Let's start this off with a I don't own Attack on Titan or any of it's characters; this is purely a work of fiction.
Hey there everyone! Just started watching this series and realized I love it. So I wrote this lovely little piece of fiction for those of you out there who want some Attack on Titan action. However this is going to be a Mature story (Bit slow at first though) and sadly this is going to be a OC x Eren. Yes I know Original Characters kinda kill the story for some but I couldn't resist the temptation.
I would love for you guys to Rate/ Review and let me know how I'm doing and what need to be worked on! If you like favorite or follow! Now that all of the crap is over time to go read the story! Hope you enjoy~!
It was the very first day of training to become a soldier and sadly the very first obstacle they had to get through was introductions. Of course after introducing oneself they would soon get yelled at and get a major verbal smackdown. It was cruel but Eren Jaeger understood why it had to be done. Even with that said he couldn't help but feel bad for those who got the verbal abuse, especially when Armin received it. Eren wanted to go stand up for his friend just as he and Mikasa had always stuck up for their blonde companion. This was different though, everyone needed to get strong and learn to handle themselves including Armin and even Eren. Nonetheless it was still tough for Eren to stop himself from running over and punching their current instructor but thankfully the bald man had moved on to somebody else.
The verbal abuse continued on for many others for what seemed like eternity under the blistering hot sun. However neither Eren nor Mikasa had a single word spoken to them by Commander Shadis. For that Eren was thankful for he could handle the man screaming at him but if he even dared to pull that with Mikasa then Eren knew he would flip out. Mikasa was his adopted sister that had been through so much and not to mention always stuck by his side even if he didn't want her to. So for her to get yelled at by this man was just out of the question considering this wasn't even where she wanted to go in the first place. Everything the half asian girl did was usually for Eren and in return Eren would stick up for her when needed. Though he sometimes did question if her constant attachment to him was in a sisterly way or in a romantic way... Eren really did hope it was in a sisterly way.
Snapping out of his rather incest like thoughts Eren had finally noticed the situation Sasha or as he now liked to consider her "potato girl" was in.
"Run! Run until you collapse! You'll also not be eating you fucking pig!"
Eren couldn't help but flinch at the harshness of the mans voice as well as the look the brunette girl gave the commander in return. She looked absolutely mortified at his words but didn't hesitate to start running away; after all she did still have the larger half of her potato and it seemed that was all she was going to have for a long time.
It appeared everyone wanted to laugh at the girls actions now that she had left running but everyone knew better. Commander Shadis would absolutely throw a fit if anyone were to laugh at the girl and her actions or even her current punishment. So everyone maintained a stoic expression and the occasional few could just handle a shocked one. Then there were the unlucky few who couldn't quite control themselves.
If the situation with Sasha didn't catch Erens eye it was definitely the next one that did; not that he could really see what was going on as the Commander had blocked Erens view of the newest victim.
"What the hell are you smiling about!?"
Eren briefly noted that whoever the commander was addressing was very short and on the rather petite side; probably a girl. At least that's what Eren got from his assumptions from size. It appeared that his assumptions were right considering the very feminine voice had spoken up.
"N-Nothing sir!"
"Just who the hell are you!?"
"Skylar Victoria from Trost sir!"
Even from where Eren stood it was obvious that she had tensed up and saluted the man. Hell it almost looked like the girl was shaking?
"Who are you to smile at a fellow comrades misfortune? You fucking moron! It may be laps that she had to run now but would you smile knowing she was eaten by a titan! We all share misfortune together here! Ms. Victoria go join Sasha!"
The shaking was still there and for a brief moment it appeared she had paused. Then as if it finally clicked that girl took off running so fast Eren could only make out her shiny auburn hair. Once again Eren didn't get much time to ponder the situation of the two girls considering Commander Shadis has turned back to the new recruits:
"What are you all looking at! Would you like to join those two!?"
That was how the first obstacle of Eren Jaegars life at the training corps ended.
It was dinner time on their first day there and already Eren had met an enemy of sorts. Him and Jean didn't seem to get along to well right off the bat and Eren sat there fuming to himself about it. At least Mikasa, Armin, and various other recruits around him kept his thoughts busy with their idle conversations. Eren was only half listening to the conversations around him when he happened to hear something that captured his attention.
"So potato girl and the big breasted girl are still running?" One trainee spoke to the other and Eren couldn't help but interrupt them.
"I-It's rude to talk about people like that!" He scolded his fellow trainees causing both Mikasa and Armin to look at him rather strangely. Even Eren wasn't sure why he reacted the way he did to that comment. Eren just felt the need to stick up for these girls, or one girl in particular.
"Yeah but this girl was massive! Especially since it's not really common these days." The other trainee defended. They did have a point though considering most of humanity fell extinct to the titans along with particular appearances and races. So slightly uncommon appearances before became even more uncommon now that humanity was trapped in a box so to speak. Kinda like how Mikasa was the last asian only a little less drastic. Big breasts and various other things like naturally red hair was rare to see these days. However it still didn't mean these trainees could talk about people like that and Eren would try his best to stop it.
