DISCLAIMER: I do not own Naruto or One Piece.

Chapter 1
(Panic at The Disco)

He was lost. The cold wind swept viciously around him, shielding his view as he struggled to push through the knee-high snowbanks before him. The biting cold was eating away at his flesh, his bare arms icily cold as they tried to provide his equally nude chest with warmth. It was futile, he knew. Exhaustion was creeping up on him and he had no idea for how long he'd been searching for someplace to rest. The three katanas strapped to his hip scraped against the snow, staining the white with newly-shed blood while he fought his way through the frosty landscape.

They had gotten attacked in the middle of the night. Their ship torn to pieces after accidentally being steered straight into the reef where an underlaying rock had scraped open the hull of the Going Merry. The marines had chased the crew up the nearby cliffs where another platoon had been waiting to ambush the pirates. He had fended the attackers off, slicing their flesh with his beloved swords while trying to keep the marines from his Devil Fruit user of captain whom had lost consciousness when trying to reach the shore. The swordsman had somehow managed to lose track of his crew-members when fighting for his life. Heading the direction he thought they had fled to, he had ended up at an open landscape where the snow was whirling around him; the cold freezing his wet clothes as they clung to his torn up body.

Fighting the urge to give into his fatigued body, he took a couple of more steps in the freezing cold, the snow reaching higher and higher the further he walked. Glancing over his shoulder he noticed his tracks had already been covered up by the whirling snow and he cursed under his breath as he realized there was no way in hell he would make it back to his crew in this weather. He had no idea what island he was on and it irked him.

Tired eyes scanned the white area before him and he took another wobbly step forward. The ground beneath him crackled dangerously and before he had time to reflect on what was happening, he found himself falling. The snow fell around him as he tumbled down and in a desperate attempt to cling onto something, onto anything, he felt the stinging sensation of blade-sharp ice dig into his right arm: slashing his flesh open. He hissed at the pain and felt a rock or two graze his back before he collided with the ground, his head slamming into the hard ice -causing his vision to blurry. White snow turned red and he fought hard to keep himself conscious, but it was futile. The dizziness caused by the collision enveloped him in its claw-like grasp before his vessel finally gave in. As he took his final breath he thought about his goal, his crew and the gap deep within his soul that was keeping him from feeling whole, and he absentmindedly wondered if things would have been different if he'd chosen a different path entirely from the one he'd been walking so far.

The cold snow seeped into the trashed fabric of his clothes, cooling his body down slightly as if it was trying to either milk his pain or keep him alive for as long as possible. Succumbing into darkness he missed the crunching sound of footsteps coming closer to where he had fallen. Said footsteps stopped near his bleeding form and the woman whom they belonged to curtsied next to his beat up body with a suspicious yet worried expression evident on her pale face. Emerald-green eyes flickered over the males body, and instinctively she leaned over his frame to take a closer look at his wounds. Green eyes scanned his bleeding frame until she ended up looking at the two swords strapped loosely to the sash around his hips. A third sword was resting a few feet away -it's white sheath almost invisible to the naked eye in the still falling snow.

"Are you okay?" she questioned and placed a hand on his shoulder; his freezing skin cool against the warm palm of her hand. "Sir?"

The swordsman was out cold. His chest heaved slightly as he breathed, but his heartbeats were irregular and beating slower by the second, she noted. Pushing every radical thought, which told her she should leave him, into the back of her mind; she leaned over him again and wrapped his undamaged arm around her shoulders. Glancing at the almost hidden white sword, she debated weather to bring it with her or not. He was a swordsman, that much was obvious, and as the medical ninja she was, she knew how important tools were in order to succeed and how they sometimes held an emotional value to their owner. A frustrated sigh left her lips and she took four long strides in the direction of the sword. Using her foot to pick the sword up, by balancing it on the toe of her shoes, she nearly lost her footing and almost toppled over when his full weight leaned against her unsteady form. She snatched the sword into her hand and quickly wrapped her arm around his waist again and started walking toward a hidden cabin she'd inhabited for the past couple of days. It wasn't too far away, but with the added weight from the male and the biting cold roaring around them, returning there turned out to be much more difficult than she had first anticipated.

She flung the wooden door open, letting a gust of snow-mixed wind into the small cabin in the process. The ninja stumbled through the door with the unconscious male slumped against her shorter frame. She lead him to the single bed in the corner of the room and laid him down rather roughly before hurrying back to close the door where she also left the white katana. She hurried into the small kitchenette and brought out a plastic bowl from one of the cabinets. Placing it in the sink, she dashed into the washroom to get a couple of towels and her first-aid kit while water filled the bowl. She had to work fast if he was going to survive.

