Title: A Shocking Betrayal
Chapter: 1:
Shocking Surprises
during ZEO; Jason is already back as the Gold Ranger and Tommy and Kat are a couple. King for a Day hasn't happened yet though.
Kim and Tommy broke up because of a letter she sent, but what really happened? Why did Kim send the letter? Was the letter that Tommy received the same one sent by Kim? What happens when they find out that someone else sent the letter that Tommy got and they find out just who that someone is and that person's reasoning. Will they be able to handle the betrayal? Relationships will be made and destroyed.

Chapter Word Count: 5,757

A/N: I've read so many stories about "The Letter" and different people being responsible for it; Kim, Tommy, Kat, Rita, Zedd, Skull, Caroline Hart-Dumas, Coach Schmidt, The Machine Empire, even Zordon. So, I decided to write one where it was none of the names mentioned above, where it was someone else entirely responsible for "The Letter" and consequently, Kim and Tommy breaking up.

A/N 2: I know the episode with the letter happened in May, but for the sake of this story, it happened in April, so this story is set in July.

A/N 3: initially, this started as a one-shot, but the story got away from me and the next thing I know, it's a short story.

Disclaimer: Power Rangers and all its affiliates belong to Haim Saban. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made from this. This is a work of fiction.


It was late at night, and a group of people were walking through the park laughing and talking with each other. Tommy Oliver, Jason Scott, Rocky DeSantos, Billy Cranston, Adam Park, Tanya Sloan and Kat Hillard were walking with their parents. They were coming from the school, after watching the show that had played their earlier and were now on their way home. As they passed by the youth centre, something caught their eyes.

"Hey guys look," Billy gestured to the youth centre, "the lights are on at the juice bar."

"Didn't we leave Ernie at the school?" Tanya asked, her brows drawn together in a puzzled look.

"Yeah," Kat said as she wrapped an arm around one of Tommy's own.

"Let's check it out," Tommy said, throwing a glance at Kat. They had been dating for about a month now and it still left him sometimes uncomfortable. It's not that Kat wasn't a great girl, she was, but sometimes it felt as if she was more into their relationship than he was.

The others agreed and they all turned towards the youth centre, the parents shaking their heads and following them anyways.

Jason got to the door first and opened it, stepping inside, the others following. As they walked through the short hallway towards the gym, they heard music.

"Do you guys hear that?" Rocky asked, "It sounds like…"

"Music," Rocky's dad, Juan, finished.

Everyone exchanged looks and quickened their pace. When they got to the juice bar, they looked around, trying to find out where the music was coming from. When their eyes moved to where the balance beam was, they stopped and widened in shock at who they saw sitting there.

"Oh my God," Kat said. "It can't be."

"Is that?" Alicia Scott was stunned when she saw the person.

"Kimberly," Tommy said, the name coming out on a breathless whisper.

They listened to the song she sang and their hearts ached at the pure pain in her voice.


Kim sighed as she walked back over the balance beam. Ernie had left hours ago, and had asked her to come with him, but she had declined. Seeing her former friends and boyfriend wasn't something she wanted to deal with…especially now.

Moving carefully, she slowly lowered herself to the floor, resting her hands briefly on her stomach, she grabbed the guitar lying next to her.

Plucking a few strings, she sighed when the sounds filled the empty room. She could feel the sadness build within her and she let it fill her up and escape through her fingers into her music.

[Verse 1]
Well I couldn't tell you why she felt that way,
she felt it, everyday
But I couldn't help her,
I just watched her make, the same mistakes again

What's wrong, what's wrong now?
Too many, too many problems
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs

Kim was oblivious to the people watching her as she poured her heart out through her song. Her mind was filled with memories; of her friends, of Tommy, of the life she had before and after she left for Florida. She still couldn't understand what had happened.

Her friends had deserted her with no explanation and her boyfriend, the one she trusted above anyone else, the one she loved with her entire being, had hurt her in the worst way possible.

She wants to go home, but nobody's home
It's where she lies, broken inside
With no place to go, no place to go
to dry her eyes, broken inside

Months ago, she had felt so on top of the world; she was training to be an elite gymnast and she had not only her friends' support, but she had had Tommy's as well. Nothing had given her more strength than to know they were rooting for her and waiting for her to come back. But then…everything had changed and now, now she was left feeling broken. Her eyes filled with even more tears at that thought.

