Disclaimer: I do not own the owned!

WARNING: Since someone asked in a review if I could warn before posting an "M" scene, I will. However, this story is rated "M" and the previous chapter basically states that there will be a few "M" chapters sprinkled throughout the story. Even so, there is a slight "M" scene at the end of the chapter but it's nothing much since they're still basically kids. So don't say I didn't warn you.

Author's Note: Wow! Thanks so much everyone for all the positive reviews, even if some were uncertain. I really appreciate the feedback and was stunned to see over 40 reviews on the first chapter. I hadn't expected so many considering that there are quite a few of these stories out there. Speaking of which, I apologise in advance for the fact that this story might seem to be similar to several other ones. Looking back now, I realise that there are others out there like this and I apologize in case you feel upset about that.

I'll try to keep this story different and unique, especially since I have read many stories where Harry Potter suddenly grows a backbone and becomes ultra-powerful. They are all really cliché and mine will probably be too so I'll try my best to differentiate this one from all the rest. Moving on, about the relationship factor as of now Hermione Granger will be Harry Potter's only mate. If he has more (which me might like 3 or 4 other girls, perhaps less) then Hermione will still be his "Alpha".

As of now though, she's his one and only so try not to submit girls in your reviews. Thanks for the suggestions though as I really do appreciate them and you might see one or two in Harry's Harem if he has one in the future. Anyhow, I better stop rambling before I bore you to tears. Hopefully, I shall be able to answer your questions in this chapter and will then be able to move on to the action and magic because there will be lots (if all goes well) in this story. So without any further ado, let the next chapter begin!

Chapter 2: A Mate Is Claimed

When Harry Potter came to he found himself laying on his side in an all-too-familiar hospital bed. Only this time around, he felt much better although a tad bit stiff and sore. Uttering a groan, he pulled himself up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. It was like déjà vu all over again. Yawning widely, Harry stretched his weary limbs and suddenly realised that they felt different, bigger really.

Blinking in surprise, he glanced down at his hands and was shocked to see that they were much larger than before. His heart pounding, he glanced warily at his arms, and chest and legs. His suspicions were confirmed; what Dumbledore said had come to pass. And he actually wondered why that was true. So what if he was bitten by a Basilisk. Just getting pierced by the fang of a titanic snake wouldn't turn you into some sort of freakish hybrid. Harry's heart sank.

There it was again – another reason for the preaching of the Dursleys to be true. As much as he hated to admit it, he really was a freak. His eyes misted over and he felt a not in his stomach. It made him sick. Just what was Dumbledore playing at by telling a thirteen-year-old kid that you were some kind of demonic mutant? It certainly wasn't cool and would make him an outcast from all the rest of his classmates.

As if you aren't one already! Harry snorted derisively.

The Wizarding population were really fickle when it came to heroes and celebrities. One minute, he was the famous 'Boy-Who-Lived' and the next he was a snake-speaking Heir of Slytherin and the next Dark Lord. Now he was some sort of queer fantasy creature like something out of a paranormal horror novel. Well, Harry was certainly paranormal. Actually, abnormal was more like it!

Now the tears flowed and Harry just buried his face in his hands too exhausted and sick of it all to care anymore. Being shunned by the student population of Hogwarts for the majority of this term had done something to Harry and while he didn't quite realise it, it made him different. His first year was simply being 'Harry Potter'. All the pointing and staring was bad enough and then there was the Philosopher's Stone adventure. If that wasn't bad enough, now there was this shit.

"Harry?" A voice asked softly.

Oh, great! Harry thought bitterly. Another imbecile who wants to make fun of me and berate me for being the heir of a House I'm not even sorted in. I mean, honestly! Who in their right mind would think that the famous Harry Potter – as Light and good as a Light Wizard can get, not to mention being sorted into the "good" house of Gryffindor – gets dubbed as the heir of the worst and most evil House in the school where his nemesis, Voldermort (who killed said wizard's parents), was sorted into. Didn't matter that virtually all the Death Eaters and bad guys of the Wizarding world were sorted in that house either. Oh, no! One minute, the pinnacle of light talks to snakes and the tables are turned. He's shunned and scorned for being the supposed heir of the House of Darkness. How ironic is that?

"Harry James Potter what on earth is going on here?" That same voice said although a little fiercer this time.

"Sorry 'Mione," Harry mumbled. "I was just thinking..."

Harry Potter froze.

Wait... Hermione? As in, Hermione Granger? The beautiful bushy-haired Gryffindor who's my best friend and helped me saved the school, that Hermione? Harry thought in surprise.

The last thing he remembered was that she was petrified. Throwing caution to the wind, he spun around and it only took one second to confirm that it was indeed that Hermione. Suddenly feeling as if a heavy load had been taken off his chest, Harry flung his arms around Hermione and buried his face into her shoulder where he wept for joy.

Hermione Granger, for her part, was too stunned to speak. Why on earth was Harry acting so strange? She had woken up a few hours earlier to be informed by Madam Pomfrey that she was petrified by a Basilisk. Mandrake Root saved her and some other students. Apparently, Harry hadn't left her side except for his studies, meals, sleeping, and Quidditch.

Madam Pomfrey told her that he had opened the Chamber of Secrets and saved the school. Glancing down at her best friend from the awkward angle, the bushy-haired witch studied Harry and was perplexed to realise that he suddenly looked different. He was stronger, slightly, and more filled out. His face wasn't so angular and his knees weren't knobby anymore. It was as if he had a growth spurt over night and she blushingly realised that she quite liked how he looked now.

