Chapter One

Better than you know yourself

Disclaimer: Well since I ship Harry/Hermione I'm obviously not JK Rowling.

WARNINGS: This story contains the following: Ron Bashing-Ginny bashing-Slight Lemon-Complete AU, If your against any of these then press the back button because any flames for any of the reasons above will see you blocked from my've been warned.

The young seventeen year old Harry James Potter carefully carried the bushy haired teenage stranger into the living room and gently placed her upon the sofa, he watched her breathing for a few moments and couldn't help but take in her beautiful appearance before coming back to reality,

"Where the hell did this girl come from?" Harry asked himself, he had been cleaning dishes when he heard a short scream and then a thud in the back garden, when he looked out of the window he saw the girl laying face down unconscious,

Harry rushed out and tried to bring her around but hadn't been able to, thankfully however she seemed to be breathing normally,

Harry wasn't exactly sure what to do, the girl looked tired and worn like she had been through something she was to young to have seen, his first instinct was to phone an ambulance or maybe the police but something held him back,

"If she doesn't wake up in a couple of hours I'll call for an ambulance" Harry decided, he checked over her once again and noticed that while she looked tired and haggard she wasn't bruised however she did have a small cut on her forehead, Harry soon treated the cut after cleaning it and placing a plaster on it, as he started to dab a little of the blood away from her forehead with a damp cloth the girl began to stir.

"Err...ow...where am..." the girl suddenly locked eyes with Harry, her eyes widened for a moment and Harry was pulled into the soft chocolate shade of them,

"Harry...OH MY GOD HARRY!" the girl screamed and suddenly attacked Harry dragging him into a huge hug that started hurting his ribs, suddenly Harry heard her began to cry and felt her tears seeping through his shirt, unsure of what to do he gently began stroking her hair,

"'s okay, your safe here", whilst he was enjoying having the beautiful girl in his arms he was feeling really awkward at the moment,

"I never thought I was going to se you again," she sobbed still clutching him as if his life depended upon it,

Harry frowned in confusion,

"What's she talking about, and come to think of it how does she know my name?"

Harry was completely bewildered by the girl, he didn't know her from school and he was pretty sure he didn't know her from any other place but she seem to know him and by the way she was acting she seemed to know him quite well, he held her for a few more minutes while she seemed to start to calm down, after breaking the hug she still had a hold of his right arm and looked at him with such Love and friendship in her eyes Harry was too stunned to look away,

"How are you here Harry I saw you die and what are you doing back here at Dursley's? She asked, Harry was starting to get a little nervous,

"Die, what's she talking about and how does she know who my relatives are?

"Err...well, as to why I'm here at the Dursley's well that's because their my only relatives but I honestly have no idea what you mean by the first question" he truthfully replied,

"Harry I saw Lestrange hit you with a dark curse" the girl replied tears appearing in her eyes once more, Harry had a look of utter confusion on his face,

"Who's Le...whatever and what the hell's a dark curse, it sounds like some kind of chocolate bar?" Harry mused; he looked back down at the girl and noticed a look of utter heartbreak suddenly appearing on her face, for some reason Harry could tell she was very close to having another breakdown,

" you know who I am?" she asked, Harry seeing the almost pleading look on the girls face wanted to lie but knew that since he didn't even know what the girls name was the charade wouldn't hold long, taking a small breath he shook his head slight,

"No, I'm sorry" he watched tears escaped her now closed eyes as she attempted to fight off the heartache she was starting to feel, Harry realised the girl might just be some sort of mental ward patient or something but the girl obviously cared about him greatly, something inside of him caused him to draw her into a delicate hug,

"Shhh...Please calm down, look I may not know who you are but you obviously know me, why don't' I go make us a drink and perhaps we can try to piece together what's going on" he said soothingly, it seemed to work as the girl once again calmed down, he helped her up and started walking towards the kitchen when he suddenly stopped her,

"I'm sorry but I just realised I haven't yet asked but...what's your name?" she gave him a sad smile,

"Hermione Granger"


Hermione watched Harry silently make them both a cup of tea as neither was exactly sure where to begin, she started thinking about what could have happened, had she gone back in time?