Throwing her cloak onto the floor and pulling her pink hair up in a ponytail she went to get the bowl and a wash-cloth before sprinting back to the bed and the unmoving male. His skin had turned a sickly pale color - lips starting to turn a light shade of blue and she knew there was a chance she might not be able to heal him.

The woman leaned over the swordsman's torn up body. Blood was gushing out from a wound on his lower abdomen and she quickly ripped the shredded shirt open to take a closer look at the wound. The sight she was met with made her insides twist. The cut was clean and probably made by a knife or a sword, but what bothered her was the purple shade covering the skin around it. He had been poisoned by the looks of it.

"Shit!" she hissed through clenched teeth and flickered her gaze up to watch the man's face. He looked peaceful. Too peaceful for her liking. "Hang in there." she mumbled and placed her hands in the bowl of water. The warm liquid heated her cool hands and she closed her eyes in concentration. 'Sorry sensei, but I have to do this.'

Steering every thought to her hands she soon had her hands glowing in a sheen of green and a bubble of water formed itself around her right hand. Bringing both hands to the swordsman's body, she carefully set one hand over the poisoned wound while the green glow from the other hand seemed to pierce his skin as she placed that hand right above the cut. He jerked underneath her touch, eyebrows furrowing as he unconsciously responded to the pain, but she didn't notice.

Sweat formed on her brow as she concentrated on the task. She had done this twice before. The technique was one she had developed herself after studying different ways poison could attack ones body. Her eyes remained closed as she worked her chakra into the male's body and after going into cellular level, she soon enough found herself extracting the poison from the blood in his veins. The bubble got penetrated by the same green color from her left hand and a dark-purple liquid mixed with his blood squirted from the open wound and into the bubble. She moved her right hand back to the bowl and let it burst; the poisonous water splashing into the plastic container. The blood stopped flowing when his skin started to patch itself together underneath the green glow from her left hand and she flickered her gaze up to check on him. His eyes were closed, lips slightly parted and he seemed to be in pain, which was a good sign. He was still alive, but far from being safe and the cold clothes he was wearing was doing nothing in his favor.

Once the wound was closed up completely she let her hands wander to the two katanas still attached to his hip. She slid them out of the bloodstained sash he was wearing and dropped them onto the floor before tugging his wet and nearly ice-cold pants off. A clashing thump emitted from the wet trousers as they finally hit the wooden floor, exposing the unconscious male almost completely. The green sash needed to come off as well, but she left it on for now. A white towel was placed neatly over his crotch to give him some privacy and the green glow returned to her hands before she placed them methodically on his bare chest. His skin felt like ice under her touch and she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration as she prodded his body with her chakra. His heart was beating too slow and wasn't circulating enough blood to keep him warm. She moved her hands to rest above his heart and closed her eyes again as she focused on the pumping muscle beneath the tissue of flesh and bones. Sending some chakra directly into his heart, she felt him jerk underneath her again.

She wasn't supposed to do this. Her sensei had told her to keep her abilities a secret when traveling to Drum Island. She was supposed to collect rare herbs and bring them back to Konoha -her hometown in the Fire country, and undergo training under a woman called Dr. Kureha, whom she had yet to meet. She had gotten strict orders to not under any circumstances expose herself like she was doing right at this moment. It would not only jeopardize her stay at the island, but could also get her into trouble with people whom were after her ability. Chakra was a rare speciality in this region unlike in her country where almost everybody had the power to use it. This land, on the other hand, had something that was rare and nearly unheard of in her own country. An unique species of fruit going under the name Devil Fruit could be found in the region she found herself currently in. Said fruits held the gift to give their eater an extraordinary power and she had heard rumors of fire breathing people, lightning wielders, those with super speed and the ability to manipulate their bodies into different materials. She had yet to meet any of those but she figured they rarely showed off their powers unless it was absolutely needed, much like she was doing herself right now.

A pained groan from the male brought her back from her musings and she stopped the flow of chakra momentarily but kept her hands on his chest as her green eyes studied his face. His eyes were still closed and she noted a bit of color returning to his otherwise deathly pale skin. He trembled slightly and she hurriedly covered his close to nude form with a nearby comforter. Rising to her feet she backed away quickly, heading to the fireplace situated to the right of the kitchenette. Kneeling down before the stone-clad opening, she hurriedly stuffed a couple of firewood bars in a neat heap and lit the dried wood with one of the matches she had found in the kitchen upon arriving at the cottage four days prior. She blew onto the flames and waited for the wood to start burning before returning to the bedside to continue her session with the swordsman.

