![]() Author has written 4 stories for Harry Potter, Yami no Matsuei, Naruto, and Inuyasha. 21/2/2016: Since end of 2014, I have been going through difficult times with my families. One of my family members gotten critically ill suddenly and it has been a difficuly year for everyone. We are just recovering and healing from this ordeal. I am sorry for those who have been waiting for my sudden long absence but i need more time. I have been thinking to write again for a long time. I got lots of half written fanfics in my harddrive. Maybe one day I might think about writing them fully. English isn't my first language so I welcome people who want to correct my work including grammar! I also welcome constructive criticism because they help me improve. I hate suggestions like "You need to work on it" and "study English." (And there is not even further elaboration on HOW I should study.) I try to get beta for my work whenever I can. There isn't a lot I can do about my English skill other than to keep trying and I am trying my best. If I could improve my writing by simply "studying" (which I have no idea what this 'studying' involves) everyone in the world should be able to learn perfect English and other languages by simply studying! Which by the way, isn't the case. If I need to do a better work on my fanfic, then tell in specific! It is called a CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM!! Always Big Thanks to my reviewers and beta readers! My endless love to the beta readers who have helped me up to now includes Mynona, TheEveningStar, Know it all hermione, With A Midnight Smile, Kitsune chan, Kittey Rin, KingofLoosePages, Dark Thorned Rose, Amaya Natsuya, skepsis66, AnnieHdz3, IYN. Constructive criticisms are welcome! If you'rinterested in being my beta reader PM me :D Note for Child of Fire --If anyone wants make some grammar corrections for me I would be very happy. English isn’t my first language so if you want to criticize my grammar then make sure you also participate in making a correction to them. --In chapter 2, some people find Harry whiny and melodramatic but I don’t have a plan for him to act like that for the rest of my fic. I think people who find Harry as a dramatic and weak character need to understand that this state is not his usual character but he is confused at the moment. One good example is Harry thinks he is talking to Dumbledore. Let me clear this for all, Dumbledore is dead; Hermione, Ron, Remus, Sirius, everyone important to Harry is dead. He is physically exhausted and emotionally drained from the war (in my story he has killed death eaters during the war. He is young and young or not such experiences can mentally traumatize or damage people. Look at the genre, it is Drama/Hurt/Comfort. Harry is mentally scarred from experiencing war at young age and this story is going to be about how he heals, or that is my intention for now.story plans can always change.). Harry’s bond to Fawkes is gone, in my fanfic it is like part of your soul being ripped off from you that is why he is screaming at the end. --For Harry's new name, I know Heri is more closer in pronunciation to his original name than Hari but I don't know of name Heri as in Japanese language. Harry's name is supposed to be pronounced Ha-ri rather than He-ri. Hari is an existing Japanese name. Hari is a girl's name (or at least it sounds girlish). --It's not common nowadays but in Asia -including Japan- it wasn't uncommon to see a boy having a girl's name. A boy was given a girl's name when he was frequently sick or not expected to live a long life due to a poor health in hopes to make him healthy. A boy was also given a girl's name when the fortune reading predicted that he was going to have a short life span. It was common that this boy received a new name (boy's name to be more exact) when he reached his adulthood. Some regions have a funeral for the boy when he reached his adulthood in hopes to trick the reaper into thinking that the boy indeed lived a short life as he was destined to live. Then the boy receives new identity by getting a new name (boy's name). Some boys just lived with the name for the rest of their life. That's all I can remember about that for now. --There is English in Naruto world, look carefully in the comic. Naruto world setting is similar to the environment of 1980s to early 1990s of place I grew up as a childhood (I am an Asian and Naruto world's customs, cultures, legends, etc are similar to that of mine.) so the setting of English usage in this fic is based on my background. This setting makes sense not only to me but to my sister and friends who have similar backgrounds but I noted some of my western friends have hard time understanding this at first. If things doesn't make sense and are confusing, tell me and ask me I will gladly explain. --Harry's eyesight is based on my eyesight (it makes easier to write and yes, I wear glasses.) so if you think what Harry can and can't see doesn't make sense, tell that to my eyesight. --For people who is confused about Asuma and Konohamaru's parents. In comic, Asuma is Sarutobi's son, and Konohamaru calls Asuma uncle. From there, I assumed Sarutobi had another son or daughter who got married and had Konohamaru. Neither