This is the second version of the prologue.
It's time travel story about Revan and Mission. They find themselves about four thousand years in the future with the Star Forge still intact.
The Green Goblin: Powerful but not god-like Revan will be. An evil bad-ass bastard he will be not. Mission a Force-sensitive is.
I'm absolutely in love with Mission, but I'm not sure if it will be Revan/Mission pairing. I would really appreciate your opinion on this matter.
I'm not a native English speaker. English is my third language, so please bear with me. I would really like to read some reviews.
I use an assumption that Valrykino is the Naberrie's villa.
Merry Christmas to you all!
Revan knew he won't make it. Republic fleet was going to blow the Star Forge before he could get away. He didn't blame them, since there was no way to tell if he would defeat Malak. If there was an opportunity to destroy the station, they should use it. Another explosion shook the station causing the ceiling in the passage to crumble and block the way to the Ebon Hawk. He sighed and stopped running.
When he helped Bastila to turn from the Dark Side, he asked her to return to the Ebon Hawk and defend the ship with everyone. He felt it was the right thing to do. The last Force vision showed him three outcomes of the confrontation with Malak and destruction of the Star Forge. The first one was death of every single friend: the station was blown up by the Republic with everyone onboard. The second one – he was the only one who died. At least he hoped so, since he saw the Ebon Hawk successfully undock the station with Bastila, Carth, Zaalbar and Comndore on it. He assumed Mission and droids were with them. The third option was to embrace the Dark Side. Surprisingly everyone would live, they would defeat Malak and then he would take his place, but he couldn't sacrifice the whole Republic for his own life. It was obvious he would choose the second option.
He reached his friends using the Force and was glad to sense Bastila on the board of their ship.
"Get out of here, Bastila," he said using a comlink. "I won't make it to the ship."
"No way! You can make it," she shouted.
"The way to the Deck 1 is blocked, Bastila."
"Mission isn't on the board yet."
He concentrated for a moment and sensed Mission on the right side of the hall. She was lying on the floor unconscious. He rushed to her being angry with himself for not sensing the Twi'Lek earlier and took her in his arms.
"Bastila, get out of here. The station will blow up any moment," he said heartbroken, knowing he couldn't save the young Twi'Lek.
"What about Mission?"
"She is here with me. There is no way we can make it in time."
"Take off, or else everyone is going to die."
"I'm sorry," she said and he sensed her moving farther and farther from the station.
"Take care, Bastila," he whispered.
He sighed and looked at Mission, who was regaining her senses.
"Taren?" she said.
"What the Sith were you doing here?"
"I didn't want to leave you behind. I felt you needed me, you were sacrificing yourself. I believe I was knocked off by some explosion."
"That was so stupid... You should have stayed on the Ebon Hawk," he sighed.
"Shouldn't we hurry?"
"We have nowhere to go, Mission."
"Why?" she asked confused.
"The way to the Deck 1 was destroyed."
"Oh, but there is another way, isn't there?"
"There is a way around it, but we wouldn't make it. I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess."
Her head dropped as she realised they had mere seconds to live. Revan pulled her closer to him being unable to cope with the fact she would die. They became close friends during their quest for the Star Forge.
"I'm scared," she whispered.
The next moment an explosion shook the station and Revan screamed putting everything he's got into the desperate attempt to protect Mission, reaching deep into the Force, praying the girl would live. The exploding flare blinded him for a moment, but he was alive and he could feel Mission in his arms. Looking around he was stunned with the sight of the Star Forge fully undamaged. What was even stranger, he could tell that the Star Forge was inactive. The lights were the way he stepped aboard Star Forge for the first time.
"What happened?" asked Mission as she opened her eyes. "For a moment I thought it was over. Why is everything alright again?"
"I don't know."
"We aren't dead, are we?"
"I hope not, because it's not what I thought my afterlife would be like."
"But how?"
"The Force knows, Mission."
"Eeh, Taren, I don't really mind, but could you put me down?" she said blushing.
"Oh, yes," he said as released her. "Come on, if it's what I think it is we need to get to the Command Center again."
As they moved through the station, he was more and more concerned. Star Forge was intact and inactive. That could mean only one thing: they travelled back to the time before he and Malak found the Star Forge. Soon they reached the Command Center and went up to the control panel.
"So, it was inactive for thousands years," he said, as he reactivated the station.
"What does it mean?"
"We are in the past." There was a moment of silence.
"Actually, we are not," she objected, looking at the control panel.
"Wait, you're right. But it's even more ridiculous. There is no way we are in the future. The Star Forge was destroyed."
"And still the star field analysis is unambiguous. We are three thousand twenty years in the future. At least we are alive... Wait what's about Big Z and others? Are they here too?"
"No, there are no docked ships and sensors don't register the Ebon Hawk anywhere near the station."
"Are they alive?"
"They took off the station," he nodded, "so they were alive, but it's four thousand years."
Her eyes widened and she whispered, "So they're all long dead."
"It seems so."
"Can we go back?"
"I don't know how, Mission. I'm sorry."