[Verse 2]
Open your eyes, open your eyes
and look outside, find the reasons why
you've been rejected, you've been rejected
and now you can't find, what you've left behind

Her heart ached because she couldn't understand why they had abandoned her. She would've done anything for her friends; she stood up for them, she stood by them and all she had wanted was for them to do the same to her, but they hadn't. But their betrayal didn't compare to Tommy's. She trusted him, more than anyone else, and she had always believed that he would never do anything to hurt her intentionally, but now…

Be strong, be strong now
too many, too many problems
don't know where she belongs, where she belongs

She wants to go home, but nobody's home
It's where she lies, broken inside
With no place to go, no place to go
to dries her eyes, broken inside

Her feelings she hides, her dreams she can't find
she's losing her mind, she's fallen behind,
she can't find her place, she's losing her faith,
she's falling from grace, she's all over the place


The group at the door could only watch in silence. They listened to the words Kim was singing and they could truly hear the pain and devastation in the words and her voice.

For Tommy, Jason, Billy and their parents, they always loved hearing Kim sing as they could always feel her emotions in her song, and this was no different. Their entire being throbbed with the ache they could feel rolling off of her.

She wants to go home, but nobody's home
It's where she lies, broken inside
With no place to go, no place to go
to dry her eyes, broken inside

She's lost inside, lost inside (oh ohhh)
She's lost inside, lost inside (oh ohhh)

At the final strum of her guitar, Kim lost the battle with her tears and she allowed the guitar to slip from her fingers. Sobs tore from her throat as she felt her feelings overwhelm her.

"I don't understand," Kim said between her tears, "how could they do this to me? How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me." She dropped a hand to rest on her stomach as her cries lessened. "He didn't want to be with me, or with you. He left us. I'm so sorry baby. It's just me and you from now on. Your daddy doesn't want us anymore." The last part was said in a whisper.

Wiping the rest of her tears away, Kim turned slightly to the balance and holding on, she carefully moved to her feet. Pressing her hands on the top of the balance beam, she closed her eyes and took a few deep, calming breaths. Satisfied that she had gotten her emotions under control, she turned around, only to stop in shock when she saw the group there.


They heard Kim's words, but to them, they made no sense. Everyone knew that Kim had broken up with Tommy through a letter, so they couldn't understand what she meant by her words.

Kat's grip on Tommy tightened slightly as she stepped closer to him. She didn't know why, but she suddenly felt fear creeping up over her.

Pain flashed across Kim's face briefly when she saw the move, and then she blanked her expression and turned away without saying anything. Slowly, she grabbed her guitar and her bag. She sighed, knowing she'd have to walk past them and she wasn't looking forward to it all.

'You can do this Kim,' she told herself, 'you can do this. Just walk by them; don't stop. They already hurt you enough and there's nothing left to say.'

Placing her bag over her shoulder, she straightened out, as much as she could, and tightened her grip on her guitar before she started walking, carefully moving around the tables and chairs.

Tommy's eyes drifted over Kim's form, taking in her entire appearance. Never did he think he would see her again, especially after what had happened a few months ago. But he couldn't stop himself from looking at her. The pain in her eyes, and in the song she just sang, tugged at him. If there was one thing he hated in the world it was to see Kimberly in pain; it's been that way from the moment they met, and even though they were no longer together, that hadn't changed. All he wanted to do was to comfort her and take her pain her away.

His eye drifted over her body and they widened when he saw her belly. The words flew out before he could stop them. "You're pregnant?"

The others gasped, finally realizing what was off about Kim's appearance.

At his words, Kim froze. The pain of seeing Kat hanging on Tommy's arm was nothing compared to the devastation that went through her. The tone in his voice, it was almost as if he hadn't known.

'But he does,' Kim cried mentally, 'I told him. How can he stand there and pretend not to know? Does he hate us so much that he would forget something like this?'

The devastation on Kim's face made the others flinch, but Kim didn't notice. All that was running through her mind was the fact that Tommy was acting as if he didn't know about her pregnancy. Suddenly, she couldn't breathe.

"Oh God," Kim gasped out between breaths as she continued walking.

"Kimberly," Jason reached out a hand and grabbed Kim's arm.

"Don't touch me!" Kim tore her arm away and glared at him. His abandonment had hurt almost as much as Tommy's did.

"Sis," Jason started.

"Don't call me that!" Kim cut him off. "I'm not your sister. I don't think I ever was."

"How can you say that?" Jason's asked, his voice filled with pain at Kim's words. For as long as he could remember, Kim was always his little sister.

