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Author has written 11 stories for Star Wars, Harry Potter, Power Rangers, Elder Scroll series, Pokémon, and G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Hi all. I'm BRAND NEW to writing FanFiction as of November 1, 2011. So I've decided, after reading FanFics for the last year or so to try my hand at writing. That being said, if you read my stories/ideas and don't like them, please let me know without flaming me. I am trying, but I'm not sure how well I'll do. So ideas on how to improve (or even being told to stop while I'm ahead) are all welcome if presented in a way that you would want someone to talk to you. Many thanks! Now, my favorite topics of FanFiction and RealFiction are Star Wars and Harry Potter (and now Power Rangers Dino Thunder). These will be my main topics of writing if I continue after this first idea (which is Star Wars at least for now). I will try to use real characters along with made up ones, so if anyone has ideas for characters to use or make up, I'm all ears. I will use myself (as Darth Dalyeis) in Star Wars and maybe under another name in HP (In the Stranger's Intervention it will be a Hermione/me pairing cause I can... if I ever get around to finishing the planning part of it. Don't like Marvin Sam aka Mary Sue's, don't read it). Shipping. This is always a big debate on FF, so from the front I'll list some of my favs and some dislikes: Likes: Harry/Padme: I've recently seen some HP/SW crossovers and this pairing was quite great. Padme is a lot like Hermione: helping those who can't help themselves, smart, beautiful, brown hair (please correct me if I'm wrong haha), funny, has a wonderful smile, willing to fight for what is right. Harry/Leia: Leia is just like her mom and Hermione for many reasons listed above. I think it could work out. Harry/Multi: My one condition for this: Hermione MUST be not only a member, but the primary member. That is still my favorite combination. Some girls I don't mind included are: Daphne, Tracy, Fleur, Gabrielle, Tonks, Susan, Hannah, Katie. Some that should NOT be included: Ginny, Pansy, Millicent, Cho, female Death Eaters, any guys). (09/20/2012 update): I'm actually less interested in these than I used to be... maybe I'm growing up...? Or just my opinion has changed over the years, but I'm not a big fan of multi's anymore... even Dark Intentions is no longer a multi-pairing fic like it used to be. It's Harry/Hermione with hints of Harry/Lily (his mom). Even the Harry/Lily will be more motherly/son related than first planned... I think... still deciding. Harry/Lily: Now I already know what some of you are thinking; INCEST!!! GROSS!!! I don't know why I like this. It has to be a go back in time fic though, so harry is the same age as Lily. (09/20/2012 update): I think I like this because Harry has never gotten to know his mom. If he goes back in time meeting her, sure she is his mom, but he knows nothing about her. I can see him falling in love with someone like her (Hermione, hint hint! Smart, beautiful, kind, caring, and just plain scary when you piss her off). Neville/Luna: Neville, the quite, shy Gryph and Luna the quirky, fun Claw. Luna would have been able to help pull Neville out from hiding in his own shadow of self doubt and I think she would be good for him. James/Lily: This couple should never be split. End of story ;) haha, maybe not, but really. I know James starts out as a prat, but in the end they work well together I think. His fun, laid back Marauder self and her studious, but fun nature work well together to make one great kid (Harry in case you didn't realize who I'm talking about). Good Draco/Ginny: First and foremost, it HAS to be Good Draco (unless its bad Ginny... then it can be bad Draco). her fiery nature and his cool, collected self can help neutralize both (if that makes sense). She can provide more emotions and bring out more emotions in Draco, while he can help calm Ginny's fiery temper with his cool and calming reasoning. Obi wan Kenobi/Siri Trachi: Forbidden love. I don't understand how defenders of the Peace and everything else Jedi are supposed to be can do what they do without emotion. Doesn't sound possible. So, I pretend that the "Old Code" is used, which allows emotion among other things. This also allows Obi and Siri to get together like they should have. Dislike: Harry/Ginny: The reasons they have for getting together (as noted in the books) can be listed and at least partially destroyed on one hand. They like quidditch. Don't fall in love with someone just because they like the same sport as you! That relationship will not last long! Ginny has red hair like his mom so Harry must love her... WHAT?! That sounds like Oedipus to me. Now, I know above I said I like Harry/Lily, but that doesn't mean just cause the girl has the same color hair as his mom, he should love her. He saved her life, so he must love her and she must love him. Not really. That sounds like hero worship to me. Besides if that was the case, why doesn't Hermione love Harry for saving her from the Troll? And you really can't say Ron saved her as much cause its his fault she was there, it was Harry's idea to rescue her, and Ron stood by the door most of the time till he miraculously was able to get the levitation spell right for the first time not with a feather, but with