Rika-chan24- Hey guys! Here is the next chapter, and I am sorry I haven't updated in forever. I really try to get chapters done when I can. Well anyways I hope you guys like this chapter.
Thanks for the review's, fave's and follows.
I do not own Naruto
The room was dead silent as everyone stared at one another. After helping with the after math of the invasion, the Konoha 12 had all gathered in Naruto's small apartment. Tenten was the one who decide to break the silence.
"So let me get this straight, you guys are all from the future due to the nine tailed fox that is in Naruto's gut?"
"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Sakura replied.
"The future must have been really bad then." Choji commented. The six-time travelers all nodded in unison.
"Yes, it was really bad, and we came back with a plan to change it, so that what happened in the future doesn't happen this time." Shikamaru explained.
"I see. I guess that would make a lot of sense." Ino replied.
"Yosh! I am willing to help in any way I can. No matter what the cost." Lee shouted.
"I agree! We can totally help change the future, right Akumaru?" Kiba agreed. Akumaru barked in agreement to the dog-nin.
Naruto finally spoke up. "So you guys don't care that the nine tailed fox is sealed within me?"
"Of course...not. You are Naruto-kun and the fox is the nine tailed fox." Hinata replied. Naruto smiled in return when the rest of genin nodded in agreement with Hinata. Their reaction to the fox was one of the things that had bothered him most. Even if he knew that before, all of them were fine with it then too.
"So now that they know, what is the next step in our plan?" Neji interrupted.
"Our next step will be getting the next Hokage, because that is what I remember happening next." Shino answered instead.
"Itachi and his partner Kisame attacked during that time too." Sasuke added in. The young Uchiha definitely remember back then. Back when his brother had come to take Naruto for the very first time. Though this time it was going to be different, he actually knew the truth. Hopefully this time he would be able to save his brother.
"Yeah, and we have to be careful with our next steps. One little mishap could change everything." Naruto explained.
"Don't worry Naruto, with all twelve of us helping out we can save the future in no time." Ino said optimistically.
"Yeah maybe, but it could also be our down fall." Sasuke replied.
"It won't be our down fall, I won't let it happen." Naruto interrupted.
Shikamaru sighed and mumbled troublesome, before asking an important question.
"So how are we getting Tsuande-sama here exactly, and when?"
"Ero-sennin is working on it, I am trying to get him to convince the council to let others beside myself go and get Tsunade-Baa-chan." Naruto explained.
"Cool! This already sounds exciting." Kiba commented.
"You guys do know you have to act like you usually do right?" Sakura asked. "Our sensei's are already suspicious enough as it is."
"They...are?" Hinata asked.
"Yes, they been watching us for a while now, and we have had a few close calls with them." Neji answered.
"Then we will just be careful." Choji replied as the others nodded their head in agreement.
"Alright guys, I think we are all up to date now. So let's just lay low for now and when Jiraiya lets me know about finding Tsunade, I will let you know." Naruto explained. Once everyone agreed, they all started to disperse from Naruto's apartment.
Two Weeks Later
The Konoha 12 were all training in the training grounds with Zabuza and Haku. Currently the twelve of them were facing against the former missing-nin and his apprentice.
"You Gaki's have been getting a lot better, even when I use the mist."Zabuza commented as he blocked attacks with his sword, and then kicked away Lee who was trying to attack him from behind with a kick.
"Though it does definitely give me a nice work out." Zabuza chuckled as he continued to fight the genin off.
"Of course we are a lot better, we have been training." Kiba replied as he barely dodged the barrage of Senbon from Haku.
"Don't get cocky." Zabuza said as he swung his sword at Neji who was about to attack him with gentle fist.
Just as the spar was getting to the climax of the fight. It was interrupted by a large cloud of smoke that appeared in the center of the training grounds. Everyone slid into stances waiting for the smoke to clear so that they all could attack. They relaxed though as soon as they saw Jiraiya standing there.
"Ero-sennin, what are you doing here? We are in the middle of a spar." Naruto called out.
"Shut it Gaki, this is important, and I told you to stop calling me that. I am here to talk about finding my former teammate." Jiraiya explained.
The twelve genin hurried over to the Sannin, while Zabuza looked slightly confused standing next to Haku.
