There were hands everywhere. Trailing down his back, over his hip, stroking against his chest. Everywhere they roamed the left icy fire burning against his skin. His entire body was on fire, stretching, reaching for some kind of release.
His heart was rushing rapidly in his chest. His fingers scrambling against something for some kind of purchase.
Harry woke up painfully aroused and practically rutting against Edward. The vampire looked just as overly overwhelmed, his eyes black with lust even as he was straining away from Harry.
Harry's entire face flushed but he couldn't bring himself to pull away. He was aching painfully, his body thrumming for release.
"Bloody hell," the wizard muttered, dropping his face into Edward's chest. His finger's curled into the fabric of Edward's shirt.
There was a long moment of tense, awkward and embarrassed silence.
Harry wasn't sure what had come over him, and he was trying to think of a way to derail the situation, when it he decided to just throw caution to the wind.
Edward was his fucking mate.
"Oh bugger it," he huffed out, sitting up so that he could straddle Edward properly. He then reached forward and tugged at Edward's shirt, almost ripping off the buttons as he pulled at it.
"What are you doing," Edward asked with alarm, although his voice was low with lust.
"What does it look like," Harry asked rhetorically. Edward didn't really seem to have a complaint as he let Harry rip apart his shirt. In fact, the vampire reached forward and pulled Harry down on top of him and into a bruising kiss.
Harry had no idea what he was doing. He'd only got so far as making out with someone up until now and he was completely out of his depth. But somehow he couldn't find any sort of nervousness. All he knew was that he needed Edward and he needed the vampire now!
Maybe it was a spillover from his dream.
Harry pressed himself closer to Edward as if he wanted to merge with him. Edward's fingers fluttered up his spine before settling at his shoulders and pushing his back slightly.
Harry groaned at the loss of contact.
"We shouldn't—"
"Yes we should," Harry cut in and he rocked his hips against Edward's stopping all protest. Edward's head dropped forward, his eyes clenched tight.
Harry grinned triumphantly.
And then he was on his back, Edward on top of him, his icy tongue twisting in Harry's mouth.
It was the best snogging Harry had ever participated in.
"God, I could never get enough of you," Edward murmured as he pressed his lips against Harry's collarbone. Harry hummed in agreement. "I wish I could spend eternity with you."
"Well you can."
Edward immediately froze, his eyes turning to Harry with burning confusion, but Harry hardly noticed. He was absorbed in his ministrations, pressing his fingers into the unmoving flesh of Edward's stomach, chest, hip . . .
Edward grabbed Harry's hand, drawing the Savior's attention.
"What do you mean by that?"
"By what," Harry asked back with equal confusion.
"What do you mean I can? Are you suggesting I turn you? Because I think we should—"
"Wait, no, stop," Harry cut in, raising his hands to Edward's mouth. Edward looked a little alarmed at his quick denial.
"Look, it's not that I wouldn't consider you turning me," Harry began slowly. "I just would rather not. The idea of being that kind of immortal with those kind of limitations is kind of not . . . appealing to me."
"So what do you mean," Edward asked just as slowly.
Harry shrugged.
"Well you saw what happened when that vampire killed me." Edward winced at the memory and Harry rubbed at his arm soothingly. "I just mean that I can't exactly die. So I image that I'll be sticking around for that forever with you."
"Oh," Edward intoned. "Well that's rather convenient."
"Things tend to work out that way for me," Harry told him with another shrug.
"Well I certainly won't complain."
And Edward pulled Harry back into him, allowing the wizard to curl up in his arms.
Harry had to admit, he was really looked forward to forever with Edward.
And that's all folks. Finally over!
Happy Holidays!