WARNING: This story does contain an OC (Original Character) along with an OCxCanon Character (character will most likely be Zoro). If this is NOT to your liking, leave now and forever hold your peace, please.

If you're all right with OCs, then, please, continue reading if you wish.

Rated T for Teen: Mostly because of bad language, violence, sexual innuendos (small suggestions).

Oh, and, uh, this is already known, but...I don't own One Piece, because if I did I wouldn't be here.


It was a fine, sunny, day for the Straw Hat crew as they sailed the deep blue. It was quiet, a bit too quiet for them. Luffy was asleep on deck with Chopper and Zoro; Nami was off counting her treasure; Brook was sitting on deck with Robin, drinking tea as she read over a book about ancient ruins; Frankie was down below, making sure everything was still patched together after the rough storm they ran through the other day; Usopp was cleaning the cannon; and Sanji was in the kitchen, about to prepare lunch for everyone on board, until he ran into a problem.


Luffy continued to snore soundly on deck, seeming to have not heard Sanji's shouting.

"Uh-oh…" Chopper mumbled, yawning. "I have a bad feeling about this…"

"Luffy!" Sanji shouted, barging onto deck. He quickly grabbed Luffy by the collar and began shaking him. "Wake up and listen to me!"

Luffy yawned and rubbed his eyes. "Oh, hey, Sanji, lunch ready?"

"Of course it's not ready!" Sanji shouted. "You ate the last of our food supply! I told you we were running low and you went and ate the last of our rations!"

"No worries," Luffy said, smiling. "We can last until we get there."

"That's a three day journey," Nami said, walking onto deck with her arms crossed.

Luffy's mouth, and practically anyone who was listening, mouth dropped open, shocked. Luffy soon franticly looked around and pointed out to the open water. "What about that place?"

Everyone looked up and followed their captain's pointing finger and saw an island just a few miles from where they were sailing.

Nami sighed. "It's off course, but it's the best bet we got right now." Nami looked at Chopper. "Chopper, making a 180 degree turn and head straight for that island!"

"Got it!" Chopper chimed, saluting and running away quickly to fulfil Nami's demand.

"Ah~!" Luffy sighed, stretching when he felt the soft sand beneath his feet. "Well, time to explore!"

"Not so fast!" Nami shouted, grabbing Luffy's collar. "You're the one to blame for this predicament!"

"Oh, just let him go," Zoro sighed. "Not like he can do anything to help."

"True…" Usopp, Chopper, Brook, and Sanji sighed.

"Hey, you guys might want to come look at this!" Frankie shouted from down the beach, waving franticly.

Everyone quickly stopped bickering and ran over, only to be shocked to find a wrecked ship on the sand.

"Wow…" Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp said, jaws dropping at the size of it.

The ship looked old and tattered, like it had been through hell before finding refuge on the beach. There was a hole in the bottom of the ship which, if paid close attention, was being fixed; the flag was tattered so much it was hard seeing who it belonged to; and the sails were beyond repair.

"I wonder what happened," Nami pondered.

"Attacked maybe?" Sanji suggested.

"Or swept into a hurricane," Robin said, crossing her arms.

"Could have been anything…" Usopp said.

"Let's go check it out!" Luffy chimed, throwing a fist into the air before stretching his arm up and getting on board the ship.

"Oi, Luffy!" Sanji and Zoro shouted, running after their captain.

"I suddenly got the 'scary-ships-that-are-tattered-and-broken' disease…" Usopp said, hiding behind Frankie.

"You three stay with the ship!" Nami ordered Chopper, Frankie, and Brook. "Come on Usopp!"

Usopp cried as he followed Nami and Robin reluctantly.

Up on deck of the tattered ship it looked like nothing had gone wrong. The place was clean, spotless, except for a few broken barrels in a corner. The doors were intact and so were the windows, which just made the Straw Hat crew wonder what exactly happened to get it this way.

"Hey, guys, come look at this!" Luffy shouted from one of the rooms.

Everyone ran over and were surprised to see a room filled with fruit from the island. This set off the suspicion alarm in Zoro's head, making him think, know, that someone was occupying this ship.

"This is enough food to last months…" Sanji said, picking up a few fruits in his hands. "On top of that, they're all fresh and high quality."

"Fruit isn't the only thing in here…" Usopp said after he opened a nearby chest.

Nami quickly ran over, eyes glittering at the sight of riches beyond her imagination. "Gold!"

