Author has written 25 stories for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, X-Men: Evolution, X-Men: The Movie, Stargate: SG-1, Gundam Wing/AC, X-overs, Ouran High School Host Club, Magnificent Seven, Sherlock, G. I. Joe, Hawaii Five-0, Avengers, Batman, and Grimm. Once again my muses have diverged into different areas (though I *am* trying to coral them where necessary). However I am still insane. Well, you'd be if you had the voices in my head. On the subject of my small series: Five Gundams & a Stargate (Title still a work in progress) The timeline order runs as follows: Five Gundams Confirmed Bewildered Warriors Takeoff Into Confusion (Series is not abandoned, muse just needs bribing) Three Continents Watson The timeline order runs as follows: In Arduis Fidelis The Most Powerful Piece on the Board A Lost Heart - An Empty Home Will try to coral muses, but they seem to like running around. And RL is being a bit of a pain at the moment. |