This is going to be a real world/naruto cross over story so the female lead is going to be an OC.

Should be fun.


"Do I have to do this?" Shay asked as she stared at the murky ink black waters of the lake outside of her great uncle's lake house. The one that had been abandoned for the past five years since the man had died.

"Yup. You lost the bet. Time to go skinny dipping." Her cousin Rae chirped happily as she pulled out a video camera. Shay blanched and looked at her like she was nuts and shook her head, her curly black hair swaying a bit as she did so. She did not want another video of herself on Youtube! The last time one had been posted she'd had a pedophile stalking her for three months before coming home to an empty house one day after school and finding the freaky sick bastard in her bedroom waiting for her.

She had just barely managed to get away after he had forced her to-No! She would not think of that now. That had been three years ago, and she was'nt the same weak, sheltered little girl she had been then.

She had gotten away. She had survived the attack. She was alive, and well, and the nightmare was far, far, far behind her. Three years and seven thousand miles behind her. Her attacker was in jail, and if there was a god in heaven justice would be served when he got a taste of his own medicine before dying horribly from being shanked in the kidney or something. Or an STD could finish him off. She was'nt picky.

"You not posting that on You tube." She'd break the damn camera and beat her older cousin to death before she let Rae post another video of her ever again! Rae started to say something then snapped her mouth shut as she studied her baby cousin.

"You were only attacked once." She said as she rolled her eyes. God. Try and help a girl out and she decides never to let her live it down. What was Shay's problem with men anyways?

Shay curled her fingers into a fist. Attacked, was putting the term mildly. She had been held prisoner against her will, brutilized, among other things and had spent almost three weeks in the hospital in a coma because of her injuries. So yeah, she was a bit touchy about the incident.

She didn't like being reminded of being a victim. And she didn't like the careless and insinsitive way that Rae spoke of the attack either. She always made it sound as if she had asked for what had happened. The bitch.

Rage rose up in her chest, curling it's fingers around her heart. "Only attacked...once." She said the words very softly, hurt and disbelief colored her tone. How could Rae be so cruel? Because of her stupidity Shay had been stripped of her inncence at a very tender age, she'd been treated as a toy. Something to play with. And when she had disobeyed, she had been beaten and cut up. She had scars on her neck, her chest, and on her stomach and inner thighs. She'd been lucky that she had'nt bled to death before she could get away.

She growled at Rae and snapped. "Fuck you Rae!" And turned to leave, she' bedamned if she was going to follow through with her end of the deal whn Rae was being such a pain. She was'nt risking her neck again. She got wo steps before something hard slammed into the back of her head and a kolidaskope of coors and lights danced in her vision before she went down with a soft thud in the grass.

Rae stood there grinding her teeth, her hand tightly gripping what was left of her broken camera. She kicked Shay in the ribs once, twice, three times and snarled and spat on her. "God I fucking hate you." She should have died in the attack. Really she should have.

If she had...

Rae would have been able to leave home, escape her step father and stay with her uncle and aunt.

She didn't bother taking Shay's pulse, to be perfectly honest she didn't really care if the younger girl was dead or not, though she would bet that Shay was now suffering fom a skull fraure or something and might die anyways, she just could'nt bring herself to care all that much. She stripped her naked and quckly dumped her body into the frigid waters and smiled as she sank under the waters.

"Bye-bye baby." Rae said happly as she picked up Shay's clothing and carried it and the broken camera back to the car. She'd burn the shit later and just say that Shay had decided to run away or something.


The cold was like an electric shock to his system. Jolting him awake where he lay. How long had he been asleep? He wondered groggily as he pushed himself upright and lifted his azure eyes to the grey sky above. Gods, he hated the winter. It was always so cold, and he was always so sleepy and coud'nt train and had to confine himself to his apartment.

He scanned the skies for a second or so, lifting his face to the heavens and sniffed the air. It was going to snow in a little while. He could tell by the crisp, icey taste on the wind. Stinging his eyes, his ears, and his nose. He shivered in his jacket and stood up.

He'd trained enough for now. It was time to go home.

He stood up and groaned when he felt his knee's pop a little bit. Ow... That was not only annoying, but painful.

Well, that is what you get when you train outside in the dead of winter. Kyubbi said affectionatly.

Shut it furball. Naruto thought tiredly, affection lacing his inner tone as he collected his weapons and started walking home. He was half way down the mountain over looking the village that he had grown up in when something caught his attention. He blinked, looked around. Pinched himself. Yelped and blinked again.

This had to be the oddest thing that he had ever seen before in his life, and he'd seen some really weird shit in his day.

There in the trail, right in front of him was a naked...girl? What the hell?

That's a good question. Check and see if she's alive. Kyubbi said excitedly. This was by far the coolest event that had hapened in a while. But then he was sealed inside of Naruto, so it didn't take much to make him happy. His life had become so damned boring when he had been sealed away.

Yeah okay. But what was he supposed to do with her? He wondered.

Kyubbi practically rolled his golden eyes at the teen. Sixteen years old, male and healthy-Naruto was an enigma that the nine tailed demon simply could'nt solve. Not without developing the headache from hell first anyways.

So naturally it bugged the demon to know that the teen had now sexual intrest in any female's at all. And if he did have such intrest, he hid it very well behind his mask of ignorance. Perhaps because he was'nt sure how to action his feelings or maybe it was more to protect himself from heartache, whatever the reason the young man drove the demon nuts.

Are you realy that stupid kit? Or are you just gay? You have a naked female in front of you and you on't know what to do! Cop a feel, kiss her, jack off on her stomach, just do something! Kyubbi ranted at him.

How about I just check and make sure she's alive. Naruto thought in amusment and got the impression that Kyubbi was baring his fangs at him and chuckled as he knelt down and felt for a pulse in the side of her neck and frowned when he felt how cold her skin was.

Ah right, right, she was naked in the woods in he middle of winter. And she also felt like her skin as damp. He glanced at her hair, lifted his hand and shifted his fingers through her hair, feeling the et strands as they slipped through his fingers and looked down at his palm and blinked in suprise as he notd the faint smudge of blood on his palm.

"Shit." He growled as he looked around. He had been slightlyamued at finding a nake girl out this far from the village and it's people. Had thought that maybe she had ben partyng and gone just a bit too far, but the fact that she was nake an suffering from an apparent head wound changed everything.

He shrugged off his jacket and wrapped her in it as he scanned the woods again. A dozen or more different senario's running through his head. Following them was questions.

Had she been kidnapped? Dragged from her home or work place? Had she been raped? His azure eyes darkened with rage at the thought as they flickered down her body, subtly checking for blood or any other fluids. There was none that he could see, but that didn't mean that it had'nt have happened.

I'll have to get Sakura or Baa-chan to check her out. He thought as he carefuly picked her up off of the ground, pausing briefly to pull the lapels of his jacket closed over her breasts, his dark eyes taking in the faint scars on her neck, chest, and stomach. He made a menta note to ask about them, just in case they were relivent in some way to how she had ended up naked in the woods and quickly shushined towards his apartment. He'd make her comfortable, patch her up and send for Tsunade or smeone to check her out.

He had to make a shadow clone to dig in his pants pocket, and pull out his key and unlock the door for him so that he could slip inside before anyone could see him.