"I thought you guys would be interested." Jiraiya commented as he found that all the genin were now standing around him, waiting for him to continue.
"I talked to the council, they are ok with it, but will only take four. One of course is Naruto, and the Uchiha has to come too because the council demanded so. The other two are up to you." Jiraiya explained.
"That should still work. I want to take Lee and Ino with us." Naruto answered.
"What!? Why me?" Ino asked.
"Yeah, why Ino?" Sakura added. She had wanted to go along as well.
Naruto sighed, "Because, we might need Ino's mind jutsu's and she can be the medic for the team. I choose Lee because he is really fast and a great taijutsu user, for when we run into trouble. Everyone else needs to stay here and hold the fort."
"Oh." Sakura and Ino replied in unison.
Lee however was very excited to go. "Thank You Naruto-kun, I appreciate the compliment and I will do my best to help as much as I can." Lee cried.
"Good, that's what I want to hear Lee." Naruto said.
"If something happens while we are gone, I am counting on you guys to be able to handle it." Naruto told the others.
"Of course Naruto, the rest of us should be fine." Neji replied.
Jiraiya was slightly surprised at Naruto's leadership role of the group. Most of them didn't seem like they had a problem with Naruto explaining to them what to do. Thought that's when he remembered that half of them were actually from the future, and it made a lot of sense. Naruto then turned to Jiraiya once he was done addressing the group.
"When do we leave?"
"We are leaving tomorrow morning around 8, and I would suggest packing for a couple of weeks. I don't know how long it will take to find her." Jiraiya explained.
Four of the twelve genin nodded to Jiraiya's answer, to show that they had heard and understood.
"Since that is all dealt with, we can now get back to our spar with Zabuza and Haku." Kiba said excitedly. Both Zabuza and Haku had stood silently to the side waiting for them to finish.
"About time you guys finished chatting, I was about ready to go find someone else to fight with." Zabuza told them.
"Actually, you were saying something along the lines of that you were glad for a break against the twelve of them. They were really wearing you out." Haku interjected.
"That is not what I said." Zabuza argued.
"Whatever you want to believe." Haku replied in return.
"That's it, Haku you are now on their side and you are going to pay." Zabuza said.
"I am alright with that, it is an even bigger chance that you will lose." Haku answered. Zabuza was about to reply, but Jiraiya interrupted their arguing.
"How about I give you a hand against these Gaki's?"
Zabuza shrugged. "I don't care if you do or not. I just want to win."
"Wahoo! This is going to be fun." Naruto shouted. "You are going down Ero-sennin."
"You wish, kid." Jiraiya replied as he slid into a taijutsu stance. Naruto grinned. He knew exactly how strong the toad Sannin was. Naruto himself slid into a taijutsu stance as well, followed by everyone else. The excitement level in the area was now very high.
With that the spar began, the members of the Konoha 12 had definitely figured out that Jiraiya was a lot harder to hit than Zabuza. It seemed like mass chaos in the training grounds, there were attacks coming from everywhere. Shino had already sent out some of his bugs to try to slowly drain Zabuza and Jiraiya's chakra.
Haku was moving as fast as he could, throwing as many senbon as he could at Zabuza. The former missing-nin blocked as many of the Senbon as he could with his sword, as well as he had to swing at Sasuke who was trying to hit him.
Hinata was following Sasuke's example and trying to attack Zabuza's side with Gentle fist. Zabuza wasn't fast enough to dodge every attack from her, but he did manage to kick her away, but then had to swing his sword at Tenten who was trying to use her own sword against him.
Jiraiya was having just as much luck as Zabuza. Naruto, Lee and Neji were all keeping him busy. He was trying to block attacks from each of them, and he wasn't fairing very well. All three of them had got a few hits in every now and then.
He barely escaped a punch form an incoming Sakura that had just created a small creator in the ground where he had just been standing preciously. She reminded him a lot of his teammate Tsunade. He was brought out of his thoughts when he had to jump away from a rolling Choji, and then had to block an attack from Ino.
Zabuza had just jumped over the small crowd of genin around him, before he had to move once again from an incoming shadow and a swarm of chakra bugs. Zabuza swung his sword once again at Akumaru, sending the dog away, before ducking under a kick from Kiba and then sending him flying away as well.