"Just stop talking about people so rudely. Don't say things you wouldn't say to their face." With that Eren had ended all conversation about the two girls who were more than likely still running laps. Dinner as well as the rest of the night ended in silence at least around Eren it was silent due to him making two rather awkward scenes.
Eren stood in shock as he watched his fellow trainees before him accomplish something he could not. Eren had been sitting there for hours watching trainee after trainee practice with the 3D gear. Some failed and most succeeded; Eren analyzed each and everyone of them trying to figure how they did it or what they were doing wrong. There must have been some secret technique to it. There had to be a secret because if there wasn't then Eren couldn't accomplish his dream. He couldn't avenge his mother, he would fail her and everyone he ever told his dream to. Eren shook his head and instead chose to drift his thoughts elsewhere.
Mikasa and Armin were long gone and left him with nothing but promises of return to help him with his balancing. Though Eren was beginning to doubt if their help would even accomplish anything. If only Eren could gather something from the countless trainees he watched before him.
It was late evening now but there were only a few trainees left to go which meant Eren only had a few more to learn from.
"This is where we're going to have separate Skylar! I'm afraid commander Shadis will beat me if he ever see's me again."
That was potato girls voice! Sasha had already gone earlier today though? Why would she back? Unless she was dropping Skylar off? He supposed that made sense after all the two of them were forced to run laps until they collapsed together so it was only natural for them to have formed a bond of sorts.
"That's alright I'll be fine on my own." Skylar had responded though it sounded weak and strained, at least that's what Eren thought and believed her name was Skylar from what Sasha had said earlier.
Eren listened to Sasha's footsteps jogging away until he could hear them no more. Now Eren chose to focus on the footsteps approaching him and they stopped a few feet away from Eren. Tearing his eyes away from the 3D gear trainees Eren decided to get a good look at the girl he had heard so much about. Eren was right about her being short and on the petite side. She was smaller than Mikasa that Eren knew for sure and was possibly one of the shortest trainees here. Though there was one area that this girl was definitely larger than Mikasa in and maybe everyone else to. Everyone's uniform had a small strap going across their chest that connected to their harness and gear and was meant to fit perfectly; Skylar's on the other hand was easily a few sizes too small and constrained the busty girls chest. Which explained why her voice sounded strained earlier. Eren quickly looked away from her chest not wanting to be caught staring and instead tried to get a good look at her face. However her auburn hair was in the way and Eren wasn't able to really get a good look at it. He wouldn't have much time to anyways because it was soon Skylars turn to go up and see if she was capable of using 3D gear.
"Ms. You do realize you're kinda backwards right?"
"Is that so?" She nervously laughed in return,"Does it really matter?" Skylar was already hooked in and clearly didn't want to go through the process again. The man just nodded and began to crank the lever slowly but surely lifting her up.
Though Eren would never admit it, he was watching her backside before he realized that she was slowly going farther up into the air. "I should be watching her technique not her ass." Eren had mentally scolded himself and instead chose to watch somewhere else other than her rear. Even from where Eren was standing he could see she was tense, looking at the ground, and breathing rather harshly. However Skylar was upright still but that changed quickly. Just like that she was tilting backwards; her back looked arched rather painfully especially since she was now making eye contact with Eren; clearly trying to not flip over and get herself upright once more. He knew exactly what she was feeling right now, the surprise in her eyes said it all. This Skylar girl still had a fighting chance! She wasn't upside down yet! She could pull herself up and straighten up again! Eren was going to make sure this girl understood that she could accomplish what he could not! She just had to fight for it!
"Fight." Eren muttered and watched her intently his turquoise eyes staring into Skylar's hazel eyes. For a brief moment her gaze flickered to the ground instead of his face and at that moment Eren realized what her problem was.
She was afraid of heights
Just like that the girl was upside down her legs above her head and her upper body dangling loosely from the harness. Luckily since she was short her head didn't smash into the ground like Erens had but that also meant that she was still in the air and the ground was very much so visible. Her breathing was labored from obvious fear and too tight of gear but her expression spoke volumes to Eren.
"W-Wait! Please just let me try again! Please one more time! Maybe if I face forward!?"
Skylars request was fulfilled and she was let down and was now facing forward and Eren got a real good look at her once more. She had a close to perfect hourglass figure and auburn hair that fell just barely past her shoulders. Her hair covered a bit of her face but he could still see her pale fear stricken features and wide hazel eyes with thick dark eyelashes.
"Stupid stop checking her out. Besides why the hell is someone who's afraid of heights even joining up? She's barely a foot off the ground and she's panicking." Eren mentally grumbled and looked away as he knew exactly what was going to happen. Skylar would be alright until she looked at the ground and would then panic causing her to flip herself over. Just as Eren had predicted the girl ended up reversed once more with the same wide eyes and heavy breathing. She was soon released onto the ground and was unhooked and replaced by another trainee who had yet to go. The small girl was about to walk away until Eren had interrupted.