She sighed, "Don't be sorry. If not for you I would be dead on Taris, I wouldn't see my brother and help you saving the galaxy from the Siths. And I hope they lived good long lives after we destroyed the Star Forge. I just don't understand how the Star Forge can be whole once again."
"Only the Force knows. We would need to reach the Republic if it still exists and search through archives to understand what's going on. I would say we did end up in some alternate reality, where I hadn't found the Star Forge."
"Should we destroy it?"
"No, it can't be the coincidence. There are no coincidences. The Force wouldn't save the station with us if it wouldn't be needed. I sense it's somehow important. We should go to the Core Worlds and investigate everything."
"How? You said there were no docked ships."
"It's the Star Forge, we can create everything from nothing," he smiled. "The only problem is the vessel schematics in the Star Forge database are tens of thousands years old."
"I have schematics of the Ebon Hawk. I was playing with it designing upgrades."
"That's good news. Could you upload it?"
"Which one? Original one, the Ebon Hawk or my own upgraded version? Could we try the upgraded one?"
"What did you upgrade?"
"Here, hyperdrive generator TN204, which raises rating up to 0.5, if you tweak the motivator and add some power to the null quantum field generator. However it's dangerous, so I would leave the default configuration and be satisfied with hyperdrive Class 0.7."
"Where did you get the blueprint?"
"Bought them by that Rodian on the Yavin Station," she looked at his surprised face and raised an eyebrow, "What? You gave me lot money, you know? And I had fun playing with schematics."
"Did you buy something else?"
"Yes, deflector shields blueprint, automatic targeting system, improved weaponry and heavily modified SFT98 sublight engine blueprint."
"And you managed to integrate it into the Ebon Hawk?"
"Well yes, the components were highly compatible; they were built in other Dynamic-class freighters, so it wasn't even a problem. It's just... I kind of liked the ship. I had really good time on the Ebon Hawk. I wanted to upgrade it, make it better, you know?"
"Hope your ship won't kill us the moment we turn the hyperdrive on."
"That was mean" she pouted. "I'm sure we'll be fine, but if you think…"
"I was teasing you, Mission. I trust you, but we have to be sure. Upload your schematics and original ones. I will start the production. If your version is good, we will use it."
"Wait a moment," she said pleased with his acceptance. "Done."
"So ships will be fly-ready in about an hour. Let's head to the Deck 1, where they will be docked."
"Wait! You said an hour, didn't you?"
"That's the power of the Star Forge. Let's go, there is nothing for us here anymore."
"So are we going to destroy the station?" she asked as they headed to the Deck 1.
"I already said we won't destroy it. Not now. We will use it before destroy it."
"You're scary. It's the Sith's way to destroy something of no use."
"Mi, don't be Bastila."
"So you aren't turning dark again?" she teased.
"Why? I am," he smirked, "you should call me Lord Revan."
"Oh, I want a new name too."
"It's my real name, Mission."
"Not a point. I want a new name."
"You are such a child sometimes."
"I'm not," she said sticking her tongue out, and demanded, "A new name."
"Lady Arven," he sighed.
"It's an anagram for Revan! I like it," she giggled, "But I would appreciate if you'd call me Mission."
"As you wish, Lady Arven."
An hour later they were on the Deck 1 looking at two Dynamic-class freighters, which looked so much like Ebon Hawk.
"It's hard to imagine out friends are gone," Mission said looking down.
"Yes, it's like they're going to go down the ramp any moment."
"Let's not talk about it."
"Okay, Mi," he nodded, "I want to test your configuration before we take off."
"I'll help," she said as she ran after him to the ship.
He was surprised how well she integrated everything. Of course upgrades were on paper only, and he doubted they would have upgraded the Ebon Hawk this way. But he found far too many problems to use the ship safely.
"Sorry, Mission. There is no way we can use this ship," he sighed. "The hyperdrive and relativistic shield are completely unstable."
"I know," he nodded sadly.
"Don't get upset, you did really good work."
"I should have thought about better reactor and capacity of the energy grid."
"You can work on it; we will return to the Star Forge later and try again."
"Yes, let's go to another ship."
The second ship was perfect copy of the Ebon Hawk and it worked perfectly. They took off the station and after short stop at Rakata Prime to fill the consumables headed to the Coruscant. The way to Coruscant would take seven days they could use to cope with the fact they wouldn't be able to see their friends ever again. Revan was grateful that he still had Mission, and he was sure that Mission didn't mind to be with him either.
The main problem was they didn't know much about the galaxy. What had changed in the last thousand years? What was different in this universe? Revan sighed, closed his eyes and began to meditate plunging deeper and deeper into the Force. There was something very disconcerting. Everything was clouded by the Sith alchemy. If not for his knowledge of the Dark Side, he wouldn't be able to get through it. But what was really strange, he knew that it wasn't doing of the true Sith. He didn't sense them in fact. Since he had remembered about them a few days ago, he could sense them, but no more... The alchemy was a result of manipulations of a very small group of Force users. Powerful Sith on par with himself. And if they needed the technique, they were plotting something... dangerous. Revan couldn't let the Sith know about him or Mission, so he concealed both of them from farsight.