Konohamaru's mother or father were present to comfort Konohamaru during Sarutobi and Asuma's funeral so again I am assuming they both died. --For people who still haven't realized it. Right now in Ch.1-4 Kakashi and his Team is still in the Wave Country having good(?) time with Zabuza and Haku. Crossover Fanfic I am chanllenging people to write. Feel free to write but just PM me so I can enjoy reading them :D But no songfic or poem. And please try to make each chapter decently long at least 1000 words. I can't handle some fic that contain like 500 hundred words unless it's a oneshot. Challenge 1: HP/Twilight Crossover Plot: Harry becomes an immortal child, and gets taken in by Volturi as he caught their interest. Harry meets the Cullens for the first time during the New Moon event of Edward (or you can decide otherwise). Later the wizarding world (Ministry, Dumbledore, deatheaters, etc. choose what you like :D) tracks Harry down and succeed in taking Harry. Volturi and Cullen plan for the rescue mission. Elements: Harry has good control of himself and had no problem during newborn yrs but for unknown or reason you can make up, Harry have to sleep like mortals. Harry should have appearance of 3-5yr old. Harry can be turned at any age as long he ends up with child appearance. Harry is smart but shy and may have characteristic of an abused child. The purpose of this fic is to give Harry a chance to have a loved childhood. Voldemort can be alive or dead but either way the wizard world is looking for Harry and they are hostile against him. Bonus point if you can make Dumbledore evil and yet make Remus love Harry while he is werewolf. Volturi guards also care for Harry. Bonus point for making Jane attached to Harry even though she retains her sadistic nature. Harry’s gift is magic and Volturi takes it upon them to teach it (find a way they can teach, hiring tutor, etc). Accessory: Harry loves blood flavoured lollipop! (I thought it might be cute for him to go around with red lollipop) -0-0- Challenge 2 Batman/Kuroshitsuji(Black Butler) Plot: Earl Phantomhive, but Ciel is more famous as the owner of Phantom Enterprise. After his successful advancement in Europe, Ciel now has set his eyes in North America. He settles in Gotham City to do some research of the market. However, that’s what's in the light. In the darkness, he's searching for the murderer(s) of his parents after the evidence leads him from Europe to the states along with his black butler. Element: Bonus points if you can get Justice League involved. You can set the age but Ciel hasn’t reached the age of 19 yet. Ciel and Elizabeth are cousins but are not engaged. (Whether she appears or not is up to you) Existence of shinigami, Ciel’s experience with the cult group after his parents’ murder, and Ciel’s involvement in working for the royal family is up to you. -0-0- Challenge 3 Death note/Kuroshitsuji Plot: L goes after a series of unexplained murders in England. There are two things that catches the detective’s attention: first, all the murder victims were notorious criminals and second, there are evidences of Earl Ciel Phantomhive’s involvement in every murder case one way or another. Element: There is no existence of Kira and whether Raito, Mello, Near, Matt joins L is up to you. Set in a modern world, Ciel’s parents were murdered and Ciel is in search of their murderers. Ciel could owe the Phantom company if you decide to. You can set the age but Ciel hasn’t reached the age of 20 yet. Ciel and Elizabeth are cousins but are not engaged. Existence of shinigami, Ciel’s experience with the cult group after his parents’ murder, and Ciel’s involvement in working for the royal family is up to you. -0-0- Challenge 4 SG1/FMA Plot: Unexpectedly, an unconscious boy comes through the gate to SG1’s surprised. They were more taken aback once they find the technology of the boy’s artificial limbs (and how he is missing those limbs) as well as this young looking child hold the equivalent rank of Major in the military. Ed in search of his brother travels with SG1 to different parts of the universe. Element: Al can be in armour or in his original body. Ed can use his alchemy ability. Homunculus may appear but Dante never existed and never should. Winry has existence but have no appearance. Jack O’Neil will eventually discover a secret behind Ed’s past and trauma and helps him overcome. -0-0- Challenge 5 Twilight/FMA Plot: During that fateful night of forbidden alchemy, Ed and Al get sucked into the gate. The brothers get separated inside the gate, Ed finds himself in 1910s in Germany as a Vampire. Stuck in body of 11 years old Ed travels through Europe, soon ravaged by war, in search of his brother. At some point Ed is found by the Volturi and lives with them but still he, from time to time, continues to search for Al. After Cullen’s visit, Ed decides to go with the Cullens to Forks thinking he should search in different continent. While in Fork, Ed find Al, with La Push, as an shapeshifter. Element: Al can be in any age as long as he can transform. Also, Al could have fallen from the gate in 1910s or just recently few years before Ed came to the Fork as long as Al ended up in care of one of the Packs in La Push. Elric brothers should have