Half-dried blood was covering nearly half of his head and as she leaned in closer to inspect the area she realized he must have hit his head before she found him. She angled his head to the side and reached for another towel which she pressed against his head-wound. She needed to clean it in order to see what she had to work with and so, she headed to the kitchen again to get another bowl of water.

Warmth was beginning to spread throughout the small cabin. The crackling from the fire and the occasional hisses from the burning wood was rather relaxing. She would have to find more wood later since there wasn't much left for her to use. But that would have to wait. First she needed to stabilize the foreign man's condition. Re-entering the living area she noticed said man shivering heavily underneath the blanket she had covered him with. His body had most likely gone into shock, which she guessed would be normal considering the trauma he had gone through. Placing the bowl onto the bedside table, she reached for the wash-cloth she had brought earlier and removed the towel from the side of his face. Warmth soaked the cloth as she dipped it into the water and she carefully wrung the excess water out of it before placing it against the side of his skull. He hissed as the soft fabric came into contact with his wound and she found herself apologizing even though she knew he probably couldn't hear her.

Once the blood was dried off, she pressed the towel against his skull again and reached for her first-aid kit. Sanitizing another piece of cloth she went to remove the bloodstained towel and pressed the compress against his bleeding injury. She then stuffed her hand into the medical-pouch she always wore around her hips and brought out a roll of bandages which she carefully wound around the green-haired swordsman's head to make sure the compress stayed in place. Her eyes scanned his unconscious frame and she noticed his shivering had gone down. Color was beginning to spread over his face and it pleased her since it meant she was doing things right. Perhaps he'd make it after all.

A long cut was lining his right arm, going from his shoulder, down his bicep and ending just above his elbow. She wrung the cloth free of water again and went to clean the wound when he suddenly stirred. Dark eyes shot from left to right in a panicked state and he tried to sit up, but she quickly got onto her feet and pushed him back down.

"You need to lay still," she ordered. Emerald eyes soft yet stern as she pinned him down. Water splashed onto the floor as she accidentally knocked the bedside table over when rising from her previous position on the floor, but she ignored it. "You are hurt. Please let me help you." she added and watched him as he seemed to look for the person whose voice he was hearing.

Dark eyes finally landed on her face and his black orbs narrowed a fraction as he tried to focus on the person hovering over him.

"Please relax." she requested, her voice barely a whisper and she placed her hand gently against his cold cheek.

His left hand shot up as her fingers brushed against his skin and he grasped her wrist in a death-like hold, prying her hand away from his face and he swiftly sat up anyway. "Wh-who are you?" he stuttered, his eyes flickering from left to right as he seemed to search for her face again; nearly doubling over as a horrendous shot of pain raked through his body. He felt dizzy, nauseous even and the blood hammering in his ears with every beat of his heart caused him to lift his free hand up to support his bandaged head as it suddenly turned out to be very painful to sit in that compromising position.

The ninja staggered, taking an uneasy step away from the green-haired man. "Sa-Sakura. My name is Sakura." she retorted and snatched her hand back, rubbing her wrist with her other hand to get some circulation back into it.

Twisting his head toward the sound of her voice, his eyes landed on a spot behind her and he narrowed his eyes as he tried to focus on his surroundings. "Sa-ku-ra." his voice came out hoarse and she found herself nodding her head in approval. 'His vision must be really bad.' she pondered and concluded it must be an aftereffect of his head-injury.

"Yes. Now please lay down." she requested again, her voice soft and calm - a complete contrast to how she felt on the inside.

The green-haired man seemed to contemplate her request and after a moment of silence he gave a slight nod and laid back down onto the mattress with a pained expression on his face.

"Thank you," she spoke softly and stepped closer to the bed again. "You're injured." she stated and let her fingers slide down his wounded arm, inspecting the wound closely. It had stopped bleeding but would leave an ugly scar if she left it as it was. "Don't move." she ordered and picked the now empty bowl off the floor and headed to the kitchen a third time to fill it with fresh water.