Just as he had gotten rid of the dog-nin, he was attacked on all sides again from the previous attackers. Zabuza tried to block as many attacks as he could, but it soon became too much. With a sad sigh, Zabuza gave up.
"Alright, alright I give for now. Next time I am getting all of you back." Zabuza grumbled as he walked towards the tree line to wait for the spar to finish. The seven of them looked at each other before heading over towards Jiraiya.
Some more energetic about fighting the Sannin than others. When Jiraiya saw the others coming in the corner of his eye, he knew it was time. With quick movement and precise kicks, he had sent away all the genin around him, before racing through hand signs and slamming his hands on the ground.
"Earth Release: Swamp of the underground."
The ground around the genin had suddenly turned into swamp mud and now all of them were stuck. They wouldn't be able to get out for quite a while. He hadn't used too much chakra.
"Damn it Ero-sennin that's totally not fair." Naruto whined.
"Naruto, ninja's do not play fair, but it looks like I win." The Sannin grinned. "So have fun getting out, I am going to go do some research before we leave." Jiraiya then disappeared in a swirl of leaves a second later.
Zabuza chuckled from his spot next to the trees. "Have fun getting out of that." Zabuza said as he too disappeared from the area.
Everyone then proceeded to get out of the swamp mud, mostly with the help of Naruto's clones. After awhile everyone was finally out of the mud and slightly exhausted.
"Ok everyone, I think we can call it a day. Everyone looks like they could use some food and some sleep." Naruto said. With that, everyone left the training grounds for the day.
The next morning Naruto stood by the gates of the village with Sasuke and Lee. Though Lee was doing 500 push-ups because he wasn't the first one at the gates. Ino walked up to the gates a bit later, greeting the three of them.
"Hey guys." Ino greeted.
Sasuke grunted in response, while Lee kept doing push-ups. So she really only got a normal reply from Naruto.
"Hey Ino, are you ready to go?" Naruto asked.
"Yeah, I got everything I need." Ino replied. "So where is Jiraiya-sama?"
Just before Naruto could reply, the Sannin in question appeared.
Lee had stopped doing push-ups and was now standing beside Naruto.
"Alright, let's get out of here. The last I heard, my teammate was about a week away from here." Jiraiya informed the group.
The four of them nodded in understanding before they headed out of the village.
(Four days later)
Shikamaru, Neji, Shino, Sakura, Tenten, Kiba, Choji and Hinata were all leaving the barbeque place when a cloaked figure caught Shikamaru's eye. It was black with red clouds and the figure was wearing a large straw hat was suspicious. Shikamaru made sure to lead the group after the cloaked figure. Shikamaru deducted that the figure had to be one of the shorter members of the Akatsuki.
The other members of the Konoha 12 all had been briefed on the members of the Akatsuki shortly after the invasion. Naruto wanted to make sure they all would be prepared to face them.
Soon they had followed the figure out of the east gate and into the trees. Everyone at first had made it look like they were normally walking through the village just chatting with one another, but once they were led out of the gates they became quiet.
"Do you think they are here for Naruto?" Neji asked after they talked to the guards at the gate and continued out of the village.
"Yeah maybe, but we only saw one of them, so the other has to be around here somewhere." Shikamaru replied.
"I believe Kurenai-sensei had told me that it was Itachi and Kisame that had attacked while Naruto was gone." Shino added.
"Asuma had told me that as well, he said that the four of them had seen them and followed them out of the village. I didn't see any of them on our way out." Shikamaru explained.
"We need to be very careful now, we are dealing with s-class ninja who can easily take us out. I don't really want them to chase after Naruto." Sakura said.
The others all nodded in understanding, before following after the cloaked figure.
"Neji, Hinata what do you see?" Tenten asked after a while.
"I can see both of them now, but the he is just standing there waiting." Neji informed them.
"Also the second…one is a lot shorter…than the other; he looks… like he is hunched over." Hinata explained.
Sakura's eyes widened, she knew exactly who that was.
"We need to go right now, were dealing with Sasori and Deidara." Sakura told them.
"It would be best considering they are now heading in our direction." Neji added.
The eight of them turned around, but had to stop, the hunched over figure was now standing on a tree branch in front of them.
"It looks like a few leaf Gaki's were spying on us, we definitely can't have that." Sasori said.
"Let's show them that art is a bang. Eh." Deidara said.
