Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and not myself (which as I am posting under a fanfiction site should be obvious)
This is a silly one-shot I wrote awhile ago. Enjoy.
"Serpensortia!" Malfoy bellowed,
From the end of his wand came a stream of black smoke, materializing into a massive 3 meter long grey snake, which moved quickly towards Harry.
"I'll get rid of that Harry" said Lockhart, and with a confident jab shot a spell at the oncoming deadly snake. Instead of vanishing however, the snake was thrown high into the air landing hard in front of a group of young Hufflepuffs. Enraged and frightened the snake struck out at the nearest student, Justin Flinch-Fletchley.
Unfortunately for Justin, Harry had no idea he was a parselmouth and never tried to calm the snake down, instead like the rest of the student body he was watched on, helplessly as the snake tore into Justin's neck, pumping its deadly venom into his bloodstream.
Professor Snape quickly rushed over and vanished the snake, before levitating Justin and running off, presumably to the hospital wing to try and save Justin's life. Shocked at the turn of events the students broke out into whispers, but all heard Hermione's cry.
"That was a black mamba, one of the deadliest snakes in the world!"
Stunned by this information, that his classmate was in serious trouble, possibly even dying, and that he himself was nearly bitten, Harry turned to Malfoy.
"You murderer! You just killed Justin!"
Malfoy paled at this accusation, but before he could defend himself was interrupted by a certain red haired Gryffindor.
"You all heard him after the Halloween feast, he must be the heir of Slytherin!" Bellowed Ron.
"Just like your father you must think you will get away with this, but no body hurts a Hufflepuff!" Screamed an enraged Susan Bones.
After a year in which they had seen the staff do nothing to protect them, and a justice system which saw the murders of many of their families walk free with impunity, the student body snapped. Here was yet another example of a rich pure blood Sytherin trying to kill one of their own, a fellow Hufflepuff regardless of his blood status. The enraged Hufflepuffs drew their wands and started cursing the Malfoy heir, a target for not only their fears over the chamber of secrets but also revenge for crimes left unpunished during the last war.
Shocked by this turn of events, Malfoy was unable to raise any kind of defense, quickly finding himself cursed by over a dozen different students at once. If the students had been taught by a decent defense professor while at Hogwarts, they might have known that multiple curses on an individual can lead to unforeseeable and possibly even fatal results. Between Lockhart and Quirrel however, the students had learned little to no defense against the dark arts and so were unaware of this phenomenon.
The death of the Malfoy heir at the hands of Hufflepuff house brought a great deal of attention to the goings on at Hogwarts. An investigation by the Aurors quickly lead to a discussion with the only inhabitant of the castle to have seen the monster, one Moaning Myrtle, and an emergency team of roosters was sent for to combat the beast.
An enraged Narcissa Malfoy was arrested for the murder of her husband, who she claimed was responsible for releasing the Basilisk and Ginny Weasley was sent to Azkaban for assisting Lucius Malfoy in his plot.
All was well.