Stupid hormones! Hermione thought darkly.

Harry Potter, on the other hand, was looking at Hermione in a new and different way. Perhaps it was his body change – had it been hidden from Hermione by a glamour charm perhaps? – or maybe it was all the stress of this term. But whatever the case, he discovered that Hermione was most certainly a girl and had some very pleasant curves. He knew he was much to young to think about all of that but he realised he never thought of her in that way.

It must have been all the people pointing and staring and whispering at him, to have made him not look at his best friend in a way that would require some of that. But now he was most certain that Hermione was a girl and a very pretty one at that! It didn't help any that she was a year older than him and so she had developed a little more than him. Harry also felt a strange lurch in his chest as Hermione's arms wrapped around him and held him snugly to her chest.

Dumbledore had said something about mates and while Harry, being a Muggle-raised, thought that that was barbaric and archaic, he certainly considered Hermione as a possibility. But he knew it would have a massive aftermath since he was the Boy Who Lived, so Harry didn't want to bring his best female friend into that lime light. Being a Muggleborn witch, she would get loads of hate mail. Ron Weasley, being a pureblood, had told him a thing or two about that stuff and it was discussed at nights sometimes in their dorm.

But Harry didn't care right now and he just wanted to know if Hermione would stand by his side one more time. He knew that soon he would start thinking of girlfriends and Hermione would probably think of boyfriends at the same time. Since they were best friends already for a year or so, there was a slight chance it could work out between them. It was definitely worth a try so Harry decided that he should ask Hermione. But he would also show her his "extra baggage" so to speak and he hoped to Merlin that she wouldn't hate him for it.

Summoning up all of his Gryffindor courage, he reluctantly pulled back from Hermione and whipped his eyes. Looking into her curiosity-filled face, Harry paused for a moment as he deliberated on how to ask her. It was then that he felt an odd tug in his gut and a strange series of emotions rumbled through him. He felt dizzy and light-headed.

Mine! A voice roared.

"Harry?" Hermione asked worriedly, glancing from him to Madam Pomfrey who was somewhere down the hall.

Mine! The voice said with authority.

Harry Potter breathed a shuddering sigh and closed his eyes as the world tilted crazily around him. It felt as if he was on a roller coaster that was being controlled by some crazy alien. He didn't know what to say or what to do and was rooted to the spot by a growing dread.

Stay away! Harry screamed to the voice.

No! The voice bellowed back. Must. Have. Mate!

Ask first! Harry shot back.

He was clenching his fists now against the pressure of the force that was welling up within him and threatening to burst forth like a fountain. Sweat was rolling down his face and his shirt clung to his chest in the perspiration. His breath was coming out in ragged gasps and his head throbbed with pain.

"Madam Pomfrey!" Hermione called in alarm.

Afraid for her friend, she reached out a hand tentatively to touch his face. And that was her mistake.

MINE! The voice roared out, this time mixed with Harry's own voice much to his terror and dismay.

"I'm...sorry...Hermione," He managed to choke out.

Harry's vision swam and blurred. His hearing grew dim and black spots flickered on and off. That alien force propelled him into action and a strange hissing sound filled his ears. He was overcome by fear and remorse, wishing beyond anything that he had died in that diabolical Chamber of Secrets with the dammed Basilisk.

The last thing he saw before everything went black, again, was his form leaning over a shocked Hermione. As if going through a Near Death Experience, Harry was felt like he was floating in the air near the ceiling as he watched himself grasp Hermione by the hips and pull her towards him. Hermione looked scared and conflicted but, for some reason that was vastly beyond Harry, she submitted to his touch.

Harry watched as his self on the hospital bed breathed in the scent of Hermione before parting his lips to reveal miniature Basilisk fangs. Then he felt a tug in his gut and he was sucked back down to his body on the hospital bed as he placed Hermione on the flat of her back, bent over her gently and...

...sank his fangs into the bare flesh of her neck.

A rush of excitement and triumph flooded Harry Potter's being as his vampiric form claimed his mate leaving a telltale Bite mark forever on her neck. And the last thing Harry saw before he fainted was the flash of a king cobra raising head and hissing in victory.

Then everything went black!

To Be Continued...

A/N: Okay, so I promised an answer in regard to the Serpent Vampire hybrid thing and I lied. I actually meant to write that in this chapter but it seemed to write itself and this was basically about Harry "claiming" Hermione as his mate. I hope it wasn't too painful to read as I'm really an armature at this stuff with a few different ideas up his sleeve. Now, I am sure this has been done before a hundred times but I have never read a scene where Harry Potter is a vampire and claims his mate. I don't read slash so I don't read those Harry/Draco Veela stories. Sheesh!

Also, I have never ever read Twilight as I actually hate that stuff. I just thought that this might be kind of entertaining for a Harry Potter fanfiction and this will also greatly influence the prophecy in the power that Voldermort knows not. Most importantly, Harry Potter will not go dark. He will become "grey" if anything but not dark or nasty or harsh or anything like that. He won't take Ginny as a slave and throw Dumbledore into Azkaban. There will be some slight character-bashing but not much as that isn't the focus of this story.

Well, that about sums it up for now but stay tuned as more is on the way. I hope this wasn't too painful to read and I would really appreciate a Beta-Reader or some reviews to critique this story. Last but not least, Harry will get answers from Dumbledore and the reason why Hermione didn't notice his adult form was because Dumbledore had cast a Glamour Charm/Spell, etc, over it in just for now as it would only cause problems. Well, I better go before I write a whole chapter of an A/N but stay tuned as more is on the way.

Thanks for reading!