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Joined 09-01-07, id: 1366340, Profile Updated: 04-09-20
Author has written 13 stories for Kuroshitsuji, Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Brothers Conflict/ブラコン, Uta no Prince-sama, Vampire Knight, Descendants, 2015, One Piece, and Young Justice.

I'm an aspiring young adult science fiction/fantasy author who decided that fanfiction is a fun and somewhat less stressful way to keep writing between projects.

I adore fanfiction. I think it's so much fun to imagine new scenarios for beloved characters, or to see your crack pairings come to life. Whenever I get obsessed over a new story I've found, whether it's a book, manga, TV series, or whatever, I always come here to see what people have written.

There are so many amazing stories on here and I love contributing to a site I've loved for years.

Projects I'd like to work on:

An AU Young Justice fic where both Artemis and Aqualad followed in their villainous parent's footsteps and are part of a team of young villains working for the Light.

A Fairy Tail fic focusing on Gajeel/Levy and the year they were separated from the rest of Fairy Tail.

An Uta No Prince Sama fic where Starish goes on a world tour, so Quartet Night tries to still Haruka.

An X-Men Evolution fic focusing on Rogue getting Miss Marvel's powers or on Scarlet Witch remembering the memories Magneto had distorted in her mind (or maybe both together if I could figure out how to make that work out well).