"I wonder how someone could just leave all this stuff here…" Usopp questioned.

"Who cares, food!" Luffy said, about to put a fruit into his mouth.

"Ya eat that fruit and I'll shoot yer head off before ya even take the first bite."

Everyone froze when they heard the sound of a gun cocking back and ready to fire. They turned around to see a woman standing there with a cigarette in her mouth and a shotgun pointed right at them from the doorway. She had red hair which was tide back in a ponytail and she wore a gray tank top (which showed just as much of her chest as Nami's top) with a pair of black shorts which were most likely jeans at one point before getting cut and brown boots.

Zoro was about to draw his swords and attack, but the woman saw it coming and shot a warning towards him before he could even unsheathe the blade. "Move another inch and I'll make sure that doesn't miss." Zoro, not wanting to make a hassle of something he could avoid at the most, put his swords back in the sheaths and didn't move another inch like requested.

"Are you the owner of this ship?" Robin questioned.

"Yes, I am," the woman asked. "Who the hell are you people?"

"You mean you don't recognize the famous Straw Hat Crew?" Usopp said with pride. But when the gun was pointed at him he turned back into a coward.

"Straw Hats?" the woman repeated, cocking an eyebrow. "Ya mean those kids running around playing pirate are you fellas?"

"We're not kids," Nami said, laughing a bit. "We're older than you anyway."

"What'd you say?" the woman snarled, cocking her gun and pointing it at Nami. "I'm twenty, for your information, and have far more experience on these seas then you."

"Whoa," Sanji said, stepping in between Nami and the woman holding the shotgun. "No need to start fighting, ladies."

"Who are you anyway?" Luffy questioned, stuffing another fruit in his mouth.

"I told you not to eat those!" the woman shouted, but Luffy just continued packing them down without a care.

The woman sighed and put her gun down. "Chasaji*, but most people just call me Chas."

"Teaspoon?" Luffy and Usopp questioned, tilting their heads to the side.

The woman, called Chas, glared at Luffy and Usopp and corrected both of them.

"Oh, Chas-san!" Sanji said, getting on one knee and taking Chas's hand in his. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Sanji, that chef of the Straw Hat crew."

"Also a major pervert," Zoro mumbled, cleaning out his ear with one of his fingers.

"Shut up you airheaded swordsman!" Sanji shouted, glaring at Zoro.

"What did you call me, Curly Q?" Zoro growled in reply.

Chas pulled up her shotgun and pointed it at Sanji, glaring at him. "Get yer grubby hands off of me..." Sanji obliged, but just fell more in love with her from her demanding nature.

"How'd you end up here anyway?" Usopp asked.

"Sea monster…" Chas sighed. "Thing popped out of nowhere and scared the hell out of me and my crew."

"Crew?" Nami questioned. "You're a Captain?"

Chas nodded. "Yes, crew. And was a Captain."

"Where's yer crew now?" Sanji asked, finally getting over his 'love struck' situation.

"'Sleepin' with the fishes' or so people like to call it," Chas said, picking up a bag over in the corner. She slung it over her shoulder then looked back to the others. "Now, enough questions about me, I still wanna know why the hell yer on my ship."

"Our idiot captain ate all our rations," Nami said, pointing to Luffy who was still stuffing his face full of fruit.

"We stopped on the island to see if we can get anything before hitting the next town on our list to resupply," Robin said, smiling. "We just came across your ship when we were about to search."

Chas nodded her head and looked to Luffy. "So yer the one they call 'Straw Hat Luffy' with the 400,000,000 on his head?"

Luffy looked up after stuffing one more fruit into his mouth. "Yeah, that's me."

Chas continued to look at Luffy for a moment, before pointing her shotgun at him and shooting. At first everyone was surprised but when Luffy sent the bullet back and Chas dodged it without any trouble, the group believed she knew what to expect.

"So you really did eat a Devil Fruit…" Chas said, smirking.

"Was shooting him really necessary to figure that out?!" Nami and Usopp shouted.

Robin laughed with a small smile. "She just wanted closure on the rumors."

Luffy got up and walked over to Chas. He stood in front of her, eyeing her as he finished off another fruit. When the fruit was gone, he gave a grin and said, "All right, it's decided!"

"What's decided?" Usopp said.

"Oh no…" Nami mumbled.

Zoro and Sanji chuckled, knowing full well what was coming next.

"Join my crew!" Luffy said, holding out his hand to Chas.