Last chapter. Thanks so much to everyone who reviewed, alerted and favorited. You guys were great!


As he stood before the boy, he saw her. She looked just like the day he had found her in the dungeons. She looked just like the day he had decided to make her his toy. She was studying the boy. The emerald-eyed child didn't seem to notice her. No one else did. He did, but none of his death eaters, none of the order, no one but him noticed her.

She finally turned her head towards him. A soft smile was settled on her face. She hadn't smiled at him like that before he had killed that mudblood friend of hers. He cringed at his own thoughts. At the things he suddenly wanted after so many years. Things he had refused himself to want those many years ago. She stepped in front of the boy and it was as if time froze. He could now only see her movements.

"Strange." She murmured. "He looks so much like James did at this age." She continued. "How have you been Tom?" He glared at the ghost. How dare she call him Tom? He was Voldemort now.

He didn't answer her. He was not going to speak to an image in his head. She smiled as if she understood. "Not yours." She murmured. He frowned and looked around. The brown haired mudblood stood with a smirk on her face. He knew he couldn't move to attack her. The boy would kill him and he wouldn't be able to fight back, his attention would be diverted. "Leave the child, Tom." She murmured.

"You are not real." He growled.

She laughed cheerily. That laugh. What the hell was he feeling? What was this ghost doing to him? He did not feel remorse! Yet he wished he had not killed her. "Of course I am. I'm not real in the sense that I am not dead. I am dead. Very much so. But I am real, jut as your Horcruxes are real, so am I." She seemed rather amused for a second. "Of course Harry here has taken care of that."

Voldemort growled in anger. "Tell me, Tom. How does it feel? How does it feel to know you created him? That by killing my son and his wife, you had created this boy here?" She was glaring at him now. The mudblood's words suddenly returned to him. "I told you someone would come along. You remembered my words Tom. You remembered them and your fear of death had made you think that it would automatically be a Potter. Don't worry though, I'm proud of Harry. You will die tonight Tom." She said firmly and started to turn back to Potter. "You will die. And remember this Tom. Where you are going, there won't be a chance for redemption."

The image disappeared and Tom Marvolo Riddle felt a sickening remorse for killing her. For touching her family. He hated himself for missing her suddenly, wishing he could bring her back.

As all these things crashed into him, he raised his wand and vowed to wipe the last remaining Potter off this earth. Vowed to leave no memories of her behind. Vowed to make all mudbloods suffer and make sure that all mudblood lovers got the same treatment.

Tom Marvolo Riddle died that day, not getting his chance to fulfill his vows.