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

We'll Light The Fuse by EvanescentDream93 reviews
King Ben is a benevolent ruler and works hard to keep the promises that he makes. Even to those who put him under a love spell... "I made you a promise to give you your chance," it said in in the margins next to the elegantly scripted offered new title, "Royal Councilor to the King, Ms. Uma of the Isle, Captain of the Lost Revenge".
Descendants, 2015 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 18 - Words: 95,251 - Reviews: 127 - Favs: 114 - Follows: 160 - Updated: 7/24/2019 - Published: 8/7/2017 - [Uma, Harry H.] Evie, Ben/Prince
Doo 'awéé ééhoozIIh da The Lost Child by ArchAngel1973 reviews
Based on a challenge by xmag. What if Michael had been found by River Dog after hatching, and had been raised on the Indian reservation, by River Dog's son and daughterinlaw ? In Roswell, the shooting happened in September 2001.
Roswell - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 157 - Words: 509,120 - Reviews: 705 - Favs: 227 - Follows: 236 - Updated: 6/1/2019 - Published: 12/22/2007 - Maria D., Michael G. - Complete
Uma and Harry by WithinmyMindFF reviews
Their love is no fairytale. (UmaxHarry)
Descendants, 2015 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 418 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 32 - Follows: 19 - Published: 8/7/2017 - [Uma, Harry H.] - Complete
To My Dearly Beloved by Banana007 reviews
It ached where his heart should have been. An ache for the smell of the ocean and... someone. In his Chamber of Repose, Xemnas awaits for the return of an old friend. It is when he is thinking of her that something magical happens to the keyblade armor he has kept well guarded for years. And the scent of the ocean suddenly hits him, filling his aching emptiness. Xemnas/Aqua.
Kingdom Hearts - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 5,882 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 19 - Follows: 6 - Published: 4/11/2017 - Xemnas, Aqua - Complete
That Distant Sound by Ian-the-Existential-Crisis reviews
Request from Sister of the Pharaoh. "Just fall asleep and let me be the last thing you hear tonight. There's no scary thunder, there's only me."
Brothers Conflict/ブラコン - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 851 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 23 - Follows: 9 - Published: 2/10/2016 - Ema H., Tsubaki A. - Complete
Brothers' Enemy by RavenNM reviews
What would happen if the brothers came home to find someone outside of the family trying to take advantage of Ema? Oh... Lord save that poor boy...
Brothers Conflict/ブラコン - Rated: K - English - Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,604 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 175 - Follows: 54 - Published: 2/9/2016 - Ema H. - Complete
Lost In the Moment by HanajimaFB reviews
This is a collection of one-shots featuring Ema spending time with her brothers, one on one. Each brother has their own particular "moment" with Ema that's tailored to their personality and lifestyle. Next Chapter: Fuuto!
Brothers Conflict/ブラコン - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 5 - Words: 14,130 - Reviews: 43 - Favs: 103 - Follows: 104 - Updated: 5/11/2015 - Published: 2/14/2015 - Ema H.
Conflict: The Challenge by Meena47 reviews
Ema and Wataru want to play video games against Yuusuke and Fuuto. But Fuuto adds a twist into the game, by challenging them: the losers have to suffer a punishment. Who will win and what will be the losers' penalty? OOC behavior in Ema's case.
Brothers Conflict/ブラコン - Rated: T - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 3 - Words: 6,814 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 30 - Updated: 5/6/2015 - Published: 4/28/2015 - Ema H., Fūto A., Hikaru A., Yūsuke A. - Complete
Change of Heart by ebtwisty9 reviews
All Bowser wanted was a good Birthday. All Peach thought she wanted was some time away from life. What she got may have changed her mind...about everything she's ever known. BowserxPeach with LuigixDaisy, KammyxKamek, koopalings, and others.
Mario - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 52 - Words: 279,458 - Reviews: 1252 - Favs: 639 - Follows: 356 - Updated: 12/24/2014 - Published: 3/10/2006 - Peach, Bowser - Complete
Demon in My View by Spider Baby-Firefly reviews
Sequel to "The Playground Chronicles." Jenny deals with middle school and all its challenges, and Julian begins to realize his true nature as a Shadowman. Tom Locke, as always, complicates things, but Julian's working on a solution. JxJ.
Forbidden Game series - Rated: K+ - English - Friendship/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 14,367 - Reviews: 83 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 36 - Updated: 10/29/2014 - Published: 11/13/2011 - Jenny, Julian
The Warrior and the Trickster by BelleDayNight reviews
Loki appreciates the things that Thor takes for granted. The god of mischief has his eye on a certain dark-haired warrior woman. Is being King truly what Loki wants? (Includes cannon from the comic Journey into Mystery issues 646-655 and Thor God of Thunder). Loki and Lady Sif journey into the underworld in hopes of restoring the true king of Asgard to the throne.
