide off from her fingers revealing a chance for striking. Please fall over the bait. Maria thought knowing that prayers won't help her at the moment.

Bonorenolf saw the opening and didn't held back one bit.

"This is the end, Miss."

With that, the music from his body changed and in a few more while a huge planet like boulder taking the shape of Jupiter appeared just high above Maria.


-Hatsumi's side-

Hatsumi continued dodging most of Shalnark's attack but she's finding it hard to follow his movements. He's way faster than awhile ago. Hatsumi thought. She started moving her hair to attack the boy when she noticed something. What's going on? I could sense Sanae moving. Moreover she moving towards here. Hatsumi stopped her attacks and move to her defense mode. Iie. That is not possible. She should not come here when our plan is to keep the Ryodan members away from each other. Where else is…wait a minute… Hatsumi started having cold sweats. They're heading towards the Scarlet Eyes! Hatsumi started panicking. What should I do? They should not be going to that area. That was too near the mistress's area! Hatsumi took in a deep breath as she started thinking. After awhile she started running towards the location Sanae was running. It's all or nothing now. Defeat them all or get killed.

-Sanae's side-

Those bastards. I don't know what they're thinking but I can't let them get to that area. The Scarlet Eyes are over there. The mistress is over there as well!

Sanae continued running fast to catch up with the trio who started running towards the other end of the basement. "Hey you, idiots! How dare you run away from me?!"

"Shut up, nail monster!" Phinks shouted. Then, in a small voice, "Hey, Franklin WHY are we running?"

"I'm not quite sure about this but didn't you noticed that the maid keeps us from moving over here?" Franklin explained as they continued to move in a fast pace.

Phinks knotted his eyebrows. "Do I even have time to notice that?"

Franklin just sighed and continued. "It seemed to me that she's trying to block this area. The entire place is a nen-barrier. A very good reason why we cannot trace the others." He then looked back at their pursuer. "However, this maid seemed to have a way to sense her comrades. I'm guessing the reason for that is because they're controlled or at the very least connected to the others."

Phinks shrugged. "That's a long lecture and I don't understand any of it."

Franklin sighed again as the three increased their speed even more. "In simpler terms, they can communicate with one another and we can't. And they're protecting something – someone – from this area"

"What if this is a trap?" Feitan asked.

"That's why it's double-edge." Franklin replied.

"Victory or death." Phinks concluded. "This is becoming more and more interesting!"

Those bastards! They're running too fast! Sanae started complaining. I need them out of that area! Or else I'll be… Sanae stopped from running. What is this? Hatsumi?!

-Hatsumi's side-

Sanae must have noticed my movements now. Hatsumi thought. The blue-haired maid started running towards the direction of the other Sanae's group. I have to get there fast before they reach the fork that goes to the Scarlet Eyes' vault. Sanae will have hard time blocking them from that area. At least if we're together…

Shizuku started running after the Auto-mode Shalnark and the running maid. "Where is she going?" Shizuku asked to herself. "She doesn't look like she's escaping. It's more like she's in a hurry." The bespectacled girl thought even more as she looked at the running Shalnark. "Shalnark won't stop pursuing her anyway but this could also lead to a trap. If he's still on that mode by that, it would be difficult to get him out alive. He never recognizes anyone in that mode." She silently continued her pursuit as she gripped on Deme-chan tighter in case a trap activates.

Meanwhile, Hatsumi was having a hard time running towards her target and at the same time dodged Shalnark's attacks. Even at her best speed, Shalnark could still caught up to her and it started to get hard to dodge him. I better hurry. They're almost at the fork!

-Sanae's side-

This is bad! This is bad! THIS IS BAD! Sanae was already panicking. Their group was almost at the fork leading to the Scarlet Eyes' vault. And I don't even get it why Hatsumi's moving towards here! Sanae think, think, think! Hatsumi must have figure out something! Then, something clicked on her head. So that could be it, huh? What a idiotic daring move, Hatsumi. Yosh! Then in a loud voice, "Full speed ahead!"

Phinks covered his ears when an ear-piercing voice echoed the walls of the basement. "What the hell is wrong with that girl? Shouting like an idiot!"

"You're shouting too. You're an idiot then." Feitan replied nonchalantly.


Franklin didn't even bother stopping the two. The maid started to panic awhile ago but it seems that she already got over with it. She must have planned something already. What could be in this area? Franklin thought. Could be it that the other groups are here? Or maybe that Kuruta girl we're looking for?