The others, especially Alicia and Preston, gasped at Kim's words. They all knew just how close Kim and Jason were and for her to say that…

"I can say that easily," Kim snapped, "because it's true. God Jason, do you know what you did to me? I needed my big brother to tell me everything was going to be ok, like you used to when we were kids. I needed you by my side." Tears filled her eyes, as well as Jason's. "I needed you, but you weren't there. You did the one thing I never thought you would ever do; you left me. And I can never forgive you for that."

Jason tried to swallow, but the lump in his throat made it difficult. Kim's words washed over him and burned through his heart. She was in pain, and he had contributed to it and that hurt him more than anything. From since he was old enough to understand, he had been there for her and had promised her to always do that, but now, she was telling him he had failed.

"Kim," Jason tried again, hoping desperately he wasn't losing his little sister.

"No," Kim shook her head and took a step back. Her gaze caught Tommy's and her pain seemed to magnify as she looked into his chocolate brown eyes. "And you. I trusted you, more than I trusted anyone. I gave you everything; my heart, my soul, my body and I believed you when you told me you loved me." She let out a sob. "I don't understand. How could you do this to me Tommy? How could you hurt me so bad? I mean, I knew you'd be scared, I was too, but I didn't think you'd abandon us the way you did. I needed you most of all; we needed you and you threw us away, with no explanation." She took a shuddering breath. "I don't know what hurts more; the fact that you went with her, without even having the decency to tell me, or the fact that you can stand there and pretend you don't know."

"What are you talking about?" Tommy was confused and hurt. He could feel Kim's pain and his own soul seemed to be hurting from it. But her words confused him as he had no idea what she was talking about.

"Just don't," Kim shook her head. Her gaze left him and moved over the others. She let out a chuckle, but it was pain-filled and sad. "You were my friends, all of you, and I would've done anything for anyone of you. But it's obvious you didn't feel the same; I guess I was never your friend to begin with." She closed her eyes, her tears running down her cheeks like a tiny river, and opened them. "I wish I had never met any of you."

Her words made them flinch and she shook her head before she turned and left the room. She didn't stop until she was outside, where she leaned against one of the benches, trying to stop her tears. When it didn't work, she raised her hand and grabbed the pendant—a crane and falcon intertwined—hanging around her neck. She pressed the small button in the centre of the two birds and disappeared in a pink beam of light.


The group exchanged glances and then they took off after her. They got outside and were confused when they didn't see Kim anywhere.

"Where did she go?" Tanya asked as she looked around. "I mean, she just came out here, she couldn't have disappeared so fast."

"I don't see her anywhere," James Oliver said; he was confused, shocked and hurting over what just happened. The pain that he had seen in Kim's face had hurt him because of how much he cared about the girl. When he had first met her, he had been intrigued as he had wanted to know about the girl that had his son in tangles. After meeting her, he had understood just what Tommy had seen in her; she had the kindest soul he had ever known in anyone. She was sweet, compassionate, funny and just a joy to be around and anyone could see just how devoted she was to Tommy and he to her.

And then the break up letter had come and it had shocked him to his core. He had found it hard to believe that the girl he knew could've written such a thing.

"What the hell just happened?" Rocky asked as he looked at the others.

"I don't know," Billy shook his head, perplexed at what had just transpired.

Alicia wiped her tears and then, she touched her son's arm, "Jason, what did Kim mean? Why did she say you left her?"

Jason shook his head, "I don't know." But even as the words left his mouth, he knew they were a lie. He knew exactly what Kim meant and he couldn't help the anger towards himself. Kim was right; he had left her and it was something he was regretting.

"Jason?" Preston knew his son and he knew Kim, so he knew that there had to be a reason why Kim thought Jason had abandoned her. "You and Kim have been friends since you were babies. You've always been there for each other. You've always been her big brother, the one she went to with whatever problem she was having."

Jason looked away at his father's words. They were echoes of Kim's own words and they stung because the truth is, he hadn't been there for Kim.

Alicia knew her son better than he thought, so she knew when he was hiding something. The fact that he looked away at Preston's words… "Jason, when was the last time you spoke to Kim?"

Jason kept his gaze away.

"Jason," Alicia reached out and grabbed her son's chin, turning his face towards her. When her eyes locked on to his, she saw the pain and shame in his brown orbs. "When Jason?"

"Before Tommy got the letter," Jason whispered, shame in his voice. "The last time I talked to her was before she sent the letter to Tommy."

"And you haven't spoken since?" Nathaniel Cranston asked. He was surprised at what he was hearing as he knew just how close Kim and Jason were.

"No," Jason shook his head.

