Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own Digimon. If I did, anyone would be able to tell because the episodes would be filled with Takouji fluff!

Summary: Just when Kouji thinks his life can't get any worse, a new enemy reveals themself with two goals: to take over the Digital World and to have Kouji all to themself. Meanwhile, Takuya is deperately trying to figure out how to melt Kouji's frozen heart and show him what it means to be in love. Takouji.

Ayeka: Yay! I'm finally able to start my first fic and it's a Takouji! For all of you who don't know, a Takouji is a pairing between Takuya and Kouji, so if you don't like it, then don't read it!

Now just for some quick background...this is a slight AU. After defeating Lucemon, the Chosen Children are back in the Real World, but they still have their D-Tectors and spirits and all that. Also, they can go back to the Digital World whenever they want, as long as they ride a Trailmon to get there. Lastly, each Digidestined is 15, except Junpei who is 16 and Tomoki who is 12.

Okay, that should be it for now. On with the story!

WARNING: Contains shounen-ai (guy/guy relationships). If you don't like it, then I suggest you turn back now...



(Scene change)

(Author's note)




Prologue: Kuraimon


"Status report." An icy voice commanded from the shadows at the back of the cave.

A tall, slightly muscular boy stepped towards the shadows, bowing slightly. Standing straight up, he ran one of his hands through his flaming red hair that stood up in little spikes so that it almost looked like actual flames. The boy looked to be about 15 or 16, although he was much older than that. He wore baggy black pants, with red and orange flames that seemed to crawl up from his shoes to his knees. His white shirt was tight against his chest, showing off his muscles, and once again flames seemed to slow down his long black sleeves to his hands.

"My Lord, Kuraimon, I bring you great news." The flame boy said, smiling at a dark figure in the shadows. When Kuraimon didn't answer, the boy continued. "It seems that those children restored the Digital World and then left, leaving it defenseless and perfect for our taking." The boy's grin grew wider as he told his master the news, but then it quickly disappeared. "I'm also afraid, my Lord, that there is some slightly bad news. Apparently, the children are able to pass between the worlds whenever they please, so we must do something about them before they interrupt our plans."

"I assume that you have some sort of plan to fix this little problem, Himon." Kuraimon's icy voice said from the shadows.

Himon nodded. "After watching the Chosen Children for so long and studying their battle techniques and strategies, I have concluded that our best chance of defeating them would be to first capture and eliminate one of the two more powerful warriors-either the child of fire or the child of light. By eliminating one of them, we eliminate half of their strength. Then we can attack the rest and destroy them too." He explained.

"So we need to choose our first victim?" Kuraimon asked, finally stepping out of the shadows.

Himon bowed as Kuraimon revealed himself. His black hair lay smooth around the top of his head, but stuck out in short spikes in the back. The smooth front of his hair made its way across his face diagonally, covering his right eye and leaving his left violet eye exposed. His pale face made his red lips stand out and his teeth, especially his fangs, seemed unnaturally white. His tall, well-built, yet slender, body was clothed in low, tight, black leather pants and a silky black shirt covered in black mesh that ran down his arms and stopped at his fingertips, fitting his hands like gloves, but leaving the top part of his fingers exposed. Two tattered, black wings that didn't look as though they could fly (but really can) projected from his back and fell around him, seeming to protect him from the world.

"So..." He spoke again, his icy voice chilling every bone in Himon's body. "We need to choose a victim. Tell me, what do they look like?"

"You're in luck, my Lord. I just happen to have the pictures of them from our reports." Himon replied as he reached into one of the many pockets on his pants and pulled out two fairly recent pictures.

Kuraimon took the photos and looked at them. One featured a brown-eyed brunette with goggles while the other pictured a blue (gray?) eyed boy with long raven-colored hair held in a ponytail and bandana. "He's perfect." Kuraimon whispered upon seeing the raven-haired boy's picture. "I want this one. The one with the beautiful long hair. Capture him and bring him to me. Don't kill him yet. I want him to belong to me."

Himon immediately nodded. "And yours the child of light shall be." He promised before exiting the cave.

Kuraimon pocketed the picture of the raven-haired teen after taking one last look at it. Then he ripped the other picture and threw it on the ground before returning to the shadows of the cave. Child of light, you shall be mine."

Ayeka: Well that's it for the prologue. I promise the chapters will get much longer. I'm almost done with the next chapter, so I hope to be able to update soon. I better go now and work on it. Don't forget to review! Cyaz!