Author has written 55 stories for Naruto, and Dragon Age. Writer - Genealogist - Free Lance Jill of All Trades - Eater of Sushi - Recogniser of Pop Culture References - Chocoholic Updates November 19, 2018 - Hi guys! So, the past few months have been a crap-load of bad, but things are finally starting to look up a bit. I'm on a new medication that's been really helping me fight back my depression, and though I still have equal amount of bad days as good days, on the good days I feel like me again, so I race to write as much as possible before my mood inevitably tanks. On so-so days I edit old works, so that you guys can have a reading experience that is free from odd grammar and spelling errors. With regards to my stories, my current goal is to finish An Inch of Gold by the end of the year. There are only a few chapters left, so with luck and a few up days, I'll get that done. Then I'll decide which project to tackle next. As always, your support means the world to me, whatever form that takes, and thanks so much for reading my fics! XOXO Kuri PS: Just a reminder, for those of you who review my stories to ask me questions and don't log in/don't have accounts, thereby leaving me no way of reaching you, please check out my tumblr account (Typewriter Ninjutsu) and shoot me an ask. Series Chronology (by chapter) I've taken the liberty of arranging my various series for optimal reading pleasure. Everything here is in chronological reading order. Enjoy! Legacy of Fire Here you will find stories that are meant to be canon-compliant with both the Naruto series and the Boruto: Next Generations series up to and including Episode 66. Stories will probably contain spoilers for all episodes, chapters and novelizations, so if you don't want spoilers, read with care! Since An Inch of Gold takes place in two times, it is on the list twice.
Path of Thorns This is where you will find stories that are mostly-canon compliant with the Boruto: Next Generations storyline, from Episode 66 onward. I say mostly, because as time goes on, there will certainly be plots that are invalidated by the canon, but I don't care enough about the canon to go back and rewrite them, they are. This universe takes place following the conclusion of An Inch of Gold.
Path of Needles This is my headcanon 'verse. All of the storylines I believe should be more explored and the direction I would have wanted Next Generations to go in, they happen in this 'verse. This universe takes place following the conclusion of An Inch of Gold.
Poor Judgement & Associated Adventures
Through the Looking Glass These stories take place in the canon Road to Naruto 'verse created by Kishimoto and seen in the episodes Road to Sakura, To The Dreamworld and Where Tenten Belongs. The characters are OOC from our favourite canon personalities, and based on the personalities from this alternate world. This verse is parallel/takes place simultaneously to the Legacy of Fire Series.
Meanwhiles & Neverweres
I don't post ALL of my fics here, especially if they are NSFW. Some fics also have the naughty bits cut out, so check me out on tumblr (Typewriter Ninjutsu), especially if you want to know more about me and my writing! Or just Google "Kuriworlds". |