"Billy?" Alicia looked over at the blue-eyed teen. "What about you? When was the last time you spoke to Kimberly?"

Billy looked down in shame, "A week or so before the letter."

"So let me get this straight," Melissa Oliver looked at the teens. "None of you have spoken to Kimberly since she broke up with Tommy?"

The teens looked at each other, their parents and back at each other. "No."

"Well no wonder the girl thinks she has no friends," Maria DeSantos scolded. "I cannot believe that you did such a thing. Why did you stop talking to her? Tomás I can understand as he was the one she broke up with, but why did the rest of you end your friendship with her?"

"We don't know," Adam whispered, "at the time, it seemed like the right thing to do."

"Tommy," Penelope Hillard looked at her boyfriend's daughter. "Did you know Kimberly was pregnant?"

"No," Tommy shook his head. He was still reeling from seeing Kimberly and finding out she was pregnant. "I didn't."

"But then," Marlon Park looked over at him, "why did she say you abandoned them? Why did she accuse of you knowing?"

"I honestly don't know Mr. Park," Tommy closed his eyes briefly. "I wish I did though."

"Do you think there's a possibility the baby's yours?" Kat asked. She was worried; she loved Tommy, she did from the first moment she saw him, and she was happy with him. When he had gotten the letter from Kim she had been hurt for him and she felt so much sympathy and anger on his behalf. But she had also been happy because it meant she finally had a chance to be with him. The day he asked her out had been the happiest day of her life and from since then, she'd been living on cloud nine. But there was always some part in her that worried Kim would come back and now, her worries had come to true. Kimberly was back, and not only that, she was pregnant, possibly with Tommy's baby.

"I don't see how," Tommy said. But even as the words left his mouth, he couldn't help but to feel hope inside him. Contrary to what the others thought, he wasn't over Kimberly. He was still in love with her. Sure he had been hurt by the letter, and he had been angry, but that hadn't diminished his feelings for the petite brunette one bit. Seeing Kim just now had brought back all the feelings he had buried and the thought that she could be pregnant with his baby both scared him and thrilled him.

"Well," Su Li Park looked thoughtful "From the size of her belly, I'd place her around seven months, which would mean Kimberly got pregnant around December."

"So that means," Billy looked at Tommy with wide eyes.

"The baby's mine," Tommy whispered.

(?'s Thoughts)

'I don't believe this! What the hell is she doing here? I thought I made it clear to her that it was best she stayed in Florida? She will ruin everything! She wasn't supposed to come home. I did everything right. They can't find out what I did…they can never know that I was behind everything. I am sorry that the others stopped being friends with her, but that is not my fault.

I just wanted to end her relationship with Tommy. I didn't tell the others to stop being her friend. I didn't expect her to come home though. They can't find out. Everything will be ruined if they figure it out. How do I stop that from happening? Oh. She's very angry at them. Good. That means she doesn't want anything to do with them, including Tommy and that's all I care about.

No, no, no. Damnit! Don't panic. Just because they now know that Tommy's the father, doesn't mean anything. Kim still wants nothing to do with them, and if things keep going the way they are, then they won't ever have to find out what I did. All I have to do is remind Kimberly of what I told her months ago and what just happened here as well. After that, it's smooth sailing; Tommy can move on, like he's done, and no one will be any wiser as to what I've done.'

(General POV)

"Are you sure?" Tanya asked, "Not that I'm causing trouble or anything, but wasn't Kim in Florida at the time?"

"No," Tommy shook his head. He stepped away from Kat, dislodging the blonde's hold on his arm, and started pacing. "The gym had gotten time off for Christmas, so Kim came home. Kat had gone back to Australia for Christmas as well. Kim and I, we spent basically every moment together."

"And you guys," James looked at his son, not finishing the sentence.

"Yeah," Tommy nodded and stopped pacing, standing still in front of his father.

"But Tommy," Melissa said, "you told us—

"I know what I told you mom," Tommy cut her off, "but Kim and I we had talked about it and we had decided that the time had to be right for the both of us. We both had to feel as if we were ready, not just one of us, and we did."

"And Kim ended up pregnant and for some reason," Rocky picked up, "she thinks you knew about the pregnancy and that you don't want anything to do with her or the baby."

"Yeah," Tommy sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a frustrated growl. "And I don't know why she thinks that! I haven't spoken to Kim since I got that letter."