Thor - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama - Chapters: 15 - Words: 50,202 - Reviews: 98 - Favs: 131 - Follows: 123 - Updated: 4/6/2014 - Published: 11/10/2013 - [Loki, Sif] [Thor, Jane F.] - Complete
The Five Love Languages by Black Licorice Addict reviews
In the aftermath of her run-in with Cheshire and Sportsmaster aboard Black Manta's ship, Artemis realizes just how deep family love runs.
Young Justice - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 908 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 53 - Follows: 9 - Published: 2/17/2013 - Artemis C./Artemis, Lawrence C./Sportsmaster - Complete
Weather the Weather by EmaniaHilel reviews
How to describe this in this box? A lightning storm and Haruhi is walking around a sleeping pensione at night - each chapter showcases how each host would deal with the situation. Right now it stands at being Haruhi/Kyoya and Haruhi/Hitachin. Each chapter stands alone.
Ouran High School Host Club - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 3 - Words: 6,522 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 34 - Follows: 34 - Published: 2/8/2013 - Haruhi F.
For Their Own Good by kitsune13 reviews
a one-shot collection - Cloud and Tifa *fluff warning*. Chpt. 50 - she's always wanted to understand him better. THIS however may be just a bit too much. A tandem story with Ves and the confusing consequences of fighting new monsters for the first time. Original game setting.
Final Fantasy VII - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 50 - Words: 141,457 - Reviews: 922 - Favs: 620 - Follows: 343 - Updated: 9/19/2012 - Published: 4/1/2009 - Cloud S., Tifa L.
In the Afterglow by BasiaM82 reviews
Magneto's thoughts after X-Men Legacy 249
X-Men - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,134 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 29 - Follows: 9 - Published: 5/29/2011 - Erik L./Magneto, Anna Marie/Rogue - Complete
One Moment by DEACTIVEDUSER reviews
A series of one shots.First chapter:NaLu.Second chapter:GraLu.Third chapter:LokiLucy.Fourth chapter:HibikiLucy. This is for Fawndapple's contest.Chapter 4: With Someone Lucky.
Fairy Tail - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 4 - Words: 5,516 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 19 - Updated: 12/15/2010 - Published: 12/9/2010 - Complete
Flares of Affection by thewritingbunny reviews
In response to Fawndapples challenge. Short one shots of Lucy with Natsu/Gray/Hibiki/Loki. It was small, but no true relationship ever began without that spark of something now did it?
Fairy Tail - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 5 - Words: 4,629 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 83 - Follows: 30 - Updated: 12/12/2010 - Published: 12/8/2010 - Lucy H. - Complete
Excuse me, I love you by MsRainey reviews
Cloud x Tifa. Cloti. A series of one shots displaying daily life for the Planet's heroes.
Final Fantasy VII - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 51 - Words: 43,861 - Reviews: 976 - Favs: 319 - Follows: 116 - Updated: 12/9/2009 - Published: 4/21/2008 - Cloud S., Tifa L. - Complete
The Ties That Bind by Firefly-shy reviews
An invisible thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break." The Shitennou find each other and discover there are some bonds stronger than fate. SxS [COMPLETE]
Sailor Moon - Rated: K+ - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 30 - Words: 112,673 - Reviews: 255 - Favs: 456 - Follows: 175 - Updated: 11/14/2009 - Published: 8/5/2008 - Complete
Who Guards the Guardsmen? by Crosswood reviews
A reflection on the role of a protector.
Sailor Moon - Rated: K - English - Friendship/Spiritual - Chapters: 1 - Words: 224 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 4 - Published: 10/19/2009 - Makoto K./Lita/Sailor Jupiter - Complete
Missing Piece by D4cHilliN reviews
Can a cold hearted murderer become a caring father? With a little bit of practice, patience and love; Bulma believes it's very possible.
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,824 - Reviews: 24 - Favs: 87 - Follows: 5 - Published: 9/14/2009 - Vegeta, Bulma - Complete
Double Take by Infinite Pen reviews
Basically the same conversation with two different takes. One with the Briefs and then the other with the Son family. See how the two families are alike and yet so very different. Slight V/B & G/CC action :
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: T - English - Family/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,104 - Reviews: 38 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 6 - Published: 9/5/2009 - Bulma, Vegeta - Complete
We'll Rest Easy by Mel like Mellow reviews
Bulma/Goten. It's a stormy night outside Capsule Corp. and poor little Goten gets spooked. Short, sweet fic.
Dragon Ball Z - Rated: K - English - Friendship/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,298 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 47 - Follows: 9 - Published: 9/3/2009 - Bulma, Goten - Complete
Kodak Moment by Nightcrawler's Shadow reviews
A Rogue and Kurt sibling drabble. Cover Image by: MistakenDragon815 on Deviantart
X-Men: Evolution - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 622 - Reviews: 25 - Favs: 89 - Follows: 9 - Published: 7/12/2009 - Rogue/Anna Marie, Nightcrawler/Kurt W. - Complete
Snapshots by Hubblah reviews
