"What's he doing here, Carter?" Jack's voice was harsh, unforgiving, as he advanced on the unwanted wizard.

"SiriusBlack needs nourishment as well, O'Neill" Teal'c said, sounded vaguely like a disapproving father.

But Daniel wasn't paying attention to the little stand off in the corner; as a matter of fact, his mind was no longer on Earth, or in his current life. The temperature seemed to drop several degrees, as he sped through time and space, no longer aware of his physical form. His body seemed to loose weight, lighter then a young child a baby, a feather, and then he was simply light. Golden tendrils of his being spread out across the vast emptiness of the universe as his body ceased to exist. His consciousness fallowed silver- blue steaks of light through the stars, tracking the travels and exploits of humanity. The children of the ancients had grown so much since the time of his parents began they're journey on the eight fold path.  This was what he did now- watched his former comrades, He had already learned all there was for him to know for in this existence time had no meaning or bearing on the lives of the Old Ones. His Destiny was set for him now, and he knew there was no Way he could take to avoid It. As the child of both Earth and Judgment, he was given no choice, Enlightment would wait for him, as he waited for humanity. Daniel sighed, his insides conflicting with both great sadness and happy contentment, here in the Higher Planes he could learn as he wished, without worry of grants or pay or any danger, but still he was unable to help those he held so dear to heart. They would continue they're noble fight while he hid in the clouds, protecting them when he could, but mostly just watching with bated unbreath.

            He was pulled from his ruminations sound of approaching feet. Looking up from watchtower in the heavens, he could see a man approaching, long black hair cascading into deep brown eyes and partially obscuring the handsome face of his partner's soul, big black boots clicked across obsidian vacuum as he approached. The man approaching had taken on the likeness of his younger self, features soft and caring, dimples that had never fully left him still apparent through the apprehension that dominated his loyal friend's features. A sigh.

            "I take it didn't go too well?" He brought his energy back to himself pulling it in from the farthest corners of the universe, and coalescing into the shifting body of his former self.

            "No my friend," A small smile despite the obviously sad circumstances, "The council's decided, you're to return to the physical realm, with no memory of who you were, or what you are meant to do." He sucked in an unnecessary breath, mentally checking his rapidly growing anger "I'm sorry, I couldn't do any more."

            Daniel sighed, and smiled, a bit sadly. "You did all you could, dear friend, for that I am eternally grateful." He reached out softly brushing his distraught friend's arm "But I brought this onto myself, Sirius, and I have to face the consequences of my actions. If I don't then I am nothing." At this his voice cracked "I wish I could say I'll miss you." He turned to go, to face his new life- of which he knew other about- but was stopped by a very real hand.

            "I'll go with you, Daniel, I have that option, I was brought here by default, and it's my right to return to the land of the living whenever I choose."  Hard brown eyes bore into his soft blue, "You don't deserve this! And the council knows the risk! It's too dangerous to leave you in the universe without protection or knowledge of your true self. Not now. Not with the rising evil."

            "We both know the council won't allow that to happen. They'll set up a course of events that will lead me home and onto my destiny. But yours hasn't been realized yet, my friend, you must stay your term or run the risk of loosing your very soul! I won't have that on my conscious too." He bit his lip nervously "Take care of my son, will you?"

            They're eyes met and Daniel could see his plea for sanity had made no impact on his emotional friend. His stance, his energy showed no signs of doubt, Sirius never balked when it came to the safety of his friends not any more. "I'll be seeing you soon, Daniel."

            This time when Daniel smiled it lit his eyes, genuine and caring "Of  that, Sirius, I have no doubt."

  He reentered reality with a jolt, blinking rapidly at the reemergence of the morning light, bright harsh, cold like a winter's wind. No longer were his friends standing to protect him from the well meaning wizard. Instead, all five were looking at him, worry etched across they're faces.

            Jack was the first to speak "Daniel?  You feelin' okey?"

A/N: sorry bout the formatting, just a quick fix on the last chapter. I may even post again soon, if I get the time between the workshop and trying to get a job.