At last their trip to Core was over; the ship got out of the hyperspace and Mission immediately activated holonet receiver. Revan didn't want to disturb her and directed the Ebon Hawk to Coruscant.
"Hey, Taren. There is not a word about you, Malak or the Star Forge," the young Twi'Lek said.
"Was there a war?"
"Yes, even the destruction of Taris is there."
"That's odd."
"Wow! There is so much about Bastila! She was a hero. A bloody icon! The official chronicle claims she was the one who defeated the Siths."
"So, nothing about Taren Koht, Revan, Carth..."
"Actually there is much about Carth. He was made an Admiral. I hope I didn't die on Taris in this reality," she sighed. "There are too many holes in the chronicles."
"Jedi should have a good archive, if they exist of course."
"The Jedi Order is there. The temple is located on Coruscant," Mission answered.
"But it's not like we can go there and demand to provide us with access to the archive."
"Okay, I have some good news and I have some bad news."
"Good new first, please," he laughed.
"Our credit chips. They are valid."
"And bad news?"
"The total inflation over last four thousand years is more than ten thousand percent.
"So, we just went bankrupt."
"Yes," she nodded gravely, "How much do you have?"
"Let's see... 298,441 credits."
"I have got 48,219. So it's 2,493 credits now. Docking fee on Coruscant is 400 credits as one-time payment and 100 credits for each day. Furthermore we'll need fuel - 200 credits and a package of consumables for our ship – 480 credits. 1,413 credits to go."
"I have an idea how to make money, but at first we should head to some cosy cafe and eat something more tolerable than that piece of Sith's crap we got on Rakata Prime."
"Language, Taren."
"Yes, yes, I've got a child with me," he teased her.
"I'm not a child!" she exclaimed and pouted.
"You are so easy to tease."
"Jerk. You know, I never was on Coruscant..."
"I know, Mission, but really, you've missed nothing."
"Why? It's beautiful! It's kind of like Taris Upper City, but much better. Are there any differences to the Coruscant of our time?"
"Not really. It's almost the same."
"Do you want to go in there?" she asked looking at small cafe.
"Why not? It looks good."
Revan was satisfied. It was cosy inside. They sat down to table and ordering something to eat. Mission didn't waste time and used her holographic comlink to search the holonet for important information.
"Taren, what are we going to do?" she asked.
"I would say, we find some beautiful planet, go there and live peacefully for some time. However we should learn more about this time first."
"Did you think about Jedi? We could ask them for help."
"I don't think it's a good idea. I don't trust them. The first thing we need is money. We're going to use the station."
"The station!" she realised, her eyes widened.
"Yes, would you like to search the holonet for some helpful schematics?"
"I'm on it."
Revan didn't want to distract her, so he sat and meditated for an hour.
"I found many things. There are no good ship blueprints with a free access, but there are blueprints in the Archive of the Judical Arcology. Why the Sith are the blueprints there?"
"Let's see," he said being surprised. Four thousand years ago blueprints were archived in the Republic Naval Archive. He was astonished, when he read about the Republic Navy, "Force! They don't even have a Navy!"
"Well, they didn't have any serious enough conflict for last... thousand years," Mission said and smiled, "And surprise! They heard nothing about the Siths for nearly as long! I think without the Siths out there, the Republic became more secure." She expected some reaction from him, but he remained quiet. She sighed and patiently waited.
"It's disturbing," he said at last after twenty minutes, "take notice of starships and technologies they use."
"What's wrong with them?"
"I don't think you had time to be interested in battlecruisers of our time. If you compare them to current vessels, you'll find current ones to be only shadows of real warships. There are some good freighters though. I can't find any information about a lot of technologies, like the stealth field generator or personal shields."
"What? There is no stealth field generator? What's happening with the Republic?"
"The Republic is dying away, that's what happening. Look at economical situation. For three hundred years after the Ruusan Reformation, whatever it was, the Republic was blossoming, but then it begun to decline. Look at this list of most influential corporations, what do you see?"
"I don't understand what you mean. They're becoming wealthier. It's a good thing, isn't it?"
"I would normally say yes, but the Republic itself is growing weaker, individual worlds grow poorer, the poverty rises."
"Wait, these corporations have more money than most worlds."
"Yes, and if we trust these holonet discussions, the Senate is becoming more and more corrupt. Money controls the Senate. And who controls money?"
"Well, you get the picture."
"It's horrible. Can it be the reason we're here in this particular time?"
"I believe it's a part of the reason. We wouldn't need the station if this was the reason. But the situation as it is could escalate in the future to armed conflicts or a full-scale civil war. Then we would need the station."
"Should we do something to prevent it? I don't want something like the destruction of Taris happens again."
"We need to prepare first. I don't feel it's urgent to do something right now. What is more important, the Republic needs a kick to cleanse itself. If we decide to help, it would be only damage control, not prevention."
"Not buts. Corruption won't cease to exits like that and even a strong leader won't help. Right now let's focus on our own lives for a change. I want to rest, to be free from constant fighting, to lead a peaceful life on some distant peaceful world for some time. We're in the new world and I'm sure the thousand-years-old Republic won't die at once without our intervention."
