![]() Author has written 23 stories for Early Edition, Anime X-overs, TV X-overs, X-overs, Pride and Prejudice, Buffy X-overs, Star Trek: 2009, StarTrek: The Original Series, Boston Legal, Harry Potter, Grimm, Forever, Thor, Batman Begins/Dark Knight, Lord of the Rings, and Bones. As you may have guessed from my pen name, I'm a librarian. I use that name at conventions. I was once asked at a convention if I was the goddess of reference, or the goddess against whom all other goddesses are measured (to which I answered "yes!" and walked away). My fannish ambition is that someone will recommend one (or more) of my stories on the TVtropes site. I love Buffy, Stargate SG1, Dr. Who, Ranma 1/2, Blackadder (any era), Chuck and a number of other oddball things that appeal to my strange sense of humor. I loved Life (now canceled - sob). My automatic response when I see someone being pompous or self-aggrandizing is to mutter under my breath "Denny Crane." My TV guilty pleasure is Hell's Kitchen (No matter how bad my day is going, I can at least take comfort in the fact that I'm not being publically humiliated on national TV). I do not have cable, but avidly watch "Dirty Jobs" and "Mythbusters" when I get a chance. I hate nihilism, evil Xander stories, "Ron the Death-eater" stories, and liver. (and Mary Sues - but that's a gimme, right?) My favorite authors include J.R.R. Tolkien, Lois McMaster Bujold, Elizabeth Peters, Jane Austen, Janet Evanovich and Eric Flint (as I will purchase their titles in hard cover). OK, I know some of those authors are no longer with us (sob), but if someone found a manuscript and published it, I would be on it like mustard on a hot dog. Book I'm reading this week: Koko Takes a Holiday by Kieran Shea. It has a very Heinleinian feel to it. Let's see if this makes you want to read the book. Koko is a retired mercenary, running a brothel in a high-end resort. Then assassins come gunning for her, sent by her ex-comrade-in-arms, the same woman who got her the job. Koko has no idea why her old friend wants her dead. Thing is, neither does the friend. Favorite TV quote from Fringe : I remember when the suspect being Human was a given, not an option. Favorite movie quote of the past few years: McCoy's "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence." although this exchange from "The King's Speech" runs a very close second: Lionel Logue: I believe sucking smoke into your lungs will kill you. and from the 2012 Avengers movie, "Puny god" (hysterical in context) And from Star Trek Into Darkness: "Are you feeling homicidal? Despotic? Power hungry?" "No more than usual." Favorite movie quote, period: Ugarte: You despise me, don't you? I am currently pouting over the cancellation of "Almost Human" Curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal, Fox Network. A year later, I'm still pouting. And now "Selfie" was canceled. And "Forever." I can't catch a break. Favorite 'Net name for a movie - Avatar's nickname is Dancing With Smurfs. Speaking of Star Trek, I went to Trek Fest in Riverside Iowa (yes, it really exists - minus the ship yard). Got a photo signed by George Takei (Sulu), Walter Koenig (Chekov) and Nicelle Nichols (Uhura). My inner geek is very happy. Live long and prosper. (in the original way, not the way Spock said it to the Vulcan Science Academy admissions committee in the recent film) The guest for the 2012 Trek Fest was Dr. Kjell Lindgren, an M.D. who is scheduled to go up to the International Space Station in 2015. After his talk on his NASA training, I decided that in a sane, rational society we would have a tv show called "Keeping up with the Astronauts", and no one would know who those use-way-too-much-makeup rich gals are. (note: he liked my Bones t-shirt) I try to be very polite, and respond to people who critique/review my works. But I can not respond to you if you disable private messages! I have changed things in my stories based on intelligent suggestions and comments. Big old pet peeve: People who think all librarians are volunteers. No, folks. I went to grad school, I go to continuing education classes and seminars and workshops! It's MY JOB! It is a position that does actually require training and education! Get that? Got that? Good. Ongoing pet peeve: Why Spellcheck will lead you astray. Rein and reign; compliment and complement, there and their and they're ; your and you're - different words, completely different meanings! and Two, too, to - different words, different uses! And one I've noticed crop up in a few places - plague and plaque are two very different things! You go to see your dentist for plaque; your doctor for plague! (and lately, vial/vile seems to confuse some folks - keep in mind, "The potion in the vial was vile tasting.") and cannon/canon - cannon is something goes "Ka-Boom!", canon is what is official, documented, or, to use the word in its religious context, orthodox. Fanon is widely circulated fan theories that may (or may not) be deduced from the original material, but is not official. Jane Austen fanfic that uses the word "OK" OK is an Americanism that dates only back to the 1830s. So in Austen, OK is not OK (source - OED) See "OK" in a regency setting is like hitting a pothole at 50 mph. and well vs. good. Good is an adjective, it modifies nouns. "My car is good." "She is a good cook." Well is an adverb, and modifies verbs (and other stuff too, but let's keep this simple. "My car runs well." "She cooks well." One I've been seeing lately: Confusing "weary" with "wary" Weary - tired - "I've worked for 12 hours today; I am weary." Wary - related to "beware" - "You should be wary of large wooden horses left outside your front gate." and fanfic that has Giles from Buffy sounding like an American teenager. Under some circumstances, he may sound like a British teen, but never, ever an American one!! Real big pet peeve: fanfic that treats the crew of the Enterprise like a bunch of drunken frat boys on Spring Break. |