"No that can't be it, Harry would still know me and he looks about the same age as when I last saw him"

She was brought out of her muse when Harry handed her a mug, she took it graciously,

"Thank you",

Harry sat around the other side of the table as took a quick sip of the drink, her voice suddenly broke the silence,

"Err...where are your relatives Harry?" she asked timidly,

"On Holiday for two weeks actually they only went yesterday" he replied trying to keep the conversation going dreading the silence might return, unfortunately it did,

It carried on like this for several more moment sand he noted both of them had drank nearly half the cup already, plucking up as much courage as he possible could he spoke again,

"Err... I guess one of us should start then," he said rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness,

"I'm not really sure where to begin" Hermione replied truthfully,

"Well...why not start with how you know me" he gently said, Hermione nodded,

"Yeah I guess that would be a good place to start but it could take a while" she sheepishly replied, Harry shrugged,

"I've got the time", Hermione took a deep breath,

"Okay well, it all started on the train to Hogwarts..." Harry cut her off already confused,

"I'm sorry but I don't think I've ever been on a train and what's Hogwarts?" he asked, Hermione looked at him a little shock in her eyes,

"Harry where do you go to school?" she asked, dread appearing in her voice,

"Well I attended Stonewall High but I graduated just over a week ago actually" Harry replied, he watched her face fall a little,

Hermione felt sick in her stomach, whilst she finally had her best friend back, he couldn't remember her and it appeared he didn't know anything about anything, she sighed and took a deep breath knowing that he may think she was crazy,

"Harry I'm going to ask you a question and it's going to be a very strange one but please just answer truthfully okay, please" she begged, Harry felt his heart melt at the look on her face, he nodded in response,

"Harry do you know about magic?" she asked, Harry eyebrows raised a little in surprise at this of all the questions he expected to be asked this wasn't one of them,

" you mean like that David Copperfield guy or something" he didn't know why but his response seemed to upset her a little more, he watched as she shook her head in a negative response,

"He doesn't even know about magic, no wonder he doesn't remember me"

"No Harry not like him" he watched as she bit her bottom lip causing his teenage hormones to suddenly flip for a second, she started twittering with the now almost empty cup in her hands before sighing,

"Okay Harry here it is, most of this is going to seem unbelievable and to be honest I'm not sure if you will believe me but I can offer you some proof, it's just when I tell you please try to keep an open mine and...and...please...don't be scared of me" she finished unable to meet his eyes, Harry watched as her face looked down at the wooden table in sadness,

Again something drove Harry to reach over and gentle take her hand, he coxed her took look at him,

"Look Hermione, an hour ago you appeared out of thin air, when you woke up you looked at me as if I was a ghost, you know things about me even though as far as I remember we have never met, I won't lie, I'm curious and yes a little on edge but I truly don't think your going to do me any harm..."

"Harry I would NEVER hurt you" she cut in, He held up his other hand to stop her,

"Plus you said you could offer proof so I'll give you benefit of the doubt for now", he finished, Hermione squeezed his hand and was happy to note he squeezed back, he didn't know her but at least felt a little combatable by her presence,

"Okay well...I guess there isn't really anyway to sugar-coat this...Harry I'm a witch"


Authors Notes:

I'm basically doing my own version of quickdraw's Child's Play story, To be honest though the first chapter is the only chapter I will be using the story from after that my story is quite different just so you don't think this is going to be nothing but a carbon copy.

This won't be a very long story maybe four or five chapters and I'm aiming for about 15,000 words, (don't worry this will likely be the shortest chapter)

Also if you haven't already please read the warning just under the Disclaimer at the top of the page.

I won't make any promises about updates but chances are I'll be updating my other story (Marauder Madness) before I update this again.

Please don't whine about my spelling and punctuation, I know it's not great.

Any questions you have please leave in a review or PM if you wish and if you're looking for update news check my profile page.

Hope you enjoyed it.