"I guess you're right," Mission sighed.
"Anyway we need to get to the Judicial Arcology."
"The problem is only Jedi and members of the Judicial Department have access to the Archive."
"It shouldn't be guarded too well."
"Are you sure you want to start the life in this time with an attempt to break in to the Judicial Department?" she smiled.
"Do we have an option? We could earn money by other means, but it's inefficient when we have the Star Forge."
"I hope we don't get caught," Mission frowned.
"We won't."
The Republic had no stealth field generators; it shouldn't be difficult to get in using one. Soon they left the cafe and took a shuttle to get to the Judicial Arcology. On the way they studied everything they could find about security systems used by Judicial Department. It didn't seem to be any different he was being used to and without stealth field detectors it was going to be easy. But he frowned when he saw Jedi guarding the entrance alongside non-Jedi. It was only a young padawan but he didn't want to run into a Master who could sense him and Mission.
"Let's go," Revan said after they explored the district and the building of the Judicial Arcology.
"What? Now?"
"I meant to the ship, Mission," he laughed. "We need a plan."
"You're crazy enough to go there without any plan."
"I don't want to take unnecessary risk."
"Well, that's most unusual," she snickered and followed him to the shuttle.
The pair returned to the Ebon Hawk and sat in the main hub looking at few holopictures from the holonet taken inside of the Judicial Arcology.
"How about distraction?" Mission asked.
"What do you mean?"
"You'll be a distraction and I'll sneak in and do the job."
"It's too dangerous for you," he frowned.
"As if it wasn't dangerous on the Leviathan."
"We had no choice. Mission, there are Jedi; they'll sense you without me. We'll go together."
"And a distraction?"
"No, we don't need them to be alarmed. Distractions aren't always useful," he looked at holopictures and said, "Take a look. We're lucky, some imbecile officer managed to take a holopicture of him and his friends in the security room. It's a security terminal."
"But there is no way we will be there alone."
"We don't need to. Do you see this small console on next picture? It's located in the technical room next to the security room."
"How do you know it?"
"See that table behind the door?"
"Oh, yes, it's the same table."
"Well, I'm sure the console and the terminal are connected, so we know how to bring security under control."
"Why don't we do it at night?"
"They will be much more attentive at night. Who in the right mind would suspect someone with stealth field generator, especially a strong Force user to break in to the Judicial Department in broad daylight?"
"Right," she smiled. "Only some maniacal former Sith Lord would do it."
"When did I become maniacal?" Revan asked rising an eyebrow. "Anyway, let's rest."
The next day they took a shuttle to the Judicial Arcology again. As soon as they were there, Mission followed Revan into the dark alley where they activated stealth field generators and went to the Judicial Arcology. Revan was hiding his and Mission's signatures; a bit surprised that she was so bright in the Force. 'How the Sith did I and Bastila miss it? She needs to be tested on Force-sensitivity,' he thought. They infiltrated without any problems, went through the security room into the technical room. Once inside Mission used her skills to slice into console, which had direct access to the security terminal and after five minutes gained access to the security systems.
"Piece of cake," she whispered smiling.
"Don't be overconfident," he said.
Revan wasn't really surprised by the poor security of the place. It's not likely somebody would ever break in. They met only three guards and two Jedi who sensed nothing. Before long they got into the Archive. It was empty, so Mission disabled the surveillance and they switched off stealth field generators to save energy.
"What should I copy?" Mission asked.
"Start with starships of our time. Centurion-class battlecruiser, Interdictor-class cruiser, Aurek-class tactical starfighter, Praetorian-class frigate, Hammerhead-class cruiser and other vessels. I hope you can sort them by year they were used. Then take a look at current ships and some battle droids."
"Yes, a moment please. There is some protection on the data."
"Can you break it?"
"Of course. Don't forget who you are speaking to," Mission said, "Let's see... They're lazier than in our time. I'm in; you have access on the second terminal. I'm transferring blueprints."
"How long does it take?"
"About twenty minutes."
"Way too long," Revan frowned searching database for useful information.
"I know, it's a part of the protection, can't speed it up. There are more than fifty blueprints," she sighed. "Hey, there is a history archive."
"Can you copy it too?"
"Everything? No, not enough memory."
"Download everything they've got on time from that war with Mandalorian to the defeat of the Siths by Bastila."
"Okay," she nodded and continued to work on computer. Some minutes later she cried out,"Someone is heading this way! They're on a security camera."
"Were they alerted?" he looked at security panel, and sighed, "No they're not alerted, but they're Jedi. Turn your stealth field on."
The next moment two friends became invisible. They waited until Jedi came to the room, but surprisingly the older Jedi with long hair stopped in the middle of the room.
"Something is not right," he said.
"I have a bad feeling too, Master," answered his padawan with a short brown hair.
Revan cursed silently. The older one had a strong connection to the Force and somehow felt his presence. He had to be a master. The former Sith knew he couldn't wait any longer. The Jedi would reveal him and then it could be a problem, so he used powerful Force push crashing both unprepared Jedi into the wall. They didn't move, but he was relieved that they were just unconscious. He knew that other Jedi likely felt the disturbance, but hoped no one would identify it.