Peeking at him from around the doorway to the kitchen, she furrowed her brows in wonder. His reaction worried her. His vision, or lack thereof nagged in the back of her skull and an uneasy feeling fell heavily deep inside of her gut. She had seen enough injuries to know that somethings were still impossible for her to fix considering the medical-level she was currently at. Sure, she had been training under Tsunade, one of the three legendary sannin in her home-country. But even though she only had two years of intense training under her belt; those two years had consisted of so much more than medical training. Tsunade had gone all out on her numerous times to prepare her for battle. An injured medic was a dead medic, and a dead medic could not heal her teammates. And so, focusing on her combat skills had been the elderly woman's first priority. Sakura had yet to learn how to manipulate her chakra perfectly in order to go through with precise surgery that would be required if one were to fix someone's eyes. Mending new flesh or extracting poison on a cellular level wasn't that difficult once she had gotten a hang on it, but it had required time, effort and countless of sleepless nights where she had been locked up in her room with books stacked from the floor to the roof. Raking a hand through the loose strands of her pink bangs, she sighed frustratingly. Maybe she was just over-thinking things. The dripping of water suddenly reached her ears and she quickly turned to the direction of the sink. The plastic bowl she had set to fill was over-pooling and water was now running over the edge of the bowl and onto the wooden floor.

"Nice going, idiot." she scolded herself and hurried to turn the stream of water off.

Her boots squeaked as the wet soles thumped against the floor when she headed back to the bed and she sighed heavily as she curtsied next to the passed out male. This whole thing was such a mess.

The swordsman was out cold for the next two days. He had developed a high fever during the night she had found him, which had forced the medic to stay awake in case it would escalate into something more serious. She had refrained from using chakra to heal him, telling herself he would be fine on his own, and he had been. Sakura had strolled around the territory surrounding the cottage to collect juniper and thistle which she had let simmer in hot water to create a healing tea for the swordsman. Finding the thistle had been tricky, but not impossible. The ninja had even chopped up some wood with an axe she had found in a nearby shed and had managed to stock up on said material to last them at least two weeks.

Her boots sunk into the heavy snow as she made her way back to the cabin. She had taken a walk to the nearest village to get groceries, clothes for the swordsman and to see if she could find this Dr. Kureha. The villagers had acted nervous when the pink-haired ninja walked down the hectic streets. Odd looks and whispers had reached her as she had gone from the only clothing store to the market, but she had ignored it with a faked smile on her lips. An elderly woman had pointed her in the direction of six drum-shaped mountains, telling the medic she would find Kureha in a castle on one of them. Sakura had thanked the lady for the help and had retreated back to walk the snowy path she had came from with her new items resting in a large paper-bag she carried in front of her lithe frame. 'I should rent a sleigh.' she mulled as she felt her feet sinking further down into the cold dunes.

The cabin came into view a while later and she found herself sighing in relief. White smoke was escaping through the small chimney and she gave a small smile of approval. At least he wouldn't be cold.

Dusting her snowy feet off outside of the door, she gently pushed the door open with her hip and entered the warm cabin. A content sigh escaped her lips as she welcomed the pleasurable heat. Nudging the door closed, she felt her senses go off in alarm as the cold steel of a katana suddenly pressed hard against her throat, and she froze momentarily; eyes widening in shock as she let go of the paper-bag.

"Who are you?" a deep voice asked from behind her and she felt their warmth seep into her frozen back from the close proximity of their frame.

She swallowed hard, her hand sneaking down toward the kunai she always left hidden in her medical-pouch. "H-haruno Sakura," she stuttered and fingered the metal in her pouch.

"Sa-ku-ra," he addressed her and pressed the sharp blade harder against her creamy white throat as he leaned in closer, his breath fanning over her left ear. "What did you do to me?"

Licking her lips nervously she gripped the kunai in her hand, readying herself to strike. "I- I healed you."

The blade left her neck, grazing the milky skin ever so slightly as he pushed her forward and away from his frame. She turned to face him fully, bringing the kunai up in a defensive pose in the process. Another gasp left her lips as her eyes fell on the green-haired swordsman. His hair was a ruffled mess underneath the layer of bandages she had wrapped around his head. His dark eyes were watching her intensely. His bare chest glistened in the flickering lights of the fireplace. The katana in his hand pointed down at the floor as he held it in his injured arm. The bandage she had wrapped around the large slash was slightly stained as he had clearly put too much pressure on the still healing wound by wielding the sword.

The next three words he said made her heart drop and she carelessly lowered her kunai. Every fear regarding her own life flew out the door when he asked her his question.

Dark eyes locked onto green ones and he frowned as he searched her face for an answer. "Who am I?"

A/N: I just felt the need to clarify that this story will not follow any timeline from neither Naruto nor One Piece. I recently started watching OP and just finished the Skypiea arc, so there's still a lot of stuff I have yet to see.

Reviews are more than welcome - constructive criticism as well.

Got any questions, concerns or any form of input, don't hesitate to contact me.