"Don't look at the ground." Eren turned his gaze to her and the small girl had met it. "Think of something else when you're up there or look at something else." Eren continued with his advice and just like himself the girl looked eager to learn. "It might also help if you have gear that fits." Eren spoke the words before he could stop himself and for a brief moment his eyes flickered down to her still constrained chest. Quickly he returned his eyes back to her flushed face and he knew for a fact that his was the same way. "Sorry it's none of my busine-"
"No I don't mind! It's really helpful! I should be going now, um good luck tomorrow!" She flashed him a weak smile before leaving and Eren returned it. Even after the girl was gone he still kept smiling after all he had a new sense of hope knowing that there was another person who failed but wasn't ready to give up either.
The next day Eren had succeeded; not only had he managed to stay balanced with broken gear but also on good actually working gear. As he dangled there he gave a triumphant grin to the crowd of trainees who cheered him on in return. Mikasa gave him one of her rare smiles, Armin was practically jumping for joy, and then he spotted Skylar softly smiling at him giving him a thumbs up. Once Eren was unhooked and released he joined his friends in watching others retry and prove their worthiness to become soldiers. Some still failed while others had finally accomplished the simple act of staying balanced with the gear.
It was finally Skylars tun now and Eren saw her worried expression. So when Skylar was walking by him to go up, Eren stopped her looked her in the eyes and said one simple word:
Skylar looked at him bewildered and confused at what he meant. Then it seemed to click and she gave him a determined look in return before heading up and getting hooked in. Unlike before Eren noted that she was breathing normally now that her gear wasn't suffocating her, and her head was held high not once looking at the ground. He couldn't help but think that she looked like a true soldier. As they began to raise her up off the ground he realized that she was looking right at him with a rather serious expression. "I Must be what she's focusing on instead of the ground." Eren mused and sent her a grin as if to encourage her.
After moments of silence and of dangling there perfectly balanced did Skylar realize that she had passed,"I-I did it." The girl mumbled out and a huge smile broke across her pink lips, "I did it!". The crowd cheered for her just as it did for Eren only this time Eren was cheering as well. He was cheering and grinning not only for her victory but also because he had seen one of the strongest and most beautiful smiles, yes it even rivaled Mikasa's smile only Eren could tell that this girl smiled much easier than his adopted sister.
A little later the trainees were released for a bit of off time after everyone had gotten their second chance at the 3D gear. Eren was walking alongside Mikasa and Armin the three of them chatting happily about his success when a voice had called out to Eren.
"Wait!" Eren recognized that voice as Skylars so he turned to see what the problem was only to be nearly knocked off his feet. It took him a moment to realize what had happened but when he did he blushed. Skylar had nearly knocked him down giving him an all too awkward hug considering she was a head shorter than him and many people were watching. That and she was squeezing him a little to tightly and her breasts were pushing into him a little too much. Hesitantly Eren returned the short girls hug though did glance around quickly noticing quite a few people were watching them and whispering clearly coming up with the wrong idea.
"I just wanted to say thank you for helping me out..." The girl trailed off and quickly they both scrambled to untangle themselves; each taking a few steps away from the other. "I think Sasha is calling me!" With that the girl left waving goodbye. Eren a little flushed looked back at his two friends both of them looking at him rather Armin more quizzically and Mikasa looked more like she was about to murder someone if her questions were not answered. It appeared Eren had some explaining to do and with the mutterings of people around them it also appeared he had to put an end to some rumors as well. Eren certainly had a long week ahead of him...
Only a few hours later Eren was zipping through trees using his gear. Surprisingly it came rather naturally. After you understood how to balance yourself the rest was just feeling and understanding your gear. After the initial adrenaline of flying through the air Eren found himself observing his fellow comrades. Armin was near Eren though the blonde appeared to be struggling a bit. The blonde boy was probably over thinking it instead of just going with it. Though Eren knew that his companion was going to pick up on it sooner or later. His attention then turned to his adoptive sister who naturally was at the head of the pack. Eren considered himself adequate with the gear but as usual Mikasa put him to shame. Oh well Eren was bound to find something that he could beat the asian girl at. After much searching he finally found the object of his interests who was also flying at the head of the pack.
Eren was rather surprised that the girl who was afraid of heights had such an aptitude at using the 3D gear. Just what was she focusing on? Was it avoiding the trees? No it couldn't be that simple. Eren sped up trying to catch up with the small girl, he figured due to her lack of size it made it easy for her to maneuver as well as be so fast; probably conserved gas to. After much difficulty and with the help of momentum/gravity Eren had caught up with her. Though Skylar didn't even seem to notice his presence.
Eren was shocked when he heard her mutter that simple word. In fact she continued to mutter it to herself over and over again like some kind of mantra. Eren grinned, so that was her focus? To keep on fighting past fears and eventually past titans? Eren was beginning to think he and this girl had something in common.
"I think we're going to get along."