"How much time do we need?" he asked Mission.
"A minute."
"Okay, I'm ready. Let's hurry; we need to get out of here as soon as possible."
"Are they alright?" she asked.
"Yes, just unconscious."
"That crash looked painful."
"I had to do it quick, so they wouldn't have time to react."
"I'm done. Let's go."
He nodded and they went through the building and left the Judicial Arcology. Soon they returned to the Ebon Hawk. They decided to return to the Star Forge to start the production.
"So, what information was in the historical archive?" Revan asked when they took off from Coruscant.
"Wait, I'm uploading everything to the main computer," she said.
"Let's see..." he breathed. "Well, there was a Sith Lord Revan"
"It's hilarious!" Mission exclaimed laughing, "The other you was married to Bastila and had a kid."
"I and Bastila? Force help me," he sighed and facepalmed. "It must be some kind of mistake. There is no way... I and Bastila..."
"No, Taren, there is no mistake."
"It's ridiculous. Stop laughing," he said being annoyed.
"Well, your denial makes me laugh."
"Ah, shut up, Mission. It seems I and Malak never found the Star Forge and used other means to create a fleet."
"There is a word about me," she said happily. "The other I didn't die on Taris."
"Good," he smiled.
"Why did they hide everything?" Mission asked.
"I'm not sure," he said frowning, "I guess, Jedi didn't want to have a former Sith Lord as a hero. Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore."
"What are we going to sell using the Star Forge?"
"Small ships only. Centurion and Interdictor are way too dangerous and I would say we sell only limited amount of Hammerheads. By the way, we need to duplicate stealth field generators, so the Star Forge would be able to produce them and cloaking devices."
"We can't sell ships using legal channels, can we?" Mission asked.
"No, it would raise too many questions. We could post them on private auctions in the Hutt Space," he suggested, "Do you want to help me with blueprints?"
"What do you need?"
"We need something to conceal our identities, so I suggest we design masks to cover our faces, armor to defend ourselves and robes with hoods to hide everything else. Take a look at this blueprint I managed to get there. It's a Jedi armor, resistant to blaster bolts and lightsaber." he turned holoprojector on.
"Resistant to lightsaber?" her eyes widened.
"Not completely. Armor plates don't protect you from a thrust, but they're resistant enough to hold off fast slashes. It's not wise to rely on it though, there are far too many unarmored spots. I will use it and mandalorian mask. You can choose what you want for yourself."
"I don't need any armor," she complained, "I mean a personal shield was always sufficient."
"We don't want to look weak, Mission, so please do it for me."
"Okay, okay," she sighed. "I'll use it too."
"Let's work on it."
Soon they reached the ancient station, docked and went to the command center. They didn't want to stay there more than needed, so as soon as they finished a construction of a Hammerhead-class cruiser, corellian YT-1250, two set of armor, masks and a blood analyser, they took the YT and docked it to the cruiser.
"Why did we need an YT? It's not nearly as good as our Dynamic," Mission asked as they jumped to the Hutt Space.
"Well, I'd like to keep the Ebon Hawk out of it; we don't need any additional attention to it."
"Oh," she answered. "Taren, are we going to Nar Shaddaa to put it up for auction?"
"Yes," he nodded,"By the way, you should call me Revan for the time being. We don't want anyone to know our names. You can choose your name yourself."
"Why? I already have a name. Arven."
"Good," he smiled recalling the way this name was made up, "As soon as we get to the Nar Shaddaa put everything including a mask on."
"Ta… I mean, Revan, are these masks any good?" she asked, putting the mask on, "Wow! The HUD is just awesome! I'll be back," she mumbled and swept out of the bridge. Ten minutes later she returned in her new attire. "Revan, how do I look? I look Bad-ass, don't I?" she asked.
"Perfect, Arven," he said and laughed.
"What's so funny? Do I look funny" the Twi'Lek frowned.
"You look great, Arven. It's just you being so enthusiastic."
"Well," she smiled, "It's the best thing I ever wore."
Two days later they left the hyperspace in Y'Toub system and Revan directed the cruiser to the Nar Shaddaa.
"The docking fee for out ship is 1200 credits, Revan." Mission said.
"It's alright, we have 1380 credits," he sighed and landed the ship on a landing platform paying the fee.
"Let's hope somebody will buy the cruiser fast. I'll put the ship up for a standard day with four million as a starting price."
"Okay, I'll clean the navigation journal."
"Let's go for a walk, Revan," She said after few minutes.
"No, it's not as secure as Coruscant. I don't think the world became any better in the last four thousand years. We'll stay on board until the buyer come for the ship."
"But I wanted to see this world," she pouted.
"It's too dangerous here without proper…" he was interrupted by incoming holocall on Mission's comlink.
"The holocall is from Nat T'arkuma and it's marked as urgent. Let's see who he is..."