"So what are you going to do?" Hugh Hillard asked. He was concerned because his daughter was dating Tommy and from the looks of things, whether Katherine realized it or not, she was going to get her heartbroken. The moment they had realized it was Kimberly sitting there, he had shifted to watch Tommy. He had seen the teen's face when Kimberly had stood up and faced them and had seen the reaction to the pain on the girl's face and knew without a doubt that Tommy wasn't as over her as his friends and Katherine thought.

From the first time he had met his daughter's friends, Hugh had been struck by the closeness he could see coming from the group, but it was Kimberly and Tommy who had struck him speechless. The intensity of the love and devotion radiating between the two teens had left him reeling and his first thought was that the two of them had found their soul mates. So the day Katherine had come home and told them she was now dating the teen, he had been very worried as he knew that there was no way Tommy had moved past the intense feelings he had for Kimberly. But he knew his daughter and knew that she was very stubborn and forceful, even if she didn't know it herself.

He had been happy for her, as any father should be, but deep down, he knew the relationship wouldn't last and he had been waiting for when Tommy realized he still loved his first girlfriend…he was waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it had.

"Tommy?" Kat looked at her boyfriend, her blue eyes clouded with fear. She didn't want to lose him, but yet, it already felt like it. "What are you going to do?" but even as she asked the question, she already knew what the answer was.

Tommy looked away from Kat, not wanting to see the hurt on her face or in her eyes that he knew would be there at his words. He knew they expected him to not want to have anything to do with Kim, but the truth was, they didn't understand. He couldn't stay away from Kim because he didn't want to. He was still in love with her and right now, everything in him was screaming at him to go after her. The last time that had happened was when he had gotten the letter and he had ignored it; he hadn't gone after her.

Seeing Kim in pain had him in pieces. He always hated to see her hurt and just because she had broken up with him, that hadn't changed. Whenever she was hurt, all he wanted to do was to make it better and now was no different.

Sighing, he looked back at Kat, "I'm going to talk to her. I have to."

Kat closed her eyes briefly to try and block the pain tearing through her. She had expected that answer, but it still hurt to actually hear him say it.

( ?'s Thoughts)

'What is he thinking? He can't go after her! If he does, then the truth might come out and that can't happen. But how do I stop him without sounding too suspicious? Tommy can never find out what I did, no one can. I have to stop that from happening.'

(General POV)

"Are you sure?" Hugh asked, looking from his daughter to Tommy, "You heard Kimberly, she wants nothing to do with you…with any of you."

Tommy flinched slightly at the man's words.

"Tommy," James spoke up, "son, it's not that we're being discouraging, but Kimberly isn't in any mood to talk; not to you, not to anyone. She's feeling very hurt, and while we're all confused by it, I don't think she'll want to listen to anything you have to say.

"I know dad," Tommy near whispered, "but I have to try. I can't just leave it like this. I need to know what's going on."

Jason nodded in agreement, "And I need to apologize to Kim. Whether or not she broke up with you, she's been my little sister for as long as we've known each other and I shouldn't have let that changed. She was right when she said I abandoned her and I need to fix things before I lose her for good."

"We all do," Adam sighed. "Hopefully, she'll give us the chance to explain."

"Well right now none of you can do anything because we don't know where Kimberly went or even where she's staying," Melissa said, "so the best thing to do is to head home. There are a lot of things to think about and you guys need the rest and time to think things over."

"Melissa is right," Juan nodded. "Let's lock up and then head home. You guys can try to find Kimberly tomorrow."

The teens nodded reluctantly and watched as Preston headed back into the youth centre. They saw the lights turn off and minutes later, the man walked back out.

"Alright," Preston said, "let's go home."

As they left, Tommy glanced over at Kat and sighed at the obvious pain on her face. He knew that he would have to talk to her, to not only explain why he had to talk to Kim, but to tell her how he really felt. It wasn't a talk he was looking forward to, but it was one he knew had to be done.

While the rangers and their parents were heading home, Kim was sitting in her bedroom on her bed, her pillow on her lap and a photo of her and Tommy in her hands.

She wiped her tears as she gazed at the photo; it was taken last Christmas during Ernie's Christmas party; she and Tommy were sitting at a table, with her on Tommy's lap and his arms around her waist. They were both smiling.

"What happened to us Tommy?" Kim whispered tearfully. "What did I do to make you hurt me like this? Why did you break my heart?" she traced a finger over his face. "I loved you so much, I still do. I just wish I knew why."

A beep sounded through the room and the monitor next to the dresser came on, showing Zordon's face.

"Yes Zordon?" Kim asked when she saw her mentor and father figure.

