![]() Author has written 24 stories for Harry Potter, Gundam Wing/AC, Kuroshitsuji, Twilight, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XIII, Nurarihyon no Mago/ぬらりひょんの孫, One Piece, and Glee. !NOTICE!: In the middle of posting unfinished stories/drafts from my dusty archive. /Lin 25th March 2015 News update! I'm back! I just published a new story, it's multichaptered (4 parts) but it's all finished so no worries there. I'm still struggling with writer's block, this story took me months, nearly a year, to write, revise and finish. I did this by writing on and off, sometimes weeks in-between writing anything at all. EDIT: I've noticed that has taken out the usual symbols I use for separating the segments of my stories...I've put in horizontal rulers in SC's chapters but none in my others so far. I'll work on that so that the stories won't get confusing to read. /Lin Hiya everyone! I'm a 24 (EDIT: soon to be 27 as of 2015...I feel old. X'D ) year old girl working as a substitute teacher. I like to listen to music and sing(preferably in the shower), read books mainly from the fantasy genre (major Harry Potter fan). I also worship my lap top daily. XP Huge anime and fanfiction fan. Been reading Gundam Wing fanfic since I don't know when, but are currently in love with Harry Potter crossovers. I write poems and short stories in my spare time when I can and have been since I was 14. It's only recently though that I've started developing my writing when it comes to longer stories and "Enigma" was my first attempt at a multichapter story. I hope to add more stories eventually. I hate unfinished stories hence I've only been writing short stories. It's been a while since I became a member here now and I must say it's been very nice so far. There are so many wonderful individuals on here that makes writing worthwhile. I hope it will stay that way and I'll keep making friends! Whether it's to discuss any stories, plot bunnies or random stuff doesn't matter. I'm a chatterbox really and could go on and on if I didn't have to restrain myself from making myself ramble complete nonsense all the time. XP So if you feel like PMing me, feel free to do so! I don't bite...much. X3 -- I would like to announce that I've finally gotten a beta reader. Please say hello to the lovely Deb (kounetsudeb) and I hope you'll all be nice to her! (or else...XP) Random ranting: I've seen, from time to time, when reviewing on other author's works, that there always seem to be some people that are just unable of writing proper criticism in a polite manner. Not to mention doing it anonymously. While I respect the wish of being anonymous, I believe that in these cases that the author of the story should be able to reply to the review in question. What I mean is that if it were me, I would like to enquire more about why they thought like they did to further improve my writing. But then of course there are those that are just outright mean, writing that they hated it or something without giving a reason for it or some people that really have to work on how they phrase their sentences. Actually, here's a tip for you flamers, which is simply; if you don't like the story then just stop reading and leave it. Rather than broadcasting my dislike about the story in a review, I just go in the search of another. Besides, I don't know about the other authors but, I'd much prefer having a story receieve no reviews than a bunch of 'I hate it!' reviews. The silent treatment works the same way for me, the story wouldn't be long lived and I would get the message that the story isn't a big hit with the readers. :shrugs: Yeah, I'm finished. For now. STORY INDEX -- Heart of Light and Darkness Progress: No planned chapters at the moment. Status: Incomplete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Kingdom Hearts Info: This idea/chapter have been lying on my hard drive for months now. It’s an idea I’ve had for quite some time but never really tried to post since I didn’t want to add the pressure of updating for yet another story. So, just to be clear, this story is an experiment. I just want to see your reactions to it and if you think it worth pursuing. If so, I will try and work on it, write a few chapters before actually starting to post them. -- Second Chances Progress: Working on Chapter 10, 0/100. Status: Incomplete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC Beta reader: Deb (KounetsuDeb) Info: A new story that I've had on my mind for a while now. I hope you guys'll like it despite the familiar, and overused, theme. Yes, High School. I've wanted (since having two stories with magical Harry) to pull Harry from his usual universe into ours and see how he would be to write without magic and the prophecy hanging above his head. This is my try at it and I've added the G-boys for the fun of it...well, alright, I just can't get enough of my boys! Some more info then. Harry comes from a wealthy family that is a bit overprotective of him 'cause of something that happened when he was a child (see prologue). He's quite an athletic youth; having played many sports but focused on tennis when he showed real promise in it. He is coached by his god father, Sirius Black, who is a former pro-player but who had to