"Don't bother, I already found the Twi'Lek. He is representing a Hutt, who controls this sector of Nar Shaddaa. I'll speak to him," he said and answered the call and the hologram of a male Twi'Lek with green skin appeared, "How may I help you?"
"I'm Nat T'arkuma and I'm representing someone influential, who controls this part of the world. The rumour reached us that you're selling certain cruiser in our sector."
"Yes, it's true."
"You see, Nar Shaddaa is a dangerous place."
"Sure it is."
"That's why it would be wise to insure your current business and pay for protection. We don't want anything happen to either you or the ship, do we?"
"No, we don't," Revan decided to agree, since they would sell more ships on the moon in the future.
"We would gladly guarantee your safety for only thirty percent of your profit."
"I would offer ten percent. We're thinking about putting up more… cruisers on auction in the near future."
"It is most interesting," Nat said slowly. "But you should offer us twenty percent. We would be more interested in your safety this way."
"Well then, it's settled. Twenty percents and you guarantee our safety for this and future auctions," he said.
"You should have received all needed information. It's pleasure to do business with you."
"Thank you, the same to you," he said and turned the holocall off.
"I didn't think you would agree," Mission mumbled confused.
"It would be stupid to make profit here without an agreement with the Hutt. However, I didn't expect them to react this fast. Make sure to change the auction's details and send the confirmation to the Nat T'arkuma."
"Done," she sighed, "What're we going to do until the end of auction?"
"We have something to do," he smiled, "let me take a blood sample from you, please."
"I want to check something."
"Don't be silly, you should trust me."
"Well… I guess you won't do something… bad," she said, took off the glove and extended her hand.
He took the blood, reached for analyser and launched the test. He wasn't really surprised with the result. He knew she was Force-sensitive since they broke to the Judicial Arcology. He was astonished however by her midi-chlorian count. He and Bastila were really blind. They were focused on their mission though and didn't really consider a possibility of Mission's Force-sensitivity. He knew she had very good intuition, but he always dismissed it believing it was only a coincidence. He hoped they would have time to train her properly if she would be willing to train at all.
"Hey, what is it? Why are you frowning?" Mission asked panicking. "Something is wrong, isn't it? Am I going to die? If…"
"Whoa, Mission, slow down. Everything is alright."
"Thank the Force! Don't scare me like that!"
"I wasn't even trying!" Revan laughed and asked, "What do you know about midi-chlorians?"
"What is it?"
"You have sixteen thousands midi-chlorians per cell. Quite remarkable."
"So, it's good, isn't it?"
"Yes, it indicates that you have a strong natural connection to the Force."
"Am I Force-sensitive?"
"Yes. Almost every Jedi has at least seven thousand midi-chlorians per cell. I have fifteen thousand."
"So I could become stronger than you!"
"Actually the midi-chlorian count says nothing about the strength of the Force user. Yes, you have it easier to reach the same strength as me, but it doesn't mean you would reach it. Let's take Exar Kun for example. He wasn't any less powerful than me, but his midi-chlorians count was only nine thousand. He became strong through dedication and hard work. Anyway, what I was saying is I would like to be your teacher, if you wish to learn the way of the Force."
"I would love it," she said and frowned, "But how the Sith I'm the Force-sensitive? How did you know and why didn't you test me earlier?"
"Well, I don't know how you are a Force-sensitive. I guess one of your parents could be Force-sensitive or it's just a coincidence. I felt it when I shielded you from Jedi in the Judicial Arcology. You were remarkably bright in the Force. I'm not sure why I didn't see it earlier; I guess we had no time to consider it. I never tried to look at you through the Force, there was no need. Moreover my abilities were much more limited than now. I remember much more of my previous life than before. Every day more memories return to me."
She sighed and looked at her holonet receiver, "There are some bids already. When will you teach me?"
"Our life is too chaotic now; let's start when we settle down. I would like to have some place to call a home before I begin to teach you."
"I guess it makes sense. I would like to have a home too; I never had a real home."
"It doesn't mean I can't teach you here and there," he smiled.
Soon the auction came to the end and the ship was sold for nine million credits. For next three months they were constantly traveling between the Star Forge and Nar Shaddaa, where they would sell warships and return to the ancient station. They earned more than three hundred million credits already. Since two friends proved to be trustworthy the pair would bring ships after each auction's end. This time Revan and Mission were transporting a single Hammerhead frigate. Revan docked the ship on their personal landing platform and send a message to the Hutt, who immediately send guards. The Hutt was making anything to secure an unexpected income, so the Twi'Lek and the former Sith Lord were most welcome here on Nar Shaddaa.
"Our clients should be here any moment now," Revan said when they went down the ramp from the ship.
"I have a really bad feeling about this deal," Mission frowned.
"Something bugging me too," Revan sighed, "We have to be careful. Please, stay behind me all the time. Let me be always between you and everyone else."
"Don't be so overprotective; I can take care of myself."
"I know, but I would feel better if you would follow my advice."
"Right," she sighed. "Don't worry, I'll be careful."
"Here they are," said Revan looking at two hooded individuals approaching their landing platform. Something wasn't right. Their hoods weren't suspicious, since most clients would like to be anonymous. He couldn't understand if clients were the reason or something else. As he could feel they weren't Force users, but then again they could use Force Concealment like he concealed himself and Mission.
