Author has written 6 stories for Supernatural, Harry Potter, Clash of the Titans, 2010, Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, and Lord of the Rings.
July 16th, 2015 - WELL, I FINALLY managed to read all chapters of SOTR. It took a while, but I got through it, so I'm caught up. I have chapter 34 halfway written up from the last time I written. However, I'm going on a vacation in two days, so you still won't be seeing an update anytime within the next fortnight, sorry. Also, I'm revamping the tumblr page for this story. It's going to be a followable blog, but it's going to be bigger, and more organized. However, I'm not entirely done it, so there are a lot of pages that are incomplete. When I come back from vacation, I'll post the link in the next update.
Some things to be aware of: I've changed a lot of face claims for characters, most importantly, I changed Evan's for the...30th time. I know, I know. I changed her to Natalie Dormer. Everyone else you will see when I post the tumblr link.
June 29th, 2015 - Hey, I know you haven't seen me in a couple of years, and as much as I like to explain my behaviour, I don't think it's important enough to get into the details of what has going with my life in the last two and a half years. Lets just chalk it up to it being a very stressful time in my life that's been draining the life out of me, and thus making it hard for me to do anything creative, especially in writing. I know many of you are eagerly awaiting for Somewhere Over The Rainbow, and I've been rolling it around in my head for the last few months. I want to pick up back again, though I can't commit or promise how fast that will be. I hate making promises I can't keep, which seems like it happens all the time when it comes to me writing fanfictions.
In regards to my other works, I will probably shut them down. I don't know if I should keep them up and close them, or delete them all together, because seeing all my abandoned works is very disconcerting to me, and I hate myself for it. Right now, I just want to work up on picking myself back up and try to get some chapters out of SOTR, and we'll see if anything else turns up. There have been ideas rolling in my head about other fics, but I need to learn not to put so much on my plate. I hope you guys understand, and don't hate me for abandoning everyone for so long. I am truly sorry.
August 2nd, 2015 - I'm finally dishing out an update for SOTR, and you'll be happy to know that I'm halfway done the next chapter too, so hopefully I'll be publishing that soon as well, depending on how fast I can type it. Also, I've listed the link to the Bennett Series' official blog below. Bare in mind that I still need to update a lot of the mini character profiles, specifically the Slytherin section, the adult section, and some other students. Though since they are minor, they aren't a necessity. The blog has become followable, however the format of the actual blog itself is in the form of a website or a roster. All things, such as songs, outfits, and graphics will be tagged for easy search. Everything is linked and listed on the homepage which is always ended with /homepage after the tumblr url, otherwise you won't see the list. All questions for Somewhere Over the Rainbow should be directed to that blog only, not my personal. My personal is for other inquiries only, or my messages are open here as well.
Also, I updated the banner. You can see in the banner tag that I have the original version and an animated version. In this new banner I used Ezra Miller as Tom Riddle, though as you know I use the movie casts as Tom for the official FC, but you can picture who ever you fancy most for Tom. It's just easier to find pictures of other actors that could fit the role as well to make graphics out of them. You'll also noticed I changed a lot of other FCs for characters, mainly Evangeline, who I changed to Natalie Dormer. Don't know if she is going to stick, but for the time being she is a good Evangeline. Any questions or concerns about the FCs, or the blog, please msg me here or on my tumblrs.
August 4th, 2015 - I made the mistake of googling myself, and I had the misfortune of finding a conversation I had in the PMs with a 'flamer', as I called them. They actually went out of their way to copy the entire conversation and posted it publicly somewhere, I suppose for safe keeping? What ever their reason, it was rather cringe worthy to read, at least my responses. That was so long ago, and I didn't take criticisms very well or gracefully. I just wanted to apologize to that person, though I doubt you'd come across this at all, of my immature behaviour and my defensiveness. You're entitled to your opinion, however worded, and I hope you found something worth spending your time reading.
At any rate, in other news I've been rolling around with the idea of a Lotr/Hobbit version of SOTR, with different characters, but with the same premise. It would likely be a Thranduil/OC, because I really love Thrandy :3. I did start writing one, but I'm not entirely satisfied with it, so I'll probably re write it to this idea I have. I probably won't publish it until I'm almost done SOTR however.
August 18th, 2015 - Chapter 37 is up for Somewhere Over the Rainbow. I'm adding some songs and pictures of just inspirational muse things on the blog. I'm aiming for the story to be finished at 50 chapters, but knowing me I'd probably drag it on longer than that, just because I don't know how or when to end it. Around the time that I nearly finished, I will be posting another fanfic to see how people like the idea. It's kind of a Spin Off of Somewhere Over the Rainbow; I've mentioned before an LOTR fic with the same basic principal, and I've already have a solid plan to begin it. It definitely won't be as long as SOTR, probably just one part, rather than four that I planned for SOTR. But at any rate, it's a Spin Off, because the main character is related to the Bennetts in an obscure way, but it's not a sequel; you dont have to read SOTR to read it... It's more like an easter egg than anything.
August 22nd, 2015 - I have updated the summary to something a little different. Tell me if you think it's better, or if I should keep the old one, which I feel is out of date.
August 31st, 2015 -I have finally published my Hobbit fic. I couldn't wait to post it, but I made it to chapter five. I'll be posting the chapters every 2-3 days so I can have a fair bit of feedback, seeing as the first five chapters is a good view of the direction of the story. I hope you guys like it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
September 8th, 2015 - I have changed the category for King and Lionheart to Lord of the Rings, instead of Hobbit, because I wasn't sure which category got more attention. I was looking at the states, and I dont get many views, so I was hoping that moving the category would help, despite the story being set in the Hobbit Timeline. I really dont want this story to die off, because I put a lot of effort into it, but with the lack of views, reviews, alerts, etc, it does make it a little discouraging.