A lot of things happen when the cameras aren't rolling. A lot of things get cut in the editing room. A collection of missing moments and oneshots from total drama island. Chapter 26: She’s with someone else. Just leave her alone.
Total Drama series - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 26 - Words: 16,961 - Reviews: 185 - Favs: 28 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 5/10/2009 - Published: 8/21/2008
a dash of darkness by paper piper reviews
her skin glowed in the dark. -kaname/yuki
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,497 - Reviews: 21 - Favs: 48 - Follows: 8 - Published: 4/7/2009 - Kaname K., Yuki C. - Complete
The Submission of Haruhi Fujioka by catharticdeficit reviews
Kyoya Ootori has been given an ultimatum by his father: make Haruhi Fujioka his bride by the time he’s twenty one or he forfeits his rights to inherit the Ootori zaibatsu. But our wily heroine can never be swayed easily—or will she? Sequel up.
Ouran High School Host Club - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 16 - Words: 56,656 - Reviews: 761 - Favs: 946 - Follows: 412 - Updated: 2/13/2009 - Published: 12/13/2007 - Haruhi F., Kyōya O. - Complete
Same Sided Coin by Tamarai reviews
Rogue’s conscience no longer coincides with the Brotherhood’s ideals, so it’s time to swallow her pride and go home. Meanwhile, Wolverine begrudgingly tries to recruit the slippery Gambit. Romy-flavoured oneshot.
Wolverine & the X-Men - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,411 - Reviews: 97 - Favs: 204 - Follows: 31 - Published: 10/23/2008 - Complete
Golden Moments by TheUltimateGambit91 reviews
Though his charming wife understood what it meant to be an active X-Man, she had no mercy when it came to curfew. Remy chuckled at the thought painfully. He was a fully grown, twenty-nine-year-old man with a curfew. ROMY ONESHOT
X-Men: Evolution - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,089 - Reviews: 32 - Favs: 111 - Follows: 12 - Published: 9/6/2008 - Gambit/Remy L., Rogue/Anna Marie - Complete
Mulligans by squeekness reviews
What would it be like if Gambit ever ran across a female version of himself? And what if she had just as much of a crush on Rogue as he does?
X-Men - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 7,995 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 18 - Published: 7/6/2008 - Complete
Twas The Night Before Training by Saja Natalia reviews
In the spirit of Christmas, I have redone Twas The Night Before Christmas Naruto style. I hope you enjoy!
Naruto - Rated: K - English - Parody - Chapters: 1 - Words: 638 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 1 - Published: 12/24/2007 - Kakashi H., Sasuke U. - Complete
Changes by partners.in.crime03 reviews
Songfic, one shot. Just a short piece with John, Bobby, Rogue, Kitty and a little Piotr as they discover their powers and come to live at the mansion together. The song I used is 'Changes' by 3 Doors Down. My first story, so reviews are welcome.
X-Men: The Movie - Rated: K - English - Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,462 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Published: 11/8/2007 - Complete
Keep Holding On by TheHipster reviews
Rogue and Logan's feelings towards each other. Very short one-shot.
X-Men: The Movie - Rated: K - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 735 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 6 - Published: 4/6/2007 - Rogue, Logan/Wolverine - Complete
My Sin by micatite reviews
It's not easy when you find out that the girl of your dreams is too young for you to even approach her. But she's growing up. Makoto x Nephrite
Sailor Moon - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,589 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 6 - Published: 9/4/2006 - Nephrite/Neflite, Makoto K./Lita/Sailor Jupiter - Complete
One Fine Morning by DKFairy reviews
Cute Morning After oneshot: Rogue and Remy wake up together for what is obviously not the first time.
X-Men: Evolution - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,029 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 74 - Follows: 15 - Published: 6/6/2006 - Rogue/Anna Marie, Gambit/Remy L. - Complete
I Ain't Easy! by Roguechere reviews
Who knew the XMen read fanfiction? Rogue insists she isn't easy & Remy's pride takes a hit.
X-Men - Rated: K+ - English - Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,673 - Reviews: 140 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 11/26/2005 - Published: 7/14/2002 - Complete
The Giant And The Dimwit by Samanda Hime-sama reviews
A one shot ficlet about Vord, what he thinks and feels about Ishtar. Cameo appearances by a few of Ishtar's lackeys such as Darres and Yujinn as well as Ishtar herself. Please read and review.
Vampire Game - Rated: K+ - English - Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 830 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 4 - Published: 8/4/2004 - Complete
Rogue Angel by The Hermione Granger Fan Club reviews
A first meeting between Raven Darkholme and someone very important... (Prequel to my big Rogue project, 'Untouchable'.)
X-Men: Evolution - Rated: K - English - Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,229 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 2 - Published: 6/1/2004
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

