Author has written 5 stories for Gundam Wing/AC, Yu Yu Hakusho, Angel, Harry Potter, and Book X-overs. My real name's Kelly or Kel for short, whichever you want to use--I'll respond to both thanks to having one too many classes with other Kellys. I'll read just about anything, slash, het or gen. It just has to be well written and have a good plot. I draw the line at anything involving a Harry/Ginny pairing--unless it is a really good story as I've unfortunately learned as of late (I shuddered through the first three chapters after seeing the future pairing, but the story was worth putting up with it). I also have a problem seeing Yusuke in a slash pairing unless it's with Kurama. I can't figure out the Yusuke thing, but I've finally figured out the Harry/Ginny thing. Has anyone else noticed JKR, in interviews and the books, describes her as being a lot like Lily? Life Update (8/12/2013): For anyone who is still reading anything I wrote and will write, my life has gone crazy. New jobs, dead computers, but mostly, Pawpaw, my grandfather, had a stroke. If any of you have ever had to put a loved one into a nursing home because you thought you couldn't care for them, then gone "Oh God, no!" and brought them home because you knew you could do better, I hope you'll understand when I say moving back home and helping to take care of Pawpaw was and is far more important than anything. I still write, it's just slow going. I will update when I can, but it might be a while longer. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Writing Update as of 03/27/2007: I'm doing a massive posting of one shots into JADT, along with three new Snapshots, so I apologize to anyone who has me on alert and gets flooded with emails. The Harry/Wufei turned into a Hermione and Heero story, but there's the idea of a sequel floating around in my head that looks to have Harry/Wufei. There's also two new Harry/Squall stories in this bunch, two Hermione/Kurama stories, a Minerva/Tom, a HP/Buffy crossover, a Hermione/Quistis, and some gen stories. Looking at this list, I really need to work on hooking Ron up with someone outside of the HP verse, and I don't mean the crack Seifer/Ron fic I'm playing with, because that's not meant to be taken seriously. At all. For the sake of my sanity and yours, please don't ask about the Seifer/Ron crack fic in the works. All you need to know is it came from the Hermione/Quistis, and really, does crack fic need an explanation? Okay, I need to finish posting and get a new ice pack for my knee. I wonder if I should post the evil plot bunny story here? ETA: Okay, I have no clue what is going on with FFnet right now, but if you can't get the new chapters, use the homepage link. It goes to my livejournal. Everything, except VBS and AGP, is there. Violets, Braids, and Space Pirates?: A GW/Tenchi Universe fusion. Discontinued Pairings: 1x2x1 and maybe 3x4x3 . A Grim's Promise: A YYH/HP crossover. Two years before his death a powerful psychic made Sirius a promise. Now Genkai and Yusuke travel to London to keep it and throw the British magical community for a loop. Currently being rewritten. If you notice something that needs correcting or if there's a place were you have trouble following what's going on, please tell me so I can catch it now. Pairings: Right now, Kuwabara/Yukina and past Remus/Sirius. Other than that, I'm not telling. It depends on the teacher, and even then...You know, nevermind. Just wait and see. FYI: The pairings are not up for voting. I don't mean to be rude, but seriously, cut it out. I know other authors do it, but I can't. It feels wrong. Answers to common questions: 1: The pairings will go which ever way the story decides they should go. I don't do pairing voting.(If you're looking for Yusuke/Harry, try Snapshots. It's slow, but it will get there. If you're looking for Harry/Luna, try chapter fourteen of Just Another Death Threat.) 2: Harry will never become a Spirit Detective. He is, first and foremost, a wizard. 3: From what I understand about the YYH-verse, it is a big no-no for any demon to kill humans. This is the rule I'm using in this story, and it's why Yusuke doesn't just have Botan pop him over to England and kill Voldemort. Because no matter how snake like Voldemort looks, he's still human at the end of the day. That, and it would just be too damn easy to have Yusuke spirit gun his butt. Dementors, however, make good target practice. 4: Yes, I'm working on it. No, it won't be up anytime soon. However, if I get called a whore again--yeah, you know who you are--I'm pulling it off the net until I'm done. I don't mind requests as to when it will be updated, those encourage me to get back to it despite the headaches and lack of time, but I really did have a life that got flushed down the toliet last January when I got put in the hospital, a life I'm trying to get back. This story brings back memories I do not like thinking about. No, I'm not thin-skinned or easily insulted, just practicing that wonderful human skill of avoidance by not wanting to work on this story, even though I love it, because of what it makes me think about. (yeah, this mini rant has been edited now that I'm not so grumpy. Your point?) Just Another Death Threat and Other Drabbles: This is my catch all thing for any of my Harry Potter ideas. Some ideas are from stories that never went anywhere, some are just random things, and some are there to stop me from playing with them. A good number of these are crossovers, and none of them really qualify as drabbles, more like one shots or ficlets. Something to think about: If you have a pairing you really, really want and it's in the HP verse or is a crossover pairing with the HP-verse and a fandom I know somewhat and played around with before (SG-1, Gundam Wing, YYH, KH, FFX, FFVIII, WK) a review for this story is the place to request it. Sometimes reviews give me ideas (like the ones that inspired Snapshots and the bits and pieces of a Keiko/Harry one shot in my rough draft file) and I'll play with them until I get something decent. Please keep in mind: not all of them will come out the way you want because some characters don't mesh for me, and it will help me more if you give me something beyond the pairing/characters--a prompt, a vague plot, something. If you don't, I'm going to use a random prompt generator for it, and it might not be what you're looking for. Keeping Score: I think this idea only has one more story in it, and it looks like it will be a short one. Sorry if you were expecting more, but I get the feeling that it would turn into utter crud if I tried to continue it beyond a certain point. Snapshots: This is exactly what the summary says, just a collection of drabbles and short fics that will eventually end up with a Yusuke/Harry Pairing. If you're only interrested in a friendship type of relationship between the two, I plan on warning when it gets to the slashy part. Right now, they're still in the cute and adorable little kid stage and anything beyond friendship would be gross, so you're safe if slash bothers you. Okay, there's a mild hint in the tenth snapshot, but that's just Remus wondering what will happening in the future. Answers to common questions: 1: Yusuke will not be going to Hogwarts. Other authors have done it far better than I could. 2: Keiko and Yusuke do know some English. Some. They can't speak fluently, and Yusuke knows more swears than Keiko wants to think about. 3: According to the Lexicon, Mrs. Black died in 1985 (I couldn't find a book reference beyond her dieing while Sirius was in prison). If you reread the story, you'll notice clues that 1985 is when Sirius first picked Harry up, and I get the impression the Blacks are well off, not super rich. Sirius and Harry currently live in a small, rundown appartment because they're living off Sirius's salary and they were originally trying to avoid Dumbledore. They stayed because Sirius wanted to keep Harry close to his friends and didn't want to deal with Dumbledore if he went back to claim his inheritance. 4: Harry's magical education pre-Hogwarts is going to be a lot what I imagine Ron's was like with the addition of muggle schooling. Sirius will home school Harry on the basics (potions safety, wand safety, basic wand movements, some history, and class basics), but there will not be a Japanese magical school in Harry's future unless the story makes a sudden left turn on me. Like Hagrid said, Harry's name has been down on the Hogwarts books since he was born. I'm sure there are other stories out there with Harry in a Japanese school if you want to read one. 5: In ten minutes or so from my posting this, the Kancho sneakpeek will be gone. Sorry if you missed it. |