September 14th, 2015 - This isn't so much as an update, but rather than a PSA. There are many people in this world that will want to put you down, and tell you that your work is terrible. There are even worse people that say those things and guise it as "advice" and "criticism", but what they're doing is actually shaming you into stop doing what you love, but doing it in a way where they convince themselves that they're doing good. Constructive Criticism should NOT come with insults and ways to describe how incompetent you are. Constructive Criticism should not be words of passive aggression or a community made solely to archive stories they believe to be "bad". Unless that person actually gives you advice to improve, rather say things like "your character is a mary sue, you should change her", and the like. If they are willing to work with you to help you write better, to improve the plot, rather than change it all together. If they actually give your story a chance, because it has potential. Wants to see you flourish as a writer, rather than belittle you. If they are honest, but not offensive... then that's the person that actually wants to see you succeed. Don't listen to the person that's discouraging you, listen to the person that is actually helping you improve. However, in the end, it is up to you to choose to take their advice. It's your story, and you write it the way you want to.
If someone actually went out of their way to shame hundreds of people about their writing, simply because they do not enjoy the plots, or think the OCs are stupid/mary/gary sue, or romances that aren't likely, or the story is not canon or too ooc, then that person is a bitter soul. They aren't doing anything with their life but complain and discourage people. They are gum on the bottom of your shoe; scrape it off and walk away. At the end of the day, they will always end up in the trash.
I don't care if you're the kind of person who writes like Jane Austen, or like JK Rowling, Stephen King, or even Stephanie Meyer and E.L. James. If you enjoy writing, then here's some advice: Just write.
And my advice to the assholes that think it's okay to bully people about their writing based on their own opinion: if you don't like it, don't read it.
October 17th, 2015 - Sorry it's been a while since I updated on here. There hasn't been much to say. I'm typing two stories at a time, so I'm taking a little longer to update for King and Lionheart, but I'm in the middle of chapter thirteen, so I will be updating the new chapter soon, hopefully. As for Somewhere Over The Rainbow, if you haven't known already for my author's note, it will be some time before I can update. I updated the thirty-nineth chapter before I completed the fortieth, and I usually like to have a couple of chapters written before I update, so it gives me enough time to properly edit them. I can't edit chapters directly after I written then, because I overlook common errors, because my brain is already reading it the way I think it's written, so if I leave some time before I edit that chapter, I don't know what to expect, and therefore, can spot the errors easier. A little tip my english teacher taught me.
I have been watching Pushing Daisies recently, and my love for Lee Pace has grown ten-fold. I've considered making a small mini series, because there are absolutely no active OC/Ned The Pie Maker fics. And I don't like Chuck as a character, and I'm bored of seeing Olive/Ned fics that are essentially the same. Alas, I don't know if I'll commit to the idea of a PD fic at all. It may just be a passing fancy, which happens quite a bit.
October 23rd, 2015 - I rewrote the summary of King and Lionheart, because I was never satisfied with it. I had to go through like 30 different variations of summaries before I was satisfied, haha. I may change the banner in the future, also. I made that quickly so I could publish it.
November 8th, 2015 - Since no one told me whether or not they prefer a blog or a pinterest for Somewhere Over The Rainbow, I went along with the full change. Pinterest is infinitely easier for me to use, and I dont have to worry about layouts and codes. Now, I made an entire Pinterest account for SOTR/Bennett Saga series, because there will be multiple boards for different things, and every part of the series will have boards properly labeled. I already filled out the Pinterest, you can now follow/take a look if you want.
I realized while I was uploading all the character photos that I went extremely overboard with character faceclaims. I faceclaimed characters that I've never even mentioned, characters I've only mentioned once or twice, inconsequential characters... From this point on, I'll only face claim characters that make an appearance in chapters, and I plan on having them reappear in the story. However I do need to keep track of who's a prefect, and who's on the quidditch team, etc, so I'll probably make those characters on a dollmaker or something. Since I've usedso many actresses, actors, models, etc, I know I'm going to be repeating the same face claims in future parts, so be forewarned.
The link to the pinterest account for Somewhere Over The Rainbow has replaced the tumblr blog below. Please check it out!
February 3rd, 2016 - Hey guys! I'm so, so, sooo, sorry you haven't heard from me in months. Christmas time was pretty busy, and I just didn't have any motivation to write or whatever, and then finally when I had time, I felt like I was a bit drained. I'm trying to kick start my muse for SOTR and King and Lionheart, but I think I just need a bit time away from the fandoms so I don't exhaust myself. This happens every few months where I go too head strong in a fandom or movie, and I become obsessed over it for a few months before it sizzles out. Fortunately, my love for both Tolkien and Harry Potter doesn't sizzle out at all, and I will eventually be updating them again, I just need a breather.
With that being said, I've been having one too many fanfic ideas for various things that I've been getting into. Many of you probably don't know, but I'm a huge Batman fan, and I've been wanting to do a nolan-verse or an arkham-verse fanfiction for years but I've never committed to an idea. I tried starting one in a separate account, but I realized I had no idea where I was going with it, so I kind of gave up on that. Recently, though, I watched Legend, because... Tom Hardy x2, and I'm already getting that urge to write something, lol. And I think I will... But it will probably be very short, AU, and completely fanservice. And honestly, it's mostly so I can write out some fantasies regarding two Tom Hardy's, considering there are not many fanfictions for Legend. I won't expect a lot of feedback either, so I don't know how long it will be... I'm rambling. What I'm trying to say is that I'm going to write it for fun.
Happy Readings xoxo