Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of J.K Rowling and associated owners. Fairy Tail is the property of Hiro Mashima and associated owners. Any other series that you might recognize belongs to their respective owners as well.
Author's Note: I promise this will be the last rewrite. I'm experimenting with shorter chapters to bring updates more often.
Fairy Warts Rewrite
The Fabric of the Universe
Imagine the universe as like a cloth made out of water. I know it sounds impossible even today, but when speaking about the universe, everything is possible.
Well, okay, how about a thin sheet of dough, like the one that is used to make pizza crusts. That sounds lovely, and suddenly I'm hungry. Heh.
Anyway, you have your pizza dough universe. This pizza dough can be flattened even more when you use a roller, just like how an external force, which we have theorized to be dark matter, causes our universe to expand. You can also take a piece of the dough and use that separate piece for another pizza, in a similar way to how one popular theory hypothesizes how a universe is born, by separating from its parent universe.
Moving on. Just like how we use our thumbs to shape the dough, a strong enough force can also shape our universe, warp space and reality around them, or perhaps, even break through the very borders of our universe.
Now don't be alarmed, the universe is like a dough, remember, so it can easily repair itself when this happens. However, it just so happens that this phenomenon, rifts in the dough of space and time, happens randomly, and we can't do anything to prevent it, let alone predict it. In fact, the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle may have been caused by such rifts in space-time.
One could be happening now, right this moment, and we wouldn't be any wiser…
- excerpt from the lecture of Prof. John Smith on 1979.
Chapter 1
Three figures stood beside a house, on a dark and lonely street in the suburbs of London. In front of them was a basket, where a little boy lay sound asleep. One of the figures strode over to the baby and tucked a small letter into the folds of his blanket.
One of the figures gripped his hands into balls. He turned around to face the other figure."I can't believe we're just going to leave him here!" he exclaimed. "I know what Petunia and her husband are like, Albus, they are the worst kind of people there is, muggle or wizard. They're going to break the boy if they can get away with it, Albus!"
"I am aware of that, I had Minerva observe them for the past few hours, and let me assure you that I am not happy about this either," replied the one named Albus.
"Then let me take care of him, Lily and James think of me as a brother, surely that's enough."
Albus shook his head. "As soon as I heard what happened, I conducted some research into this phenomenon." He held out and opened a very thick scroll. It looked like it was filled to the brim in loopy handwriting and ancient magic circles. "I'm sorry Sirius, if it were that easy, I would have given him to you the moment the Potters died. The magic requires the boy to be under the care of a blood relation, and Petunia is Lily's only remaining sister," he replied.
"What about her cousins? I did some digging around and found out that she has a second cousin who migrated to America. And what about James' own relatives?" said Sirius. "Even they are better than the Dursleys."
"I considered that, but the spell becomes more powerful if the blood ties are closer, and you know that James was an only son. Voldemort may be dead, but his followers are still out there and many are nearly as powerful and cruel as their master. I cannot risk Harry's safety by leaving him alone defenseless."
"But still-"
He was interrupted by the last figure clearing her throat. "We will check up on the boy regularly to make sure he's alright. I also want him to stay safe."
The other figure frowned, but finally relented. "Fine, we'll leave him here, but I'm going to check up on them tomorrow and talk to them," he said, sighing.
Albus smiled. "Talk to them? I daresay I feel that you are going to do more."
"You're not wrong."
The three figures became silent again. Then, one by one, they left the street. One disappeared into thin air with a crack, whileSirius left on his motorcycle. The last person, Albus, gave one last look at the basket. He fished out what seemed to be a cigarette lighter from his pocket and flicked it open. Suddenly, the lights on street lamps lit up, as if it was somehow stolen earlier. His work done, he returned the not-lighter back inside his robes.
"Good luck, Harry Potter," he said, before leaving. With a swish of his cloak, he vanished into the night.