Naruto, Sasuke, Ino and lee had gotten some training from Jiraiya in the past few days, though Jiraiya left a lot to look for 'research' which was actually sort of looking for information. Though, Naruto was glad that he knew Jiraiya's methods in information gathering; otherwise, he wouldn't be too happy with the Sannin. They really did not have time for Jiraiya's hobbies.
Currently they were in a small town a few days away from Konoha searching for any information on Tsunade, and form what they gathered she had been here a few days ago, so they were not too far behind her.
So now, they had to wait for Jiraiya to get back from his one information-gathering mission to continue to the next town. While they waited, the four of them were training together outside of the village.
Naruto and Sasuke were sparing against each other, as well as Lee and Ino. They didn't want to attract too much attention to themselves.
Just when they were in the middle of their spar, a large group of Kunai came from the trees surrounding them. The four of them used their own Kunai to block as many as Kunai coming at them as they could. As well as dodging out-of-the-way of the others.
The four genin were now standing back to back, looking around everywhere for their attacker.
Suddenly they split apart once again; because a sword came out of know where smashing the ground where they were just standing. A tall blue man stood up from his attack and faced them.
Sasuke and Naruto quickly recognized the man as Kisame. Both of them were now definitely keeping their eyes out for Itachi. Lee and Ino rather knew the descriptions of the Akatsuki members, so it took them a bit to catch on.
"I am surprised all of you dodged that." Kisame told them, as he rested his giant sword on his shoulder.
"Were a lot more trained then you think." Sasuke answered.
"Where is your partner?" Naruto asked.
Kisame seemed slightly surprised by that. After Akatsuki hadn't really been doing that much yet. The main villages should even know about them just yet. Kisame didn't answer, but rushed towards them at high speeds and lashed at them all away with his sword.
All four of them tried to dodge the attack, but they weren't fast enough to get away. The four of them were sent flying a few feet away and into the ground.
"That guy is really fast, what are we going to do?" Lee asked.
Kisame chuckled at them from where he stood.
"You guys aren't as good as you thought." Kisame told them.
The four of them didn't have time to reply for they were now dodging a giant fireball coming from behind them.
They didn't even have time to question where the fireball had come from before they were attacked once more by Kisame.
His sword's scales were now showing, and the scales had added additional wounds to their bodies.
"Alright time for a counter attack. Attack combo 6." Naruto told the four of them.
Lee dropped his weights suddenly and was off, distracting Kisame as the three of them got ready.
"Water style: Water Shockwave." Ino shouted.
"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough" Naruto called out.
"Lightning Style: Electromagnetic Murder" Sasuke said.
All three attacks combined into one sending them towards Kisame at fast speeds. Lee jumped out-of-the-way when he had heard them call out the Jutsu.
Kisame quickly slashed the jutsu apart with his sword, and then smirked at them.
"Is that all you got?" Kisame asked them.
Ino's eyes widened in surprised, she thought their combination was a lot stronger than that.
"How long are you going to stand and watch?" Kisame called out.
"I was seeing how well they would do against you." A voice replied, before Itachi appeared next to Kisame.
Sasuke froze up when he saw Itachi; it had been so long since he had seen his brother. His last words always remained in his head, he could never forget them.
Naruto spoke up before Sasuke could say anything.
"We know the truth. What really happened."
"What really happened? What is he talking about?" Kisame asked.
"I am not sure Kisame." Itachi replied calmly. "We need to leave, the Sannin is almost here. We will have to get the nine tails another time." Itachi added.
Kisame grumbled about it before he nodded in reply. The two of them both disappeared in a swirl of leaves and water.
It was not even a second later when Jiraiya appeared in the small clearing.
"What happened? I felt a lot of chakra surges."
"We were attacked by Akatsuki, and luckily if you hadn't come we would have been done for, and I would probably have ended up with them." Naruto answered.
"They were so strong, we could barely touch them." Ino replied in shock.
"We will have to train harder and do our best next time." Lee responded.
"We were lucky Itachi didn't join in as well." Sasuke finally spoke. "We will have to start planning on how we are going to deal with the Akatsuki."
"Yes, we definitely will have to plan for that, but let's just locate Tsunade-baa-chan first." Naruto replied.