"Are you alright?" Zordon asked. He had seen the scene on the viewing globe and ached at the pain in his child's voice, for that was what he thought of the rangers, Kimberly more so than the others.

"I don't know," Kim whispered as she wiped the remaining tears away. "I thought I'd be prepared to actually see them, to see him, but I wasn't. I don't think I can handle it again."

"That is fine," Zordon nodded, "you will face them once more when you are ready, and only then. Until that time, think not on them, but on your pregnancy. You do not want to put your lives at risk with an early labour or a miscarriage."

Kim smiled at the concern in his voice. "I will. I've managed to stay out of their way all this time, I think I can continue to do so."

"Get some sleep my young crane," Zordon advised softly, well, as soft as his voice could go, "you endured a troublesome experience and your mind and body need to calm down from the stress of it."

"I will Zordon," Kim smiled before letting out a yawn. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," Zordon smiled.

Kim sighed when the screen went black. She placed the photo of her and Tommy back on the bedside table and then, she looked around, taking in the bedroom. The room was big, bigger than the one she had when she had lived with her mother; her bed was in the middle of the room and the head rested against the far wall, almost directly facing the door, a dresser was on the on the right side of the door, the mirror facing the bed, mounted on the wall next to it was a sixteen inch monitor that allowed her to communicate with Zordon in the Power Chamber, across from the bed was two desks with a couple of feet separating them; one of the desk held a computer while the other had a TV on it and finally, on the other side of the door stood a walk-in closet.

On the other side of the bed was a doorway and that led into a master bathroom. The walls were painted pink, green and white; the roof was painted the same shade of pink as the ranger uniform, the plush carpet was forest green and the walls were white with a forest design; on one wall was a sabre-toothed tiger lying down, its head on its paws, the other wall held a bear standing on its hind legs and the other held two birds in flight.

Kim loved the room because it felt more at her home to her than anything. Alpha and Zordon had designed it, which had shocked Kim a little as she hadn't known they'd be able to do something like that.

She knew that her former friends would think that she had just showed up in Angel Grove, but the truth was, she had been in Angel Grove for almost a month now. Two months ago, in the beginning of May, she had contacted Zordon with the communicator that he had allowed her to take for Florida; she had opened to him about everything and the mentor to the rangers had been very sympathetic and understanding and helpful to her. To her surprise, he had offered the arrangement of living at the Power Chamber and she had accepted as she had had nowhere else to go. He and Alpha had spent about a month fixing up the room for her and without the rangers knowing, she had moved in in the middle of June.

She had spent the entire time avoiding her friends; she never went into the Chamber when she was certain they were there and she rarely if ever went into town. It was only a week ago, she had stopped by the youth centre; it was her luck that she had arrived just after the rangers had left because of the attack downtown. Ernie had seen her and she had made him promise not to mention to the others that he had seen her and he had kept her secret. After finding out some of what was going on, he had allowed her to use the youth centre at night where she could be by herself.

She had never expected to run into them, if ever and tonight had thrown her. She had known that Tommy and Kat were together after seeing them on the monitor in her room, but seeing them in person, seeing Kat with her arms wrapped around Tommy had still hurt her deeply, more than she had thought.

Her gaze drifted to the door that was further down from the monitor; it led to another room, a nursery. It had been a surprise to her when she had moved in as she had expected the room for her, but not the nursery. It was painted the same colours and design as her room, except instead of a sabre-toothed, the tiger was white, and the bear was a dragon.

Despite her problems with Tommy deserting her, she couldn't keep him from their child's life. She would tell their child about him, but she couldn't see herself allowing him to be a part of their life, especially after he abandoned them. It was clear by his actions that he wanted nothing to do with her or their baby. And she vowed she would never put a child what she went through as a kid; being around a man who didn't want to be a father in the first place.

"Despite all that," Kim whispered sadly as she laid down, her head resting on her pillow. "A part of me still wishes he'd be there for us, a part of me wished that he still loved me, that he wanted us. But he doesn't and I have to live with that."

With that, she tucked the covers around her and fell into a deep, yet slightly restless sleep.

A/N 4: and that's the chapter. Like I said, most of the story is already written, but since it isn't fully completed, updates will be every other Saturday so that I can complete it. Now, go review so that I can know what you thought.

A/N 5: also, I created a page on Facebook under Mykkila09; you can check it out to talk to me about my stories and I will post on there when a new story/chapter is ready to upload. I did that since lately, I keep having problems with the PM feature…hope to see you there…

Song: Nobody's Home by Avril Lavigne