a HUGE club larger than him... makes no sense to me. Padme/Anakin: More like a Anakin lusting after Padme relationship. She evens says at the beginning of Episode 2: "Ani, you'll always be that little boy I knew on Tatooine". BURN!!!! Poor little Ani. ahaha! Sounds more like a big sister, little brother relationship right there. Plus I never thought Anakin was good enough for her. He was a whiny little Jedi who seems to be too arrogant to be a Jedi. Just cause he is the "Chosen One" he acts like he is more important than the council at times, he doesn't listen to Obi Wan, and then he turns dark. Harry/Luna: They are sweet together, but not as a couple. Harry appears in Luna's life as her friend who is willing to be there for her when others bully her. He understands where she comes from and looks out for her. I see a big brother, little sister relationship here. Hermione/Draco: He insults her just like Ron. Always putting her down and being mean. Just please don't do that. Thank you. Plus he is a jerk... especially to Hermione and Harry. Hermione/any teacher or adult from the time when Hermione is still in school: I don't like relationships with huge gaps between ages... even Tonks/Lupin, but I accept it cause Remus has moments where he acts younger than his years... Just don't do that to Hermione and we can be friends ;) This includes (but is not limited to) Snape, Sirius, Remus, Lucius, Dumbles, Hagrid, her father (I've seen it before), any Death Eaters, Tonks, etc. Hermione/any Weasley: I can't even explain it very well... The twins are too wild for her, Percy is too much of a prat, Bill and Charlie are too old (my opinion), Ginny... not my cup of tea, and DEFINITELY NOT RON as stated above. It should not be required to say no to Arthur or Molly as well... Slash: Now, let me say this from the get go. I'm not against gays, but I don't want to read about it. You can read and write it if you want, but I won't... unless Harry and Hermione are a pairing in the fic and the slash members do not include Harry or Hermione in the relationships. Current Story Progress: Power Rangers Power Couples: This was a new idea since I've started watching Power Rangers again. At least the older seasons. This is just a compilation of power ranger couples that I like the ship. Just posted that one chapter so far, but will write in another chapter every once in awhile. Royalty is still my main concern. Royalty fic: things are slowly starting to come together and many truths are being shared. Hope to have another chapter up soon Another Chance: I'm having fun with this one. I just keep going back and changing things I don't like. Can't really help it haha! Truth or Dare fic: I'll update the next chapter after I finish this chapter of Royalty or Another Chance. Should be fun with more dares and truths to learn. SW and the HP Intervention: This story isn't a dud, but I am having a hard time writing the next chapter. I know what I want, but I hate writing what happens between then and now, so please bare with me as a sludge through the mumbo jumbo of parts of the story that honestly mean little to me, but are important to the plot as a whole. New/Planned Fics: Dan and Emma meet HP: this has been in my head for a couple of weeks now. I hope to start writing it once chapter 5 or 6 of Royalty is finished. Should be fun and I hope to see others take up the challenge. Please message me if interested. HP and the Stranger's intervention: Similar idea as to Dan and Emma except its year 6 of HP and a new student comes to Hogwarts from America (or so he says). Unknown to them all, he has read the 7 books and is less than pleased and has plans to change things about the future. Expect inter house cooperation. Harry/Daphne, Hermione/OC, Neville/Luna, Ron/Lavender, Draco/Ginny. Good Dumbledore, eventually good Draco and Snape. (I always disliked how evil/mean Snape acted throughout the book and movie series and have plans to fix this) and many more... as I come up with other ways to swamp myself with fics I wish I could have seen or just want to make my own. September 2012 Update:
Also, thanks to everyone who reviewed back in May wishing me luck in school. I'm doing much better maintaining A's and B's in all classes now and I'm no where near as stressed as I was back in May. If I get good response to Vigilante, I'll start editing the last chapter of Dark Intentions. I received lots of hate for that chapter... and I agree with all of it. That was not my best work... that wasn't even really my work since I took most of it from canon. I've decided to rewrite that last chapter IF I get more response for Vigilante. There is no point of going back to edit that if no one is interested in my work... or just review Dark Intentions or message me if you want me to work on that instead of Vigilante. Same goes for Royalty though my brain is still stuck on that one as well as Star Wars/Harry Potter... I'm just not feeling the love for those two at the moment. Just give me more time for those two, please. Now that I've put everyone to sleep with my mumbling, please read AND review Vigilante. I'm about 800 words into Chapter 3 for that fic (as of 09/20/2012). June 2014 Upate: Hey, sorry I've been gone. I've been super busy. Was off at OCS and just got home less than a week ago. Eventually I'll be posting again. I just need to get reorganized. |