Title: Ravenstar
Author: Eaiva le Fay
E-mail: eaiva_le_fay@yahoo.co.uk (I'm not British.)
Rating: PG-13, but it'll probably go up later.
Pairing: General fic, future HP/LM
Disclaimer: I own none of JKR's characters or world.
Summary: AU: Alternate Universe. Harry is kidnapped by elves when he is not even one year old. Voldemort never attacked Lily and James, because Harry wasn't there. At age 17, Harry's going on a mission to the wizarding world for his guardian.
Author Notes:
This is SLASH. As in a male/male pairing. More specifically, a LUCIUS MALFOY/HARRY POTTER pairing, with various other pairings (both heterosexual and homosexual). If you don't like it, please don't read it. For those who do read it, please review. The main pairing will come much later though, so don't expect any romantic relationship right away.
Also my elves are my creation. They look like the Lord of the Rings elves, but they are not. I have Dark Elves and Light Elves, and since they can't stand each other they each have a separate society. (I possibly, nearly definitely, will delve into the elven societies and a little bit of their history later in the story.)
"What is it, my lord?" Caran asked.
Darian sighed in exasperation. "What does it look like? He is a child."
The other elf hesitated, "I know what it is, sire. Why do you have it?"
"Him." Darian studied the peaceful baby in his arms. "He will need a name."
"Nalian above us." Caran muttered.
"Nalian... Yes, he will be Nalian."
Caran was uncertain how far to push his monarch. Usually he knew when to press Darian and when not to, but this was unknown territory. Certainly Darian would not hesitate to show his displeasure. But a baby? A human baby, not a year old? "My lord, please...?"
Darian slanted an amused glance at him. Caran had been with him many years and always took his eccentricities in stride; he had never seen Caran look so lost. "A child, with Elven blood. I sense it. He is powerful now and will grow stronger as time passes."
Caran sighed, "but what are you doing with it?"
"I am going to raise him, Caran." Darian shifted the sleeping form in his arms.
Caran hesitated again, "and it's- his parents?"
"They need never know what has become of their child." Darian said.
"Surely, my lord, if this child has sacred blood his parents do as well?"
"The blood is thin, on his mother's side; she couldn't know of it. Their Elven nature is in their eyes, they aren't a natural human color, but humans are stupid and do not recognize the sign. The blood flows even
stronger in Nalian's veins."
"You said yourself, we should not underestimate the humans. Particularly the wizards." Caran said delicately.
"It is done; they will never realize what has transpired." The tone of his voice said the conversation was over. "We must get back to the others."