Reviews for The Awkward Adventures of Meghan Whimblesby
Guest chapter 38 . 8/9
So Ioreth drugged her, didn't apologise, then forced her to work and treated her like a servant slave with no respect. Were there not enough workers around? All the women stayed behind. Why does Meghan have the ears of an elf, but the rest of her body us human, with its lack of height and strength, weaknesses, tiredness, need for a lot of food and sleep?
Guest chapter 34 . 8/9
She is such a spoiled girl and such a damsel in distress. She walks into danger with no skill to protect herself claiming she has a right to do so, then expects others to risk their lives saving her...
Arelleth chapter 46 . 7/7
I read this story years ago, back in the day, and came back for a good lockdown read! I love this. I genuinely enjoyed all the silliness and Meghan's character development - don't rewrite those first chapters, they're wonderful as they are! Your other characters are fun and endearing too, and I remembered during this reread why I enjoyed it so much. Thank you for gifting the Tolkien fandom with your story!
ebookie327 chapter 46 . 7/5
You definitely grew as a writer during this story! You and Meghan both grew! Very enjoyable and I look forward to the sequel.
Laure in Disorder chapter 46 . 6/19
This is brilliant. Highlights were Meghan's Zac Efron dream, Gimli's relationship advice and that chapter on writer's block made me chuckle SO MUCH.
Also kudos for writing about Meghan's "grim periods".
Aquamarine chapter 40 . 6/1
Ahhh I see the pun!
Guest chapter 45 . 3/2
Really enjoyed your story. Thanks. I look forward to reading more.
Lolcatzlola chapter 45 . 3/2
this was such a lovely re-read thank you february for sharing this story with us ten years ago, it was so nice to be brought back into this aspect of my past. the internet is amazing sometimes. absolutely iconic story
Lolcatzlola chapter 44 . 3/2
not that its bad at the beginning, tbh i love the easy, familiar, fun style it has
Lolcatzlola chapter 43 . 3/2
i know you have recieved messages about the general quality of the writing improving over the story, but omg the improvement in the comedic timing is the most noticeable bit i LOVE gimlis final line in this chapter
Lolcatzlola chapter 42 . 3/2
omg you re used the 'shitty fan fic' line from chapter one i love it
Cat2k10 chapter 33 . 2/23
Not gonna once I read the bit about the ships turning into broccoli I kinda lost it. Full on giggle attack for a good 10 minutes. Even now I am still giggling. My cat thinks I’m crazy. Thanks for that. Keep up the great work
starrofatlantis chapter 29 . 1/25
ok but i was listening to panic! when i pressed into this chapter and choked when i read the title
convalla91 chapter 46 . 1/12
I know it's been forever since you wrote this but you should know even now its been enjoyed. It's 3:20 and technically Monday, but I just didn't want to put this down. In the beginning Meghans way of speaking made me cringe so badly, but I like the natural maturing that ocutef as the story spanned years. Also love the chapter about the writers block, I was littrely laying in bed laughing and rolling. There are so many great things I could mention but then this would take up way to much space so all I can say is I look forward to read the sequel
pippaberkeley chapter 12 . 11/23/2019
the quote sort of fits meghan, she’s like a toddler, and in more ways than one. but i love her.
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