Author has written 4 stories for Batman Beyond, and Dungeons and Dragons. I'm old enough to know better. I write these anyway. I used to do Gilbert & Sullivan for fun and relaxation, and I like cats. I'm working on fics involving Batman Beyond, Knight Rider, Dungeons and Dragons (the cartoon), and a few others. Yes, all at the same time. NO, not really. Influences... Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, Terry Pratchett, Spider Robinson, Judith A. Lansdowne, Chris Dee, Lillian Jackson Braun, Janet Evanovich, Charlotte MacLeod, Kenneth Roberts, and the whole bloody state of Maine. I'm into music in a big way too- classical, some opera (NOT Wagner or Verdi), folk, Celtic, old-style rock (Grateful Dead,etc.), Show tunes... others. Especially Great Big Sea. Note to those interested- I'm still working on all stories I've got posted, as well as any number that aren't yet. However, this was a rather eventful year and my attention was divided in too many directions. Something had to give, and I'm afraid this was it. I hope this year will be quieter, and I will post whenever possible, but I'm not making any promises I can't keep. Sequel to note: writing-intensive semester followed by summer with extremely limited computer access. Am finishing up chapters for Beyond Knightfall, Father's Day (the sequel to Yo-Yo Sisterhood), and Improving Man. Am also finishing up a few one-shots. And now am going to bed- it's 6:50 AM and I've been up since 11AM yesterday. Hence the wonky wording. New sequel, 6/17/11: I'm not dead, just dealing with crap. Health issues (same old plus a shiny new exceptionally annoying one that lasted over a year), computer issues (new laptop has solved most of these, but files were lost), and school issues (graduated, got a BA in History, do you want fries with that?). And internet access once a week. There will be something posted by the end of the summer. And another, 10/3/13: I am brain-dead. Seriously. I've been reading and re-reading my stuff and I have no idea how to get from point A to point B, even though I can see point C very clearly, thank you. I will hammer away at this until something comes out. |