Reposted and edited (but not in the beta sense, in the rewritten sense).

Chasing Butterflies
Iruka wakes up in his younger self's body determined to change things.

Iruka woke up like he did every morning, with a stiff back and terrible bedhead. As he stretched he thought to himself, like always, that he either needed to upgrade his futon or lessen his classes. Through both would be nice, he sighed to himself.

He stood up and slid into his geta, wrapping himself in his dressing gown at the same time. He then gave a smile to the photo of Naruto and himself on the bedside table and set off across the room to where the bathroom waited.

He was brushing his teeth when he noticed, which resulted in his choking on the gurgle he was in the middle of and choking again as he tried to spit out what hadn't dribble down his chin.

There was nothing quite like looking your younger self in the mirror to help you realize how old you had become.

He sat shaking slightly on his old (through reasoning new at this stage) couch, his elbows digging into his knees and his head resting in his hands.

Thinking about it now, yesterday had been odd. Iruka thought about how his day had been completely normal until he stopped by Ichiraku to eat some ramen when an old woman had commented on his sad expression and brought him some sake. He flushed into his hands as he thought about his quickly one drink had become two and so on, and soon he had been telling the old woman his life story, settling on how much he missed Naruto while the boy was off training.

The old woman had been quite interested in Naruto, he realized now, asking about the boy's life and depressing Iruka more by making him realize how little had had been there for the boy – even once he had grown fond of him. He had reasoned to himself that Naruto had lived twelve years on his own and wouldn't want Iruka interfering now. But, Iruka thought, even at his own age he would give anything he to be able to hug his parents again and talk to them about his day. He should have realized you never got to old to want family, and swearing in realization he had turned to the old woman and asked what he could do to make it up to Naruto.

And now he had apparently woken up in the past.

And while Iruka really didn't understand the logic behind it, nor how it was possible, he did know one thing. This time things were going to change.

First thing Iruka did was go see the third, but it wasn't until he was standing in front of the Hokage's office did he really think about the man he was going to see - A man who had been dead for years. He reached out and placed a hand on the Hokage's door, and felt a confound sense of gladness about the fact he was going to see this man again.

He knocked on the heavy wooden door, and at the shout of permission to enter; he pushed it open and walked in smiling.

Then he proceeded to tell the third everything.

And once he had done that he requested to be allowed to retire from active duty and become a teacher at the academy – he planned to have someone at home to look after.

The hardest part, Iruka decided, was going to be getting Naruto to trust him. And, he thought annoyed, finding the damn boy. It felt like he had been searching for hours but he still had no clue where the young boy would be, he hadn't been at his sorry excuse for a home nor was he at Ichiraku. And it was starting to get very irritating, more so with how much Iruka wanted to see the boy.

He felt like he hadn't seen Naruto in years, through in his old time it had been just one year already that Naruto had been gone.

Talking to the third had been great, relaxing and comforting and while he wasn't sure the man completely believed him (hell even he thought this was probably a dream but that didn't mean he wasn't going to enjoy it!) he had agreed to all Iruka's requests.

And despite the uncertainly the Hokage had approached him with Iruka hadn't realized how much he had really missed the man until he had seen him, been talking with him. And while Iruka knew that Sarutobi-sensei had his doubts the man still had talked everything out with Iruka and given advice like he always had.

Iruka chuckled to himself thinking about their conversation, he had forgotten that in this current time his only source of income was from the few missions he had done. He didn't have the regular income of his teacher's salary and his casual work from the mission desk. Sarutobi-sensei had reminded him, and then chuckled at the look of horror that must of shown on Iruka's face. He had then reminded Iruka that he had a small sum containing the remaining bit of money that his parents had left him as well as the small amount he himself had managed to save so far – but, as the Hokage had pointed out, Iruka had always been very clear that he was saving for his future, for if it was ever needed.

It made Iruka think about the relatively good sum of money that had still been piling up in the future, money that he doubted he'll ever see again – and, he thought sardonically, probably never see again with the way Naruto ate. But once reminded of the money he knew he would have to use it, for many things, but probably foremost the fact that his small apartment in the chunnin complex was not suitable to raise an child let alone a trouble making Naruto. Even the idea of Naruto running around a complex with apartments filled with weapons made Iruka shiver with horror.

So he had thanked the Hokage for the reminder and said that he would be withdrawing some money this week. Sarutobi-sensei had just stared at him for a while, making Iruka itch under his gaze, before finally nodding and in few words had given Iruka his blessing.

"When you go to get him from the orphanage you will have no problems."

As well as offering to sort Iruka out some training as an assistant teacher and, when Iruka offered, agreed to let him have a few hours at the mission desk.

Iruka was still running on the gratitude and happiness that the Hokage's words had given him, he knew that eve if the older man had disapproved he still would of fought for Naruto but with his permission it took a slight weight off Iruka's chest.

Yet his happiness was slowly waning as he searched for Naruto, he knew enough about the boy's childhood to know that unless it was night and he needed to sleep Naruto wouldn't be spending his free time at the orphanage and Iruka was unwilling to revisit the building anyway. But he had already visited all of what he knew as Naruto's favourite spots, and it was a Sunday so Naruto would not be at the school.

