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Sakura focused her eyes on Naruto and quickly suppressed any signs of recognizing him, at least until they were alone.

"We have a lot more inmates to get to, let's go," the other guard said.

"Yeah, okay," Naruto replied quietly.

They both turned to leave, but at the last second Naruto dropped a piece of paper folded in half just outside her cell. When Sakura was certain nobody was watching her, she crept to the edge of her room, glanced side to side, and snatched the paper. Sakura returned to her bed and sat on it, her back pushed against the wall so nobody could see what she was doing. She opened the paper and read:

"Naruto will come back to speak at 5:00am tomorrow. Stay safe, destroy this note.-Sasuke"

It was the most romantic thing he'd ever written her.

Sakura ate her breakfast now that her spirits were lifted. She saw other prisoners place their trays outside their cells so she did the same. Eventually guards came to collect them, inspecting them all over before taking them away. She was hoping to see Naruto again but she didn't.

"When will we get more workers in the kitchens?" Sakura heard a guard rhetorically ask in the distance.

"I'm getting real tired of serving criminals breakfast," another complained, "This whole prison is a fossil."

Sakura did notice that her cell block was a bit more outdated than the rest of the building.

It was past noon and she was still locked in here. She was beginning to wonder if she'd ever get to leave. As if her thoughts were read and her wish granted, a voice boomed: "Open on all! Recreation time!"

She could plainly hear the sound of dozens of nearby cells open all at once, but her bars stayed frozen. Many, many prisoners walked up and down stairs and outdoors murmuring to one another. Was this not her time to get outside? She was envious of her fellow convicts that got to go outside.

She glanced around and was relieved to see everyone in her immediate area was also still caged in, so at least she wasn't being singled out. She heard, from a few cells down, a key enter a keyhole and turn, followed by a cell opening.

Sakura's cell block really was a fossil.

"Real keys here, not electronic locks," she thought to herself.

At first she felt dejected- if she was going to be trapped, couldn't she at least be trapped in a modern cell? Then it hit her.

It would be much easier to escape from an older prison.

"No," she whispered to herself.

Break out of prison? That was crazy, but was there another choice? Proving her innocence would take time—time she didn't have. Her headaches kept getting worse. She was remembering more, nothing important, but was getting weaker.

In a few minutes a guard came to her cell and unlocked it without saying a word. A hat was covering most of his face and he walked away with haste, but Sakura thought he looked familiar...

"I have information regarding Sakura Uchiha," he said.

"Thank you for bringing us this information, but she has already been convicted. She's in custody as we speak," the detective explained in between bites of a donut.

These two men were sitting in a police station in a small town nobody would ever think of going to.

"Yes yes I know," the man replied, "For an attempted robbery charge?"

"That is correct."

"She's dangerous."

"Dangerous? Why do you say that?" The detective asked as he stopped chewing, now that he was intrigued.

The man thought to himself, "I can't have her saying the wrong thing to the wrong person…not until I've had time to cover my tracks."

After thinking the truth, he lied: "I have evidence of a much worse charge—murder."

The detective dropped his donut down and picked up a pen.

"I'll need to take a statement. What's your name?"

"Sasuke Uchiha," lied Sai.

Sasuke sat in his hotel room a hundred miles from where he was supposedly speaking with a detective. He was sketching and making notes on a blueprint of Sakura's prison. They may only have one chance to free her and he wasn't going to blow it. Above the blueprint was Sai's sketch of Sakura sleeping. Thankfully it didn't remind him of the traitor, but only of her. He loved her and felt better looking at the picture.

After a knock at the door, Naruto entered the room in his guard uniform looking exhausted.

"How did it go?" Sasuke asked.

"So tiring! First Bernadette in human resources ate the lunch in the break room, thankfully Tucker gave me half of his sub. I wish he had ramen but he didn't so I—"

"How did it go with Sakura?" Sasuke repeated.

"I gave her the note as planned. Chakra barriers are everywhere within 10 miles and it's crawling with guards. I volunteered to come back tomorrow morning and I'll go over the plan with her. You…have a plan, right?"

"Almost…I just need a little more time."

"Ok but hurry. If I have to deliver one more breakfast without eating some I'm gonna explode."

"What do you mean?"

"It's just an expression, I won't actually explode," Naruto stated with full seriousness.

"I know that! What'd you say about breakfasts?"

"There aren't enough workers in the cafeteria to serve and clean in the mornings so we guards have to drop them off each morning."

Sasuke hummed quietly.

Naruto asked, "What's up?"

"That might be how we give her a key to her cell."

"I figured I'd unlock it early in the morning when nobody's looking.

"No, that's too risky. If this goes well they'll never know you had anything to do with it. When's she's outside the prison we'll flee to Tsunade and get her the help she needs."

Sasuke turned back to look at his plans and thought to himself: "Or die trying."

Sasuke turned back again to Naruto: "We break her out tomorrow."

Thanks for reading!