good control of themselves and knowledge of their race. (Explain it by they gained the knowledge when coming through the gate.) I prefer if Ed’s relationship with Volturi is friendly so let’s make it a bonus point but it’s really up to you. No pairing of Bella or other Cullen females with any of the Elric brothers. Bella may or may not be paired with Edward Cullen; your choice. You can choose Ed's gift but just don't make it where he has too numerous gifts. -0-0- Challenge 6 Naruto/Yami no Matsuei Plot: Tsuzuki and Hisoka goes in search of an individual named Uchiha Madara after Summon Division notice his souls have failed to show up in the underworld for a long time. The two shinigami’s search leads them to the Leaf Village. But it becomes difficult to continue their investigation when Uchiha district and the information regarding the massacred clan is heavily guarded. Their life gets even more troublesome when Orochimaru notices the their ability of immortality. Element: Sasuke could be at the Leaf or Sound; your choice. Appearance of Muraki is your choice. But if he does, bonus points for making the doctor allying himself with Orochimaru. If one of the shinigami is going to get kidnapped make it Hisoka. I find it hard where Tsuzuki gets taken unless his mental status is in similar chaotic state like the Kyoto arc. Shinigami may have regenerative ability and their other abilities in manga/anime but they don’t have super physical abilities or powers like ninja nor will they ever have them. If it was possible learn in short time like that then ninja shouldn't need to train that hard all their life. -0-0- Challenge 7 Twilight/Naruto Plot: After the Uchiha massacre, Madara turns Itachi into a vampire out of sympathy wishing the tragic teen to live a second life. Then Madara leaves Itachi in care of the Volturi away from the nations of elements and in peaceful Volterra. Over time, Itachi finds a small peace but soon it may be shattered before him when the Leaf notices his presence. Element: Uchiha Madara is a vampire and is a good friend with Volturi. There is no Akatsuki. Reason for the massacre is your choice as long as Itachi didn’t slaughter them for fun or some evil reason. After being turned, Itachi’s eye is either holds the shape of the sharingan or mangekyo. Itachi’s gift is your choice but just don’t make them too numerous. Itachi starts to care for Alec and Jane like his younger sibling and they consider him back as their (younger/older your choice)brother. Bonus points if Sasuke stayed in the Leaf village. As to how Leaf ninja becomes aware of Itachi’s existence is your choice. Add Cullens to your liking. -0-0- Challenge 8 Death note/FMA Plot: Elric brothers recently lost their mother and enters Wammy's House, Element: No alchemy, homunculus(you can add the character as a human or something else though), automail and the setting just in a modern world. Other FMA character can make appearance if you want as long as you don’t make Winry paired with Ed. Hohenheim is alive but whether he makes appearance or not is up to you. L could be still attending Wammy’s House or you can make L as a detective that we all know. Mello, Near, Matt do exist but appearance is your choice. Kira case is your choice as well. (shinigami then can exist.) -0-0- Challenge 9 Yugioh/HP Plot: Kaiba is in need of a new personal assistant. Enter, Harry Potter, who seems to read Kaiba’s mind and get the work done while meeting the demands of the picky CEO. Element: Voldemort may be dead or alive. Harry’s relationship with the Ministry is not in terms. Others are your choice. No Hermione, Ginny, Cho, Tia/Anzu pairing with Harry. I don’t like Het pairing too much. Either slash or no pairing. Harry may attend high school if you want. Bonus point if Yami have separate physical body from their light. -0-0- Challenge 10 Teen Titans/Yami no Matsuei Plot: During Robin’s is search for Slade, he comes across two people from Japan. What Robin doesn’t know is that they are shinigami who came from Japan to aid American’s Summon Division to retrieve Slade whose soul have been stolen away by Trigon. Element: Although Hisoka and Tsuzuki came to help American Shinigami don’t make too much of their appearance rather the two are the only people in Jump City. No OC if possible. Current Status: --Personal: Has been a difficult year for me and my family. One of my family member has been crically ill suddenly and it has been a long journey for us. It was unexpected and sudden. As such everything has been at halt and I haven't written anything as I planned. If anything I haven't checked PM and reviews. i am sorry, for those who have been waiting but I need more time. --Child of Fire: Haven't started ch 16 yet. Current situation making it difficult to write. --Dream of Gumiho: not sure when I will work on it. If you want to try and continue from where I left off you're welcome to just tell me (so I can read it too! :D). But it's not abandonded. Again personal life. --The Guardian's Journey: not sure when I will work on it. If you want to try and continue from where I left off you're welcome to just tell me (so I can read it too! :D) --Mabinogi: Tarlach server. Minkah. But hasn't been playing since family member has been sick. |