It was the shouting that caught his attention, as he walked down one of the main market streets and Iruka made his way over to the noise to see what was happening, and what he did see nearly broke his heart.

Naruto, surrounding by a group of civilians, calling him obscenities and worse - and Iruka knew things like this had happened, had even witnessed moments like this before but not in a long time, and his rage whipped around him.

"ENOUGH!" he roared, racing over to the group and pulling Naruto up by the cuff of his neck. "Go, now!" He shouted, pointing away.

The crowd looked at him wearily but did not make to move; his eyes widened in anger even more but before he could shout again he heard Naruto small but gruff voice claiming that he couldn't leave until he was let go.

Iruka believed his heart did break this time.

Slowly he let go of Naruto collar, but just to slide down and grab his hand. He quickly knelt by the young boy and, with his voice much calmer, said, "oh, Naruto, I didn't mean you had to leave."

And as the boy's eyes rounded in shock and confusion Iruka looked back up at the startled group of villagers, narrowed his eyes, and let the anger in his chakra speak for him.

The group quickly sped off, tail spinning into different directions.

Iruka sighed and looked back at Naruto, he gently flicked the boy's forehead and said 'blink.'

That seemed to bring Naruto out of his shocked stage as the boy blinked rapidly for a few seconds before turning his head slightly to the side and stared in confusion at Iruka.

"Would you like some ramen?" Iruka asked, after it seemed the child had spent enough time studying him – which he allowed as to show he was not a threat.

Naruto's eyes brightened through his face remained guarded, "… Yes?" He answered cautiously.

"Well then," Iruka said with a grin as he stood up and tugged on the boy's hand, "let me buy you some at Ichiraku then." He tried hard to make sure the sentence came out like a statement not a question.

Naruto still looked suspicious but his expression was slowly being overtaken by a smile, which widened more and more as Iruka walked hand and hand with him to Ichiraku, telling Naruto about his favourite ramen dishes on the way.

As Naruto practically breathed down his ramen Iruka took the opportunity to really look at the boy. He knew, from the third, that he was currently seventeen. That at this point he had only been a Chuunin for a year, and was becoming a teacher two years too early. Not that he minded, no, if this really was his chance to live over then he didn't need to redo any time on the field, he wasn't that young man anymore, fighting to prove his worth. He liked to think he knew himself well, his own strengths and weaknesses. And if not then he knew at least that he was content with himself.

And he badly wanted Naruto to be content too.

The boy was eleven years younger than him, so currently six years old, but kami, Iruka thought to himself, he is just so small. Iruka then fought down a laugh as Naruto peered back at him, obviously having noticed Iruka starring and was staring at the teacher with the innocence in his eyes only children can possess – all the while still attacking his ramen like it was going to disappear.

But that thought made Iruka pause in thought, Naruto probably thought it was going to disappear, or at least not be offered again. Iruka waved a hand at the chef, indicating that he was to bring Naruto another bowl.

"Who are you?" Naruto asked bluntly, looking suspiciously at the new bowl of ramen being placed in front of him. Iruka noticed humorously that Naruto's suspicion didn't stop the boy from attacking his new bowl of ramen with as much enthusiasm as the last.

After watching bemused for a few moments at the spectacle Naruto made while eating Iruka smiled and offered out his hand, "Umino Iruka," he said, "but you can call me Iruka if you'd like."

Hesitantly the young boy clasped on to the offered hand, "Iruka-san?"

"Hai," Iruka looked at the scared but hopeful boy with gently eyes, "and I would like to be your friend."

After another bowl of ramen Iruka was slowly following Naruto home, unwilling to be separated from the boy too soon.

"So you are living at the orphanage?" Iruka asked, trying to get a sense of Naruto's surroundings at this time.

"Hai, Iruka-san!" The boy told him brightly, little of his wariness left, but he then seemed to sag into himself quite suddenly, "but not for much longer."

Iruka looked at him confused, but before he could voice any questions Naruto continued.

"I mean I'm nearly seven and matron said it's getting past the time they have to put up with me…" Naruto trailed off, glaring slightly, "but it's okay because the old lady is a dobe!"

"Naruto!" Iruka gasped, somewhat appalled by the young boy's language. While he had become accustomed to the insult being a favourite of the teenage Naruto it just seemed wrong to hear a boy who didn't look older than four say it (even if he was six).

"What?" Naruto pouted up at him, "the old lady is, and I even said I wouldn't mind leaving because I was sick of them anyway." Naruto stated all this as if it was a fact, before his voice hushed slightly and pausing he turned to Iruka, "No one there likes me," he said, as if he was confiding to Iruka a secret.

Iruka ruffled the golden hair, "I do," he confided back.

Naruto beamed at him, grabbed his hand, and began walking again. It was sad to watch the way the villagers would try and push past the boy instead of bothering to take a simple step to the side, and it saddened Iruka more that this was how Naruto was treated when he was with someone, an academy teacher no less, it hurt to wonder how Naruto would get treated if he was on his own. Once again Iruka was caught up wondering how no one could see the brightness and goodness of his child.