The Navigator and the Prince(s) reviews
At age 20, Sanji is still a Vinsmoke and Nami is still enslaved to Arlong. Thanks to Nami's maps, Arlong rules over most of East Blue. Desperate to regain North Blue, Judge requests Arlong give him Nami's help and in exchange Germa 66 will aid Arlong in defending his territory. What better way to cement this alliance than an arranged marriage between Nami and one of Judge's sons?
One Piece - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 25 - Words: 48,220 - Reviews: 86 - Favs: 70 - Follows: 83 - Updated: 7/10 - Published: 4/24/2019 - Nami, Sanji, Ichiji, Yonji
Intricate Relations reviews
Ema Hinata joins the Asahina family at age eleven. As Ema grows she offers the brothers support in their dreams, care when they're down, and cheering when they succeed. The brothers all come to adore Ema, but as time goes on they have to ask themselves: do they love her as their stepsister, or as a woman?
Brothers Conflict/ブラコン - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 38 - Words: 111,232 - Reviews: 373 - Favs: 396 - Follows: 225 - Updated: 5/16 - Published: 5/6/2016 - Ema H. - Complete
Devotion reviews
Devotion is built up from a thousand little moments. A change of scenery won't change that. Series of interrelated one-shots.
Descendants, 2015 - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 29 - Words: 37,431 - Reviews: 155 - Favs: 73 - Follows: 81 - Updated: 11/23/2019 - Published: 9/6/2017 - Uma, Harry H., Gil
Childhood Friends reviews
As a child, Ema grew up around the Asahina brothers as her friends until the day her father took her away to join him on his adventuring around the world. Now, he wants to give Ema the chance at a normal high school life by having her live with her old friends the Asahina brothers. What could possibly go wrong?
Brothers Conflict/ブラコン - Rated: T - English - Romance - Chapters: 39 - Words: 90,495 - Reviews: 158 - Favs: 106 - Follows: 107 - Updated: 3/11/2019 - Published: 9/16/2018
Greed reviews
An introspective look at Nami's obsession with treasure.
One Piece - Rated: K+ - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 575 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 3 - Published: 10/26/2018 - Nami - Complete
Shattered Remains reviews
Kaname, knowing he would have to sacrifice himself to keep the Hunter Association going, only told Yuki part of the truth and left her a human. Now, Kaname is gone and Yuki fights alongside Zero as part of the Hunter Association. But how truly gone is the original ancestor?
Vampire Knight - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 19 - Words: 45,758 - Reviews: 37 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 40 - Updated: 8/12/2017 - Published: 4/27/2017 - Kaname K., Yuki C., Zero K. - Complete
Lord Michaelis reviews
After already more or less swearing her life to Sebastian in order to preserve Ciel's soul until he grows old, you'd think it'd be easy for Faye to accept Sebastian's marriage proposal. But when is giving yourself to a demon in marriage ever easy? Especially when William is trying to convince Faye to rejoin the Grim Reaper society. Part 3 in the Lady Phantomhive series.
Kuroshitsuji - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 16 - Words: 42,938 - Reviews: 77 - Favs: 164 - Follows: 108 - Updated: 2/10/2017 - Published: 11/25/2016 - Sebastian M., OC - Complete
Not a Date reviews
Van Kiryuin encounters a harried Haruka running an errand and offers to help her out. Afterwards, he insists on taking her on a "not a date" outing. Takes place post SSS. Contains minor spoilers for season 4.
Uta no Prince-sama - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 6 - Words: 17,860 - Reviews: 39 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 33 - Updated: 12/30/2016 - Published: 11/12/2016 - Haruka N. - Complete
Lady Phantomhive reviews
Ciel had a sister also sold into slavery to an occult, but when she escaped she ended up allied with the reapers. Three years later, the siblings joyfully meet up again. Unfortunately, William decides they can reign in Sebastian if they perform a spell on him to make him fall in love with Ciel's sister. Now they all have to live with Sebastian's new found obsession.
Kuroshitsuji - Rated: T - English - Romance/Family - Chapters: 18 - Words: 46,038 - Reviews: 101 - Favs: 419 - Follows: 233 - Updated: 11/25/2016 - Published: 2/12/2015 - Sebastian M., OC - Complete
Royal Harem reviews
Queen Miwa and Ambassador Rintaro have worked together for years and when civil war threatens Rintaro's country, Miwa advises him to send Ema to her kingdom, promising to keep her safe. What Rintaro doesn't know is that Queen Miwa is eyeing Ema as a wife for one of her 13 sons and the threat of war provides the perfect opportunity to keep Ema in Koukidan. AU
Brothers Conflict/ブラコン - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 20 - Words: 56,243 - Reviews: 249 - Favs: 258 - Follows: 142 - Updated: 10/22/2016 - Published: 8/10/2016 - Ema H. - Complete
Memories reviews
After a fight with Trigon, Raven ends up in the Young Justice universe with no memory. The Team is happy to help out this strange woman, but the Light has plans for Raven. And what about the Teen Titans, mourning the loss of their dear friend?
Crossover - Teen Titans & Young Justice - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 28 - Words: 63,853 - Reviews: 194 - Favs: 334 - Follows: 273 - Updated: 5/4/2016 - Published: 12/19/2015 - Raven, Richard G./Nightwing - Complete
Countess Phantomhive reviews
Six months ago, William bespelled Sebastian to fall in love with Ciel's sister, Faye. Now Faye and Sebastian are working to figure out their relationship. Complications arise with Ciel, being the Queen's Watchdog, and Claude and Alois. Sequel to Lady Phantomhive.
Kuroshitsuji - Rated: T - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 22 - Words: 61,879 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 208 - Follows: 127 - Updated: 10/12/2015 - Published: 8/9/2015 - Sebastian M., OC - Complete
Draco & Bella reviews
After 3 years at Beauxbatons, Bella Hawthorne gets her wish to transfer to Hogwarts to be closer to childhood friend and future boyfriend (at least, according to their parents) Draco Malfoy. She's not your typical pureblood and her plans for Hogwarts involves more than just being near Draco. Will the two end up together with all the drama of school and the coming war?
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 14 - Words: 38,321 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 69 - Follows: 74 - Updated: 6/6/2015 - Published: 3/8/2015 - Draco M., OC - Complete