"Good day," said first client as they came to Revan and Mission. "We would like to examine the ship before we round transaction."
"As you wish," Revan said. "Follow me."
He signalled Mission to go first, then turned around and followed her to the frigate. He was very careful with both clients though. He was secretly trying to break the concealment if there was one. Everything seemed to be alright for first minutes of examination, but then as they reached the main cargo hold he finally found it and broke the concealment realizing who the two clients were. He remembered these signatures from the Judicial Arcology. Two Jedi who were unlucky to go to the Archive that day. He knew that they felt they lost their concealment, so he instantly summoned both lightsaber to the hand and a moment later four weapons met each other.
"So, you are the one who attacked us in the Archive of the Judicial Department," the older one said.
'It's so unfortunate I didn't push them stronger that day,' Revan thought. He growled, as they exchanged blows. The older one was very accomplished swordsman, surely one of the strongest he ever faced. However his choice to use Ataru in a confined space of a starship wasn't wise, even if he was a master of the forth form. The second disadvantage of the older Jedi was his age; he wasn't in his prime. The younger one though was interesting and he sensed that the padawan would become a great Jedi if survive.
"The Force is strong with you, young one," Revan said, taking him aback with this comment and using the moment to push him with the Force, "But you still have much to learn."
The padawan managed to recover and rejoin the battle.
"We found traces of what you were searching the archive for," the older Jedi said.
"Either way you don't have any evidences against me," Revan replied.
"Who are you, darksider?"
"Should I tell the truth, half-truth or lie?" Revan smirked being confused at their reference to the Dark Side. He wasn't using the Dark Side right now, but then he realized that their constant visits to the Star Forge left a trace of the Dark Side on him and Mission. "Besides it's only polite to introduce yourself first."
"If it helps us to get some information from you, I'm Qui-Gon Jinn."
Revan smiled under his mask. The older Jedi was somehow amused even if he was very wary. Of course he would be amused, since he without a doubt couldn't feel any evil intent towards them. Revan didn't want to harm Jedi and so their conversation made only so much sense.
"I guess, I can introduce myself too. I'm the Lord of the Sith Revan."
"Well," the Jedi sighed blocking another Revan's strike, "that was obviously a lie."
"I didn't say I was going to tell a truth," Revan said laughing. "I suggest you change the form, Master Jinn. Ataru won't work against me."
"You are too overconfident."
"No," Revan answered, "I'm merely stating the fact. I can tell you were strong in your prime, but now you're at disadvantage here."
"You intrigue me," Qui-Gon said breaking lightsaber contact and taking a distance after his padawan received another Force push. "You merely defending yourself, none of your moves are attacking ones."
"It might have something to do with the fact I don't want to fight you, Jedi. We're on the same side, but you're attacking me though. Most unjedi-like behaviour. I'm deeply disappointed."
"You're selling licensed and limited to the Republic forces only warships," the Jedi said engaging in the lightsaber fight again his padawan followed him.
"I'm selling them in the Hutt Space, which isn't controlled by the Republic. Even so, if I found some of them, why shouldn't I sell them? I didn't break any law."
"You don't really hope to convince us that you found them, do you?"
"There is no evidence I manufactured them."
"You attacked us!" the padawan exclaimed.
"Again, you have no evidences that it was me. I suggest you lower your weapons and we close the deal and say goodbye to each other until you actually find some evidences."
"I doubt we will lower weapons," the younger Jedi growled.
"Oh, is that your anger I feel?" Revan asked the padawan. "You should better learn to control your emotions, young one. You don't want to fall to the Dark Side, do you? Well, I don't have all the time in the universe to play games with you, Jedi. I was attacked, so I guess, I have right to defend myself. No hard feelings, please," he said and created powerful stasis field to freeze both Jedi at once. It worked but he could feel that Qui-Gon could resist and would be out of it a minute later. "Arven, let's go to the hangar. We leave the frigate here, since Jedi surprisingly paid for it."
They rushed to the YT-1250 and took off before Jedi could do something to stop them. Besides Jedi knew they were no match for the mysterious Force-user. Of course, after the incident Revan and Mission decided to slow down, but contacted the Hutt anyway informing him about their troubles. The Hutt found a solution. They would send ships for sale to him without a need to travel to Nar Shaddaa so they and the Hutt would have income.
"Were they strong?" Mission asked as they went into the hyperspace.
"Qui-Gon was strong. His mastery of lightsaber fight is flawless, but he is lacking the power behind his moves due to his age. He would be formidable opponent ten years ago. Pity he doesn't use Force techniques to slow down his aging."
"Is that possible?"
"Of course."
"Yes, Mission, the Force is awesome," he laughed.
"What about the younger one?"
"He has a great potential, but he needs a strong kick up the bottom, or else his potential won't bloom."
"Will I be stronger than them?"
"I don't know. It's up to you, Mission. It's not about power though, understanding and mastery of the Force is what truly matters."
"Right. Are you going to tech me now?" Mission asked.