Iruka thought back to where their conversation had previously been headed, "I'm sure they don't hate you, how could they?" Iruka grinned at the boy. "And they wouldn't just throw you out…" Iruka abruptly stopped, causing Naruto to swing back in momentum. "Would they?" He ask, horrified.

Naruto stretched his free hand behind his head, scratching at his neck, "well, I've heard them talking about some apartments that I could have, y'know, that are free and stuff." He screwed up his nose, "and I think anything would be better then the orphanage."

"Anywhere?" Iruka asked.

Naruto nodded eagerly, "anywhere!"

Iruka had just dropped Naruto off at the orphanage with a heavy heart. He wanted nothing more then to go back and get the boy, but he knew it just wasn't the right time yet. Not that he was planning on taking a while to ask the boy through, no, Iruka had decided to give Naruto a week to get used to him and then he was taking him away from that horrid place.

So they continued to meet for dinner, everyday that week, after Naruto had finished his schooling and after Iruka had finished at the academy. Once Naruto had found out that Iruka worked at the academy (or, Iruka thought wryly, was an assistant teacher) it made the young boy more determined than ever to go.

"Not until your eight," Iruka told Naruto, hands supporting his drooping head, "for the hundredth time."

Naruto pouted up at him from his stool, he slurped up some ramen and then, mouth still fill said, "I don't 'tink I asked th't much!"

Without lifting his head Iruka reached out one of his hands and lightly tapped Naruto on the back of the head, "eat with your mouth closed Naruto," he growled into his hand.

Naruto just grinned innocently, slurped up some more ramen and chuckled out ''course!'

Iruka groaned again. After a few minutes filled with the sounds of slurping, and a few burps, Naruto had finished. Once the bowls had been cleared away, but before Naruto could ask for a fourth helping, Iruka pounced, "Naruto-kun," he began, "I am planning on viewing a few homes tonight, as my apartment is getting a bit to small. Do you think you have the time to help me?"

"Hai!" Naruto nodded, Iruka didn't know however whether his happiness was because of getting to spend more time with him or for getting to spend more time away from the orphanage. Probably a bit of both, Iruka concluded in his mind with a roll of his eyes.

It was the way Naruto's eyes lit up that let Iruka know this house was the one. He supposed that Naruto liking this house the most shouldn't have surprised him. It wasn't the best house that they had seen but it was far from the worst. It had a nice opened space setting, with lounge, kitchen and dining all blending together and then two bedrooms at the end, separated by a bathroom. It was a bit run down, Iruka acknowledged, looking at some of the wear and tear obvious on the wall. But it seemed like a house that had been well loved.

And, Iruka thought nodding, it was close to both the academy, school and mission desk. Through on the other side then the central village. Closer to the woods, but as he watched Naruto running around the small garden out back, he didn't think having any extra space to run around was going to be a bad thing.

With a smile he hurried outside to where Naruto was jumping around and seemingly attacking invisible ninjas.

"Take that!" The boy shouted, kicking into the empty air, "and that!"

Iruka chuckled.

"Nani! Iruka-sensei, what's funny?" Naruto asked, a frown on his face. Unsure what was funny but knowing it had something to do with him.

"Gomen Naruto-kun," Iruka said, biting off any more laughter and holding up two pacifying hands, "you were just too cute!" He grinned at the young boy.

Naruto blushed bright red, while scowling at Iruka, "Sensei!" He complained.

Iruka bit back more laughter and crunched down before the boy, "Hai, Naruto-kun." He ruffled the blonde hair and patted the boy on his cheek.

"Nani?" Naruto grumbled.

"Do you like this place?"

Iruka smiled as Naruto brightened with the question, "Hai!"

"Naruto-kun," Iruka began slowly, looking at the boy for a few seconds and rubbing his neck before continuing, "would you like to live here?"

Naruto's eyes narrowed, "Huh?"

"Well, I would like this to be our house." Iruka leaned forward and grasped the boy by his shoulders, "Naruto-kun you are a good boy, and you get treated unfairly I know and I am sorry, there for only so much I can do about how other people treat you but Naruto-kun – I," Iruka stumbled for a moment, "I would be honored if you would live with me."

Naruto began to look in awe at Iruka, "sensei?" He muttered disbelieving. Then when Iruka answered with an encouraging smile Naruto jumped at the older man, knocking him back against the grass and bursting into tears.

Iruka hugged the young boy back, rubbing his back and soothing him, as he smiled in happiness.






Okay, so half of you will not realize this but this is a rewritten chapter of a story I published a few days ago. However as I tried to write the second chapter I realized that I had closed myself in a few ways and just couldn't get inspired. But I like the concept so I deleted the original chapter and began again. Now with somewhat of a plan. So Kakashi next chapter!

geta = Japanese slippers or clogs

Ichiraku = where we find Naruto eating ramen so often

Nani = what

Hai = yes

Gah. Fair warning on two fronts,
I am going to try and incorporate some Japanese words if they are used wrong – please tell me!
No beta has been used; this is just an exercise in writing. One I hope to continue but just for fun all the same. If you would like to beta that's awesome (just comment and tell me or PM me) but I'm not going to chase someone down.