Hello everyone, this is my first post here, so all feedback would be greatly appreciated! The story picks up after the events of the novel Kenobi, by John Jackson Miller. A synopsis of the plot can be found on the Star Wars wiki page, but I highly recommend the read!
Chapter 1
Captain Gilad Pellaeon watched from the bridge of the newly-constructed Star Destroyer Chimaera as the equally new Twin-Ion-Engine Fighters completed training maneuvers over the battleship's bow. Observing the H-shaped spacecraft, he let out a sigh. Gone were the days of Republic elegancy, when even their military craft could be seen as works of art. Now, efficiency was the doctrine. The old ARC-170 starfighters had been a capable (and beautiful) fighter indeed, the combat statistics showing a 10-1 kill ratio against the Confederacy, but the 170s had required three pilots to properly fly, and that was unacceptable to the new Empire. These new TIEs were a dime a dozen, no life-support systems, no hyper-drive, no shields...
But, they do have an eject system, Pellaeon thought to himself, a lot of good that does in space.
Of course, elite fighters like the 170 were still in service to the empire, but Pellaeon knew it would only be a few years before the geometric, right-angled, straight-edged, boring ships completely replaced the old designs, and with it, some of the last physical remnants of the Republic.
The Republic.
No. Reborn.
At least, that was what the HoloNet had been preaching.
"Jedi Betrayal!"
"Chancellor Scarred but Unbroken!"
"Out of the Ashes, the Thousand Year Empire!"
Pellaeon had been on the Outer Rim when the Jedi coup had occurred on Coruscant. At first, he hadn't believed any of it, his mind racing back to all of his dealings with the Jedi. They were as dedicated as he was, if not more, to the Republic, to democracy. There were countless stories replayed over and over on the HoloNet about Jedi bravery and sacrifice. The Order had gone through so much, to go against what they had fought and died for for years made not the least bit of sense to him.
But then the security footage was released.
Besides his deformed face, the security hologram recovered from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was Palpatine's proof of a Jedi uprising. Initially, it was entirely unconvincing. Starting midway into a heated battle between Jedi and clones, it was impossible to tell who initiated the conflict. But, then another figure entered the fray. Pellaeon had mistook him for just another Jedi, until he turned his lightsaber against the Jedi. Pellaeon had watched in both admiration and horror as the skilled swordsman cut down numerous Jedi, over and over and over again. It did not take long for the Captain to recognize him. The HoloNet had played images of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi as much as they could to remind the Republic that victory was still possible.
Skywalker and Kenobi.
Kenobi and Skywalker.
The inseparable heroes of the Republic. The Golden Team, they were called. Kenobi's brains and Skywalker's skills made them an unbeatable foe when paired together. In a war where even Jedi were defecting to the Separatist movement, Republic citizens across the galaxy knew that they could put their faith in Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
So, Pellaeon had mused as he watched the holographic figure cut more and more Jedi down, Skywalker had stayed loyal to the Republic, but where was Kenobi?
Even now, a year since the formation of the Empire, Pellaeon had never gotten an answer.