"Yes, as soon as we choose a world to settle down. We still need to go to the Coruscant."
"Oh! I completely forgot about applicants! They will await us in six days."
"I'm glad the construction of shipyards and factory was completed in time."
Six day later they were interviewing applicants in the headquarters of the Vao-Koht Engineering, the company they opened a month ago. Revan turned down more than twenty applicants, offered the job to six, but they were waiting for last three applicants. Most promising ones, whom they were ready to offer really incredible conditions. The first one to come was doctor Simo Steppes. He specialized in droid engineering and was one of the most talented young engineers in the Republic.
"Hello, Dr. Steppes," Revan said extending a hand to be shaken. "I'm Taren Koht and this is Mission Vao. We're glad you could come."
"Good day," he shook Revan's hand and then Mission's. "Your offer was intriguing; however I should remind you I have offers from Industrial Automation and Cybot Galactica as well as other smaller droid manufacturers."
"We know, but we doubt you would receive a freedom anywhere but in Vao-Koht."
"Yes, that is what I was interested in. What exactly do you mean by 'freedom'?"
"Our company won't specialize in mass production. We will develop high-end expensive prototypes and concepts. There won't be many orders, so you would be free to implement your own ideas and use our factory to manufacture. Basically if you don't work on official projects you are allowed to work on your own projects and use available money and staff for it. It's a freedom to create we offer."
"It's very generous offer. What is the catch?"
"There is no catch," Mission answered smiling. "The contract is very simple and transparent. If you accept our offer you wages would be five million credits yearly."
"I need to think it over," Simo answered at last.
"Well, you have a week."
"Thank you," he nodded and took his leave.
The next one was Walex Blissex engineer of starship design. He was offered with similar offer and gladly accepted it. The last engineer was doctor Ma'an Erdex. He was specializing on starship and droid software development and so was perfect addition to the team of Blissex and Steppes. They were lucky that at the end of the week all three engineers accepted the offer and took over as heads of three departments of the Vao-Koht Engineering. Revan already had a project on his mind but wanted to keep it secret from Mission. He was sure she would like the surprise.
At last it was a time to decide for the planet to settle down for a while. He searched for a world for the last week and found a few good planets, but he would at first ask Mission if she found something better.
"Let's go to Alderaan," suggested Mission.
"No, it's too close to the Core."
"Mi, let's be serious," Revan chuckled.
"Okay, okay. I found this planet three days ago. There it is. Naboo. I was lucky enough to look at it. It is located in the Mid Rim, Chommel sector. It's practically perfect for us. There is a hyperwave tranceiver. The world is not vastly populated, only six hundred millions apart from some savage underwater aborigines. No poverty. The nature is nearly untouched. The world is peaceful, beautiful, not overcrowded, distant from the Core and has got a holonet connection."
"Sounds like a paradise, Mission. Is there a catch?"
"I was going to suggest another planet, but this Naboo seems to be much better choice. What would I do without you?" he smiled.
Two days later they reached Naboo and took a time to look around. They really liked the planet as it was everything they expected and needed. The perfect place to settle down and to be called home. Mission decided to search for good accommodation, and Revan didn't object. She was good at it.
"Is it passable?" she asked.
"This villa," she said showing a hologram, "The problem is, it costs twenty six million credits."
"We could buy a planetary system for it. What's so good about it?"
"It's located in the Lake Country. It's extremely beautiful and peaceful there. The villa comes with really great chunk of land. There is another villa nearby but it's far enough, they won't disturb us."
"Good, I like it. Who is our neighbour?"
"The owner is… There is no public access entry, but… Yes, I found it. It's some family. Naberrie…"
I'm currently working on next chapters :)
Jake: Since you weren't logged in, I'm answering you here. I realized I was rushing too much, and was rewriting the prologue the moment I received your review. It was very helpful though, so thank you. However I will not create more chapters from the prologue, since there is not much I want to write about. As you can see the prologue is three times as big as it was and it's exactly the size I like, so there is no reason to split the chapter.
Naboo. It was a coincidence, or, you could say, the Force urged her to take a look at Naboo. It was a random planet which was beautiful and peaceful (It's likely you want peace after years of war) – exactly what they were looking for.
As for thing I pull outta my arse…. I better avoid it, since it's not hygienical :))).
Revan has no other explanation. He knows only that the Force has something to do with it. He will, of course, research it and I, as an author, know how they did end up there, but it's not really important for the story.
Mission could upgrade the ship, since her upgrades were "on paper" only. She used really rare and/or expensive parts, which they had probably no chance to get. You see the ship was improved over time, but only availed parts were used for these upgrades. Almost no one would install prototype hyperdrive generator or engines for million credits. Mission bought blueprints from Rodian who worked with smugglers; some of them got their hands on these rare parts. They saw no problem to get some money by selling blueprints. But blueprints are useless if you don't have the Star Forge or an own factory to produce parts violating licenses. Well, or money to buy them. However I decided to make her upgraded version of the Ebon Hawk unusable, since it isn't important for the story. Her interest in starship design/upgrade is somehow important.