He didn't want to over load on all the stuff they had to do soon. If they took some of the things one at a time, it will be a lot easier and less stressful for the group.
Jiraiya sighed he didn't think the Akatsuki would strike so soon, but it looked like Naruto had already known that they would be. He was very calm about the situation.
"Alright you Gaki's, let's get going already. We are losing track of time." Jiraiya said, breaking everyone out of their thoughts.
"Right Ero-sennin! We need to hurry and find Tsuande-baa-chan." Naruto answered before he started to lead the group to the next town.
"Dobe you are going in the wrong direction, that way is towards the town we were just in." Sasuke commented.
Naruto scratched the back of his head and grinned.
"Right, I totally knew that. I was testing you guys."
Ino, Lee and Jiraiya laughed at Naruto's reply before Jiraiya lead the way to the next town.
Sakura was breathing heavily as she dodged Sasori's poisoned tail once again. She had almost ran into Hinata who was dodging out-of-the-way of Deidara's clay birds.
So far, the fight was not going very well for them. Neji, Kiba and Choji had gotten few good hits on Deidara, and Sakura had managed to hit Sasori when Tenten had used her weapons as a distraction, but that was the closest they had gotten to the puppet user so far.
Shino's bugs had been dying out since the beginning, Sasori had gotten them to die of the poisons he was using, so the bug user had run out of bugs a while ago.
Choji and Shino both now had poison in their system, and Sakura had been able to heal it enough that it was slowed down enough that they wouldn't die anytime soon but, Tsuande would have to heal the rest when she got back.
Sakura wasn't that good of a healer yet, she hadn't trained up her charka enough for a technique like the one she used on Kankuro in the past. She was also sure that making an antidote for a strong poison all of a sudden, would definitely turn to many heads.
Every single one of them was tired, and they were all running out of chakra fast. Even with the eight of them, it was tough facing the two missing-nin. Though hopefully back up would be arriving soon, because they were sure making a lot of noise and chakra had been spiking everywhere.
"You seem to know what the two of us can do quite well, and yet I haven't even seen any of you before." Sasori said as he used his chakra strings to send out Kunai and Shuriken at the genin.
Tenten shot out weapons of her own. Stopping all the weapons as best she could, and took the brunt of the attack. She had dealt with most of them, but unfortunately it wasn't enough and he had been cut by one on her arm.
"We don't tell people what we know." Shikamaru replied as he tried to capture Sasori's shadow, but had to move out-of-the-way of an exploding clay bird.
This fight was going nowhere fast, really, the two Akatsuki members were just toying with the eight of them. If they had been weaker, they definitely would have died by now.
Sakura had quickly rushed over to Tenten while Shikamaru was talking to Sasori. Hopefully she could stop the poison before it got too far like she did for Shino and Choji. The two of them had to stay out of battle now, and be protected by the rest of them.
"I see. That would make sense, how about an exchange of information. Maybe we can even let you all go." Sasori replied.
"If you are going to tell me that you are looking for the tailed beast than I already know. " Shikamaru replied.
"Really, interesting. I didn't think Konoha knew so much." Sasori replied.
"But that wasn't what I was going to tell you. It's very valuable information, just the as valuable as the information I need from you. You leaf genin are definitely interesting." Sasori added.
"Really? How do I know you are telling the truth?" Shikamaru asked. Deidara had stopped throwing clay creatures and was now on a giant bird next to Sasori.
"We have to go Sasori-Danna, Anbu are heading this way." Deidara said, despite that, he wanted to stay and fight more with the genin.
"I know this." Sasori replied as he jumped onto the clay bird.
"I guess it will have to wait until next time Nara." Sasori said as the two Akatsuki members soared up into the sky as Deidara let clay birds and spiders fall down below them and let them explode so that the two of them could get away.
"We need to take cover now." Neji replied when he spotted the clay creatures as soon saw Deidara let go of them.
The genin all moved out-of-the-way as quick as possible and took cover behind a large group of trees.
Once the explosions had stopped and they had come out behind the trees, they found other trees had fallen over and rocks, dirt and tree branches were scattered everywhere.
Of course that was the moment that Anbu had finally arrived to the scene, but all they saw was eight injured and tired genin.
I hope you guys liked the chapter, and I hope to update as soon as I can, but sadly I am not sure when that will be next.
Thanks for reading! :)