retire because of an injury (I'm not sure of what kind yet though). His father, James, owns a prestigious law firm and his mother is a famous interior designer. Harry's father will recieve a new case from a client in America and will then temporarily move there during the case process. Initially, it's only supposed to be him alone moving but eventually the whole family will be going, god father included. While in the US Harry will meet a range of new people (among them, and mainly, the G-boys). He'll cross paths with his past, confront his parents, make important life choices and with the help of the other boys (and possibly his romance) he'll get through it all. --I Make My Own Story (A 100,000 hits...wow...O.O) Progress: Working on Chapter 13, 10/100. Status: Incomplete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC Beta reader: Deb (KounetsuDeb) Info: - I was in the middle of writing the last chapter of Enigma when this struck me like... a lightnening bolt or something equally forceful. Damn my muse aka evil twin (I've named her Nay... orginal huh?) I'm placing Harry, timewise, after Hogwarts and between the ages 21-22 and also attending University. As such, the University being a partly muggle one, there isn't going to be much magical interaction. Not at first at least. There WILL be magic however as I believe Harry Potter without magic is just WRONG. :nods: And I have a hard time imagining him without it. In this story I'm aiming for keeping Harry's magical abilities mostly intact (hmm, gotta reread Deathly Hallows) like they were in the books and not adding anything too farfetched. So please don't ask me about making him an animagus, some kind of creature or anything else etc. Just because his father and godfather was one doesn't mean he HAS to be, y'know? Oh! I'm also making him taller than in my last one...short guys are cute but I'm a softie for tall guys (I myself is 1,70m, that is about 5.7 I think?) and it's really nice getting a hug from one. :sheepish look: I'm thinking of making him somewhere between 1,75m (5.9) and 1,80m (6.1). Let's just say he had a growth spurt. XP I've noticed something else btw, that is that the majority of the fanfics I've read with Harry has him with long hair (to shoulders or longer) which I totally don't get. At one point in time I even stopped reading fics when I read his description and how long his hair was ('Not long hair AGAIN!') Seriously, what's with people and Harry with long hair?? :totally confused: I do have fav stories with him long haired but he started out short haired...and I really like the story itself too. (This is a minor rant so please ignore me.) So just to make things clear. Harry in this story is going to have his usual short, black and wild hair. (And it has nothing to do with it being my fav hairdo on guys :shifty eyes:) Lenght of story is, like with Enigma, uncertain and it can turn out either way, but I'm going for breaking the word count and chapters of Enigma. I figure with the experience of my last story I'll be able to do a better job this time around when it comes to planning, but we'll see what my evil twin does to that. I can't force myself to write something when my muse says the opposite. :shrugs: -- Written in Stone Status: Multichapter. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC Info: A finished story split into four parts. -- A Meeting of Opportunity Status: Drabble. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Glee Info: A short drabble continuation to 'A Meeting of Chance' with Kurt and Harry. -- A Meeting of Chance Status: Drabble. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Glee Info: Just a short drabble of a chance meeting between Kurt and Harry. --All is Allowed when Stealing Food Status: Drabble. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/One Piece Info: Luffy loves meat. What else is there to say? -- Knowing Both the Sweet and the Cruel Memories Status: Oneshot. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC Info: Harry is an exchange student and one day another guy comes up to him and confesses his love for Harry right out of the blue. What's going and what is that strange connection Harry feels to him? -- Learning to Speak with My Eyes Status: Oneshot. Sequel. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC Info: The sequel to 'Your Eyes Speak to Me'. The story takes place about a year after the first oneshot and follows Harry's first time meeting Trowa's friends. -- Your Eyes Speak to Me Status: Oneshot. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC Info: An idea that came to me when waking up one morning, I was in a strange reflective mood and this is what sprung forth when my thougts strayed to Harry Potter. -- Another Cup of Tea, My Lord? Status: Drabble. Complete. Fandom: Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler) Info: A short drabble written from the request of close friend who really likes Kuroshitsuji. XP -- The Ancient Soul Status: Oneshot. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing Info: An AU oneshot based on a collection of dreams that developed into this story plot. -- Wizard or Demon? Status: Oneshot. Sequel. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Nurarihyon no Mago Info: The sequel to 'The Wizard of the Night Parade'. -- The Wizard of the Night Parade Status: Oneshot. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Nurarihyon no Mago Info: A late night plot bunny, produced from watching NnM right before going to sleep, that got a life of its own and got turned into this. -- Crystallized Dreams Status: Oneshot. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Final Fantasy XIII Info: A drabble that turned into a oneshot. Just a little thing I've had in my head for a good while and that I've finally been able to put down on paper. Basically Harry's been asleep for thousands of years until he wakes up and meet Hope. --My Stubborn (Cute) Future Lover Status: Oneshot. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC. Info: Part of the 'Office Series - Life's designs' series. Harry becomes interested with a silent and troubled Wufei and tries to find out more about him by stalking the other man. --Love in the Onsen Status: Oneshot(two parts). Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing /AC. Info: Part of the AU world I created where Harry is a graphic designer ('Office Series - Life's Designs'). This time he goes to Japan for a project and meets up with a certain blue eyed man. --The Ultimate Thief Status: Oneshot. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC. Beta reader: Deb (KounetsuDeb) Info: Part of the 'Office Series - Life's designs' series. A fun story idea that sprung from a email conversation between my beta and I about Duo being the ultimate thief and breaking into Harry's home. --Ultimate Thief Delivers Status: Sequel. Complete. Fandom: Harry Potter/Gundam Wing/AC Beta reader: Deb KounetsuDeb) Info: Part of the 'Office Series - Life's designs' series. The much requested sequel to 'The Ultimate Thief'. --Enigma (Uhm, I just noticed this story has gotten over 100,000 hits...I'm amazed...dunno what to say...thanks, I guess? XP) Status: Complete. 8 Chapters. Fandom: Harry Potter/Twilight. Archive: I've given my permission to have this posted on a Chinese BBS. Remove spaces -( http: // www .luvharry .net /bbs /viewthread .php?tid=10031 ). Info: - About this story, my first idea came to me when I was trying to go to sleep ( I tend to let my mind go wild thinking about stuff before sleep) and the whole idea of Harry being thrown into action right in front of Edward and Carlisle came to mind. That was my initial idea and where this plot bunny grew from. I get a lot of these bunnies but I never seem to get down to writing them... Anyway this story, while having a sort of main frame that I'm going to try and follow, is pretty much all about 'write about what pops into my head at that moment'. XP I'm always open for helpful suggestions but whether I act on them is totally up to my drive of imagination. I don't like forced writing and it never comes out good anyway. As to how long this story will be... I'm really not sure. It all depends on what things I fit in between the main things, I have some scenes in my head that's just waiting to be written, to make the story look good. Not to mention the relationship with Edward and Harry that has just BARELY started as of chapter 2. Relationships don't grow on trees, y'know? I'm also going to try and keep the characters personality as much like their original but I make no promises and I'll blame my evil twin if I make someone too much out of character. :sketchy eyes: I'm pretty open and not that secretive when it comes to my story plots (or so my tortured friends say) so if you're feeling extremely curious I don't mind sharing some of it in exchange for some ego boost...LOL (Complete as of 17/2-09) --Meeting the Bookstore Guy Status: Complete. Oneshot. Fandom: Gundam Wing/AC. Info: - Just a short lil' thing I wrote during my first year in High School when I was OBSESSED with GW fan fics...And I just felt like posting it here and not let it sit and rot away on my computer. --I Had A Dream Last Night Status: Complete. Drabble. Fandom: Harry Potter Info: - A short story that I based on a dream that I had ages ago and turned into my view about Harry's life. Nothing special, just something that popped into my head. --Colored Darkness Status: Complete. Drabble. Fandom: Harry Potter Info: Just a short drabble. You’re free falling Your body was tired, it had no strength left. We all knew it, but you knew it best. You’re going to leave this world for a while. You’re going to a place to rest your body and heart. You’re free falling, falling into a place with no pain and no sorrows to torment your soul. It’s a good place. I’m sure it is because you are there. You’ll be more than a memory; you’ll be remembrance of joy and happiness for loved ones, for beloved and children. The shadows beneath your eyes have disappeared now, replaced with peace and slumber. Because you’re just going to leave this world for a little while. Get some time to rest a weary heart and soul. You’re free falling now, and some time they too will be free falling, falling into your warm embrace once again. - Written in memory of a dear relative who lost her struggle to cancer on the evening of December 5th 2010. UPDATES: - 25 March 2015 - Posted unfinished drabbles/stories in a collective story archive. |